players online

Lost Items


Level 2
Today the server crashed twice, probably the proxy because no one was able to reconnect and a few before the server went down I emptied my inventory in one of my chests, I do this before entering the sewers so if I get jumped they can't steal anything from me.

When I was in the sewers the server went down twice and once I was able to be back on my items were nowhere to be found, not in any chests or anything, my alcohol and 'sewers items' were still here but the ones I usually carry around were gone, I do not have screenshots to prove it since I didn't plan on having the server down but I remember a few of them and I will list them:

- Piercing set
- Smartphone 'Anchor'
- Watergun
- Zippo lighter
- hardcover sketchbook

I also lost my ID, bank card and a few books but I can easily get them back so I didn't feel like listing them up.
I hope I can get my items back, have a nice day.

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