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Denied locklyn0602's librarian assistant appilcation

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[OOC section]

In Game Name:

School Employee Role you are Applying For: Library Assistant.

How often do you log onto the server?: I have not been on the server in a while but I plan on being on it at least 1 to 2 hours a day after my school activities

Do you have TeamSpeak3? No, I don't but if that is required I will download it

Do you have a microphone? Yes.

Have you ever been banned, If yes when and why?: Yes, I have been temp banned but I do not remember the reason why because, it was a while ago.

Can you ensure that you will often come on: Yes, I will definitely come on often, I love the server.

Do you recognize that you can be ICly fired?: Yes, I understand that I could lose my job at any time.

In as much detail as possible, describe the role of your chosen school employee: Librarian assistants are supposed to assist with what might be a problem to a disaster in the library, such as collecting lost or not returned books, helping the students find requested books, Renting out books and collecting them, and finally helping the Librarian with anything that him or her requests.

Do you have any past experience in this type of roleplay?: Yes! I recall being the librarian on two other servers. I also have volunteered at my local library in real life.

What experience, in general, do you have in roleplay?: Well, I've been on quite a lot of roleplay servers and I also have owned a minecraft PE roleplay server which was very successful.

Are you familiar with what your job does? If so, describe it: Yes, my position obligation is to assist people in the library, by helping rent and collect books, help students find requested or recommended books, clean , and mostly being very useful in all needed problems or simple tasks. I also have kept my volunteer ship at my local library.


During a work shift a student starts cursing at you for being pathetic, how do you react?: I will most likely ask them to politely to stop acting that way and they should be more kind and grateful to the library employees that have helped them or are willing to help them. If the student continues, i will warn the student that I will report it if it continues. If by then the student has kept on having the same attitude I will once again tell them to stop, then I will definitely report it to a higher staff member.

You are doing a hazardous job requested by the School Principal, how do you react?: I immediately do the job when specified without question. If I have any questions about the job I will surely ask before doing the job. If I believe that I am incapable of completing this task I will let the Principal know.

Another school employee is doing something very dangerous on the job or acting out of order, how do you react?: Well to start out I would not confront the situation without knowing most of the details. If I can tell that his or her actions are against the rules or he or she is taking advantage of the position that was given to them I will make sure to confront them. If the behavior continues I will quickly find the nearest higher staff member to help.

[IC section]

Applicant Name:
Ash Bardwell

Chosen Job: Librarian Assistant

Motivation for Joining YHS: I was homeschooled until I went on my mothers computer after reading the last chapter of my mothers biggest novel. I looked up a school that would be just perfect for me and my accelerated reading skills, I eventually found this school and on my first day I went to the library and decided I wanted to stay and help.

Age: 19

Why should you be accepted over the other applicants?: Personally I probably have way more experience with this type of position, and well i have just been drawn to this job since i knew i could even apply. I honestly respect that this position is taken but i just hope that i will get this job and it would be very much appreciated. I even am so excited that you have taken the time out of your day to review this application. Also the last time I was accepted into this postion i was rather annoying to staff because of my excitement, honestly i have learned to be more paitent and calm, that will never happen again. Thank you again for reading this and have a nice day.


Level 145
Age must be older, also if you could maybe raise the time you could be on, would be nice.
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