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Locksmith Kit | Black Market Item Addition


Level 16
What's your Minecraft Username?: GirlieVibes
What's the title of your suggestion?: Locksmith Kit | Black Market Item Addition

What's your suggestion?:
My suggestions is for an addition to the Black Market Items, the item in question is a "Locksmith Kit." This item would be for public use and should be the third legal carry item in addition to the initial two. Below I will elaborate on the item, and why it should be added

How will this benefit the server and community?:

Firstly, why should this item be added to SRP?
The reason I believe this item should be added to SRP is because it would offer a more current way of participating in CriminalRP without the obligation to join a gang. As well, how often does it happen where you accidentally forget you have a weapon on you and you accidentally walk into the hospital, or somewhere with a metal detector and get searched and arrested. Or when you're out wearing a mask because you don't want to get murdered and you get bagged right then and there cause you forgot the crowbar in your inventory. This item would offer a way to avoid that mishap. Yes, the metal of the kit would set off the detectors. It may raise some questions when being searched by officers, however, the items would be legal to carry. It would allow a person to break into a home, like a fireaxe, or a crowbar. Except this item would allow easier transportation with less risk. Though with less risk, comes less security. This item wouldn't double as a weapon and doesn't have perms to KO or Major someone. So this item would purely be for breaking into a residence.

Secondly, What's the point if it's just to get in?
I see the concern, "Oh we got in, now were defenseless." Yes, you are right, however, there are still legal items to parry the Locksmith Set. (e.g. Baseball Bat and Pipe Wrench) Lets say you didn't bring those however, this item could be use for petty theft, or grand larceny. Yes this set could allow you "access" into the home with Major Perms, and allow you to gather whatever it is you broke into the home for, so long as it meets SRP rules. Bounty Hunters may be hired to steal from an individual, this could make it safer for them to get into homes without as much risk being arrested by the police on their way to the residence.

Thirdly, Well how would one excuse having the Locksmith Set?
This one is quite simple, and a lot of us already know the answer. However, for those who may not have a hasty excuse, something like; "It's for my trade, I'm learning to be a locksmith" or "I got locked out of my car once, and this saved my life!" etc... These could be good alibi's for having the set on your person if ever searched by the police with them. Since these items are legal to carry they are not reason to arrest with or without alibi, however, they should be reason to detain if in possession, and may be reason to bring in for questioning on someone with a felony record.

Lastly, What would the stats on this item be?
The stats on this item are as followed;

Price?: ¥75,000
Muggable?: Yes (Caught Breaking in, Mugged, hands slashed/KO'd *only if caught in use)
Perms Required?: Major (Used to unlock doors, or locks.)
KO/Cut?: No (Item has no weapon stats, can not knock-out, or cut.)
Range: Within 1 block (of lock or door)

To wrap up my suggestion, I would like to thank you everyone who reviewed this suggestion for taking the time to carefully read, and hope you all deeply consider this addition to the Black Market Weapons. I strongly believe this item may bring more roleplay situations into the world of CriminalRP and would strongly encourage more people to roleplay out Permissions due to the proper ability to obtain items that slightly mimic the better items one can obtain in a gang, such as how the crowbar mimics the fireaxe, the locksmith set could mimic the crowbar as a lesser counterpart. I ask you all to ponder this, and I'd be more than open to answer questions, or concerns about the item with an elaborate reply to offer as much information on the item suggestion as I can.

I also ask the community to reply if you all share the same want for the Idea, I want to know as well, that this could be a strongly wanted item not just by myself, however by the community itself so that we can better the RP for everyone, even those who may not participate in CriminalRP.

Thank you, and may you all have a wonderful day!​

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