IGN: mayonuku
VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: my entire inventory, but I'm fine as long as I get back my diploma, a I.D, a smartphone and a green bike.
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: I was in editmode (in a house if that matters) and i very suddenly got disconnected to the hub and the lost all my items. The lost items are not in editmode. (didn't take a screenshot before the INCIDENT because I was sure that the glitch was fixed... GUESS NOT haha.. so that's why the two screenshots are at different times.)
VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: my entire inventory, but I'm fine as long as I get back my diploma, a I.D, a smartphone and a green bike.
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: I was in editmode (in a house if that matters) and i very suddenly got disconnected to the hub and the lost all my items. The lost items are not in editmode. (didn't take a screenshot before the INCIDENT because I was sure that the glitch was fixed... GUESS NOT haha.. so that's why the two screenshots are at different times.)