Level 9
IGN: Joetempz
VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: Tinted glasses ''Kuznetsov'', Water gun, Blue stylish glasses, Toy Katana ''Smaragd Choas'' Pircing set [this wasnt included in the screen shot as this screenshot isnt updated however I did in fact have that in my inventory if I could be given that back it would be perfect]
So basically I was on the courts when the server crashed like a few hours ago so I lost my items so all the items listed above was what I had in my inventory at the time.
VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: Tinted glasses ''Kuznetsov'', Water gun, Blue stylish glasses, Toy Katana ''Smaragd Choas'' Pircing set [this wasnt included in the screen shot as this screenshot isnt updated however I did in fact have that in my inventory if I could be given that back it would be perfect]
So basically I was on the courts when the server crashed like a few hours ago so I lost my items so all the items listed above was what I had in my inventory at the time.