Level 2
Out-Of-Character (OOC) Section
IGN (In-Game Name): Liifty
Previous bans: None
Describe your activity on the server:
Very active the past month ranging at from 2-8 hours daily.
Which timezone are you in?
Eastern Standard Time
(But am im a night owl)
Do you have Discord?
Do you have a microphone [Obligatory]:
Of course
List your current and past applications:
College Accepted
Hawaiian Accepted
Spanish Denied
What is your motivation for applying?:
Recently I have come clean and achieved many milestones while avoiding gangrp. I made 1 million, got multiple jobs and even joined many peace-orientated families. The next thing I wanted to check off my bucket list was joining the KPD. I feel that it's the next step to fighting off gangrp and to keep the streets clean with proper authority. I want to take my role playing experience to the next level and learn to become a cop.
Do you understand Japanese Laws and Basic Conduct?
I have spent time to review basic conduct and the laws of Japan
What are the Police ranks?
For KPD ranks, going from lowest to highest:
Cadet - The beginning rank all police officers start with.
Patrol Officer - The first real step in a person’s career as a cop.
Corporal - The first promotion you may get as an officer.
Sergeant - The second promotion you may get as an officer.
Investigator Trainee - The rank officers- officers who want to pursue their career as an investigator- will get before Investigator.
Investigator / Head Investigator - The last role in the investigation division of the KPD. You get this after completing your training and time as a trainee for this division. This rank gets a few more equipment than other ranks do and a higher say in matters.
Lieutenant - The rank almost everyone aims for, one of the last steps in an officer’s career. This rank gets granted a few more equipment than other ranks do and a higher say in matters.
Head / Vice Lieutenant - Another step in being a lieutenant, getting to oversee all lower-ranking officers- including the lieutenants.
Captain - A very hard role to get, a role only for the best of the best. The captain is picked by the commissioner to work alongside them.
Commissioner - A very obvious one, the highest-ranking officer in the KPD ranking system. Their word is basically the law, in a way, and they overview all of the KPD.
What knowledge do you have of Police Work?
I understand police work can differ depending on the unit and task given. Police work is very important in order to maintain a stable society and involves many different skill sets to be most effective. Every officer must be brave, disciplined and should be willing to risk their life for the greater good of the world. Overall a polices job should not be skipped over due to its essential presence for the safety city.
Why is Police important to SchoolRP?
The police aspect of SchoolRP plays a very important role in the structure of the server and how roleplays runs. The police enforces rules that would be illegal in real life and would add a form of law justice and consequence to breaking the rules. A gap in law enforcement would lead to an anarchy of a city filled with chaos and no order, just crazy gangsters mugging the innocent. Police is present in the real world for the same reason they are in SchoolRP; protect and serve to keep the streets safe and at peace.
Do you acknowledge that you're subject to being demoted if accepted at any given time?
I am aware and I accepted these terms
Do you acknowledge that applying for this role, you are agreeing to be 100% dedicated to the Police Officer role?
I am aware and ready to dedicate myself to the force.
Do you acknowledge that if training is held whilst you are online, you are authorized to attend or you will be punished [Demoted]?
I understand these terms
Do you acknowledge that you’re subject to IC harassment, and you are NOT to take things OOCly when dealing with training & situations?
Taking harassment and being calm and collective about it is what cops are trained to do. I am very well at keeping my temper and will NEVER takes insults into OOC and act professional on and off the job.
In-Character (IC) Section
Tell us about your character, how he looks, what makes him unique?
Kanye 'Rocky' Ishtar is a Egyptian male towering at a height of 6'3. He would have tanned skin and long brown hair obstructing some of his vision. He would be in tip top shape and would be tough as nails. His body was trained for anything that hit him, gaining the nickname "Rocky". His emotions would be difficult to read and would keep a poker face most of the time.
What he's like on and off the job?
Rocky takes his job as serious and puts 100% into everything he does both on and off duty. He's not one for striking conversation but will act when necessary and making sure he is in line and working responsibly and efficiently. His standards are high and only produces work that he would approve of, no cutting corners making sure everything is done correctly. Off job he usually keeps to himself but educating himself, praying and training. He does take in some hobbies moving to Japan such as Anime as well as gambling here and there with his pals.
Outlook on his co-workers? Plans for the future?
Rocky makes sure his co - workers are well and would treat them as a sibling. Since he served time in the army before, he understands the importance of teamwork and friendship on and off duty. His goals are fairly simple, he plans to show his dedication to the KPD and work his way up to a respectable and trustworthy officer meet new people on the way.
Born in the heart of Cairo Egypt, Young Kanye would spend hours and hours outside exploring with the beaming sun on his body. Him and his brother Karim were part of the few children in the area and would attend school and would skip many grades due to their intelligence.His father was fairly wealthy but would have very cheap habits and only spent money for Tahtib (A fighting art). Kanye would be be picked on for his long curly hair that he would refuse to cut. The children would toss rocks aiming for his eyes but always missing due to his thick hair covering them. His mother would always attempt to cut it but Kanye would bolt out of the house and sometimes would not see him for days. Kanye was very silent and was tough as nails, he'd develop to be the definition of silent but deadly personality from the way he was treated from his peers and sometimes even his parents.
His childhood was not a very memorable and has he got older he wanted a some distance from Egypt. He had mastered Tahtib and his academics where good as always he requested immigration to somewhere with new culture and developed lands. His parents refused to do so and told him in order to leave Egypt he must do serve his time in the army as proof he did his part for the country before departing. He joined the Egyptian Armed Forces at the age of 17 faking his age and served 4 years to come home with his brother gone. His father explained to him that Karim had immigrated to Japan and has started a new life like what he wanted. Kanye was very envious of his brother and rushed to go live a new life and absorb new culture. Him and his brother would learn more about the world around them and as they got older crime become more occurring and noticeable.
Kanye had been taught great discipline from his teachers back in Egypt and wanted to do something about the law being avoided and wanted to do something. He'd always pass by the KPD on his way home and finally decided to apply to serve his time for his new home.
SECTION 1: Personal Details
Full Name: Kanye Ishtar
Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss): Mr.
Given Name(s): "Rocky", Kanye
Preferred Name: No preference
Age: Twenty-Six
Gender: Male
IC Phone number: 816248758
Religious Denomination: Muslim
Marital Status: Single
Nationality: Egyptian
Current Location: Karakura, Japan.
SECTION 2: Academic Details
Years of training: 3 years
Working Experience:
Fight Club Bouncer
Atsumaru employee
Academic Degree:
Bachelor's degree.
Year of Graduation: 2014
Law & Criminal Justice
Social science
Native Languages: Arabic
Other Languages: Hawaiian
IGN (In-Game Name): Liifty
Previous bans: None
Describe your activity on the server:
Very active the past month ranging at from 2-8 hours daily.
Which timezone are you in?
Eastern Standard Time
(But am im a night owl)
Do you have Discord?
Do you have a microphone [Obligatory]:
Of course
List your current and past applications:
College Accepted
Hawaiian Accepted
Spanish Denied
What is your motivation for applying?:
Recently I have come clean and achieved many milestones while avoiding gangrp. I made 1 million, got multiple jobs and even joined many peace-orientated families. The next thing I wanted to check off my bucket list was joining the KPD. I feel that it's the next step to fighting off gangrp and to keep the streets clean with proper authority. I want to take my role playing experience to the next level and learn to become a cop.
Do you understand Japanese Laws and Basic Conduct?
I have spent time to review basic conduct and the laws of Japan
What are the Police ranks?
For KPD ranks, going from lowest to highest:
Cadet - The beginning rank all police officers start with.
Patrol Officer - The first real step in a person’s career as a cop.
Corporal - The first promotion you may get as an officer.
Sergeant - The second promotion you may get as an officer.
Investigator Trainee - The rank officers- officers who want to pursue their career as an investigator- will get before Investigator.
Investigator / Head Investigator - The last role in the investigation division of the KPD. You get this after completing your training and time as a trainee for this division. This rank gets a few more equipment than other ranks do and a higher say in matters.
Lieutenant - The rank almost everyone aims for, one of the last steps in an officer’s career. This rank gets granted a few more equipment than other ranks do and a higher say in matters.
Head / Vice Lieutenant - Another step in being a lieutenant, getting to oversee all lower-ranking officers- including the lieutenants.
Captain - A very hard role to get, a role only for the best of the best. The captain is picked by the commissioner to work alongside them.
Commissioner - A very obvious one, the highest-ranking officer in the KPD ranking system. Their word is basically the law, in a way, and they overview all of the KPD.
What knowledge do you have of Police Work?
I understand police work can differ depending on the unit and task given. Police work is very important in order to maintain a stable society and involves many different skill sets to be most effective. Every officer must be brave, disciplined and should be willing to risk their life for the greater good of the world. Overall a polices job should not be skipped over due to its essential presence for the safety city.
Why is Police important to SchoolRP?
The police aspect of SchoolRP plays a very important role in the structure of the server and how roleplays runs. The police enforces rules that would be illegal in real life and would add a form of law justice and consequence to breaking the rules. A gap in law enforcement would lead to an anarchy of a city filled with chaos and no order, just crazy gangsters mugging the innocent. Police is present in the real world for the same reason they are in SchoolRP; protect and serve to keep the streets safe and at peace.
Do you acknowledge that you're subject to being demoted if accepted at any given time?
I am aware and I accepted these terms
Do you acknowledge that applying for this role, you are agreeing to be 100% dedicated to the Police Officer role?
I am aware and ready to dedicate myself to the force.
Do you acknowledge that if training is held whilst you are online, you are authorized to attend or you will be punished [Demoted]?
I understand these terms
Do you acknowledge that you’re subject to IC harassment, and you are NOT to take things OOCly when dealing with training & situations?
Taking harassment and being calm and collective about it is what cops are trained to do. I am very well at keeping my temper and will NEVER takes insults into OOC and act professional on and off the job.

In-Character (IC) Section
Tell us about your character, how he looks, what makes him unique?
Kanye 'Rocky' Ishtar is a Egyptian male towering at a height of 6'3. He would have tanned skin and long brown hair obstructing some of his vision. He would be in tip top shape and would be tough as nails. His body was trained for anything that hit him, gaining the nickname "Rocky". His emotions would be difficult to read and would keep a poker face most of the time.
What he's like on and off the job?
Rocky takes his job as serious and puts 100% into everything he does both on and off duty. He's not one for striking conversation but will act when necessary and making sure he is in line and working responsibly and efficiently. His standards are high and only produces work that he would approve of, no cutting corners making sure everything is done correctly. Off job he usually keeps to himself but educating himself, praying and training. He does take in some hobbies moving to Japan such as Anime as well as gambling here and there with his pals.
Outlook on his co-workers? Plans for the future?
Rocky makes sure his co - workers are well and would treat them as a sibling. Since he served time in the army before, he understands the importance of teamwork and friendship on and off duty. His goals are fairly simple, he plans to show his dedication to the KPD and work his way up to a respectable and trustworthy officer meet new people on the way.
Born in the heart of Cairo Egypt, Young Kanye would spend hours and hours outside exploring with the beaming sun on his body. Him and his brother Karim were part of the few children in the area and would attend school and would skip many grades due to their intelligence.His father was fairly wealthy but would have very cheap habits and only spent money for Tahtib (A fighting art). Kanye would be be picked on for his long curly hair that he would refuse to cut. The children would toss rocks aiming for his eyes but always missing due to his thick hair covering them. His mother would always attempt to cut it but Kanye would bolt out of the house and sometimes would not see him for days. Kanye was very silent and was tough as nails, he'd develop to be the definition of silent but deadly personality from the way he was treated from his peers and sometimes even his parents.
His childhood was not a very memorable and has he got older he wanted a some distance from Egypt. He had mastered Tahtib and his academics where good as always he requested immigration to somewhere with new culture and developed lands. His parents refused to do so and told him in order to leave Egypt he must do serve his time in the army as proof he did his part for the country before departing. He joined the Egyptian Armed Forces at the age of 17 faking his age and served 4 years to come home with his brother gone. His father explained to him that Karim had immigrated to Japan and has started a new life like what he wanted. Kanye was very envious of his brother and rushed to go live a new life and absorb new culture. Him and his brother would learn more about the world around them and as they got older crime become more occurring and noticeable.
Kanye had been taught great discipline from his teachers back in Egypt and wanted to do something about the law being avoided and wanted to do something. He'd always pass by the KPD on his way home and finally decided to apply to serve his time for his new home.
SECTION 1: Personal Details
Full Name: Kanye Ishtar
Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss): Mr.
Given Name(s): "Rocky", Kanye
Preferred Name: No preference
Age: Twenty-Six
Gender: Male
IC Phone number: 816248758
Religious Denomination: Muslim
Marital Status: Single
Nationality: Egyptian
Current Location: Karakura, Japan.
SECTION 2: Academic Details
Years of training: 3 years
Working Experience:
Fight Club Bouncer
Atsumaru employee
Academic Degree:
Bachelor's degree.
Year of Graduation: 2014
Law & Criminal Justice
Social science
Native Languages: Arabic
Other Languages: Hawaiian
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