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Lost Items + Glitched Smart Phone


Level 34
IGN: EtherealRP
ITEM NAME: Left Eyepatch
EVIDENCE: I had a {Left} Eyepatch on when I took it off to apply a tiny model (1)
Once i had gotten into the tiny model, i accidentally applied my eyepatch on. Which replaced my eyepatch with my head for the morph.
Confused, I went into f5, expecting it to be ON the model so I could take it off, but it wasn't there.
Apparently my item had disappeared to who knows where.

When I logged back on after a week (TODAY) , I went into model 1 again and had my phone in my hand. All of the sudden, it glitched and gave me 2 smart phones. When I right clicked the other smartphone, it disappeared, leaving me with my original one.
SS of 2 phones and left eyepatch ON character

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