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Leonora Kordelia


Level 0
Leonora Kordelia

Basic Information

First Name: Leonora
Surname: Kordelia

Preferred Name:

Leo, Nori

Gender: Female

Age: 14

Height: 167 cm

Weight: 65 kg

Build: Slim

Skin Color: Pale

Eye Color: Blue

Hair Style: sometimes long and with a red ribbon, sometimes middle length with a headband

Hair Color: Blond with some kind of Hairdye in it

Fashion: Likes to wear oversized clothes, loves to wear dresses and skirts. In all colors except orange and bright pink.

Abnormalities: She is a bit too blunt at times and will directly say if she doesn't like something or someone's behavior.

Date of Birth: 09.06.2010

Place of Birth: Germany

Nationality: German

Race: German

Sexual Orientation:Bisexual

Religious Beliefs: None

Political Beliefs: Not interested in politics.

General Appearance

Appearance: Leonora is often seen walking around with her long blond hair, in summer it is shorter, but still middle lenght. She had bright blue eyes and pale skin. She has shown love for hair dye, so recently she is always seen with some kind of color in her fringe or the side pieces of hair that frame her face.

In the beginning, she is very shy and not used to meeting new people, she will warm up over time, then her classmates and soon-to-be friends are met with an open-minded, very talkative, and drama-loving girl. If the friendship level is high, she has been she to fake flirt for fun. She likes to help where she can. Sometimes she can get a bit too much and act like a child, but then she also takes on a maturity unusual for her age.


Character Voice:
Middle-pitched voice, with a soft timbre, when heard it is often described as cheery it can lift someones spirit and mood up.

She takes a book with her everywhere, she loves to read. She also has her phone since the e-books on that can not be forgotten.

Clothes: Since moving to Japan, she usually walks around in her uniform, with a black blazer, a red ribbon, a red skirt and black shoes. When she is at home she wears whatever, sometimes loose, sometimes high fashion.

She loves to read books, her favorite books are fiction and fantasy books.
She also loves to write her own stories on Wattpad under the name, Lorelai1412.
She likes cooking and sharing what she cooked with friends.
She likes online gaming, especially with her friends back in Germany. They often plays, any "My time...", "Minecraft" or "Plate up".

Serious Problems/Flaws/Addictions/Disorders/Disabilities:
She has a bad knee, it can pop out when she is doing too heavy exercises.

She can write very creative stories online, she is also very educated in children's development. As her dream is to become a Kindergarten teacher.

Can be weird and say the wrong thing at the wrong time. Sometimes bad social cues. she behaves like a child to those she is comfortable around and behaves like an adult when the people around her are too childish.

Mother, Danielle Kordelia
Bio-father, Richard Kordelia (deceased)
Step-father, Hiroki Karito

Back in Germany;
Grandma, Brigitte Kordelia
Grandmama, Andrea Kordelia


Leonora was born in a little city in Saxony. She had grown up healthy, and with mediocre signs of love as her father was always away for work and her mother sometimes had a very stressful job. When that happened Leonora was always at her Grandma and Grandmama's house, she had two Grandmas and no Grandpa. She always felt that was something special. When she was six years old her father died while working, the escalator he was installing had a malfunction and crushed her father to death. As her mother soon became depressed Leonora took the role of an adult to help her mother, she only felt like a child when she was at her Grandma's house. Her Grandmas soon adopted a cute little puppy and called her Charlene. Leonora sometimes forgot to look after her mother to see the pup. Her mother was sometimes angry because of that, telling Leonora that she should become responsible and that she, her mother, was the only one doing anything around the house. Which wasn't true as Leonore did most of the cleaning, but she couldn't yet cook so she bought all the groceries. A few years went by as they lived like this, when Leonora turned ten, her mother had begun to move to a better place. Leonora still did most of the housework, but to compensate for all the feelings of a lost childhood she began to write stories online, sometimes she would act such stories out when no one was looking. Her mother started working again and met Hiroki Karito, with Hiroki's help her mother was getting better and better. And Leonora could finally go out with friends and game online. She still wrote stories as it was something that made her feel whole. Hiroki soon started to move into their home and he taught Leonora how to cook, she fell in love with the Japanese cuisine, and soon asked Hiroki if he could teach her some Japanese too. Hiroki was ecstatic to teach Leonora these things and their relationship became closer. Leonora tried many hobbies from crocheting to being in a dance club at her school. When she was 13, Hiroki came home and told them that they had to move to Japan, as he finally got the position and job he always wanted. Together they moved to Japan, and although Leonora missed her friends at home in Germany she was exited to make new friends.

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