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Denied Listrous's | Judge Application


Level 0


In-game Name: Listrous

Discord Tag: listraor

Do you have a working microphone?: Nope, I am waiting for it to be delivered hopefully soon

Timezone: GMT

Links to any current & past applications (Spoiler them): Nope

Describe your activity on the server:
4 hours daily
4 hours
4 hours
4 hours
6 hours
6 hours
5 hours


What position are you applying for?: Judge

What is your motivation for applying?:

I felt like I wanted to use my time and skills on the server to provide roleplay scenarios as a judge if luckily accepted, as a previews FiveM player I didn't do much roleplay with the government when playing on servers, but I did interact with them many times whiles I was a police officer, doing court trials FiveM is a different style of roleplay to Minecraft roleplay but there are many similar things, and I want to do some roleplays as a working person, for the government and as a judge as the faction looks interesting fun and some people in the town hall discord recommended factions and I wanted to apply for government, and after questioning judges on how it is in the faction I decided I want to try to get in, by applying I know in the known in the community but it believe I may have a chance.

Do you have an understanding of Karakura’s laws & Constitutional rights?:
Yes I've read them

What are your goals for being in Government Faction?:
Mainly to provide decent roleplays from court cases or more, and to meet some hopefully great people along my roleplay journey, a goal would be getting my name up as a good roleplayer, throughout the community so I can have a better time roleplaying, and have better roleplay scenarios, another goal I would want to achieve as a judge would be to become a head of department if luckily accepted, but the top goals are to attend trials and get my quota up to get paid.

In your own words, describe the different roles of the Government Faction:
The judge is a key and main job in the government faction, the main job of a judge would be mainly to attend trials to issue warrants to police officers when they are in need to raid criminals' homes, also review cases, of the individual being prosecuted, and to Officiating marriages for those who are in love and ready to take it to another stage including filing restraining orders, to those who don't feel safe around a certain person. as well as doing front desk work like answering questions for those who are curious about the laws, and approving adoption papers, so those who want to be parents can fulfill the dreams of taking care of a child.
The main job of a lawyer is attending trials and representing their client to help them win their case or defend them. And attorney calls to find out witnesses of the crime, lawyers also do Client meetings, for cases they want to file, or regularly meet up about a case, Filing a restraining order, a person who doesn't feel safe being around a certain person gets this so they can distance themselves and make sure the person doesn't interact with them or get near them, Front desk work, curious people about the laws of the town you tell them anything they need building clients, where citizens come to you about lawsuits and cases.
The job of a Governor is to hand out ID cards to those who have just arrived in the lovely town of Karakura, also officiate marriages, for those who found true love in Karakura, as well as Attending trials, Survey the public, go around asking people questions about the town like changes they want to see or what they would love to have in the town like a chocolate fountain, Approving adoption papers, allow a someone become a parent, performing shop inspections, by inspecting health safety, making sure everything is up to code.
The job of the mayor is a highly responsible job they would do many things like looking over the town, making sure the government employees are in line and are doing their jobs correctly, as well as electing meetings, and creating laws. also accepting a rejecting people for a job in the government
Deputy Mayor
The Deputy Mayor's job is to help out the mayor in various activities, helping organise team meetings, helping out with laws with the mayor, also helping the mayor choose new candidates to accept for the job, they can help fellow employees with assistance.
Given Roles
Head of Department
A role given to those who are deemed trusted of the faction, it is a role for Higher-ups is given mainly by the Mayor if they have shown off they can conduct themselves properly in roleplay scenarios, and much more it is a rank for those who make sure their department is under control and is a good working environment.
(sorry for all the yap)

Do you acknowledge that upon being accepted you can be subject to removal at any given time?: Yes I do acknowledge this rule fully.

Have you read & agreed to follow the Government Faction rules?: I agree with all the government rules and have read them all


Full name: Gorō Sylvia

Preferred title (Mr., Mrs., etc.): "I prefer being called Mr, thank you."

Current age: "I am at the age of 32 years old"

Date of birth: "It is January 2nd, 1993"

Gender: "I am a Male"

Academic Degree: Master's degree in Law and a bachelor's in Psychology

Major(s): Law

Minor(s): Psychology
Work experience:
"I worked as a Psychiatrist for one year, but it wasn't for me, so I left to try to join the Karakura Government. I've also worked in retail for three years and as a Professor in a college for two years."

Nationality & born location: "I was born in Tokyo Japan and my nationality is Japanese"

Fluent languages (Underline your native): Japanese

Criminal record: "No I have a clean record"

What makes you a good candidate for this job? "Well we all should have an equal chance but I feel like I would be best suited for this job as I'm very interested in this position and my capability."

Last edited:


Level 153
Government Lead
Build Coordinator

Thank you for applying, however unfortunately we have decided to deny your application. Though your application was great, we felt others stood out more. Feel free to reapply any time.​

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