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LibraryBook Publication Scheme


Level 21
Community Team
Event Team
IGN: MinisterFudge
DATE: 19/07/2023
If a person submits a book to the Karakura Library for reward tokens it (and this is what I was told by a librarian) will go through a process where it is read and the poor saps at the library have to read the mountains of books to approve them. If they are 'approved' a sign is placed on one of the many bookshelf blocks displaying the title of the book.

I would suggest an additional task be added for librarians to complete that is infinitely easier than reading all the books.
I would suggest Librarians log the following information on a Google doc (or just do it via Discord as with events and other community announcements etc.) available for all to view that discloses, proactively:
  • The title of the books submitted to the library and who wrote them
  • Whether the book was accepted or denied from being displayed in the library and available for borrowing
  • A brief statement of reasons (I do not care if it is 1-2 sentences at a minimum

It informs players their book has NOT been reviewed if it does not appear on the list.

It would also give players on the server a right to know why their submissions were rejected so that way if they want to create further submissions that DO get accepted and displayed they can have an idea of what to avoid. The same can be said for those who have not made any submissions but are planning to. A publication scheme makes this information public and available to everyone. It would be, in effect, a list of what is deemed acceptable and not acceptable topics.

Anybody who would suggest this is too onerous or difficult a task for the librarians is, respectfully, mistaken. They already have to read mountains of texts from students so typing 3 lines of extra text in a predetermined format is hardly asking too much in my opinion. The only remaining question is if people would actually want to see this implemented AND if the facts about what I am saying about librarians and their functions are actually factually correct.
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Level 143
I really can't tell what the problem you're trying to solve is. You can already see whether or not a book you have submitted is available to be checked out by simply speaking to any librarian. This will just increase the workload of the librarians, and will benefit only a small niche.


Level 21
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Thread starter
I really can't tell what the problem you're trying to solve is. You can already see whether or not a book you have submitted is available to be checked out by simply speaking to any librarian. This will just increase the workload of the librarians, and will benefit only a small niche.

I asked a librarian, actually if they could tell me as you say, and their response was

"No, you can tell if it was accepted if it is on the shelf"
I'd rather the process be streamlined. I was not satisfied with this response.

Also, what if no librarians are online? What if the librarian is online and they do not know the person who read and reviewed your book (and potentially denied it) or the reason for it not being displayed on the shelves?

As for the argument it will 'increase the workload of librarians': I think I did a good enough job disposing of this concern in the suggestion. But as for it 'only benefitting a small niche', one would think, if you'd like this niche to grow and see MORE books submitted to the library, such a straightforward system would be welcome! It arguably creates another means by which you can bring attention to the fact that you can actually submit books to the library.

This is a very practical way of just getting all that information freely available and readily accessible.
All it takes is the librarian(s) responsible for reviewing the books to type like, one to three lines in Discord as they do what they already do anyway.

I also lowkey interviewed/asked another single librarian in-game again (today) and from it, I learned
(1) He had to ask me what librarian specifically I submitted my book to (unusual, I have no idea what system he was using to perform a search or if he was just roleplaying or not; but the fact he had to ask speaks volumes to the inefficiency of whatever current system may exist). He said he would have to find that specific person and ask them about the status of the book submitted. This seems extremely inefficient.​
(2) No system as the one proposed, nor any similar one exits (we knew this already)​
(3) That specific librarian interviewed felt this system could be helpful and save time; curious students would no longer have to get in line at the library (presuming librarians are even online) nor would librarians have to perform these great backflips to find information. It'd just be in one place.​

Screenshots of that discussion can be tendered but I would think it an indiscretion to reveal this without permission from that librarian: I should think it worth mentioning the interview happened and there is proof of it at any rate.
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Level 344
HS Sports Lead
Thank you for your suggestion!

- Submitting books is already possible by speaking to SLT. As a lot of the books submitted aren't serious, there is not an official system for this, though we may make one if we see an increase in submissions.​

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