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Lost Items| DontEatDaCookie


Level 90
IGN: DontEatDaCookie
VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: My whole inventory
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Wifi cut out during apartment editmode and i lost everything, everything shown in the screenshots was on me apart from the electric guitar and my gas mask. i also had the lighter on me that is shown in the 3rd screenshot. I dont have screenshots of my inv all together but only a few things left it and came into it which has been said. I also had my custom froggy hat
If im only allowed 10 items back then i want back
- All my hotbar not including the unicorn (5 items)
- Frog backpack and umberella (2 items)
- Toy sword Chokuto
- Bamboo staff
- Bunny ears
- Waterblaster
Id also like to rebuy my custom frog hat for 7k if i cant get it for free, These arent my most expensive items but the ones that are most valuable to me.

Last edited:


Level 211

Some of your items have been returned. Next time you make a request, please put the item names in the list instead of just placing a picture of them, since we cannot guess all the items' names

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