Level 9
IGN: Toyo_panics
VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: Totoro bag, pink teddy hat(i forgot the name), pigeon plushie, Cigarette , brown school bag, clipbard, flipphone , buro pen , pink bag(i forgot the name) , black circle hat thing(i forgot the name), pink bike, kuromi bag (cat bag??) , black earings(i forgot the name), ruby , flower crown, hello kitty plushie, turtle plushie, Omamori, teddy bear, lighter, pink flower bag(i forgot the name), hello kitty glock , diamond ring ,Neentendo DS , blue smartphone , pink/golden earings(i forgot the name), pink watch(i forgot the name), sun glasses, game boy, Hardcover book

i bought the hardcover book after i took the ss from my inv.
I was editing my apartment and when I finished I did "/apartment editmode" like normal to get out of it, when I did that my inventory disappeared
VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: Totoro bag, pink teddy hat(i forgot the name), pigeon plushie, Cigarette , brown school bag, clipbard, flipphone , buro pen , pink bag(i forgot the name) , black circle hat thing(i forgot the name), pink bike, kuromi bag (cat bag??) , black earings(i forgot the name), ruby , flower crown, hello kitty plushie, turtle plushie, Omamori, teddy bear, lighter, pink flower bag(i forgot the name), hello kitty glock , diamond ring ,Neentendo DS , blue smartphone , pink/golden earings(i forgot the name), pink watch(i forgot the name), sun glasses, game boy, Hardcover book

i bought the hardcover book after i took the ss from my inv.
I was editing my apartment and when I finished I did "/apartment editmode" like normal to get out of it, when I did that my inventory disappeared
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