IGN: iMxri
VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: Black phone, Black Pearl Bow[?], Lotus umbrella, Peppa Pig Gucci Hat, Toy Katana "Yamato", bunnie ears, clubmaster
classics glasses thingy, etc. [I lost my whole inventory, but these are the items I wish to have back]
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: I think my inventory might've glitched since I/the server crashed before I left- I was in apartment editmode and all my stuff has disappeared again, not sure exactly how this has happened again
VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: Black phone, Black Pearl Bow[?], Lotus umbrella, Peppa Pig Gucci Hat, Toy Katana "Yamato", bunnie ears, clubmaster
classics glasses thingy, etc. [I lost my whole inventory, but these are the items I wish to have back]
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: I think my inventory might've glitched since I/the server crashed before I left- I was in apartment editmode and all my stuff has disappeared again, not sure exactly how this has happened again
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