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LORE | The History of Karakura News

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Made by KotaLobo and DarkEclipic, Thank you to Aania and RexLobo for letting us assist in making this Lore Document
1957-1959: The Start of News
The earliest record within the Archive of Karkaura News would show three names. Shinsuke Sano, the earliest Owner, and Head Publisher back in the ’60s until he died in ‘85. Minoru Haku, the first recorded Senior Reporter in the ‘60s would have died in ‘90. And lastly, Kichirō Abhuraya, the first reporter, it would be shown he had passed in 1970 due to an unknown illness at the age of 27.

Searching around in the News Archive, The Journal of Abhuraya would be found. Only four pages would be eligible from the entire journal as some pages have worn over time, some were ripped out, and others were just doodles from Abhuraya’s hospital stays.

July 5th, 1957

Sano and Haku visited me again today with some homework and some school drama! Apparently, the school’s female P.E. teacher and the school's Caretaker had gotten married and just came back from their honeymoon!

The school system has been cracking down on exams, so classes have been required as of late. I miss school sometimes. But, I have my friends to keep me company and to help me with our homework! I just hope I get well soon to take the exam.

November 20th, 1957

I got better enough to go to school today! They announced we will be taking exams next month! I did it! Sano is as chaotic as ever, he mentioned that we should start a journalist club. Haku and I are unsure about it since we need to get two more people and a teacher on board.

But, Sano says he can get that P.E. teacher on board with it! But I wonder if the school would want a club like this.

January 2nd, 1958

I passed into my next year! I will be going into my final years of high school! The school board agreed to have a club where we could report on school findings! Sano is excited and working hard on advertising it. Haku is working on the paperwork for the club and I am helping with the signage and work that will need to be done.

I feel this year will be our year! I look forward to seeing how this goes.

The last of the Trio, Kichirō Abhuraya, would still be attending his last year at Karakura High in 1960 before moving on to The News officially. During one of the three periods, Abhuraya had started later with Sano and Haku. The Head Caretaker started to act strangely, mumbling to himself. Abhuraya had seen him with a lighter, but it was said he put it away when he noticed three delinquents walking past him.

After the explosion, the school was evacuated and Abnuraya explained what he had seen to his two friends and the Mainland Boss, named Rei Ueno. Ueno assigned Haku to look into the incident and it would eventually come back with not having enough evidence on either side. With that, it would go up in rumor on who did what. It left people with a sense of uneasiness. But, years later, this uneasiness would turn into fear.

In the year of 1963, Rei Ueno received a call from Sano. Hearing the call, Ueno packed her bags and went back to Karakura, this time. A Murder of a High School Teacher, with his student doing it. Upon arriving in town and being picked up by Sano and Haku, Ueno would interact with the police about the situation to get more insight into the situation. All Ueno was told was that Miss Satomi Kato was taken into Police custody, nothing more was told to her until an Officer had Miss Ueno sign an NDA and she would be more than welcome to listen to the interview of Miss Kato.

Ueno had left the interview room after Miss Kato was removed from the interview room. Ueno would request Haku to go home and have Sano to have a Reporter make the article over the incident. Soon after the article went into circulation, they all would be taken and burned. Only a single snipper would remain of the old article that was saved by the Publisher at the time.

The Occult is defined as the Supernatural, Phenomena, and Mystical. Karakura High and Community College accepted ‘The Occult Club’ as an official club in 1967. During the time, the club was small and slowly gained popularity where it had Ten official members.

During a series of phone calls with the police about something else entirely, The News would catch wind about the Ten missing and the nine that were found. The News would get permission and eventually looked into the case, The Reporter who was doing the article, Once it was posted had suddenly vanished. It is unknown what had happened to the Reporter in question, but all that was known about them was they complained about hearing voices in the last days he was seen.

Three years passed into 1970, the year that caused great mourning from Karakura News and Mainland News as a whole. Kichirō Abhuraya, died at the age of 27, leaving behind all that he had worked for. Sano and Haku mourned for decades over his death. This would only push the Karakura News in the direction it needed to go. During the late 80’s, and early 90’s, Sano and Haku passed. Leaving behind their legacy to the Mainland News. This next decade, the Karakura News would go into its golden years. During this time, a journal entry would have been found from the late Abhraya.

?? 5th, 1969

I was admitted to the hospital for the first time in ages.. I am so weak, but I love where we have gotten to in our lives. We have made something in this town that is not going away any time soon. Even after Ueno signed us over to Mainland’s news. We have proper funding and we are able to get work done.

I love my team, I love my friends, and I love the news. I will miss you all when I am gone. You know the light? I see it, faintly, but there is something more waiting for me. I will continue to do my work until my last days in this town. Just wait, we will make history in this town.

Getting the call right as Miss Hayami Mori left the station, the hearts of the news would lower and die some that day. February 14th, 1999 was the death of age 35, Hayami Mori. Reporter of Karakura News and was found on the steps of Town Hall.

Days after the incident, The Karakura Police and News would put together a funeral for Sergeant Mori’s daughter's Death. Informing the Mainland News Network about Miss Mori’s Death, they would give the green light to have a Reporter look into the case and write a small article about her passing. Given some time, a major incident could occur.

Late into the night, the News Station’s phones started to ring non-stop. The Reporter, who picked up the phone, would be in for some dreaded news. Being told The Masamaru Station had fallen in and people were hurt, would instantly pick up the case and hurried over to the scene of the incident. With the amount of rubble on the ground, panicked people, and Officers keeping people away.

The news about the station would not come out until days later, it would be about the faulty upkeep of the station and how the Government had neglected the station after many reports had been filed. But, about the two missing during the collapse, nothing would come about if their bodies were found or not. Or maybe, they are still there and no one has noticed.

Current Day News 2007-2018
While news started to rapidly gain popularity through funding from Tokyo, it started to make its way back into Tokyo, causing journalism to pop up around the city. Not only did people start putting their all into a career in journalism, but schools would also start up clubs, hosting small events around the city where people could explore the world of journalism, even learning how to start their career in it. People didn’t take long to notice the articles being put out about local and city-wide news that were handed throughout the streets of Tokyo, only making it more popular among both the poor and the wealthy.

For some time in Karakura, the crime rate will start to steadily rise and fall for a while, usually keeping a calm and collected city when it comes to anything that happens. However, one unfortunate day in Karakura happened when just over one hundred people began a protest against police brutality at the Karakura Police Department. Sadly, the peaceful protest became a riot, causing many to be injured, but some others to pass away due to various injuries from the fire and citizens rioting against the department. Of course, this caused the news to spread around Japan like wildfire, eventually ending up in Tokyo where it was spread more until the word was passed on to somebody who then passed it to Inu Saiky, a reporter who was on a trip in Tokyo. As a resident of Karakura, Inu was understandably upset by the news that was brought to her about the riot, so she decided it would be a good idea to have her team of reporters right in Karakura.

April 27th, 2019, just almost five months after the riot took place, Inu Saiky was finally able to move back into the city of Karakura where she would gather 15 writers and journalists who were passionate about their careers to work for her, one of those people being Tomochin Taikan. Slowly, the news station started to rapidly grow throughout Karakura over the two years Inu had run it. However, Inu started going out of town so she could go back to Tokyo more frequently, resulting in her needing someone else to help her run the station while she was gone. Her only option seemed to be Tomochin, someone who was working as hard as she could, almost as if she wanted to work her way up to the top.

As Inu became more active in Tokyo, she had no more time for the station in Karakura, leading her to give it up to her senior reporter, Tomochin Taikan. Now the lead of reporters and the boss of the news station, Tomochin decided to move out of the tower and somewhere else in Karakura. After weeks of looking around, she came up with the idea of moving the building under Block A, somewhere public, but also hidden from anyone who didn’t look hard enough. Even though it was a rough move, especially with their tight budget, they made it work with old, cheap computers that were slow, as well as their tight space where they had to fit fifteen people. However, nothing seemed to change except for the new station after Tomochin became the lead, it was almost as if Inu and Tomochin had the same style and methods of running the station which was how everybody liked it at the time.

Unfortunately, reporters started to come and go from the station, not lasting longer than just a few months, except for a few of them who stayed for a longer time. Unmotivated and lost, Tomochin started to become less active when leading the faction, leaving for long periods with nobody else to take over since she had no senior reporter just yet. Over time, it was like Tomochin started to slowly disappear into thin air, almost as if she was never there to begin with. Panicked and with no lead, reporters started leaving and Karakura went with little to no news being put out for between one to three months. By January 27th, 2022, the news faction was almost completely gone and put aside, it was like the news faction was never there to begin with.

Unorganized and left to rot, the news faction had been left to fend on its own with neither Inu nor Tomochin were to be anywhere in sight. In under just two months of nothing from the news faction, a young man had come in on the 23rd of March almost out of nowhere, taking charge and reorganizing the station. It turned out that this was 25-year-old, Kazuo DeLuca, a current worker for Kyoda News, who was picked by Yudzuru to go back into Karakura to lead the news faction, hopefully without disappearing into thin air. Kazuo wasn’t only picked to bring back the activity of the faction, he was hand-picked since it had been known that he was born there, and was believed that he had good knowledge of the town, not needing much of an introduction upon his arrival.

Once settled and ready to work, Kazuo starts his introduction off with a renovation, adding more offices in the small building to hire more employees. However, this doesn’t seem to gain the news station more attention than it already had previously. Though this doesn’t demotivate or slow Kazuo down, he continues to hire more employees to fill in for the ones who left, making sure that they all have what they need to be able to work there properly. When everybody is settled in, they continue to work in peace, getting as much attention as they can. Months pass with nothing big seemed to be happening, possibly making 2022 the quietest year of the news while under the leadership of Kazuo.

This quiet moment continued until
August 12th, 2023 when the station had been broken into by masked people who were armed with bats, fire axes, and other sharp weapons to take Kazuo as a hostage in his station. A broadcast was put out in the early afternoon, telling the citizens of Karakura that Bonten wasn’t gone like people thought it had been before directing a message towards Valhalla. Once the broadcast was out, police quickly made their way to the station, surrounding the building, and getting inside to save the reporter with the help of others. Things seemed to have calmed down, almost as if everything came to a complete halt once more. This didn’t run Kazuo out of Karakura, instead, he decided to get the help of a governor and government funding so he could refurbish the station, adding semi-new technology and a more laid-back quota system to get rid of any excess stress the workers may have had. Not only did this drive more motivation for the reporters, as well as the news faction was now catching the eye of many citizens because of the amount of reports being put out almost daily. With more money now coming into the station, Kazuo finally gets the chance to put more money into the faction, even getting them a news van in case they need to get to a scene and report on it quicker.

With everything going so well, it felt almost as if nothing could go wrong for either Kaz or the news faction, it was like they were at the top of the world. Everything was running very smoothly in the faction with active reporters, and more people buying newspapers. Even getting more people interested in the faction was as easy as can be, but this only lasted just over a week until a disaster once again took place in Karakura. Not only did the news get affected, but the entire business district did as well. Almost as if it was repeated, masked people were the ones who caused all of this, they set fire to every building in the entire district, resulting in important buildings like the Hospital being burnt down. This caused panic in citizens, forcing people to move out of their homes and leave behind items they loved and held dearly.

When he learned that everything was being rebuilt, Kazuo threw in a suggestion that the news should get a new station separate from where they were currently. After a discussion, an agreement was made that the station should be moved to have its building updated, which they did along with everything else that was burnt down. Happy with the new station, they all worked harder to bring in money for both their paychecks, but also the news station to get nice equipment like bigger cameras, portable, cameras, press-ID security for the station, more news vans, and even better-quality microphones to use. Once more, everything seemed to be running smoothly, nothing bad happened for the rest of the year for the news station, even lasting until early 2024. However, everything took a turn when the news station was once again broken into.

A reporter by the name of Darius Ikemori was taken hostage and was forced to put on a life video broadcast of him seeming to out the current commissioner against his will. During the report, it had been said that Commissioner, Ernesto Martinez, had ended up committing an act of corruption to protect another officer from a criminal who was wanted, going by the name of Mechanic. Unfortunately for Ikemori, he was badly injured, resulting in the man being in a coma, nobody knowing when or if he would wake up from a terrible experience. After, Kazuo decided it’d be a good idea to add new security measures, putting in better locks on the doors, as well as putting in security cameras in many areas of the station, making sure that this could never happen again.


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