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Accepted Lawyer Application | userwesnt


Level 4


In-Game Name:


Previous Bans (include appeal links):

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Do you have a working microphone?:
Yes, and the quality is clear.

Timezone & Country:
PST, I live in California.

Links to any current & past applications:
Spanish Application | wesnt (Denied)
Spanish Re-Application | wesnt (Accepted)
Spanish Application | userwesnt (Accepted)
Spanish Application | EL0TERO (Accepted)

Describe your activity on the server:
I first started playing on the server in late 2018, and I was fairly active then and followed the rules.
I only recently came back in early March 2022 after being inactive for about 2 years.
I get on, usually keeping to myself and a small group of friends, and we roleplay in a friendly and usually wholesome sense. Any conflict we do do in character is purely for entertainment, as we genuinely like developing and discussing our characters together.
I'm fairly active on the server. The time I am active depends majorly on my sleep schedule, which usually leaves me on in the later hours of the day rather than early in the morning.


What position are you applying for?:

I am applying to become a Lawyer.

What is your motivation for applying?:
I was not super invested in the server back in 2018, and I didn’t really plan on getting too in-depth with my characters so I never got a chance to apply for city positions. I also just have some character concepts that involve more sophisticated and mature characters, not exactly highschoolers.
My motivation for applying for this position in particular is that I am fairly knowledgeable about being a lawyer and what being in a courtroom is like out of character, which could come into play for my character's actions and mindset.
I want to be involved, but not as something that holds too much responsibility in too high of a position of power.
I also think that roleplaying out cases could help me in how I usually go about my talking points in an actual courtroom.
Any experience I currently have would be used professionally already as this character.
I want more roleplay opportunities within the actual city, since roleplaying as a highschool student eventually gets repetitive when it's the only thing you're able to do on the server.

Do you have an understanding of Karakura’s laws & Constitutional rights?:
Yes. I also occasionally check for updates.

Are there any goals for you or your character with this role?:
Career-wise, I want her to be a strong lawyer and someone who can be looked at with respect, yet trusted enough to hold their life in her words and her mind. She is passionate about fighting for her clients, and does not wish to climb the government hierarchy, unless she can still fight for her clients in a personal sense. That's why she does this job; she genuinely cares for the community.
Starting small, I’d like to argue in a courtroom as this character. I’ve done mock trials for some law courses before, and some of my favorite moments were writing the closing/opening statements and being able to present them in a courtroom for a jury trial. I want that for my character, and I just think it would be entertaining to roleplay out. I want to keep a case organized and professional, and overall entertaining for those involved. It's well-known there's a lot of criminal activity going on with majority of the characters on the server, but not a lot of them realize they can get a lawyer for their character. I plan on letting it be known that people can utilize this feature of the server, opening up more roleplay opportunities for themselves.

In your own words, describe what the position you’re applying for does within the government:
To give an example of what lawyers do, we would have to get into specifics. Attorneys who were hired to prosecute a case usually make sure the client they’re representing is granted the sense of justice they feel they’ve been robbed of, and that’s usually for criminal cases. This logic can be applied to defense attorneys as well if you're looking at both perspectives in an unbiased manner. But, for cases where a crime hasn’t been committed (such as custody hearings) one would need a different category of lawyer called a litigator. What they do (usually) is make sure your rights are protected by law under whatever case you're presenting.
For example, setting up a will; the litigator will make sure your plans are set in stone, allowing for no one to change it but yourself. meaning they have to abide by what you and your attorney have discussed and agreed to.
It would be an eyesore to explain every different type of attorney, but it should be known that there’s all kinds of subcategories of attorneys that specialize in their own suite. Most people forget there's more than a prosecutor or a defense attorney.
But to summarize as concisely as possible, all lawyers are just trying to represent their client in the best way they can for the best outcome.

Do you acknowledge that upon being accepted you can be subject to removal at any given time?:
Yes, this was expected.

Do you understand that you’re expected to be dedicated to your position upon being accepted?:
Yes, and I will be as dedicated as I possibly can.

Are you aware that any display of OOC bias toward anyone on the job will result in punishment?:
Yes. I don't really know many people OOCly to actively display bias anyway.

Have you read & agreed to follow the Government Faction rules?:

Are you able to attend weekly meetings & events?:
It would have to depend on the time of day, but yes I am usually available.


Full name:

Yasmín Raquel Cordova

Preferred title (Mr., Mrs., etc.):
Ms. Cordova

Current age:
38 years as of 2022

Date of birth:
August 21, 1984


Academic Degree:
-Criminal Justice (PhD)
-Juris Doctorate (J.D.)


-Forensic Science

Work experience:
I’m fairly new to the city of Karakura, but not Japan itself. Before I stumbled across this bustling city, way before I even started practicing law, I worked as an unpaid intern in my mother’s office. Nothing much to it besides filing and sorting important documents. I guess from a young age, it gave me some kind of understanding of various terms used in a courtroom. Considering the fact that my mother was a lawyer herself, along with taking care of multiple children. Rebellious children, nonetheless. My sister and I definitely used her status to our advantage, and this granted us places in positions of power.
I slowly worked my way into the actual courtroom over time. Not as an attorney to start, but as a court reporter. I sat in on various cases, documenting the whole thing. It wasn’t something I saw myself doing long-term, so I eventually quit. My time spent there wasn't wasted, however, as I was going to school at that time to study to be an attorney. I felt as if there was some sort of internalized bias between attorneys and their clients, and the only way I felt I could do something about it is if I went to the source. It was extremely time-consuming and exhausting keeping my schooling under wraps, but I wanted to do it without my mother's help. Once I passed the bar, the first person I showed was my sister and we both couldn't have been more ecstatic. The second person I showed was my ex-husband, who was shocked I even passed. He was supportive nonetheless, and we went to show the last person; my mother. She was probably more shocked than my ex-husband, to say the least. Nonetheless, she was eager for me and immediately set up a place for me to work in her office. I shadowed her work for the longest before I even touched the council seats, let alone spoke in the actual courtroom.
I thought going through schooling and passing the bar would mean I was making choices for myself, but my mother put me in a prosecutor position when I worked under her long enough. The work was definitely a learning experience; however, it was exhausting working in my mother's shadow again, and it felt wrong to me to be relentlessly arguing against people I personally felt were innocent. Some cases were just set up to lose, it was awful.
Finally making a choice for myself, I quit again. I wanted to defend the innocent from harsh punishment, and I started the way every defense attorney does; public defense. Not as rewarding as I would like it to be, but I was finally doing something I felt passionate about. This is something I saw myself doing long-term, so I wanted to set some roots. Eventually starting my journey as a solo practice defense attorney. Needless to say, it definitely has its rocky moments. Just getting your name out is enough work on top of the actual work you're doing. Running a business isn't my strong suit, at all, but I got some help from a couple close friends and my ex-husband. All of that and more reminds me that this is the law I specialize in practicing to this day.

Political background:
I’d like to think that my views lean to the liberal side, but I do not live by a specific political party standing.
Of course I trust the law, but it is not exempt from criticism or judgment. I do not consider the law a compass for morality. It can be open to interpretation and we must hold that in responsible, moral, and passionate hands. I trust my head, and I trust that the people working to uphold the law have the best interests of the community in mind.
I understand it's hard for people to trust those in government positions when they've been mistreated by them or if their standards haven't been met. This is why we have to keep the needs of the people in mind.

Nationality & born location:
I was born in Mexico, specifically the state of Jalisco, so I'm Mexican. But, my sister and I currently live in the city of Karakura.

Fluent languages (Underline your native):
Of course, to communicate with the people of Karakura, I am fluent in the Japanese language. But, my first language is Spanish.

Criminal Record:
I understand it's best if I'm honest upfront; I have a couple vandalism charges on me. My younger sister and I went through a bit of a rebellious phase as teenagers, we made some rebellious friends. The both of us causing havoc meant we were not the best influences for each other, but we had fun in the moment.
I guess this was my direct introduction with the combination of the law and crime, besides having a lawyer for a mom.
Needless to say, she wasn’t happy representing me or my sister in court and we got off with community service. The teenager in me took advantage of the fact that my mom was a respected lawyer, and I was later charged with petty theft. She decided to represent me again, but only to give me the time she thought I deserved. A lesson I’d consider taken very well.

What makes you a good candidate for this job?
I know having a felony on your personal record is not something your future employers like to see, but I believe this can mean that I am more qualified than someone with a perfect and clean record. With the people I’m representing, I can relate and empathize in a way straight-razor lawyers usually can’t. They trust me better because they know I personally know what they’re dealing with. Not to mention they like a lawyer with a bit of dirty laundry; it makes them more comfortable. They feel less judged when you're with them because they know you're not perfect. When they know you're not perfect, they feel you have nothing to hide from them- meaning they already have established their thoughts on you. Because they feel like they know you or your flaws, they know you're not some robotic employee taking their case for a check. It is important to have the people trust you.
I have spent over a decade of my life, stressing over cases that I probably shouldn't have been so invested in. But, I think that is something people want within a lawyer, someone who they know has their heart into their work. I feel I am trustworthy enough to make clients feel comfortable with me representing them. The time I spent pleading and arguing in and out of a courtroom will not go to waste. I’m very well endowed with terminology and experiences in a courthouse.
Just because I am an experienced lawyer does not mean I am an argumentative person. One part of working as an attorney is being able to compromise, using your charisma, being able to persuade- it is NOT simply 'arguing' a point. I think once someone has an understanding of these different skillsets, they're surely going to be more successful in their field.
It is best to say that I meet the necessary qualifications to do the best job I could offer to this city, and the people of it.

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Level 192
Thank you for taking the time to fill up this application ,unfortunately I've decided to keep this Pending
  • If you wish to have this denied or taken down, message me on the forums conversations or discord DMs - MikeShotZ#0960


Level 204
Senior Admin
Employee Lead
Gang Lead

Thank you for taking the time to apply, I've decided to ACCEPT this application!

Please message me on discord - oZinth#0001 to get started!

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