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Lost my whole inventory due to a glitch.


Level 35
IGN: Partytime_Freddy
VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: Soviet Ushanka, Club master Raynans, Ballistic face mask, Golden steak, Tamagotchi, 2 crutches, Toy chicken, 2 Maracas, Christmas phone, Plague doctor mask and a pair of glasses which i cannot remember the name of :[

ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: There are three parts of additional infortmation. 1. The glasses and Plague doctor mask are new to my collection (hints why I don't know the name of them) so I do not have a screenshot of them in my inventory, I only have a screenshot of the glasses on but the Plague doctor mask was bought by the player N0VAFAD3 for me as a present so if you are able to check A.C. sells or something to see that I bought the glasses from the auction house and, that N0VAFAD3 bought the mask (you may also ask them if they gifted it) these items could've be saved too. 2. The screenshot is a few days old, things such as the Guitar and the KitKat box have been sold just to be clear! 3. I lost my items while I was using the guest editing mode, it seems very broken at the moment I gotta admit because I had to relog which put all the blocks and tools into my inventory eating my normal items.


Level 211

6. Administrators will not return more than 10 items/vehicles to you, this is a safety precaution. These are usually the 10 most expensive/valued items in your inventory screenshot (any additional items must be re-bought in-game).

Please DM me stating 10 items you want back - mariav#6666​

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