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Accepted Librarian Application | Josphy


Level 4
Out-Of-Character Information

What is your Minecraft username?:


Do you have Discord (If so, what is your discord username?):


How old are you? (Optional):


What is your time zone?:

GMT + 2

Describe your activity on the server:

I can be on basically almost every day and play since summer just started i will be free to play for atleast 4-5 hours a day if im not busy

Have you ever been banned (If yes, when and why?):

On my main account Josphy i have been banned back in 2023.
I was banned for Major Offence Breach of community health and safety But since then im a different person and now see things differently and i never did it again

Do you acknowledge that if you are inactive you will be demoted?:

I do understand if I will not be active I will be demoted from the role

School Employee Role you are applying for?:

In this application i will be applying for Librarian Role

In as much detail as possible, describe the employee role you are applying for:

As a librarian, it is their job to teach and support students' development. Beyond managing the library resources, the Librarian aims to maintain an organized collection of books and digital material. Ensuring they are easily accessible to teachers and students. They will also maintain the library's catalog and shelving of books and assist students in finding the appropriate reading materials that align with their interests and academic needs. A librarian can also assist and collaborate with teachers to help them have resources for a lesson and help the supplement of classrooms. Librarians often possess deep knowledge of various genres and authors to provide recommendations. They can also use this knowledge to help people outside of school walls. They can provide assistance to some students to find materials not just from the library, but from other libraries as well. They also provide access to digital resources like databases and e-books.

What experience, in general, do you have in roleplay?:

I have been around for almost 4 years now. My experience in roleplay from my perspective is decent

Why do you want to join the School Employee faction?:

I have applied for the school faction several times and I have dedicated a great deal of time to exploring the actual School faction. In addition, I have part-time jobs at my local libraries and I believe this would be a great way to match my knowledge of real life with that of SRP

Link(s) to any previous applications and appeals on the server:

(For this account i have nothing)

What are your current role(s) on the server? (If you're college, specify your degree level):
Grade 12

/*Do not mention use of FearRP*/

During a work-shift a student starts cursing at you for being pathetic, how does your character react?:

Mostly my character would just stay calm thinking they will stop and ignored them but if they continue she will turn to them and tell them to stop saying those words towards him as a warning to stop. And if again they still continue and avoid that warning she will just give them detention for misbehavior.

You notice two students are physically fighting in the hallway, – multiple punches have been thrown – how does your character react?:

My character will go towards them, as she raised her voice at them to break it off. If they don't he will step in as she got between the both of them, making them stop fighting, he'd then turn to one of the kids as he told him to say his part of the story then the other shall do the same. Since they fighted on school grounds he will give both of them detention cause that isn't allowed.

Another school employee is clearly acting inappropriately, doing something very dangerous on the job, how does your character react?:

My character would walk up to them and pull them aside and tell them that this isn't allowed during school hours and that he could possibly get fired from doing this. Once my character knows that they understood what she said, she'd let go of them. And walk away

When in the employee break room, how does your character act?

She'd start with talking with the rest of the faculty members, having small talks with the others getting to know them, if the other Co workers don't wanna have a talk for some reason she'd be just minding her own business drinking her coffee while working on some papers or go back in the library to organise more books.

Provide us with at least three detailed /me's of your character whilst on your chosen role:

/me Once hearing that the student in front of them needed a library card. They’d give them a nod, before getting up and going behind the shelves to get the card. They then came back to the front desk and asked for the students name, age, and grade level. While listening to the student give them the proper information they asked for, they would type it into the computer assigning the card to that student. They then made a copy of the card to keep it in the library records. Once finished with everything, they would give the student a warm smile handing them the library card.

/me Grabbing all the newly checked in books, they would put them on the cart as they went around the room placing the books in the proper area. Checking off each book that was back in its original spot. Once all books were back in their original spots. They would walk over to the tables and begin picking up any messes that previous students left. With a disappointed sigh, they’d walk back over to the desk filling out any paperwork that needed to be finished.

/me Entering the break room with a small smile and a wave to their fellow co-workers. They’d walk over and have a small conversation with anyone nearby. A few laughs were heard then and there throughout any conversations that were made. Soon sitting down, they would go through the detention list of those who received detention and who had detention duty at the end of the day.


In-Character Section
(Pretend your character is filling this out, not you)

Full Name (First & Last only):

Chihiro Budhik
Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss):
Preferred Name:

Age (Minimum is 25):

Academic Degree:

Known Languages:

/* Describe how your character ended up becoming an employee including their previous life. It's optional to include earlier life. Make sure this is over 300 words and remove this comment after posting.*/

Chihiro Budhik was born on a crisp autumn morning in Seoul, South Korea. Her early years were filled with the vibrant sights and sounds of the bustling city. From an early age, Chihiro exhibited a deep love for books, often found nestled in a cozy corner of her local library, lost in the pages of a story.

When Chihiro was ten, her family moved to Karakura, Japan, due to her father's new job. The transition was challenging for Chihiro, as she had to leave behind her friends and the familiar environment of Seoul. However, she found solace in the quiet corners of the school library in Karakura, where the librarian, Mrs. Nakamura, welcomed her with open arms. Mrs. Nakamura's gentle guidance and the library's vast collection of books helped Chihiro feel at home in her new surroundings.

Throughout her school years in Karakura, Chihiro's passion for reading and learning grew stronger. She spent countless hours in the library, immersing herself in various subjects and exploring different genres of literature. Her dedication to her studies and her love for books earned her the admiration of her teachers and peers.

After graduating from high school, Chihiro pursued a degree in Library Science at a prestigious university in Tokyo. Her dream was to become a school librarian and create a haven for students, just as Mrs. Nakamura had done for her. During her college years, Chihiro gained valuable experience through internships and volunteer work at various libraries, further fueling her passion for her chosen career.

Upon completing her degree, Chihiro returned to Karakura and was overjoyed to secure a position as the school librarian at her alma mater. She took great pride in transforming the library into a welcoming and resourceful space for students. Chihiro organized reading programs, book clubs, and literacy events, encouraging a love for reading among the students. Her dedication and enthusiasm made the library a central hub of the school, fostering a sense of community and curiosity.

Chihiro Budhik's journey from Seoul to Karakura, from a young girl who found comfort in books to a dedicated school librarian, is a testament to the power of literature and the impact of nurturing mentors. Her story inspires students to pursue their passions and find solace and joy in the world of books.

Motivation for Joining KHS (Character perspective):

I've always wanted an environment where I could read an endless amount of books. I wanted to guide people to read the right selections for the topic they wish to explore. In addition, I've always wanted to work in a school because most of my life I loved being in school more than anything else.

Why should you be accepted over the other applicants?:

I will work any and all overtime if needed and stay professional on the job I am committed to helping the team succeed and will do whatever it takes to make sure that happens. I am reliable and will show up on time and ready to work. I will also be flexible if needed and adjust my schedule to meet the needs of the team


/*You may leave this blank*/

Additional notes about your application:

I will not be playing on the account till i dont see the results of this application fyi!

Do you have any questions?:
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Level 202
Senior Admin
Employee Lead
Gang Lead

Thanks for taking the time to apply for the Employee Faction! Please send me a DM on discord for the next steps!

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