In-game Name:
Previous bans (include appeal links):
accidental/false ban .?
Okay well, this is kinda awkward, I joined SRP again after a few months while using a public VPN, which, someone was banned on, so I was banned for bypassing. . but I immediately got unbanned so like, kinda, not really!?!/?!
Discord Tag:
Do you have a working microphone?:
Timezone & Country:
EST, and the US
Links to any current & past applications:
Event Team Application
Korean Application
French Application
College Application
Describe your activity on the server:
I joined SRP in ?? march?? Of 2020, and became attached as many have, I stayed active for months, and spent my fair share of time on various IC teams. And eventually, I applied for event team and got accepted, and stayed on the team for about . . nine?? ten?? Months, but eventually inactivity got the best of me, and I left all my roles and essentially quit SRP. I’ve only recently come back to SRP after a couple of months hiatus. My activity before that was honestly not the best before I had quit, but recently after coming back it has been waaaay better than before. I spend at least a couple of hours a day active on SRP on one of my accounts, but still working on getting activity up . . I do online school which gives me plenty of time to do whatever, plus summer is around the corner. I am slowly attempting to reintegrate myself into the community as a whole, and that starts with my activity.
What position are you applying for?:
What is your motivation for applying?:
My main motivation for applying is basically just for the new, and different roleplay opportunities. I’ve been playing SRP for over two years and I haven’t done anything on the server outside of school-roleplaying itself. I’ve never roleplayed on an adult character besides for events while on the event team, and I’ve never previously applied for any city-related jobs. Jobs within both the KPD and EMS were just never for me for various reasons, same with jobs like news reporter and school faculty positions.. So when I found out about law-related jobs when they were first introduced a few months back I was obviously intrigued as both an aspiring law student and a member of SRP. However, this was at the peak of my dead activity on the server. . I was on college cheer at the time icly and didn’t have an available alt and I was never active mainly due to motivation, and I knew then was not the time. However, I believe now is in fact that time as I am more motivated than ever, and it just seems like it would be fun overall . . I also have the perfect character for this role that I have used before in 2020 which would fit the role beautifully icly.
Do you have an understanding of Karakura’s laws & Constitutional rights?:
I do have an understanding of Karakura’s laws and constitutional rights, I’ve looked over them countless times and have a pretty good understanding of them,
Are there any goals for you or your character with this role?:
I don’t have many long-term goals planned as of now with this role, but my character becoming a lawyer icly is step one. She’s a character I have used previously back in 2020, and she’s seen her fair share of injustice and corruption both in Karakura and in her life beyond, so her coming back to Karakura to become a lawyer is her way to ignite change and help people who need help within the justice system, and to defend people who need it. That is all for now, one step at a time as they say . .
In your own words, describe what the position you’re applying for does within the government:
For a brief description, in criminal law, A lawyer represents a defendant in a court of law, their main goal is to try and prove that their client, the defendant, is not guilty of said crime. Outside of the courtroom, they may help dispute various legal matters and give legal advice. Basically, a lawyer defends clients and helps to uphold citizens' rights.
Do you acknowledge that upon being accepted you can be subject to removal at any given time?:
Yes, I do acknowledge that upon being accepted I can be subject to removal at any given time
Do you understand that you’re expected to be dedicated to your position upon being accepted?:
Of course, I understand that I am expected to be dedicated to your position upon being accepted.
Are you aware that any display of OOC bias toward anyone on the job will result in punishment?:
I am fully aware that any display of OOC bias toward anyone on the job will result in punishment
Have you read & agreed to follow the Government Faction rules?:
I have read the Government Faction rules a few times, and I agree to follow them .
Are you able to attend weekly meetings & events?:
Yes I am, I have a pretty flexible schedule, the only thing that normally gets in the way is my sleep schedule, but obviously, that’s not a big issue, cause i'll just like. . wake up.
[!] The application was filled out in generic black pen ink, her handwriting was. . feminine, she wrote in cursive italic, but it was neat enough for just about anyone to read [!]
Full name:
Maki Chiyo Ikezata
Preferred title (Mr., Mrs., etc.):
Current age:
Date of birth:
Academic Degree:
PhD in psychology
Criminal Justice
Work experience:
During my time in Karakura, I worked at various small booths from time to time for some cash, and then eventually landed a job at Tsuki Kissaten, an old restaurant in Karakura where I worked for a few months. It was my first official job ever, and it taught me to always stay two steps ahead, a life lesson that has stuck with me ever since.
After leaving Karakura in grade 12 for many personal reasons, I attended college in Japan's bustling capital, Toyko. I was still trying to find myself within this time period of my life, and decided to major in Psychology, eventually deciding to minor in Criminal Justice and Philosophy. During college, I worked as an unpaid intern in a law office, and eventually became a paralegal, working as an assistant to a lawyer. I worked as a paralegal for many years, aiding in court cases behind the scenes for the lawyer with whom I worked for. Many people say being a paralegal is boring, but i disagree, it allowed me to experience the work of a lawyer hands-on and helped me prepare for the inevitable day when I decided to become absolutely serious about becoming a lawyer, and that day is now. I have already passed the Japan's bar exam, I've just been holding off on the correct day to apply for a job in Karakura, my. . beloved . . hometown.
Political background:
I guess I would consider myself a Liberal, I tend to generally stay out of politics. I don’t have very many political views on most things and I’m very open-minded. Generally, I just fight for what I believe is right within my morals. I don’t have a lot of experience in or with politics and again I just try to stay out of it. But everyone has a right to their own opinion
Nationality & born location:
Born in Karakura, Japan.
Fluent languages (Underline your native):
Criminal record:
I have a pristine record, totally clean. I think I may have gotten a fine once for underage drinking, but I was young, and no such implications have happened again
What makes you a good candidate for this job?
I think my background in research and debate skills plays an extreme part in my viability as a lawyer at the same time it makes me stand out from other applicants. Research is key obviously for finding evidence and building a defense in a case. I like to consider myself very good at digging up information that didn’t particularly want to be found. The same goes for debate, building myself up off the ground independently called for many debates and arguments in my adulthood, all of which have been resolved on my own terms. Now, I’d like to use my abilities toward people who cannot defend themselves as easily as I once was able to. And obviously, my degree in psychology helps when it comes to understanding a situation or a person to a mental degree, and helps come up with finding legal reasons justifying someone's actions based on how they act psychologically and mentally, etc past traumas and mental disorders which could of led someone down such a path, , Psychology does play a big part in criminal court in many ways i’d like to believe, and I was lucky enough to study it. But It is not my academic achievements that make me successful in my line of work, but instead, I like to think it's because of my resilience and determination. I also have prior experience in the field, as I was a paralegal for many years and experienced firsthand many of the things a lawyer experiences on a day-to-day basis, and things they have to go through and prepare for. I did a lot of the pretrial preparations in the cases, like helping to build a defense by gathering evidence and facts of said cases, interviewing witnesses, and a lot. a lot. A LOT of paperwork.
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