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Leon J Kennedy Biography (Updated)


Level 2
Full Name: Leon June Kennedy

Basic Information

  • First Name: Leon
  • Surname: Kennedy
  • Preferred Name: Leon or Mr. Kennedy
  • Aliases: N/A
  • Gender: Male
  • Age: 18
  • Height: 6’5”
  • Weight: 235 lbs (he also likes to cut weight, and always reaching, 190 lbs, he can be one shredded mf)
  • Build: Leon is always a big guy, but despite his size, he is extremely chiseled and toned, with oddly fast and agile movement for his size. He is simply a hard worker aside from working out.
  • Skin Color: Mostly white tone, but with a hint of tan thanks to his dad’s side.
  • Eye Color: Piercing blue
  • Hair Style: Short and tousled
  • Hair Color: Dark Brown
  • Fashion: Leon always opts for anything fitting. He likes ‘tactical,’ meaning his oversized trench coat that ripples due to his size and height, mixed with a black short-sleeve shirt and long cargo pants.
  • Abnormalities: Nothing abnormal is visible yet, but he has many scars beneath his clothing on his rough, thick skin, each one a testament to who and what he was.
  • Date of Birth: May 31st, 2006
  • Place of Birth: Seattle, United States
  • Nationality: Mostly American on his mom’s side, but he has Vietnamese heritage from his dad’s side.
  • Race: White and Vietnamese; his parents hail from their respective backgrounds and have passed down their heritage to him.
  • Sexual Orientation: Straight; he has a nice charm and funny one-liners, mostly directed at a lady he likes.
  • Religious Beliefs: He is not religious, but he does believe in a God.
  • Political Beliefs: Leon has no political beliefs or affiliations.
General Appearance

Leon stands at 6'5" with a heavily defined muscular and toned physique, weighing 235 lbs. He has a mature body and an oddly focused and confident demeanor. His strong charm and mature, deep voice complement him. Scars beneath his attire hint at a tumultuous past, each a testament to who he is as a man and person. He exudes a strange aura and does not mind people staring at him. His strong, chiseled youthful facial features can be captivating, especially at night. His nose is straight and well-proportioned, and his lips are thin, often set in a determined line. He has a very terrifying visible, long tattoo on his mid-back, showing a bat symbol.

Personality: Leon is heavily calm, and focused, and possesses a strong, unwavering sense of confidence. He is always polite to everyone, and even in a foreign country, he remains respectful and knows his manners. He would never lay a finger or do anything irresponsible, always humble and smart with his words. However, he can be quite humorous with his one-liners in certain situations and has a very fierce protective nature, standing up for what’s right. He has a very strong stoic exterior, so most of the time, it’s hard to read him.

Quote From Leon: “I am super flattered, but I’m a one-lady type of guy”

  • Diseases/Illness: N/A
  • Character Voice: He has a heavily masculine and deeply mature voice, commanding any type of attention. Yet it’s youthful and pleasant, very eerily natural in a way.
Equipment: Leon usually carries a tiny notebook to write about in his cargo pants, easily blending in with the textures, just in case, for necessary reasons. He also carries his phone, books, and snacks.

Clothes: Leon always wears his oversized trench coat that ripples due to his sheer size and stature, along with a black short-sleeve shirt beneath, and long cargo pants. His legs and thighs are just as built (never skip leg day). His outfit has a ‘combat’ sense of readiness, suitable for casual moments or, if the situation calls for it, he simply takes his coat off and is ready for anything. Sometimes, you'll catch him wearing something formal, depending on what occasion and moment.

Hobbies: He loves to read and walk around, mostly enjoying solitude, although he would like company. He enjoys working out and training, conditioning his mind and body.

Serious Problems/Flaws/Addictions/Disorders/Disabilities: Leon suffers from trauma. As a kid, he went through a lot, especially with his dad who is about the same size and height as Leon himself, albeit slightly stockier and not as in amazing a physique as his son. His father made his upbringing a living hell, forcing him to become the ‘Perfect Man' through physical and mental abuse. Despite this, he uses his trauma as motivation. Leon suffers from trauma due to his abusive father, Jason Kennedy. He has sleepless nights and a relentless drive for self-improvement. Throughout his life, he has been through pretty crazy experiences, which would be an understatement, and he isn’t proud or fond of talking about any of it.


  • Very experienced in fighting, in any kind of martial art or style. He can adapt very well to anything.
  • A great communicator in any situation, whether calm, stressful, or tense, which adds to his allure of a calming, focused, and heavily stoic confident persona.
  • Loves to work out and can play most sports, except maybe tennis and volleyball.
  • Enjoys reading as it is ther@peutic and keeps his mind off things.
  • Capable of studying and reading people, their movements, and their speech patterns.

  • Leon very rarely or occasionally says ‘interesting’ or cringe-worthy one-liners when he is under heavy stress. Even for him, he gets nervous or anxious.
  • Suffers from sleepless nights, due to both his trauma and the conditioning from his past.
  • He usually ‘overly’ emphasizes certain things.
  • Might often catch him writing a book on what's on his mind.
Family: Leon suffers mostly from trauma inflicted by his dad, but his mom was his safe haven, occasionally keeping him out of trouble and protecting him from his father’s mental and physical abuse. He was always forced mentally to be trained and honed, with his body physically pushed to its limit. His father never landed a physical blow, but the intense workouts and relentless mental pressure left lasting scars. His mother, Kelly Kennedy, did her best to intervene, although her smaller stature and lack of power compared to her husband made it difficult. She always told Leon to grow up to be a strong, mature man, vastly different from his father.

Backstory: Leon June Kennedy (or just Leon Kennedy) has tough grit and is heavily brittle as a guy and man due to his upbringing and the mental and physical abuse he endured. He channels his trauma into everything he does, striving with sheer willpower and focus. He wants nothing more than to prove his father wrong and show his mother that he can move on. Despite being far away now, Leon cannot forget what happened.

He can forgive but never forget. One day, he will confront his father, but that will take time. Leon’s life was a living hell from the age of 6, with his father’s twisted dream of making him the ‘Perfect Man.’ He endured constant workouts and mental conditioning, focusing on inflicting harm. The only thing holding him together was his mother, Kelly Kennedy, who tried her best to stop Jason’s abuse and torment. Each day for those long years, Leon got scars, long deep terrible scars something you'll see from a man, who went through hell and back. Whether it was from Jason's abuse or the sickening methods of manliness, Jason tried to indoctrinate Leon with.

"Think about your PRIDE! You'll be the best! Or you'll be nothing," - One of many harsh words and quotes from his Father.

Leon never had many friends due to his trauma and his father’s fearsome reputation, even in school as well. He turned his loneliness into unstoppable grit, refusing to let his father break him. However, Leon never wanted revenge on his dad; he just wanted to be treated like he mattered.

Leon eventually left America on his mother’s advice when he came of age, to move far away, hoping to escape his father’s influence. Even as he moved away, when his dad found out, he said Leon took a shortcut. Saying that a real man wouldn't have cheated, so Leon lives with that, knowing it could be true. Now in Japan, Leon seeks to find what life truly means, exploring and learning, with hobbies as his therapy. He takes solace in things that involve self-improvement and growth.

"Don't ever give up, I'll be waiting for you, my son. On the other side," - These were the last words he had heard from, his mother when he departed.

He remains solitary, cautious with trust, but determined. He hides his trauma well, despite sleepless nights and the physical exhaustion from constant training. Despite his traumatic past, Leon exudes a strong, calm, and stoic exterior, masking his inner turmoil. He strives to prove his father wrong and to show his mother that he can move on, all while figuring out his own path in life. But one thing is always in his mind, confront his father, man to man.

Extra Lore: Bruce J Kennedy is his adopted little brother.
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