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Accepted Librarian Application | Huminah


Level 6
Out-Of-Character Information

What is your Minecraft username?:

Do you have Discord (If so, what is your discord username?):
How old are you? (Optional):

What is your time zone?:

Central Time Zone

Describe your activity on the server:
I am on every day of the week, as long as it doesn’t get in the way of my real life necessities or activities overall because those will always come first to me no matter what because my education is more important to me than anything else. Overall I average about 5 to 7 hours a day on the server whenever I am needed or feel the need to be online and get things done in SRP. I am mainly on during the weekends as well since it gives me more time to do necessities that are needed on the server since I won’t have school on those days.

Have you ever been banned (If yes, when and why?):
I have never been banned.

Do you acknowledge that if you are inactive you will be demoted?:
Yes, I understand that if I’m inactive, I am at risk of losing my position as an employee.

School Employee Role you are applying for?:

In as much detail as possible, describe the employee role you are applying for:
The varied responsibilities of the librarian position center on organizing, maintaining, and promoting information access inside the library. This entails carrying out research, offering individualized reference and information services, and assisting students in acquiring information literacy abilities. In order to maintain a current and valuable collection of books, the librarian is also in charge of collection development, which includes the selection, categorization, and the needed evaluation of resources. In addition, the job includes creating and implementing educational initiatives, interacting with the public through outreach and events to possibly even reach them and even attract them into reading more books in their lives. Another thing that a librarian mainly does is overseeing day-to-day library operations, which includes managing personnel and budgeting duties. The librarian has to be up to date on the latest developments in technology, deliver first-rate customer service, and collaborate with a variety of groups. Strong abilities, prior library experience, and a Master's degree in library science or a similar discipline are rather essential to one.

What experience, in general, do you have in roleplay?:
My experience in roleplay began in 2020, when Covid had taken over and I found it interesting how different Roleplay Hub was from similar servers. The way the server even developed throughout the years also inspired me to continue playing the server because the more and more updates it got, the better the roleplay enhanced. It even caught my attention to the point where I wanted to buy a rank so that I could begin to DetailRP, and possibly even get into P2L which I did and ever since then my detailing has advanced to roleplay as much as possible. I GangRP’d from 2020 up until 2022, ever since then, I started to JockRP from 2022 to 2024 and now I’ve decided that it’s best for me to try something new on the server, something that caught my eye and I've never thought of trying out till now.

Why do you want to join the School Employee faction?:
I’d like to join the School Employee faction because I can get the chance to try something new in my roleplay experiences and because I think the role of a Librarian is quite an interesting one, especially when it comes to roleplay with other staff members or possibly even students. I’ve never actually even got the experience to roleplay as an adult, better yet not even as a working staff member.

Link(s) to any previous applications and appeals on the server: - [DENIED] - [ACCEPTED] - [ACCEPTED]

What are your current role(s) on the server? (If you're college, specify your degree level):

/*Do not mention use of FearRP*/

During a work-shift a student starts cursing at you for being pathetic, how does your character react?:

Santiago would seem to look at the student, inspecting the young one up and down before clearing his throat so that his voice wouldn’t sound raspy. “Now there, what’s the need to curse me out when I had nothing to possibly do with the way you’re acting. Is there something you want to talk to me about. .?” He then seemed to reach for his pocket, pulling out a notepad and writing a few words on them to signify the student that he now has a warning as he rips the piece of paper off the notepad and hands it to him. Although Santiago listened to the student’s troubles and recommended speaking to a Counselor so that he could have someone truly understand him he’d still have to give the young man a warning slip.

You notice two students are physically fighting in the hallway, – multiple punches have been thrown – how does your character react?:
As the Librarian would seem to head to the bathroom, he begins to hear a chatter in the hallway. Santi then makes his way over there and notices the two students throwing fists at each other, he then assesses the situation with a rather calm determination, he then steps in between the two and briefly clears his throat before building up his voice. “QUIT IT OR IT’S DETENTION FOR THE BOTH OF YOU!” Mr Port then seems to feel his voice a bit tense after that yell that he takes a deep breath, holding the two away from each other as backup arrives. Hoping one of the staff could hold the other student as he questions the one he’s with, as he then finishes his questioning he then writes a detention slip off his notepad. Handing it to the young fellow before doing the same scenario with the other student, taking matters into his own hands so that no other staff would have to deal with nonsense like this.

Another school employee is clearly acting inappropriately, doing something very dangerous on the job, how does your character react?:
As Santiago seemed to be making his way back to his very sacred home, the library. He seemed to discreetly observe certain behavior from one of his co-workers, he didn’t want to believe his own eyes so he carefully gathered any necessary details to confirm that what he was seeing with his very own eyes were true. Once he attempted to understand the situation, Santi then approached his co-worker. Pointing out the details and addressing his behavior lately, wondering why his own co-worker would do such a thing. He then decided to be safe, once he heard his side of the story he had no other choice but to report it to the main staff so that they could possibly take care of the situation and Mr. Port wouldn’t have to worry about something like this happening again.

When in the employee break room, how does your character act?
The Librarian would seem to be rather calm, as he viewed the other co-workers on break with them he also observed them to see how he could possibly get along with them and not start off wrongly with any of them. He then begins to make his coffee and as he is doing so he begins to chat up the room so that come conversations can start so that the feeling in the room wouldn’t seem to be so dry and so that he could possibly get along and get to know everyone a bit better instead of just relying on his observations. Overall Santi would seem to be rather calm, he’d feel safe around his co-workers so that he can possibly even trust them later on as he continues working with them.
Provide us with at least three detailed /me's of your character whilst on your chosen role:

/me would seem to notice nonfiction books in the wrong spot of the shelves, he then decided to grab a cart so that he could stock the books onto the cart and grab the ones that weren’t placed in the right section. Santi then stocked up the cart fully, making sure that he had checked every aisle of the library for any misplaced books before he had decided to put them back where the books had belonged. He then strolled the cart to certain destinations, such as the fiction, nonfiction, mystery, romance, and even documentary sections so that the books would be placed right where they belong and he wouldn’t have to worry about people looking for the wrong category.
/me would listen to the students request as he then asked for his first and last name, as doing so he then typed it into the computers database to see if he hadn’t returned any books either late or at all. As Santi did so he informed the student that he did have one late and demanded that it be returned before the end of school or there will be a fee charged to the students checking account and there wouldn’t be anything that he could do to help the student but give him that information.
/me after hearing the bell ring for students to head home, Santi got up from his seat and stretched. He then made sure that everything was in the right order so he did a checkup on every aisle once more. He wanted everything to be neat for the next morning so he certainly made sure everything was in stock and returned on time, as he finished checking every aisle he then retrieved his items from his desk and closed up shop for the night. Making certain that no student could mess around in the library after school hours are closed, after all the library was like a home to him and he didn’t want anything happening to it at all.


In-Character Section
(Pretend your character is filling this out, not you)

Full Name (First & Last only):

Santiago Portgas

Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss):

Preferred Name:
Mr. Port

Age (Minimum is 25):


Academic Degree:


Library & Information Science

English writing & Creative Writing


Known Languages:
Japanese | Spanish | Italian

Santiago Damian Portgas, known as Santi to his friends, was born and raised in a small town nestled in the outskirts of Kyoto. His childhood was filled with the tranquility of a close-knit community, surrounded by cherry blossoms and the echoes of traditional Japanese culture. Santiago's parents, loving and hardworking, instilled in him the values of honor and respect. Tragedy struck the Portgas family when Santiago was just 12 years old. A fatal car crash took the lives of his parents, leaving him an orphan. The accident was caused by a reckless drunk driver, shattering the peace of Santiago's ideal upbringing. With his world turned upside down, Santiago decided to leave the familiar surroundings of his small town and seek a new life in the bustling town of Karakura. Karakura, a place pulsating with urban energy, became Santiago's new home. The transition was challenging for the young boy, but fate led him to a group of individuals who would shape his destiny. Dante, James, Niko, Fuji, and Marika, a tight-knit group of delinquents, took Santiago under their wing. They taught him the ropes of survival in the gritty streets of Karakura, where street smarts were as essential as breathing. As the years passed, Santiago grew into a formidable young man, his bond with the delinquent group becoming unbreakable. They navigated the challenges of life together, each member bringing their own unique skills and experiences to the table. The companionship they shared was built on trust, loyalty, and a mutual understanding of the harsh realities of their environment. However, by the time Santiago reached the age of 20, a profound change began to stir within him. The very activities that once provided him solace now haunted him with the ghosts of his past. The reckless lifestyle that had defined his adolescence was what ultimately led to his parents' untimely demise. Santiago knew he needed to break away from this cycle and find a new purpose. Driven by a desire for redemption and justice, Santiago set his sights on a different path. He decides to try out an attempt at the Karakura Police Department (KPD), determined to be a force for good in the town that had both nurtured and tested him. Santiago hoped that the KPD could possibly become a new family to him, so he then decided to begin his training, honing new skills to protect the innocent and bring justice to those who sought to disrupt the peace of Karakura. Santiago Damian Portgas, once a troubled youth finding his way through the mean streets of Karakura, found a new passion to become something different in this town, he aimed to ensure that no other family would suffer the same fate as his own. The cherry blossoms of Kyoto may have faded into memory, but Santiago's journey in Karakura was just beginning, and the winds of change blew strongly in his favor. Sadly the wind didn’t blow hard enough, as Santi didn’t seem to make the cut of becoming a cadet of the Karakura Police Department he found himself lost in life. He then gathered his belongings and stuffed himself at home, reading his books that he collected due to his grandfather's obsession with those books. It seemed the obsession passed on from one generation to another, as he then decided one morning to read a newspaper article and see an opening for a librarian position, could this be a sign from God. One more chance to possibly work for something he finds passion for, maybe so as he then prepared his belongings and outfit of the day before walking out he looked upon his library and gave one last prayer so that he could possibly do well in this interview he was about to stumble upon.

Motivation for Joining KHS (Character perspective):
Santiago cleared his throat as he felt a bit tense answering this question, but he thought it’d be best to be honest if he wanted a real job here. “Honestly my grandfather had gotten me into books, and I’m honestly wishing to inspire people like he inspired me. Books aren’t just an object but they’re also a gift to people so that people's minds can expand and learn in different ways of education that can help them become writers or story tellers, fiction or not books will help you no matter what and I will do anything to possibly inspire people to take a book and at least read an hour a day and if not an hour than 30 minutes and if not 30 then make it 10, as long as you read a book it’ll help you no matter what.”

Why should you be accepted over the other applicants?:
“I feel like I should be accepted over other applicants because I know I'll be able to make a change in people's perspectives of books, the same way my grandfather changed mine I can change theirs. All I’m asking for is one shot at this job and I swear to you I will be the best librarian there is no matter what.” Santiago then expressed his words passionately, he then took a rather big deep breath in before letting it out, knowing that the stress of an interview would now be over.

/*You may leave this blank*/

Additional notes about your application:
Do you have any questions?:

None at all.​
Last edited:


Level 202
Senior Admin
Employee Lead
Gang Lead

Thanks for taking the time to apply for the Employee Faction! Please send me a DM on discord for the next steps!

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