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leeyumchew | KPD Application


Level 1
Out-Of-Character (OOC) Section

IGN (In-Game Name):
MAIN - venuschu_
ALT(applying) - leeyumchew
Discord Name & Tag:

Which timezone are you in?

List your current and past IC/OOC faction applications:

Describe your activity on the server:

From my overall knowledge, I believe I'm severely active on SRP. Though being in school has affected my activity from morning to afternoon, I'm frequently active everyday, for more than 7 hours a day. And on weekends or when I have off-days, it goes as far as above 12+ hours.

However, on my main account. I'm on the high school male's volleyball team. Activity, alongside involvement in a variety of roleplays is necessary on my team, it's more of a requirement and that is what I follow, but also something I follow out of pure enjoyment.

What is your motivation for applying?:

Across the amount of time I've spent on SRP, through the 6-8 months I've been severely active. I've found an interest in exploring the variety of roleplays that SRP has to offer, from GangRP, CrimeRP, JockRP, and more, so since then I have always taken roleplay seriously. It's something I solely find entertainment in, and it fulfills the fun experience I get here. Though, KPD has always had my eye for sometime. It seems like an enjoyable experience and a place where I could make new connections with people I haven't crossed paths with, through my time on this server. In addition to the following reasons, I'm creating a new character as to playing a fatherly role for others, and that being stated. I have not had an adult nor experience in a faction, so I believe this could be

What knowledge do you have of Police Work?
Police work engages in a variety of daily tasks, or unexpected events, nevertheless, bombarded with countless responsibilities. Anything and everything can happen, being prepared while active on duty or off duty is a requirement. Regardless if you're sat the desk, doing ordinary paperwork, the standard tasks upon the job. Teamwork, including comprehension and communication is a necessity, especially in this line of work. You cannot work alone as it can be considered dangerous, or put you at high risk. However, the knowledge I have about police work is limited. Though on SRP, KPD is roughly on the same par with real police work.

All information revolving around SRP will be inputted below.

Desk dutyThe main duty upon being tasked with the responsibilities of desk duties is to offer your assistance to citizens, manage tasks such as processing bail, coordinating visits to friends or family members, receiving crime reports or addressing general questions.
PatrolsA routine that is required within KPD on a daily basis. It is always a collected group of officers, strolling the town in specific routes. This gives more opportunities at gaining more experiences in the line of work, such as coming across a minor or major conflict, suspicious activity or the chances at socializing with others, building relationships overtime. Though, in addition to being out on patrol or beforehand, CCTV may be checked for possible threats around town.
Taking reportsThis follows with desk duty; Giving out your assistance to the public, especially when a person comes in and reports an individual for suspicious activity or committed crimes. Minor or major reports will be properly handled regardless of the difficulties, KPD will always find a way to provide a safe environment.
Inmate careThis gives jailed players the opportunity at gaining a new roleplay experience, as there is a variety of tasks or hobbies they may engage in doing; Spending quality time at the indoors gym, playing a match of volleyball, or filling your stomach up at the cafeteria. Otherwise, you may do courtyard work, like picking up trash upon the ground or fishing.
Detaining/ArrestingThe type of act only committed when on patrol or from a report. However, the reported individual will be searched for. And once found, they will be detained for committing an illegal act, with the possibility of being arrested if found guilty above charges. However, you may be detained and released afterwards if proven innocent, or the issue has been cleared.
RaidsRaids are only issued through a call or report; Kidnapping or hostage situation, otherwise illegal weaponry, in which, a search will be conducted after a warrant is requested and received with the proper suspicions. This gives KPD the permission at raiding properties, searching for illegal stashed of weaponries, or such in the following category.

Item NameAccessibilityDescription
Gas MaskAll officers.A mask designed to protect an individual from biological hazards.
RadioAll officers.A waterproofed device designed for communication across KPD, a standard item.
HandcuffsAll officers.A set of steel handcuffs, utilized to restrain and secure an individual from causing a ruckus.
Pepper SprayAll officers & EMS.A disposable device, only 3 usages, intended to temporarily blind a target.
BatonAll officers.A steel tool wielded by police officers for the usage of detaining criminals.
Stun BlasterAll officers.A weapon designed for use on a non-compliant individual, intended to immobilized its target for roughly 60 seconds.
CrowbarCorporals.A practical tool made to pry open locked doors and containers, frequently used during raids.
Riot ShieldAll officers.A protective glass shield made for total safety, suitable for both offensive and defensive usage.
BreathalyzerAll officers & EMS.A device utilized by the emergency unit to determine an individual's level of intoxication.
Tranquilizer Sergeants & Det. InspectorsA device used to neutralize threats for approximately 2 minutes, no longer than that.

Additional equipment, through ItemRP
+ First-Aid Kit, Luminol Spray, Disposable Latex Gloves, Fingerprint Scanner, and Body Camera - Accessible to all officers.

Police vehicles
Police Cruiser and Police Bike - Accessible to higher-ups, only.

Main Division ranks, highest to lowest
Patrol officer

Detective division ranks, highest to lowest
Det. Superintendent
Det. Chief Inspector
Det. Inspector
Det. Sergeant
Det. Constable

Why is Police important to SchoolRP?
PD is the key essential at preventing the town of Karakura from falling into the depths of utmost chaos, especially when there's a countless amount of major/minor gangs, criminals committing wrongdoings endlessly. They're the true oppositions of unjustified acts and guarantee the utmost security for the community. The wink of realism to this server, as providing complete freedom toward the people who engaged in CrimeRP or GangRP wouldn't give it the total pleasure and dangerous risk it has now. As to, people who're in KPD can apply for ICLY and OOCLY, depending on the situation you may be stuck in. As complete unfairness can happen anytime, anywhere.

Do you acknowledge that if training is held whilst you are online, you are needed to attend or you will be punished?
Yes, I do understand it is a requirement when I am online, active on duty.​

In-Character (IC) Section

What's your character's full name?:
Sergei Flowers
How old is your character (if accepted)?:

What are your character's gender and pronouns?:

Male, preferred pronouns are he/him.
Please select your highest academic role at the time of writing this application:

Bachelor's degree in Criminal Justice.
What languages does your character know besides Japanese?:

Russian and Spanish (Apps still need creation, will do in due time.)
Describe your character; how they look, what makes them unique?

From a distance, a mysterious yet strange Russian man, by the name of Sergei Flowers had always waltzed with bold strides, embodying timeless confidence, self-assurance. He maintains a deceptively, misleading outer appearance, likewise of the solar body’s sweltering rays exuding into the peaceful atmosphere. A sturdy physique positioned atop an exceptional peak of 6’3. Formal attire had fallen in his favor, as the fashion sense seemed fitting for his overall characteristics. The vibrancy of his long vermillion locks cascaded in luxurious waves, complimenting the daunting, chocolate-hued irises. An undying fierceness fixated upon his stark countenance and Sergei has several choices of masks at his disposal, each capable of altering his overall appearance and personality. Each mask has its unique strengths and weaknesses for unspoken reasons. He, who presented himself as either an introvert or extrovert, has always been a combination of both.

An ambivert being, who cloaked himself in complete darkness(?), awaiting for a series of opportunities to fall upon the palms of his hands.

How does your character act in a professional/casual situation?

In a professional sense, a serene atmosphere fails to shroud Sergei's solitary existence, though emitting a chilling confidence in the precinct, blending intimidation with professionalism. He's proficient at approaching sticky situations with persistent concentration. However, an upbringing demeanor withholding the contents of fear-based strategies and hostility may switch between his act of proper courtesy, a civil human-being who is more than willing to be considerate toward respectful figures. He holds himself upon an exceptional standard, wielding great gravity within the ideal professionalism he seeks out inside himself.

In a casual sense, a swapping between the different masks he veils the underlying truth of himself. A composed nonchalance repositions itself upon the placid hostility beneath the surface. Harmless jokes may be shared in the (?) atmosphere around him, though, may the wrong thing be said and a fierce glare will be sent in your general direction. In all seriousness, Sergei maintains an acceptable demeanor of proper etiquette, with respect toward the standards taught while growing into the individual he is now.

What is their outlook on the idea of co-workers & teamwork?

Teamwork is greatly valued, a good key that keeps the community from falling apart. There are various aspects that fall within this category, communication, comprehension, collaboration, and more. A belief Sergei has and will always follow.

Though for co-workers, Sergei hopes they strive for the highest peak in the potential they have within the pathway they’re working toward. He’s more than willing to provide great effort and efficiency into his established work, alongside the co-workers that stand on equal grounds with him. However, there is one major factor. Sergei truly believes respect is not freely given, but a privilege you must righteously earn. So if his personal life, work, beliefs or such are disrespected in revolting matters, respect will not be there, but his professionalism will remain intact.

What's your character's backstory?

[The debut of utmost chaos, AGE 0-18]

The Flowers family inhabited an elegant, cultured household on the outskirts of a prosperous city, maintaining a stringent adherence to their Russian heritage. Three generations lived within this traditional home, where following customs was non-negotiable. From the age of six, children were instilled with the values of modesty and courtesy, leaving no room for leniency thereafter.

D.O.B - December 16th, 1987 at 11:59:36 PM.
Sergei Flowers had been brought into the Flowers residential; An ordinary childhood was provided until everything changed the day after his sixth birthday. His freedom had been taken from him, leaving him manipulated like a puppet, tethered by unseen strings controlled by a professional puppeteer. Manipulating a naive child to uphold the family's image, as behind closed doors, the grandfather spent countless years molding the pre-teen Sergei into the ideal version of himself. This lifelong deception was morally questionable, however, it aimed to meet the high standards the Flowers had established.

Though, one day, Sergei locked himself in the small office, seated in a sturdy chair at the spacious desk. A thick, hard-cover book in hand, unlike most, he was a diligent teenager, and procrastination was never on his mind, until velvety chocolate-hues shifted toward the open window. There, he witnessed an unfamiliar scene of happy children running in the fields, their laughter resonating through the open space. In the silencing momentary, it struck him that he had never experienced such happiness. Throughout his entire life, Sergei had always been controlled by a superior being in the Flowers household. Shortly afterwards, an unfamiliar sensation sparked within his heart–a strong desire to seek for a true purpose in life. Eventually, unacceptable thoughts devoured his refined nature, unraveling the ties that bound him and soon, exposing the illuminated paths leading him toward utmost freedom. As Sergei’s teenage years unfolded, his defiance against the strict rules of the Flowers household grew. Compelled by an irresistible urge, he started searching for discreet ways to sneak outside without being noticed. This desire for freedom became a way to satisfy the void within him, offering a sense of fulfillment through his acts of rebellion.

During a casual occasion, Sergei spent the entire day, outdoors, with his friend group. Unknowingly, this would be the day where Sergei and Marisol’s paths would intersect, though it couldn’t be considered “love at first sight.” When his gaze met hers, illuminated by the gentle warmth glowing in her deep, brown-hues. It felt like a magnetic pull--incapable of looking away. He found himself mesmerized by her flawless appearance. Her beauty was irresistible—fawn-brown hair that caught the light like soft whispers and coffee-toned eyes withholding the allure of untold mysteries. Her features embodied elegance and grace, while her sweet smile exuded a confident warmth, a sincere invitation, like she was a sweet shot of espresso. And soon, waves of infatuation swarmed his heart, erratically beating after the unforgettable moment. It wouldn’t be their last encounter. This marked the start of a new journey for the young individuals, bound together by fate. Marisol’s indelible face was embedded in his memory, locked away in a space that only she could access, offering the chance and purpose he had been seeking. When Sergei and Marisol’s paths crossed again, he didn’t hesitate like he had in their previous encounter. Instead, he took the initiative to ask for her number and suggested they become friends. Once the offer was accepted, their story would begin.

Marisol and Sergei had become inseparable best friends, relishing every moment spent together. Their relationship was a slow burn, gradually blossoming into a true love story at the young age of 14.

[Discovering serenity, AGE 18-25]
As high school unfolded, the adolescent individuals formed a deep and genuine bond in their romance. In the tapestry of shared moments—joys and trials alike—they became each other’s anchors. Through the ebb and flow of young love, they learned the art of trust and the power of communication. Their relationship blossomed into a cornerstone of their youth, intricately shaping their identities and futures as they grew together in a dance of discovery. Though, when Marisol and Sergei turned 18, they made a reckless decision that would alter their lives—Marisol found herself pregnant with his child. As the gravity of their choices sank in, they were compelled to face the reality of their situation and the responsibilities that awaited them. When news of Marisol’s pregnancy spread, the atmosphere was filled with joy and acceptance, devoid of negativity. Hand in hand, the couple stepped confidently into their new responsibilities, prepared to face whatever laid ahead with open hearts.

D.O.B - February 14th, 2006 at 2:23:17 AM.
Mitya Vasilyev Flowers and Amore Milaya Flowers; A beautiful pair of baby twins were seen as sacred treasures, blessings that brought boundless joy upon the couple’s lives. Promises were whispered to their newborns; A pledge to nurture a sanctuary where worries and concerns wouldn’t matter, whether success or failure crossed their paths. They would find a path toward a promising future, embracing every mistake and misstep as part of their growth.

When Sergei discovered the perfect moment, he was ready to propose to Marisol—the long awaited event that everyone had hoped for. The scene was idyllic; perched atop the docks at the beach, the sunset casted a golden glow across the horizon. As they shared a heartfelt conversation, the ambience chimed with anticipation. In a fleeting moment, when Marisol turned away, Sergei knelt upon the soft wood, presenting a beautiful engagement ring, ready to ask the question that would alter their lives forever. As Marisol turned to Sergei, the realization enveloped her like a soft embrace. A whispering breeze passed in silence, and in the sacred moment, she accepted the unexpected proposal, wholeheartedly, releasing surges of joy into the ecstatic atmosphere. Marriage marked the next significant step in their journey. After a few months of being engaged to each other, they eagerly anticipated settling down and giving their children the childhood they envisioned. Their wedding day commenced with careful preparations, calling for the end of their engagement and the beginning of a new chapter. As Sergei and Marisol were declared newlyweds at the age of 21, the day was a whirlwind of excitement, both exhilarating and memorable.

A joyful marriage between Marisol and Sergei, with a loving family, including their children, Mitya and Amore. However, in addition upon the blissful memories he's created, Sergei had pursued his gradual interest in Criminal Justice at a university, fulfilling his heart's content to the fullest brink of satisfaction. And soon-to-be graduating in a timely manner, with a righteously earned Bachelor's degree.

[A fierce downfall, AGE 25-30]
A demanding job held Sergei captive, robbing him of precious moments with his family. Though, he never voiced his frustration, believing the income would grant him the independence he sought, freeing him from his family’s shadow and from relying on his family’s wealth. However, this would be the reason why Marisol felt neglected in her own marriage, as if she had become a burden to bear after his late night returns home. Seeking comfort, she confided in friends and family, until a careless suggestion led her down a troubling path. In secret, she began cheating on her beloved husband, betraying the love they once cherished so endearingly, convinced that Sergei’s absence was the source of her unhappiness, the reason he hadn’t fulfilled the promises he made.

Eventually, Sergei discovered the dirty secret Marisol had hidden in the dark, her guilty pleasure, a fleeting remedy for a deep void. In the moment, anger erupted like a volcano, igniting heated arguments. Their once happy marriage spiraled into utmost chaos, and the thought of counseling seemed futile; they believed nothing could salvage their family from the brink of falling apart. Divorce became their painful separation, the final chapter in their love story. Papers were signed, and the court witnessed their parting; Marisol took Amore, while Sergei took Mitya, each choosing a path toward an uncertain but hopeful future.

[New beginnings commencing, AGE 36]
The last four years of Sergei Flowers' life were spent in vain.

He failed to become the father Mitya desired, instead embodying disappointment, a man lost in the shadows of sorrow. A constant battle with the waves of his fervent emotions—anger and sadness—while love remained a distant memory. Mitya bore the weight of his father’s struggles, and when he turned 16, exhausted by Sergei's turmoil, and in no time, he walked out the door without giving a hint to his current whereabouts.

An awakening; The next two years of Sergei’s life were devoted to replenishing and renewing his lifeless spirit, while searching for his children to reconnect with them. It was during this journey that he discovered the town of Karakura, rooted in Japan.
In this small town, Sergei sought new opportunities, holding onto the hope of finding significance and importance once more.​

General knowledge

Can you legally own a pocket knife in Karakura?
"No, you legally can't own a pocket knife. If anyone is caught with a pocket knife in their possession, the only result would end in being charged with a felony, possession of illegal weaponry. The only two legal weapons you may possess is a metal bat and pipe wrench."

Name 5 medical items that do NOT require a prescription

"There are several types of medical items that don't require a prescription to have in your possession. Medical supplements, I’ll stick with that, my picks are multivitamins, melatonin, cough syrup, paracetamol and iron supplements."

If you see your co-workers physically abusing an inmate, what should you do?

"Unacceptable behavior. If I were the person standing in that position. My initial thought would be to radio it in and request for backup for safety protocols. However, approaching the attacker and victim without caution could have fatal outcomes. I'd have to observe and address the situation from a distance, a safer choice. Separating the two would have to happen under slow circumstances to prevent anyone else getting hurt in the matter. The officer will be more than likely detained for their violent actions toward an inmate, separated from the inmate, though I'd ensure the injured inmate gets the medical attention they require. One more thing to add on, in this scenario. I am the witness and I will take the responsibilities of addressing the situation to higher ups."

What should you do if you see your co-worker being assaulted?

"This could have many outcomes. I’ll stick to two types. From a distance, I'd immediately call in the situation, location, and request for backup. I value my own life and my co-workers, so I’d observe if the attacker(s) are armed with weapons, which is a necessity for the lives possibly at stake. In this situation, I'd have to approach the individuals, take out my taser or baton and yell aloud at the person to separate and halt or force will be used against them. If my attempt is successful, I'd ensure no weapons are in their reach and steer clear from giving them any opportunities at that. Oh, detaining the attacker after the altercation is over, and assuring my co-worker is alright after the person is in handcuffs.

Though there is a second outcome. If my attempt had gone wrong, and the attacker hadn't separated and stopped from harming my co-worker more. My taser would be considered the most useful in this situation to immobilize the person, so shooting it off at them would prevent the altercation from escalating anymore than it already did. This last bit will be the same to before, detaining them and checking on my co-worker to confirm they are alright. Yes, the attacker will be sentenced and charged with assault on a police officer, the proper consequences for violent acts."

What do you do if you find out that your co-worker is corrupt and is helping criminal organizations?

"Corrupt you say? Good evidence would have to be secretly gathered from a safe distance, that may take days, weeks or months even. Though, it's the thought that matters, isn't it? Once I believe I collected enough intel about that certain co-worker having involvement with criminal organizations. I'd have to schedule a meeting with one of the superior officers, or catch them around in the station, and pull them aside for a serious conversation about it. Corruption isn't uncommon in the police force, however, we're in a place where we guarantee security to and for everyone. I'm not sure what would happen afterwards, that is what lies in the higher up’s hands. And if I am brought into further involvement, I will do my part as needed."

How would you react to a criminal trying to bribe you?

"This is a great question you've asked. The answer I'll give you will be simple and basic, attempting to bribe an officer will result in further consequences, it is considered a finable offense. If they can't pay off the debt they owe for their fine, I'd have no other choice but to detain the person and sentence them for the appropriate amount of time, of course.”


Level 317
Senior Admin
Black Market Lead
Police Lead
After having carefully reviewed your applications, the higher-up team
has decided to give you a chance at becoming part of our faction!

What now?
In order to proceed, you will need to join the discord server that house
the faction you have applied for. To find it, go to the SchoolRP discord
server (CLICK HERE) and search for our discord server!

We will also need you to be online to receive your introductions and
the necessary equipment to carry out your duties as part of the faction!

If you need further assistance, you can privately message
me (@Hirathex) or any other available Admin+ via Discord
so that we can solve any other inquiries you may have

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