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Lawyer | Nestoon's Application


Level 37
Out of Character | Basic information
What is your in-game name?:

Do you have discord? (If so, what is your username): Yes, my discord is noodle#4392.

Do you have a microphone?: Yes, I also have a backup in case it were to break.

List your timezone and country:
BST / England.

How active are you on the server?:
I’d rate my activity around 7-8/10, I’ve been becoming much more active on the server recently and am trying to get on more however I often find myself demotivated as I have little to do when I do come online other than grind attributes. I believe that if I am accepted it will give me a boost of motivation to get on even more than I already do on both accounts.

Do you have any previous bans? (If so, link your appeals):
Yes, although they have been resolved and I can discuss them further in DMs if required. This was my most recent ban appeal, It was discussed via dm and accepted after I had actually appealed which is why it is marked as denied still I believe. (26-11-2020) This was only bypassing because my alt’s hadn’t been unbanned. (05-05-2020) This was for glitching some time before the last one. (05-05-2020)

Link any past applications below: This is in order of newest - oldest (I didn’t include item requests or rank fixes.) ACCEPTED - lang app ACCEPTED - lang app ACCEPTED - KPD app ACCEPTED - lang app DENIED - lang app ACCEPTED - lang app DENIED - lang app ACCEPTED - lang app DENIED - lang app DENIED - lang app DENIED - lang app DENIED- asthma app

As you can see my applications have improved over time and my more recent applications have a much higher acceptance rate.

Out of Character | Morals & ideas

What position are you applying for?:
I would like to apply for the position of Lawyer.

What is your motivation for applying?: For a long time I’ve had OOC interest in going into some type of career around criminology, specifically in becoming a detective or lawyer. I have researched many true crime cases and through doing this I have picked up on certain tactics a lawyer may use, how they advise clients to act and much more. Not only do I want to apply because of said OOC interest, but because I believe it could help develop my character further and would love the opportunity to take part in something new. I think this would be a great place for me and I feel like it is somewhere I could truly fit in and have fun doing despite the amount of work that would probably go into it.

Are you aware that you cannot discriminate against others in character or deny service due to race, gender, sexual orientation, appearance, etc?: I completely understand this. I know that it can have an unfair impact on real crimes and hope that it does not cross over with SRP.

What qualities prove you suitable for this role?:
I believe that I am suitable for the role because I am prepared to put in the time even when I am offline, something many people won’t be able to do due to time. I also believe I have good time management skills and I will be able to make time to put in multiple hours a week if necessary and will work it until I am satisfied.

My next reason is that I take interest in debate and think that I’m very good at it. To me personally, I view a lawyers job as a form of debate. They need to come up with multiple points to back their case, not only this but they need to think of all possible arguments the opposition may take and have a defence following each one, much in the way you would with a debate. I like to think I have quite a keen eye and would be able to spot small details that others might miss.

Finally, I have been roleplaying on this server for possibly around two years and have been roleplaying in general for much longer than that. Since I have joined SRP, my skills as a roleplayer have majorly improved and I believe this could be an amazing opportunity for me to further improve and explore a new kind of roleplaying that I have not yet tried.

Are you aware of the rules each person must follow?: Yes! I am aware of the rules and understand if they were to be broken I would be removed, however, I can assure you that if I am accepted it will not come to that.

Are you familiar with the laws of Karakura?: I believe I am quite familiar with the laws of Karakura especially because of my time spent with the KPD as a Cadet. During my time there I had also noted small details and everything we learnt so I believe that I am also familiar with a lot more of the behind the scenes areas as well. Although I could use a refresher I think I know the ins and outs and think that if I am to get accepted, I will become much more comfortable with memorising and naming crimes and their punishments off the top of my head.

Do you have a good understanding of this position?: Yes, I believe I have a very good understanding of the position and how it works. I already understood pretty well before applying but I have taken the time to read through all the information I found on the forums and refreshed my knowledge and I can say with confidence I understand.

Summarize what your position does:
If accepted, I hope for my character to become a criminal lawyer. A lawyers job is to give advice to the client and help find any holes or mistakes in the opposition’s story or timeline to support their case. Criminal lawyers in specific are in charge of defending or prosecuting somebody accused of a criminal offence. Lawyers must stay composed in the courtroom, keeping composure in the courtroom is extremely important to any case as if a lawyer lashed out it could jeopardise the case. As mentioned previously, it can be somewhat like a debate in the courtroom. Lawyers are required to study and research any case assigned to them, using their knowledge of the law to prove the innocence or guiltiness of another with confidence.

In Character | Questionnaire

Full Name:
Yuuka Ohikoa, formerly Yuuka Maekawa.

Preferred name & Title:
Yuuka or Miss Ohikoa.

Current age? (25+):

Past job experiences?:
Former Police Cadet in Karakura.

How would you describe yourself?:
When I’m on the job I always try to maintain a professional yet welcoming persona for any client as I believe it is important to make a client feel comfortable during the process of working on a case to assure they are able to express themselves and feel safe telling you the full story. Having a welcoming persona is a great advantage in cases as it allows the client to trust your advice even when in doubt. No matter the occupation, anybody should show respect to others around them, on and off the job. Even when off the job, I try to maintain a welcoming persona and do not think of myself as better than others due to things like my job, age or intelligence. My parents taught me that respect is the greatest thing you can give to a person and I like to think I stick to that.

What plans do you have for the town?:
I hope to make a difference in Karakura by allowing citizens a fighting chance to get the justice they deserve in a court. I want to help fight for what is right, not only for myself but for others too. I’ve seen the justice system fail people too many times, whether it’s wrongful convictions or not getting help for those who need it. I wholeheartedly believe that I will be able to bring down the number of people wrongly accused or convicted of crimes.

I want to be there for them when they need somebody on their side, to believe and protect them with my whole heart. Whatever the situation is, I want to offer my support and show somebody is fighting alongside them and protecting their rights as a person.

What jobs will you execute with this position?:
With this position, my goal is to make a difference in the lives of others. To get the justice people deserve and provide aid to those in need, guilty or not. As a lawyer, it is part of the job to acknowledge that although clients may be guilty it does not mean they deserve the punishment.

Being a lawyer is never going to be as simple as an open and shut case, there are usually tons of complications such as insufficient evidence that can make it that much harder. As a lawyer, it would be my job to make sure despite these complications I make things right and find any small pieces of evidence others may have missed, to help strengthen the case.

You can’t go into court every time and claim the other is guilty simply because it’s easy, sometimes your client may well be the guilty one which makes it arguably harder to defend which is why I hope to not only help the innocent but to also save the guilty from unfair sentencing and to help them.

Do you practice any sort of religion?:
When I got into law, specifically when I became more interested in becoming a lawyer, I decided it may be best to restrict religious practices although many of my beliefs reflect those of Shintoism.

How did you get into politics?:
When I first discovered the world of politics I wasn’t all that invested. From a young age, I had been exposed to the world of crime. My mother had been a police officer and my father had been a lawyer. Although they had little time for me I’d often catch them discussing cases and it had soon pricked my interest. I always thought I had wanted to be a detective, investigating crimes and bringing closure to those who needed it, but soon after I joined the KPD as a Cadet, I knew it wasn’t where I wanted to be. I hadn't stayed all that long and after that, I decided to get the proper education I’d need to become a lawyer as my father had. Almost immediately after I started studying at Chiba University. Once finished I returned to Karakura once again to apply for the position of a lawyer here, in hope of bringing justice to those who deserve it.

Do you have a criminal record? If so, list your crimes: I am very happy to say that I have no criminal record and intend to keep it that way.

Nationality & Born location:
I was born and raised in Japan, specifically in the city of Chiba.

Fluent languages: (Underline your native):
I currently am fluent in both Japanese and Japanese Sign Language.
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Level 165
Congratulations on being accepted for your role of choice!

Keep in mind that the rules stated in the format are strictly enforced and
certain acts can get you instantly removed from your position depending on the severity.

- After reading, you may DM me in order to get your roles set up. (Oph#1556)

- Ensure that you are in the following discord: KARAKURA TOWN

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