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Lost inventory due to editmode


Level 3
IGN: Nerna
VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: If it can just be rolled back, I don't think listing everything is necessary. (Edit: A small list of items that may not be in the backup, but are in the screenshot and are items that were lost as well: Green butterfly headband, Lightning EarPods, Elephant plushie "Pinky", Pink and white handbag)
EVIDENCE: (Taken about 40 min before the server crash)
My inventory now:
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: I was in editmode when the server crash happened and I had also fallen asleep. The next morning (today) I woke up to that inv.
There should be a somewhat recent death inventory backup too, at least with all the upgraded vehicles.
Also server join (& leave) backups of my inventory should be viable too, which would be more recent than the deathsave. Or at the moment at least since I've only joined and left once after losing everything. I might join the server once or twice more if this takes a long time, but not more than that until this is resolved so that the proper backup stays.
My discord is @Nerna if needed for anything.
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