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Leonor Coelho - Biography


Level 0
Leonor Coelho

Basic Information

First Name: Leonor
Surname: Coelho.

Preferred Name:

Aliases: None yet.

Gender: Female.

Age: 14.

Height: 5'4'' or 1.65m.

Weight: 121lbs or 55kg.

Build: Good, not so muscular, not so thin.

Skin Color: White.

Eye Color: Blue.

Hair Style:

Hair Color: Gray.

It depends on the climate and all. Usually with a hoodie and gray pants with white shoes.

Abnormalities: None.

Date of Birth: 20/05/2005

Place of Birth: Porto, Portugal

Nationality: Portuguese

Race: Portuguese and Spanish.

Sexual Orientation: Pansexual

Religious Beliefs: Christian, but don't really care about it.

Political Beliefs: None.

General Appearance

Appearance: Average height for her age, good build, blue eyes, white/gray dyed short, curly and messy hair.

Personality: Shy, smart, kind, altruistic, likes to be alone...

Diseases/Illness: Social Anxiety and Panic Disorder (Major Anxiety Disorder).

Character Voice:
You can tell that there's a portuguese accent.

(Stevonnie talking)


Backpacks, reading glasses, books, umbrella. Etc.

Clothes: Usually a blue hoodie, gray pants and white shoes.

Hobbies: Likes to sing or play instruments, likes to run around the city, do math and coding exercises...

Serious Problems/Flaws/Addictions/Disorders/Disabilities: Major Anxiety Disorder.

Skills: Run a lot, knows how to code, math, sing and play instruments like: piano, ukulele.

Querks: Can have panic attacks when surrounded by tons of people or when she's in a lot of pressure, so she takes a lot of pills to control herself. Likes to hug people a lot.

Family: Clara Coelho(Mother), Marcelo Coelho(Father).


Leonor was born in 20/05/2005 on the city of Porto, Portugal.
Although having 2 portuguese parents, her grandmother was spanish, but Leonor can't talk in Spanish.
In her childhood she was always bullied for being alone and for not having much friends, with that, she developed social anxiety and panic disorder, that made her alone and sad in most of the time.
When she got the opportunity, she got in Japan and maybe start a new life, although without her parents.

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