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Official LORE | The Murder of 1999

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Lore Team

This document has been worked on by DarkEclipic and the first piece of one of various lore parodies. A special thank you to all those who assisted with writing the lore.

[!] You may take this document ICly as part of an internet search with the only piece of information provided here. [!]

The police phone call

110: ‘110, please state if you need Emergency services or Police.’

??: *the voice over the phone sounded like they were hyperventilating* ‘P-Police and Emerg-gency.. there is a dead body on.. the steps of the town hall. . .Komichi Road. . .’

110: ‘Okay sir, please stay calm for me. Police are on their way now. How can you tell they are dead?’

??: ‘Blood.. blood everywhere up and down the steps.. she.. she isn't breathing!’

The call was cut off


The initial scene

The phone call above was made around 09:43 on February 14th, 1999 by a lawyer on the Town Hall's landline. Police arrived at a gruesome stabbing of a middle-aged woman, face down in a pool of her blood. Upon tapping off the street and calling for backup, an officer approached the lawyer to ask for further information. The woman on the ground was identified as Hayami Mori, a local reporter for the Karakura Newspaper. Reports indicated that she was heading to Town Hall to have an interview with the lawyer about the possible corruption of REDACTED of the Karakura Police Force. Investigating further into Miss Mori's work, police found she was last seen by her co-workers that morning heading out of the office with her messenger bag, a vanilla folder of papers, and an engraved pen that her father, Sargent Mori, gave her for her birthday. CCTV caught Miss Mori passing by the local Karakura High School around 09:00 as school was in session, heading towards the local family store on the corner. An ambulance arrived at the scene as the officers were speaking to the lawyer, to take the body of Miss Mori to the morgue. Doctor Maki Takagi explained that she was stabbed in the shoulder and neck area roughly seven times in total, resulting in blood loss.

Sargent Mori was shortly informed around 10:00 about Miss Mori's death and where she was currently located. REDACTED told Sargent Mori, the father of the recently dead reporter, to take the week off and return to the force when he was suitable to continue working, REDACTED was surprised when Sargent Mori denied the offer and instead wanted to take on the case himself. Agreeing, the officers would pull their heads down and look over the case as a whole.



A week after the initial report, there was a small connection made between Miss Mori and an inmate that was recently arrested.

Start of Translation

[!] The sound of a door could be heard opening and closing, and the rattling of chains could also be heard [!]

REDACTED: 'Good evening Mr. Kajiyashiki. How are you?"

The inmate is quiet, a sigh came out of REDACTED's mouth.

REDACTED: 'I know this is hard on your Mr. Kajiyashiki. But I need you to answer some questions for me. We checked the blade that was found on you, and it had your fingerprints on it. Do you deny that?'

Kajiyashiki: '. . .No sir. . .'

REDACTED: 'So, you admit it? We also found a note in your pocket that led to a location to meet with a person, who is a known gang member. Do you deny that?'

Kajiyashiki: '. . .No sir. . .'

REDACTED: 'Then, we are done here. Detective, please escort Mr. Kajiyashiki to a cell.'


End of Translation

Mr. Kajiyashiki, known as Kiya Kajiyashiki, was arrested for Gang affiliation and possession of illegal weaponry. The connection made between Mr. Kajiyashiki and Miss Mori was one of her old classmates, Hideji Kajiyashiki. Kiya’s older brother and friend of Hayami from their high school days. After gathering the information to understand the situation better, Sargent Mori and REDACTED along with some other officers, went to the Kajiyashiki Residence where Hideji and Kiya lived together until Kiya’s arrest.

Arriving on the scene, based on eye witness, REDACTED and Sargent Mori approached the door, with lethal weapons at the ready. After many loud knocks, Sargent Mori eventually kicked the door in as he, REDACTED, and the rest of the officers on the scene stormed into the house. Clearing room by room, the officers headed down into the house’s basement, where they found Hideji, covered in some sort of red liquid. Mr. Kajiyashiki only looked at the police as they surrounded him, not moving a muscle due to their demands. Detaining Mr. Kajiyashiki, police were able to get a sample of the blood off his clothing and examine it with Miss Mori’s which proved to match. Hideji Kajiyashiki was arrested that same day for the first-degree murder of a Karakura citizen.​
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