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Denied Lore Team Application // Observxbly // ☕


Level 9
伝承チーム☕// General Information //伝承チーム
This section will cover contact information and the ability to speak in the discord servers when required.


As of right now, my account's in-game name is "Observxbly". I have an alternative account but I do not use it on SRP.

List your discord name and tag (name#0000): (Please note, communication and discord access is vital, and not having access to the site is a dealbreaker for the team)

My discord right now is 'atcoffee' including both the periods in the name. There is no discriminator on discord usernames now.

Additionally, do you have a microphone and can speak via discord?

I do have a microphone and have the ability to speak in voice channels, calls, text channels etc. I am aware that this is an absolute requirement for applicants.

Your time zone and current country of residence:

I live in the United Kingdom, specifically England and reside within the GMT time-zone. This changed to BST in the summertime. (Basically the clocks go forward.)


伝承チーム☕// Team Questions // 伝承チーム
This section will cover basic questions about writing and my ability to reconcile with the terms of being a member of the lore team.

Link any previous community team applications if applicable:

Previous lore team application | Denied due to inactivity taking place afterwards | Justification: Exams |

Do you recognize you could be removed from the community team?

I am aware that I may be removed, despite such I will aim to maintain my activity contrary to the past and not allow issues to interfere with such. If there is ever an issue I will do my best to either: Handle swiftly or make it known beforehand.

List a few things that may obstruct your progress/development on the Lore Team.

In terms of obstruction of ability, there is not much that may server as an issue as I am nearing the end of my college time. The issues listed below unless specified otherwise will only be applicable for a small number of months to come before I eventually finish. Regardless of such, they are NOT limiters and will not hold too major of an issue on my ability to contribute.

I have one exam remaining in my college which is a 20 hour digital media and games design exam. This will take place throughout the weekdays and may hindrance my activity for a few days but will not serve as a major issue in terms of my ability overall. Date: Sometime in April.

Writing Projects:
I have my own characters and other areas that I love to write, whilst this may not serve as an issue it may impact my motivation at specific times. I am capable of pushing through such, it is just important to note that it will not always be possible with everything in life piled on top of me to be able to give my 100%. Sometimes just my 99%.

伝承チーム☕// Writing Questions //✏️伝承チーム
This section will cover the questions based on writing and my passion for such as well as defining lore itself.

What makes you passionate about writing?:

Notoriously for me, writing is a passion of mine for a multitude of reasons, one of which being the contrast between writing and a game such as chess. One’s ability is only limited by knowledge, there is always a way to improve or adapt to such. The canvas available is infinite and the different concepts available to paint a picture completely opposing that relation is fascinating, captivating and amplifying the emotion with philosophy and my own interests and beliefs makes writing much more enjoyable. Not only such, I believe that writing is a way for me to entangle myself within the fibres of my own tapestry, creating my own world and ruling my own story entices developments and invites limitless ideas. You can use anything in day to day life and make it appear as such an overwhelming or essential occurrence yet it could be a concept as simple as breathing. Overcomplication and oversimplification are beautiful polar standards and experimenting with such to develop my ability in emphasis on the important matters is only increasing my motivation to proceed. Common research shows that passion is discovered after starting more-so than immediately seeking interest which applies majorly to something so versatile such as writing. Despite such, I sought an immediate interest, an undying fixation on this hobby.

Do you have any previous experience with writing lore or creative writing as a general aspect?:

I have a multitude of experience in the world of writing, since I was young I have always attempted to adapt my ability whether it be writing or typing on an old laptop. Going back in time for a moment, I had written stories taking inspiration from the Alex Rider series as well as Beast Quest. Then developing my genre into a more horror-aspect when the original FNAF series of books came out. I have written many short stories lost to time and many character backstories for my unique takes on personalities on SRP. Creative writing was always the question on my English tests that I really enjoyed and found my mind ravaging every possible concept on the prompts. In more modern times, I'll attempt to find simple plotlines and create a complex outlook, developing my ability to amplify the importance of the not-so important. In this previous experience, my ability and capacity for detailed study exponentially expanded. In general, my writing has been a consistently rising factor in my life and the books I used to read have only contributed especially recently as I have revisited such to see what best-sellers had once held within their pages.

"Grotesquely, brutal truth of the world we inhabit, we will all prey on each other.. Predatorial desire consistently plaguing society, no matter how positive a simple life may be, the actions of others will always hold some impact on said paradise.. There he sat, perched on his stained throne, his crown of thorns piercing his mind with roots of ignorance and distaste.. Corrosive thoughts seized the canvas of air, painted red by blood blending with dust.. On this day he remained, clutching the body of his final pride, the only chain tethering his heart to his mind.. An infinite void encompassed his body, isolating his receptors. Dilated pupils gazing upon the body of his sister, his hands clenching her.. As if some hope of re-awakening cou- futile.. Dahn’s world was grey, proceeding to evaporate.. fading away.. Despite the scar overlapping his eye, pouring out. He only knew capacitated one pain.. His kingdom’s divinity held its hamartia, of his own hands.. he had murdered his sister. In the event of a hostage situation, out of hopes of defence.. she had been pierced by the blade he wielded.. After such, he used the fabled weapon to incur a flat scar piercing his eyelids causing monochromacy in his left eye.. As the final minute passed, the clock chimed 5.. Exactly 14 years ago he had been held by his mother the same way he cradled his only remaining care.. The only one he truly had. Its often believed that one is truly born past maturity, the white blinding room Dahn was conceived holds nothing in comparison to the darkness of the room he is locked in, deep within his soul.."

In your own words, give your definition of lore:

Generally speaking, lore to me is similar to emotion, something that we all view and understand differently based on our experiences. A raw definition would not do this justice in my personal belief, the ability to adapt and develop a story transcends an umbrella term categorising the depth of a story. Lore is just a placeholder for imagination in relation to story, something we all have different capacities for yet all have capabilities for. Just as sand turns to glass, when pushed further to the limits you’ll uncover more of what your ability and desire is. Your own style will begin to present itself clearly, carving itself into one’s mind for the absolute usage. An alternative method of defining lore would be to amplify it’s range, lore is not the story itself but the details of a story and how well events can conjoin in chronology to form a concise series of events. Absolute importance and developments is the easiest way to phrase such, similarly to how we write and define our own stories, I believe we define lore on our own using everything available to us in day-to-day life. Assigning a non-existent value to a small or insignificant concept and developing such into a masterpiece.


伝承チーム☕// Story Prompts //⛩️伝承チーム
This section will cover the stories I have written based on the prompts given.


You are expected to write in the third person, and narrate in a reliable and neutral tone. Do not focus your prompts specifically on one character’s perspective, but on a bigger picture.
There is a 300-1000 word limit that applies to both prompts. Because of flow, if you need to go a little over or under, you are permitted to, but as soon as a prompt is 100 words outside the limit, you will be automatically denied.
The effort and quality of both prompts will be taken into consideration when we accept applications.

Summarize a character conflict, roleplay conflict, or event that you experienced (server-wide, personal, etcetera- there is no bar for how ‘interesting’ or ‘impactful’ it is). Be sure to follow the above guidelines.

Soaring Sun, Passage 1.

A typical day in Karakura, an inclining crime rate plaguing the streets. Innocent people straying in fear of encounter, residing in this hell undenounced to those moving from abroad.. Despite such, most crimes committed are of low level or mere confrontations between small parties, never straying far from that. Nightfall paints the streets red, the sore scent of luminol spray piercing the defences of peoples nose’s as they idly watch weapons people possess be checked. Regardless, life goes on.. History is a tapestry stained with the remains of prominent figures throughout time’s undoing course. Speaking of such, the merciless force of time is embodied in the town’s residents. Of course, crime is unjustified by scale however just as time embodies mercilessness.. Karakura’s yin orbits the purity of its yang intertwining itself as corruption rampantly treads on folk of the land. There is more than mere low level crimes, full on organisations and gangs pondering in the alleyways awaiting their time to prey, most prominently being Anarchy, an unruled force from long ago..

Before the advancement into shadow, benevolence is requiring of development. The contrast to these gangs, the innocence remaining is that of regular citizens and those who fight the dark, sparking a light in the hearts of those who require that security just as the clunky, worn-down street lights illuminate the charred asphalt lining the roads. Karakura’s magnum opus of creation, a popular retail area known as the shopping district forged with a multitude of prominent stores for people to visit. One of these being the popular known ‘SAYONARA’ gift shop offering a variety of small products to offer to friends or keep for personal usage, would soon come to greet this darkness as the new moon within yin’s territory eclipsed the sun’s grace. As the blanket of night fell upon the population resembling a body of Karakura, the lights flickered on and the old streets with a few pimples of modern introduction would come to life. An announcement on most phones would be given, an advertisement for ‘SAYONARA’ opening and a location given for those with no prior knowledge of the store. Many visited purchasing a variety of products offered. As the exchanging of product and yen took place between the cashiers and customers, to the littlest knowledge of those still present, Chekov’s gun was fired.. straight at ‘SAYONARA’s head.

Mourning Moon, Passage 2.

Darkness rolled through the doors, here to purchase the finest of misery from the store residing in the hearts of everyone. Masked individuals flooding through the doors wielding a variety of deadly weapons.. Seizing control of the once leisurely shopping experience, everyone was on the floor in moments, phones destroyed and minds gone numb. Overwhelming yelling proceeded as the hostages to the delinquents remained in cold silence, a disease of despair contrasting the satisfaction of those equipped with the ballistic masks.. tainted with the fabled blood red ‘A’. It was no question who were conducting this play, strings piercing the backs of all puppets in this orchestra.

"PHONES AWAY, ON THE GROUND!" piercing the eardrums of everybody, under the injustice of darkness, ominously leaking throughout everybody's mind. Small murmuring between people and frightening sounds of weapons colliding with the floor and devices danced around each other.

The undying quiet was deafening to everyone yet, they were alive.. safety was a virtue never noticed, as simple as breathing.. A concept we only think and manually perceive when placed in a situation where common needs are uncontrollable. Jeopardising the lives of many, this gang had ravaged the store quickly fleeing the scene after revoking many profits and product from those in the ruin. Where was the medicine, the sweet melatonin.. no sirens.. no primary lights to signify a potential counter. All victims forced to endure of their own defenceless accord. Was that all there was to this story? Are there no viable options for the victims to such heinous acts.. The disgusting truth stabbed through their soul flowing through the body like bacteria, dividing and multiplying through the veins of Karakura’s population.. true fear echoing, bouncing off the stained walls. Retribution is profound yet treasured as its rarity is unfathomable. Nobody came to save these people, walking away with their lives yet the fear stapled to their chest. Their only counter never arrived on the day of reckoning thus leading to a dreadful conclusion.. The blood red sign of Anarchy tainting the entry wall to ‘SAYONARA’ leaving their patent. This will never be further considered, further spoken of.. fading off in the memories of those who experienced it. Despite the trauma of such a crude circumstance and the helplessness that applies like a term in life’s deadly contract.. life goes on..

“The only events to make history are the ones that are never able to be replicated.” - A quote by a very intellectual individual..

Create a folklore tale based on an existing area in Karakura of your choosing; tell us a story! Show us how creative you can get. Be sure to follow the above guidelines.

(it wasn't working as a gif :( )

“I’m telling you that there is no such thing as an evil spirit. What sort of nonsensical bullshit gave off that idea.” Crude words spoken out of a pure naïve nature. The three females found themselves straggling through the night. - “I’ve seen it! Why won’t you believe me..” the second one pleaded. The worn-out wooden stairs squealed beneath her feet, agony that would soon be reciprocated tenfold. The others were still engaging in conflict outside the entrance to the beach, unaware of what to expect at this point, they continued through the entry a short while after. “I’m not going back up there..” she proceeded to proclaim only ending up furthering her futile display. Such resistance was not adequate regardless but when they followed the small dents in the sand, up the stairs to the pier.. there the third female-..

“You do not understand, I saw that - THING! I do not know what it was but it.. well-“

“Will you please stop BITCHING about this delusion..” the first girl snarled as she stared into the other female’s soul awaiting her perspective.

“Are you like.. a schizo? We can tots get that checked..” A more informal girl to say the least..

The cold air filtered through the open windows of their dormitory, rampant assertions out of hope for support proved useless. Simply put, speaking to a mirror holds no volume and those who deem their own beliefs more valuable than experience will suffer such absurd fates - after all.. The world is a kaleidoscope, everchanging patterns and colours tainting the canvas of bonds between people. “Please surely you believe-.. you HAVE to believe me.” her words enchanted with raw fear, her eyes held weight of unbearable sights and her emotions held no stability. “That’s it, we are heading back to the pier right now. I can’t keep listening to your complaining.” Everybody has an opportunity to earn a second chance, that is until the first mistake holds irreversible consequence.


Striding down the street, the two opposing the victim ushered her along, this issue had extended beyond simple disbelief. A matter of ego, the sensation of proving someone wrong may lead one to greet the immeasurable void. Their tacky heels echoed down the alleyway as the night fell silent, the blanket of darkness graced the beach as they neared their destination. So much so that the thought had crossed their minds.. ‘This does not feel the same as before..’ Unease plagued their minds yet, driven by confidence, they saw no hindrance. The beach is a prominent feature of Karakura, it’s golden sand lining the shore and the endless positive ventures taken on by friend groups yet - looking at this place now.. Nobody would ever believe this fairy-tale.

Finding herself alone now, the pier was illuminated by insignificant red lights, the rides encompassed by the shadow. Anywhere she rested her gaze upon was only found in darkness, even though every feature of the pier was easily identifiable.. She questioned what may lurk in the areas she could not see. The pressure of eyes piercing her very soul weighed on her shoulders.. Never the less, she had continued managing to convince herself that this was simply natural fear. “This place tots creepy.. I kinda don’t blame the girly..” Was this remorse? Empathy? Until placed in the situation yourself you may never understand the true feeling of the person in question. She found herself at the end of the pier. Onlooking the haze of the iridescent moonlight gracefully resting on the sheets of the ocean.. She was lost, nothing to feel mentally nor physically.. other than.. the cold steel that penetrated her chest, almost unnoticed due to how unnaturally smooth the blade had entered her body.. . Having just barely caught a glimpse of this creature, there the third female had fallen into the ocean..

The two had only caught up in time to bare witness to their counterpart fall into the depths, something massive lurking behind her. Their screams darted throughout the streets of the desolate town.. Not once had they ever felt more as if they were puppets on a string.. nobody was coming. Heaven had closed its doors and divine hands never offered a rescue.. The evil present does not extend past the issues we create for ourselves.. Hence why the angels do not assist us. Leaving no time to grieve, the two had fled, sprinting as fast as they possibly could even ditching their heels to pick up the pace. “WHAT THE FUCK..” The first female yelled whilst panting.. “I TOLD YOU..” - “WHY DIDN’T YOU LISTEN TO ME?!”.. It was too late for reconciliation, the two barged through the doors stacking everything; the couch, tv stands, tables, all against the dorm room entry. Gathering their breath, all they could do now was weep, baring the responsibility of the life they had lost due to sheer overconfidence and ignorance to their friend’s circumstances. Entrenched in their own mistakes, baring the consequences for the rest of time..

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Level 111
Lore Coordinator
Teacher Lead
Thank you for applying. After discussing with the team, we decided to deny your application due to the competitiveness of this role.

For any questions relating to the application, DM rexypoo on Discord with said question. Feel free to reapply and address these factors for the next wave of applications.​

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