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Lemxnades Judge Application


Level 4

In-game Name: Lemxnades

Discord Tag: Lemxnades

Do you have a working microphone? yes

Timezone & Country: Est & United States

Links to any current & past applications (Spoiler them):



Describe your activity on the server:

My activity is 10-12 hours a day. I will spend more on SRP for this faction, as I have wanted to do this faction for a bit. I usually run around SRP completely doing nothing, as I don't usually have people to hang out with during the game. I enjoyed doing the teaching faction when I had it and spent every day on the game. This will also happen if I get accepted into this faction as well.
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
12pm-9pm Unavaliable 12pm-9pm 12pm-9pm 12pm-9pm 3pm-9pm 3pm-9pm


What position are you applying for?:


What is your motivation for applying?:

My motivation for applying to be a Judge is to expand my work path for real life; I know 100% it's not going to be precisely the same, but I feel like it will give me a great head start for what I've been wanting to do all my life, I always wanted to be that person behind the desk hitting that hammer if it is a yes or not on dealing with crimes or lawsuits. I am excited to write this as it will expand my whole view on that. I am studying judicial law in real life, and putting this into a game I enjoy playing will be better as it will give me practice for the real thing in the future! My motivation is just to provide me with a view of not being in front but being the person behind that desk.

Do you have an understanding of Karakura's laws & Constitutional rights?:

Yes, I understand the Karakura's laws and Constitutional rights.

Are there any goals for you or your character with this role?: My goals and character are the same; I want to see how exciting it will be working in this field, as it could help me expand my outlook on this. My goal is to show what I am learning in real life and what I will speak in the game. It will be different, of course, as the game doesn’t copy everything in real life, but the main parts I hope to see are the enjoyment and the excitement for this position to show that I am willing to take on the risk of being a judge for SRP. My character’s goal is to make the right decision for friends and family, as he feels like he has to do the right thing, though it could cause some disappointment; he isn’t a softy as he is very strict about what he does in his job, as I feel like it could expand his point of view on others.

In your own words, describe what the position you’re applying for does within the government:
A judge is assigned to Karakura, who plays the role of maintaining law and order. The position is of prime importance for the legal system in town for maintaining justice and fairness.

Knowledge of the law: The judge bought to have knowledge about the legal policy of the town as well as its laws. They are to know which law fits the case at hand and how to interpret the same. The judges make sure their decisions are aligned with the existing laws so that the application is just.

Presiding over cases in court: From civil to criminal trials, judges preside over all litigation in Karakura. Therefore, the judge is supposed to chair the court of law and ensure a fair hearing from both sides. He hears arguments and facts presented by prosecution and defense and weighs the evidence before judgment.

Protection of rights: Judges protect individual rights and prevent people from arbitrary treatment. Judges see to it that the parties get equal treatment by ensuring due process of law in each case, implying that the citizenry are tried fairly and with representation.

Sentencing and giving a legal remedy: In criminal cases, the judge is supposed to pass an appropriate sentence on the accused persons found guilty or liable in a civil case. In this regard, in criminal cases, a judge determines the kind of penalties based on the seriousness of the crime. Everything from fines to community service to imprisonment can be some of the sentences that he may give. In the occurrence of civil disputes, a judge's role is to render a legal remedy: be it compensation, property settlement, or anything else that reestablishes justice and fairness.

Do you acknowledge that you accepted to removal at any given time upon being accepted?:

Yes, I acknowledge that I can be subject to removal upon being accepted.

Do you understand that you’re expected to be dedicated to your position upon being accepted?:

Yes, I understand I am expected to be dedicated to my position.

Are you aware that any display of OOC bias toward anyone on the job will result in punishment?:

Yes, I am aware that any display of OOC bias towards anyone on the job can result in my punishment and possible removal.

Have you read & agreed to follow the Government Faction rules?:

Yes, I read and agreed to follow the Government Faction Rules

Are you able to attend weekly meetings & events?:

Yes, I can participate in weekly meetings and events.


Full name:
Raymond S. Brooks

Preferred title (Mr., Mrs., etc.): Mr.

Current age: 35

Date of birth: April 4th, 1989

Gender: Male

Academic Degree: Juris Doctorate (J.D) Degree

Major(s): Law

Minor(s): Political Science

Work experience: I was an English teacher in past years before going back to school to get a major in judicial.

Nationality & born location:

American – Friday Harbor, Washington state

Fluent languages (Underline your native):

French, Korean, Russian

Criminal record:

I do not have any criminal record to my name

What makes you a good candidate for this job?
Being strict but also soft in situations, I have to listen to others, as I am friendly, but knowing I have to make a client upset from the decisions or not having enough proof is part of my job. We have to have enough evidence from our clients to start anything. Working as a judge means complete focus and an extensive understanding of what is happening on the job. As it could effectively work better on being strict and straightforward in my job as a judge, I have to listen closely and hear what the better chosen person is.

Notes: My adult tag is on my primary so if possible thats if I get accepted to move my adult tag to a alternative and then use one of my HS characters to switch it to my primary to switch it from Grade-12 to Judge (This is only for if I get accepted)​
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