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Accepted Lemxnades English Teacher Application


Level 2
Out-Of-Character Information

What is your Minecraft username?:

Do you have Discord (If so, what is your discord username?): Lemxnades

Do you have a microphone?: Yes

What is your time zone?: est

Do you acknowledge that if you are inactive you will be demoted?: Yes

Describe your activity on the server: I’m online every single day for 10-12 hours a day maybe even more

Link(s) to any previous applications on the server:


Lemxnades's Language Application | SchoolRP | Minecraft Roleplay Server

Item Request | SchoolRP | Minecraft Roleplay Server

Byscle not there | SchoolRP | Minecraft Roleplay Server

Lemxnades's Language Application | SchoolRP | Minecraft Roleplay Server

What are your current roles on the server? (If you're college, specify your degree level): Grade-12


What subject are you applying to teach?:


What is your motivation for becoming a teacher?:
My motivation for becoming a teacher is to broaden my experience for roleplay on the server and to also expand myself further into the servers school roleplay as more then a student. Hearing others stories about the teaching action has opened my eyes a bit more to things I could be missing out in the servers overall roleplay and interactions, while this gives me the opportunity to be more involved and better my own roleplaying skills, it also gives me the opportunity to meet and help others who may need it in certain situations, whether those be icly situations or oocly situations as far as knowing what to do on the server and how to interact with people. I also have heard how the teaching faction is a great starting environment to apply to when wanting to get more involved, this plays a big part in my motivation because I hope in the future to apply to more rigorous factions that may involve me having to put in more hours or more detailed interactions with my actions towards those on the server. Another thing that motivates me is the fact that I love writing and the English arts in general. I enjoy writing outside the aspects of srp so I feel that I could make the lessons and overall teaching environment for this class icly extremely interesting and engaging for those who enjoy roleplaying out these sessions. The only thing left that I could say motivates me would be specifically helping out the students icly and oocly (if needed) when it comes to srp roleplaying environment. I've been playing srp for five years and since I started there have been moments where I needed help and felt as if there wasn't enough help being giving when I requested it from others so in this instance if I were to become a teacher I would do my absolute best to help everyone and anyone when they need it, to make the students roleplaying experience more enjoyable when school hours are in session.

Do you understand that you are applying for the teacher role of UT?
Yes, I understand.

Do you understand if your application is accepted, you will have to undergo teacher training?:
I understand, if I am accepted, the training process of an unqualified teacher to become a qualified teacher.

What are the teacher class logs and why are they important?:
Teacher class logs allow the lead to know that the teachers have been keeping up with their activity as far as classes logged, if they’re keeping up with their quota, and a paycheck for the teachers that is deemed worthy of the activity put in for the teacher in question. This becomes more important when a teacher goes from unqualified to qualified or newly qualified teacher because the paychecks and quota differ for each as far as what it required of them.

As a teacher, what are the strict rules when being in a class?:
No forms of violence in or outside of the classroom.

Raising your hand is a must if you would like to get the teachers' attention.

Follow the instructions given at all times during lessons.

No forms of technology should be in use during the lessons, unless instructed otherwise.

No sleeping during class, you came to learn not nap.

No foul language should be used during class.

Be sure to stay seated unless told otherwise as this would cause a distraction for the other students.

What experience, in general, do you have in roleplay?:
I’ve been roleplaying for about 8 years now I started back on hypixel housing where I learned my basics of roleplaying before taking a break on Minecraft for about 2 years. I mainly learned my knowledge on discord with a long-term roleplay that goes on till this day. By around 2019 I joined srp to give me more opportunities in the roleplay experience when I fully knew that writing was my true passion.

In detail, describe the ranking system of teachers:
- HD
↳ Meaning:
Head Department
↳ Description: This person leads the entire department that they teach and is usually very consistent with how much they get on the server. They help train the unqualified/untrained teachers due to the vast knowledge that they’ve acquired in their teaching positions prior to being the head of department.

- QT
↳ Meaning:
Qualified Teacher
↳ Description: These teachers have been consistent enough in their learning of how to run a class by themselves without the need of assistance or someone guiding them. Promotion from NQT lets you know that their activity as well as their understanding of the rules is more than exceptional enough to be in this position.

↳ Meaning:
Newly Qualified Teacher
↳ Description: While they have shown enough work and dedication to be a teacher and teach on their own, they still will need assistance every now and then to be sure that they’re moving along nice in their new position. Their teaching skills have been polished when it comes to the general knowledge of what is needed to be done, while that is true, they still will need that assistance from higher ups every now and then to make sure they’re in line and doing what they need to be doing.

- UT
↳ Meaning:
Unqualified Teacher
↳ Description: This teacher has just been accepted and is completely new to the teaching faction. They must go through a training process/session (more than once most likely) from the Head Department to progress throughout their teaching career on the server. The basics and general rules will be taught to them during the training of course, things like how to teach on their own or what to do if no one is there to help them and how to deal with students if they ever cause an issue within the classroom.

Teacher Knowledge

Present to us your knowledge about Teachers in-game and out-of-game, what purpose do teachers serve. What salary do they get? Include a paragraph about the way teachers teach, what they do in their spare time in general.

In game, teachers display both the educational aspect in roleplay and the entertaining aspect as well. The teacher’s overall purpose in Karakura is to make sure that there is a positive learning environment that is enjoyable for all who participate in the learning portion of the roleplay. The most a teacher can make, in game at least, is 500,000 yen every month. If an NQT teacher were to complete ten classes, they can get up to 350,000 yen per month while QT teachers can get up to 400,000 yen every month with the same number of classes as their quota.

Real teachers, depending on where you go, seem to not put in as much effort or just flat out stick to the book when it comes to teaching. While they may try to make the lessons interactive, more than most of the time, they fall short of actually making engaging and interactive lessons that their students can enjoy. While this may be true, there’s a lot to expect from them as they have multiple classes throughout the day so having interactive lessons 4-8 times a day is pretty hard to do which is understandable in their case. However, since we’re in a roleplay server its key that you make your lessons enjoyable and interactive, keeping everyone involved as much as possible that shows up to the lessons icly is very important, if not then what’s the point of having the teachers make lessons for the students.

Why are teachers important to a SchoolRP server?:
Teachers are important to a SchoolRP server because, just like in any school, there are teachers expected to be there and ready to have lessons for the students. Without teachers in a SchoolRP server, the server just wouldn’t be able to function around the basis of SchoolRP. Teachers also help new or experienced players fully immerse themselves in the roleplaying environment around them and potentially gives those people the courage or will to want to apply to a faction of their own in the future. Teachers on the server are not only expected to interact with the students but also other faculty members, whether it be teachers or employee’s, it’s important that they interact with more than just the students as this will diversify the roleplay and might help other teachers with their own roleplaying/lessons. Patrolling is also good when interacting with other teachers, it’ll help them keep the school's environment as positive as it can and if needed teachers with more experience will be able to help those with less experience.

What lesson planning system does the school work on?:
The school’s lesson planning system runs on MoSCoW, must have, should have, could have, won’t have.

Must have – certain conditions/requirements need to be met in order for your lesson to function properly.

Should have – anything that will add to the overall learning experience for the lesson.

Could have – anything that needs to be put in the lesson by choice, but it isn’t necessary to add since it doesn’t add much to the learning experience for the students.

Won’t have – anything that shouldn’t be in the lesson at all because it provides nothing to the learning experience and must be avoided when planning out your lessons.

Character Information

Describe the character: How do they look and act? What makes them unique and different?

Sakura Kobayashi, an aging female with a few grays starting to grow, off her strawberry-red hair mainly separates her out from the crowd. You notice she always had glasses on her head, though she quite forgets where they are most of the time. Her brown eyes blend in with her strawberry-red hair, showing the perfect blend to her face. Her smooth tan skin paints the picture all together as it keeps the grays of her hair not showing as much. Most of the time, you see her wearing a male’s jacket over her blouse that causes her to look quite comfortable in any stance you look at her from. To match her blouse and jacket, she has some tan sweatpants to match her comfortable look. You mainly could tell she preferred comfortable instead of formal clothing. To match the whole outfit together are her gray Vans that she wears, keeping the clothing wear not very noticeable to others except hers.

Sakura acts very mature for her age, though she can seem quite playful when she isn’t working. Sakura prefers to be called Miss Kobayashi by her colleagues and students she works with, as it is more professional in her culture. She is quite a listener and a very understanding person. She prefers to help others and personally gives advice to her colleagues and students to strive hard for what they are looking for in their future. What really makes her unique mainly is the languages she knows: French and Russian to start with. She’s going to be soon learning German as well. Knowing these languages, she will be able to understand most of the students if they want to talk to her privately about some personal things that have been bothering them.

What is their outlook on students and their co-workers?
Sakura’s outlook on her co-workers and the students of Karakura are very strict. She prefers high professionalism around her, and the silly games that the students play really frustrate her. But her patience is quite tight because of this, causing her to calmly ask them to stop, making them believe that not only she is really respectful but also very patient with them. Eventually, she will be annoyed, but she isn’t going to let that pressure her into yelling at them. With her co-workers, she will always be completely respectful, knowing that the main part of a job to keep it is respecting and always being professional at the best meaning. She will make sure her hair is put up right and that her clothes are very neat before starting a conversation with her colleagues. She prefers to make sure that everyone meets their requirements of their professionalism.

What are their plans for the future?
She plans to meet her forever person, as well as continue to work with her students of Karakura. She is willing to strive her best to keep her social life outside of work and inside work separate, enabling herself to be completely enabled in her plans. In the future, she wants to move from an English teacher and become a professor or maybe become a writer for the news. She hasn’t quite figured it out, which is why she is willing to take a shot at teaching beforehand, then begin to see what her future beholds. She wants to believe that not only she is built for the task but a very social person to do her writing in English.

/*Do not mention use of FearRP*/

You find a gang of delinquents in the hallway cursing and swearing, what do you do?:

Sakura would begin approaching the group of individuals with momentum building in each step she took, showing a sense of urgency. Once she finally gets close enough to the group of individuals, she would slam her right foot down on the wooden floor, shouting in a voice that was louder and more clearly heard then theirs “What’re you all doing over here and speaking in such a foul manner too?” Soon after she’d begin tapping her foot rapidly, in a rush to get an answer from the group. Sakura's build is that of an average female in Karakura but it doesn’t keep her from trying her best to be intimidating enough to get an answer from those who may be larger than her in both size and numbers. Once the group of students finally give their response to Sakura, she’d look at them all with a glare plastered on her face and say “There’s no excuse to behave in such a fashion that requires you all to be speaking this much foul language. Given if it were a few words that were said I’d give a verbal warning but this time it’ll have to be detention for all of you here.” Soon after she finished speaking, she reached into her pocket pulling out a little notepad, writing them all up and handing out the detention slips one by one. Before leaving the scene, Sakura would say one last thing to the group and that was “Try your best to refrain from using language like that, especially in such a vast amount. I expect to see you all in detention, until then enjoy the rest of your day.”

No one in your class is listening to a word you say, what do you do?:
Sakura would begin by looking around the class and continue speaking in her usual calm manner to see if anyone is listening, after noticing that not a single student is listening she would then raise her voice to that of a shout, only saying a couple of words: “Attention everyone!”. If this didn’t work for her then she’d immediately give everyone in the class a warning, after doing so she would try one more time to get everyone's attention this time raising her voice a bit louder than before and saying: “Everyone Quiet!”. If this also failed, she would begin handing out detention to those who didn’t listen and those who did listen would just have the previous verbal warning that was given before it got to this point.

When in the teacher's lounge, how does your character act?:
When in the teacher’s lounge Sakura would remain as professional as ever, giving into leisurely activities or tapping into some fun/quirky side is not something she’s very fond of for herself. She carries herself with a strict and stern attitude throughout the day and into the night, of course when in the lounge she would speak to her fellow coworkers in a respectful tone and manner with more professionalism than casual tendencies. She wouldn’t go out of her way to interrupt or put herself in a conversation, only speaking when she felt she needed to or was addressed by someone in the lounge. If she isn’t speaking to anyone, you’d find her sitting at the table in the lounge, most likely grading assignments or planning out her next lesson.

Provide at least 4 detailed /me's of your character inside a classroom:

as the students would enter her class one by one, looking for a seat, she waited at her desk, still sitting down. Once she saw all the students sitting down, she walked to the front of the classroom, to be seen by all. Clearing her throat before calmly introducing herself: “I may be an unfamiliar face to you all, so I’d like to start off by introducing myself, I am Sakura Y. Kobayashi, originally from Poitiers, France. I am your new English teacher.” After finishing her introduction, she lowered her head, bowing to the class as a form of respect. She raised her head, again speaking towards her class in a calm tone “I don’t have too many passions, as far as I know I’ve only ever been passionate about my writing. I love it to a point where I’ve written my own stories before but of course those are just drafts.” she finished speaking, letting a smile be plastered on her face, giving the students somewhat a sense of her friendliness. She then looked back at the class and ended her introduction with: “I hope you all enjoy having me as your new English teacher and learn how to be creative and expressive through your stories that you’ll be writing throughout the school year.”

/me Sakura would walk to her closet getting out supplies, specifically a box that contained a bunch of books titled ‘Great Gatsby’. With these in her hand, she called out to the class informing them to: “Everyone form a single file line down the middle of the class and come grab a book.” Once everyone in the class had a book, she picked up her own, flipping to the first page. Before reading out loud she cleared her throat, standing upright with a slight lean against her desk. Once she finished reading, she scanned the room, looking for a student to pick up where she left off. “You in the back!” She pointed as she announced the student's name soon after, signaling him to continue reading where she left off in the book. This would soon after start to follow a pattern with random people being selected until the chapter they were reading was completed. Sakura stood proudly with a bright smile as her activity of popcorn reading seemed to be successful.

/me walking up to the whiteboard, Sakura pulled out a marker, writing in big letters ‘ESSAY ABOUT YOU’ on the board, soon after underlining it. She went back to the front of the classroom, sitting on the edge of the front of her desk, looking up and scanning the entire room before speaking: “This assignment will be as the title suggests, an assignment about yourself. Go in depth if you’d like, give it your most creative twist but be sure to keep it realistic.” She went on explaining the assignment, getting lost in her words she shook her head a bit, coming back to her senses. Picking up her notebook, reading off a list of other things she was looking for in the essays, she turned to an empty page in her notebook, writing down the due date and her most important rule, reading it out loud. “This essay will be due in the class after lunch, the most important thing to remember is that there are no wrong answers to this but be sure to give it some thought and effort at least, that is all I’m looking for in these essays... And of course, some proper grammar and spelling would be nice too.” She finished speaking, letting out a slight giggle before clapping her hands together twice. “Well? What’re you all waiting for, start writing!”

/me Sakura would be grading her desk full of papers when she noticed the clock and how it was almost time for the class to end. Calmly, she stood up, walking to the front of the room and speaking in a stern but soft tone of voice so to catch the attention of the class. “Attention everyone!” Once everyone’s eyes were fixed on the front of the room, she cleared her throat to continue speaking. “The bell is going to ring soon, I’d like to say thank you and give you all a sense of praise so to speak, for completing the assignments I have given out to you today. Be prepared for the next class you come to, and I hope you all enjoy the rest of your day or activities that you have planned after this.” She lowered her head after finishing up her little speech, raising her head up and offering a smile to all of her students before the bell rang.

Sakura Kobayashi Y. was born in the city of Poitiers, France, on April 8, 1986. Growing up in the heart of Europe, however, her household was also infused with the traditions and language of her Japanese heritage. As Sakura navigated through her developing years, her father was an English teacher when he turned the age of 38 he encouraged Sakura to always work hard and to never give up on the hardest of tasks. He believed that reading would strengthen Sakura to know what the future lied before her having the knowledge to know what right and wrong was. Writing was his other teaching method to her; he believed if Sakura wrote her feelings everyday bad or good it would freshen the mind for a better learning situation and her cultures along with it. Because of this she discovered her passion for reading and writing, she sat against a tree every day after school for hours on end and just wrote in her journal she realized this could be a new life for her when she grew up. She was close to her teachers and the faculty enough she got a reward named most likely to succeed in writing. She believed she could teach other people the way she taught herself; people might enjoy the feeling of writing and reading. By the time she hit 38 she packed up her things and set off to karakura just like her father and began a new life and culture to express her feelings towards education. She pursued herself into English language teaching to express her knowledge to support the fellow students of karakura. She is eager to build meaningful relationships with her students and Faculty. With her passion for teaching and commitment Sakura is ready to inspire and guide the students through the challenges of academic life.

In-Character Information
(Pretend your character is filling this out, not you)

SECTION #1 - Personal Details

Full Name (First & Last only):
Sakura Kobayashi
Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss): Miss
Given Name(s): N/A
Preferred Name: Sakura

Age (Minimum is 25):38
Religious Denomination: N/A
Marital Status: N/A

Nationality: French
Current Location: Karakura

SECTION #2 - Academic Details

Working Experience (# of years):

Academic Degree: Bachelor's Degree in English or Literature
Year of Graduation: 2020
Major(s): English Literature

Creative Writing

Native Languages: French, Japanese
Other Languages: Russian

Do you have a TEFL/TESOL/CELTA Certificate?: N/A

/*You may leave this blank*/

Additional notes about your application:N/A
Do you have any questions?: N/A
Last edited:


Level 108
Lore Coordinator
Teacher Lead
Welcome to the Teacher Faction! You will begin as an Unqualified teacher (UT)

You will be given your roles in the Academics Discord and afterward will be pinged regarding teacher training. Once your training is complete, you will be allowed to start your own classes!

If you have any questions, please DM me or contact me through the teacher channels in the Academics Discord.

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