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Accepted Librarian Application.


Level 12
Out-Of-Character Information

What is your Minecraft username?:


Do you have Discord (If so, what is your discord username?):


How old are you? (Optional):


What is your time zone?:


Describe your activity on the server:

On the server I am active most of the day for me, normally around 12pm to 10pm. However, I normally am not active on Sundays until around 8pm.

Have you ever been banned (If yes, when and why?):

-Yes, September 28th, for breaking rule 18.

Do you acknowledge that if you are inactive you will be demoted?:


School Employee Role you are applying for?:


In as much detail as possible, describe the employee role you are applying for:

-The role of being a librarian is there for hard work, dedication, helping students, acknowledging them on very important info. When asked for a good book recommendation or such, the librarian's role in this case is to suggest good books for the student that will hopefully pique their interest, or is at least something from their favorite genre. While yes, you have to put in the hours spent near the computer, you also have to make sure your work space is neat and tidy, seeing as most people view the library as a welcoming and rather peaceful place, with a wall of many many good books and soft toned voices to be used.
More things along the lines for this job is that you will spend hours counting and arranging any book that's been misplaced or attempting to find a book that has gone missing. As well as this you will be adding new collections of books for those wonderful readers out there who constantly find a passion for reading, and keep the students, faculty, or anyone else who wishes to read a book. While seeming fun, it takes dedication, and passion to do a job such as this. To be quite honest, the job is one the most important to some people. The library supplies great facts and is a good source of research for any school project, as well as being filled to the brim with books ranging from educational, to humor and mystery.

What experience, in general, do you have in roleplay?:

-I have been roleplaying for around five to six years now, since then I have participated in many roleplays, most of which were on discord, as well as a few with some friends when I was just getting started, with many of the discord ones being ones which you had to apply to be in. As well as that I have been a moderator in a few of them as well, so I have quite a bit of experience with roleplaying, and knowing how they work.

Link(s) to any previous applications and appeals on the server:


What are your current role(s) on the server? (If you're college, specify your degree level):

-Grade 12.


During a work-shift a student starts cursing at you for being pathetic, how does your character react?:

-Lazarus would remain calm during the situation, doing his best to not allow it to seem as though the student was getting to him. He would do his best to allow the student a chance to stop their swearing, giving them a gentle warning to remind them that swearing like that isn’t allowed. However if it were to continue he would then put his foot down.

You notice two students are physically fighting in the hallway, – multiple punches have been thrown – how does your character react?:

-Once Lazarus had noticed the fighting, he would waste no time making his way over to the students and attempting to separate them. Once he had successfully stopped the fighting, he would make the students come with him to the nurse’s office, where he would then make it well known that there would be consequences for their actions.

Another school employee is clearly acting inappropriately, doing something very dangerous on the job, how does your character react?:

-As soon as Lazarus would notice his coworker acting inappropriately, he would waste no time making his way over to them. He’d do his best to calmly confront them, not wishing to make a scene if possible. He would then attempt to have the coworker go with him to tell a higher up what they have done, giving the opportunity to tell them on their own, before he goes and tells them himself.

When in the employee break room, how does your character act?

-While in the break room, Lazarus would mostly spend his time alone, not attempting to start conversations with his coworkers, mainly because he did not wish to accidentally annoy them, and mainly spending his time just reading a book, or writing as a way to pass the time.

Provide us with at least three detailed /me's of your character whilst on your chosen role:

/me He’d quietly shake his keychain in his hand, taking a moment to look down at keys and giving a calm smile while the keys made a quiet jingle sound as they hit each other. Once at the door, he’d take the keychain in his hand, and fumble with it a bit as he attempted to find the right key. Once he had finally found the key he was looking for, he would use it to carefully unlock the door, pushing the door open once it was finally unlocked. As soon as he was finally inside, he’d wave slightly to his coworker as a greeting before finally shutting the door, taking the key and relocking the door before he did so.

/me He'd reach towards the books on the top shelf, re-organizing them in order, and adjusting them to where they'd be pushed against the wall. After doing so, he’d move down the row, adding and removing books as he saw fit, while reorganizing the shelves, he’d smile and quietly welcome any students who entered the library. Once he was done organizing the shelves, he’d move to organize some of the books on a different shelf, flipping the ones placed upside down and sitting them up correctly into their proper position, finally satisfied, he’d emit a quiet sigh and go to sit back at his desk.

/me He'd power off the computer in front of him once he was done with it. After standing, he would take the time to sweep up around his desk and push in his chair, pausing for a few moments before adjusting the tiny clock placed on his desk. Once done with cleaning up his area, he'd lock up the filing cabinets and check the shelves to see if anything needed to be fixed before going to leave, before doing so, he would take a few misplaced books and place them back in their proper spots before finally exiting the room and locking up behind him.

In-Character Section

Full Name (First & Last only):

-Lazarus Odysseus-Cyrus.

Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss):


Preferred Name:

-Lazarus Odysseus.

Age (Minimum is 25):




Religious Denomination:


Marital Status:


Academic Degree:

-Master’s Degree.

Year of Graduation:



-Library Science.
-Information Science.




-Eastern European.

Current Location:

-Karakura, Japan.

Native Languages:


Other Languages:



Lazarus had grown up in a house with an at home library, which meant that books were always accessible. With the easy access to books, it allowed his father to be able to read to Lazarus at almost any time.
This had also allowed him to learn how to take care of books at an early age. When he was still too little to really help with taking care of the books in the library, his father would have him instead have Lazarus help him actually take care of the books, he would instead have him take the books that they read together and put them back in their spots.
Then, when he was finally old enough to actually take care of the books themselves, things along the lines of organizing them and even how to clean them properly.

Lazarus had been homeschooled until he had moved to Karakura, which resulted in him spending the majority of his time at home, obviously. Since there wasn’t much to actually do there, it resulted in him spending most of his free time reading in the library in his house, and in turn helped create his strong bond with books.

Around the time that Lazarus was ten years old, the Medieval Rose Festival had taken place, with this being the first of the yearly festival. His father had thought that it would be good for the young boy to go to an event such as this, so Lazarus’ father had taken the boy and his mother to it, as well as Lazarus’s friend.
Lazarus did not go out often, however when he would go out, he would always take a few books with him that he would carry with him in a small bag on his back. And he had did this for the Medieval Rose Festival as well, taking a few books that he hardly read from the library in his home and taking them with him in his bag, even forcing his friend to help him with it, making him carry a bag of books of Lazarus’s choosing to the festival.
While at the festival, the young boy barely paid any attention to the things happening around him, instead he spent his time going around with his friend and giving the books he had brought to the other people who had gone to the festival, of course not doing so without his parents watching over them.
Lazarus did this because he has always enjoyed giving things to people, in the hope to make them happy. As well as this, he wanted to make it so that he would be sure that other people would hopefully have at least one book, wanting to hopefully give them some sort of escape from reality if they needed it. He didn’t care if the people even actually read the books he gave them, that didn’t matter to him, the thing that did matter to him was the people having the opportunity to do so if they wished.
And yes, this may sound stupid, but he was a child and this was important to him.
By the time Lazarus would leave the festival, the bags he had brought the books in would be empty. He would do this for all three days of the festival.
This had become a yearly tradition for him until he had moved out of Rhodes and to Karakura.

Young Lazarus didn’t just wait for the festival to come around to give books to others, he had decided to do it twice a year, which may not seem like much, but it definitely better than nothing, and brought him lots of joy.
From the time that the festival was done in late May/early June every year, Lazarus would start putting books from the library in his house that were untouched, or not wanted anymore and would put them into boxes. This would continue until December, which is when Lazarus and his father would look through and organize the books that had been gathered through the months, and then take the boxes to the public libraries around Rhodes and donate the books.
This was done for four years, until he moved to Karakura.

Lazarus had moved to Karakura when he was fourteen, his parents had made him move there so he would have a change of scenery, and as a way so he could hopefully gain the skills needed to have a successful life when he was older. In a way they used it as an opportunity for him to be able to detach from them enough, and hopefully figure out who he was as a person.

He didn’t change much, he still found comfort in books and such, although now writing in notebooks more than reading books, mainly because he had found it easier to get his hands on an empty notebook than it was to get his hands on a good book.
While going to school in Karakura, he had also gained an interest in science, although he never really did anything for that interest besides reading science books, he had gotten an invite to the science club but never did anything with it.
While also in Karakura, he had basically became a temporary guardian for the friend of his that moved to Karakura with him, as well as another exchange student, allowing them both to stay with him, and supplying with the things that they needed.

Once he was able to, Lazarus had graduated and went to college, initially going to major in science, before he quickly became aware that it wasn’t really the thing for him, which resulted in him changing his major to library science, as well as dual majoring in information science.
It felt more correct for him to major in these, which he ended up enjoying much more than his previous major.
He was also lucky enough to not struggle much with these, especially library science, seeing as his father had taught him much about taking care of books and such when he was younger. If anything, he struggled more with the information science portion of his degree, although not enough to say he actually struggled.

Since Lazarus had been dual majoring, it resulted in him having to go to college for around six years, and him graduating when he was twenty five.
After he had graduated, Lazarus didn’t want to waste time if he could, and so almost immediately he was already attempting to get a job.
He already knew where he wished to work, and that being in Karakura. He could have moved back to Greece if he wanted, but it didn’t feel right. In Greece he had always felt as if he was just living, but in Karakura he felt as though he could be who he wished, and actually enjoyed living there, even if it may be a bit hectic.
He understood that working in the highschool may end up being stressful, but that didn’t steer him away from wanting to at least try to get a job there.

Motivation for Joining KHS:

-My motivation for joining KHS is to be able to work while also being able to do what I enjoy, those things being helping people and reading. I want to be able to help allow students the chance to read, because I am well aware that reading can be a way for many people to escape from the problems of their daily lives.
I also believe that I fit the role of librarian very well, I work best when I am around books, I am organized and patient, some people even say I am soft spoken, although I am not very sure how true that is, I just do not speak much at times.. Although I believe that this is a good thing to have in a library setting.
I wish to have something that I can be serious about, and I believe that this job can be exactly that, I want nothing more than to show that I have the abilities to work hard and take my job seriously. I also wish to be able to help keep order in the school if I can.
Another thing that motivates me to join KHS is that it will allow me to take better care of the people in my life, I already try my best to do so but it can be hard at times, although I hope it is obvious that I am not only doing this for the money, in fact if I had to I would be more than willing to do this for free.

Do you have any previous experience working in a school environment? If so, please elaborate (If not, respond with "N/A"):


Why should you be accepted over the other applicants?:

-I would like to start this part off by saying that I am more than aware that other people’s applications may be better than mine, however if I thought that I don’t stand a chance to be accepted I wouldn’t be applying currently.
I know that my form may seem lackluster, however I have never been great at filling out forms. Which tends to result in them not being able to convey my abilities and I apologize for this, However, I can promise that I can do much better with this job than it may seem.

Anyways, one of the main reasons why I believe I should be accepted over other applicants is the fact that I am completely serious about wanting this job, and will not treat it as anything less than important. I will put in all the time and effort into this that is necessary, and nothing less. During working hours I would treat this job as nothing more than the most important thing to me, and as extreme as that may seem, it is the truth.
I am well aware of what it is like to want to go to the library in the school and there being no one who is able to help me out, and I wish to change that. I want to make it so there is more likely that there will actually be a librarian in there when needed, and please do not fret, I am not attempting to throw any sort of shade towards the librarians who are there, they are great at their jobs from what I have seen and I would love to work alongside them. However I believe that I tend to be very active on the server and so I believe that I could be able to have it be more likely that a librarian is on when people need one.

I understand that not many people go to the library, however I believe that could allow me to do even better at this job than if the library were to be used more. Although, even if I do work well with slower paced things, that does not make me unable to work in situations where things are more face paced and stressful. I want to be able to help people, no matter the situation, and I truly believe I could do that if I get this job.

If I may also add, I truly believe that being a librarian could be perfect for me. I have people rooting for me, which is something that is giving me the motivation to do the best that I can and nothing less. I have people who believe in me, and this is allowing me to be able to believe in myself as well, which is allowing me to truly believe that I am worthy of this role.

Another thing that makes me believe that I should be picked over other applicants is my ability to handle “rough” or difficult situations, I always try my best to remain calm no matter the situation, which I believe is necessary to be able to be a staff member, for the fact that you can never be sure what is going to happen, and if you get stressed out or angry you could end up escalating the situation. Where on the other hand, if you remain levelheaded you are much more likely to deescalate whatever may be happening.

And these are just some of the reasons as to why I believe I should be chosen over the other applicants.


Additional notes about your application:

-I apologize if the backstory is not very good, I tried my best to have it so it would only involve the parts that likely led him to becoming a librarian. I also apologize if it was meant to be written in first person, however I am not good at writing in third person and my character is extremely bad at describing his past.

-I will be completely honest, I had almost completely forgotten that you get paid for being a staff member, so when in the motivation part when it said I would be more willing to do this without being paid, I meant it if it is necessary for me to get the job. I am that serious about wanting this position, both

Do you have any questions?:

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Level 338
HS Sports Lead
Congratulations! You have been accepted for the position of Librarian at Karakura High School.

After carefully reading through your application, I have concluded that your application is up to par with the standards expected when reviewing School Employee applications, welcome to the team! There are just a few steps left to obtain your role(s):

- Ensure that you’re in the Karakura Academics Discord.
- DM me via Discord to get your roles and permissions setup: @KimiNoUso#9999.​

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