Out-Of-Character (OOC) Section
IGN (In-Game Name):
Lunadragon66 (Main, HS-Basketball)
LunaDtism (ApplyIng)
What is your discord username?
Describe your activity on the server:
I am a fairly active player, and have obtained my fair share of roles, from professor, to HS-Basketball (twice over). My first ever role would have been a fox. Later I found it boring, (as animal whitelist was new) and I had the whitelist removed. After this my next (major) role was professor, where I was there for about six months, before leaving due to OOC (personal) circumstances. I was rather sad to go, but I needed to. Shortly later, I bought a bird and goat, which I have not much to say on. I then obtained my HS-basketball tag for the first time, and I was there for about eight months, before I quit SRP. I semi-recently joined back into SRP, where I have added over 100+ hours in a couple of weeks, and did my tryouts again, where I gained my HS-basketball tag (Again)
My time schedule (typically) is as follows!
5-10:30 through weekdays, (Monday - Friday) in which case, I’ll be on for the whole five and a half hours. Weekends I’m typically more free. On Saturdays 7-12:40 I’ll be on, and after work I’ll be on 5-1(AM) just about, I don’t have a set time for when I get off, typically it’s just whenever I get bored. On Sundays I have every other Sunday off work, and If I have work, it’s the same starting time as Saturday, but I will be offline by 10:30. Due to school in the morning. A proper table is as follows:
Sunday | Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Saturday |
9AM - 9PM | 5PM - 10:30PM | 5PM - 10:30PM | 5PM - 10:30PM | 5PM - 10:30PM | 5PM - 1AM | 5PM - 1AM |
During the Summer!
My schedule is far more free, and I’m more available. Typically on for 15/5, as I have nothing better to do with my life. Even if I’m on vacation, or anything like that, I will typically have a laptop with me, so I should continue to be able to get on. Unless I am driving, no internet, or just plain busy. During these times I would file for inactivity however, I SHOULD be able to make a quota for the month regardless. This Summer is a little different, as I will not be working at all this summer, and I may not go anywhere. With this all being said, I will provide two time tables, illustrating this.
(This Summer)
Sunday | Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Saturday |
9AM - 1-2AM | 9AM - 1-2AM | 9AM - 1-2AM | 9AM - 1-2AM | 9AM - 1-2AM | 9AM - 1-2AM | 9AM - 1-2AM |
(Usual summer)
Sunday | Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Saturday |
5PM - 1-2AM | 9AM - 1-2AM | 9AM - 1-2AM | 9AM - 1-2AM | 9AM - 1-2AM | 9AM - 1-2AM | 5PM - 1-2AM |
What is your timezone?:
My time zone is AST (Atlantic Standard Time)
List your current and past applications:
Luna's KPD app #2 | SchoolRP | Minecraft Roleplay Server
Accepted - Luna's professor application | SchoolRP | Minecraft Roleplay Server
Denied - Luna's psych app | SchoolRP | Minecraft Roleplay Server
Denied - Luna's Councilor app! | SchoolRP | Minecraft Roleplay Server
L:una's kpd app | SchoolRP | Minecraft Roleplay Server
KPD app: #3 | SchoolRP | Minecraft Roleplay Server
Denied - Luna's lawyer app | SchoolRP | Minecraft Roleplay Server
Denied - Doctor Application #1 | Luna | SchoolRP | Minecraft Roleplay Server
List your current roles on the server:
[HS-Basketball] - Hanako Loke (#12)
[Adult] - Rockwell Loke, Kouromi Kawabata
[Bird] - ‘Al’ (Replacing)
[Goat] - Goatee
What experiences do you have with roleplay?:
I have been on SRP for four years, going on to five years soon. And I have always had fun, and enjoyed myself. During this time I have had a number of roles throughout this time, so I will tell you about the two roles I see as more major, and what I did whilst having them.
First one I’ll talk about is Professor.
I was a professor for about six months, and the character’s name was Rockwell Loke. As a professor I was teaching ethics. I enjoyed this role a lot, and had fun with it, doing patrols, and wandering around the halls, after that teaching class, or interacting with other faculty members, or student council. My classes primarily consisted of debates, and arguments whether something was morally right or wrong, and using book or movie characters that are well known as examples. I later quit this faction, due to my OOC mental health, and nearing the end of school, I was getting stressed.
Secondly, HS-Basketball
I was within HS female basketball for around the same time, and joined semi-shortly after. Whilst I was on the team, I frequently participated in RivalryRP, and jockRP. I had a lot of fun during these times, within the team, and just interacting with other teams. I’d go back to these times if I could, but I can’t. Me being on the team helped to teach me more about detailRP and to help me get better and more skilled within detailRP, whenever I plunged or bullied someone I’d make sure to use detailRP.
What is your motivation for applying?
I strive to help people. Let me explain. Ever since I was little, I wanted to be one of three things. A lawyer, to help those who are being wronged by the justice system, or being fooled, or framed. I thought this was what I’d be for the longest time. Secondly, A police officer. To serve and protect my city, to keep those safe within it, from the dangers within it. Though, if something happened, I know I’d blame myself. I’m still tempted to be an officer, but I have another profession in mind. Thirdly, a doctor. I want to save those whose lives mean something, maybe not to themselves, but to others. Why wouldn’t I want to help save someone’s life? What kind of human would I be if I didn’t?
I specifically want to be working in spots on surgeries where most surgeons or doctors refuse to work due to ‘risk’ and to protect their own ass, or reputation, and having complete disregard for the patient’s life. I want to be a neurosurgeon. Surgery on the brain, spinal cord, and nervous system. A spot where many people refuse, due to the riskiness of the area. I want to be this so I can save that family, and keep their family together, for as long as I can. I don’t know if I’d even have the stomach for it, but. I know that deep down, I would do anything for someone else’s family.
Young-Mi has always been the type to be there for people, and to help those who she can, whether it’s facing up against bullies, ass holes, or just jerks. Young-Mi was there to help anyone who she thought needed saving, or just a friend. As she got older, she saw people suffering from physical pain, and ailments. She hated seeing this, and from then she knew what she wanted to do. To help people in any way she can. She started doing this by bringing over the counter medication, everywhere she went. If someone had a cough? She had cough drops, and cough syrup.
When Young-Mi’s father passed away, she was only 11. This only strengthened her wish to be a doctor, to help everyone she could. Which led to her studying harder than ever, to ensure her goal of helping as many people as she possibly could to come true. Young-Mi is a highly motivated person, willing to do whatever it takes to get the task at hand done.
Which role are you applying for?
(Doctor or Psychiatrist)
I am currently applying to be a doctor
What knowledge do you have of the roles within the Hospital Faction?
(This is to gauge at your current understanding of the faction prior to acceptance)
These are in order, from highest to lowest. I will be doing the doctor department, as I am applying to be a doctor. Psych works slightly differently
Hospital Director | The hospital director oversees, watches and monitors the hospital (Or EMS) faction as a whole. The hospital director is the highest role, whose word goes above anyone else's. |
Clinical Manager | The clinical manager comes right after the Hospital director. Their goal is very similar to the Hospital Director, to make the hospital runs smoothly, and everyone is doing their jobs. |
Clinical Lead | This role is the specific lead for doctors, they overlook and make sure that the Department is operating how it should, and that proper practices are being followed. |
Clinical Supervisor | Clinical supervisors are in charge of the lower-ranking officials. It’s their job to ensure they’re working responsibly, and efficiently. |
Attending Doctor | Attending doctors primarily focus on promoting physical health. They do consultations to help and hopefully diagnose ailments, and provide the patients with the proper care, and treatment. These doctors are highly qualified, and have proven to be skilled. They can manage medical teams, more complex patient care, and mentorship to lower-ranking staff. |
Senior Doctor Resident | This role is reserved for those who have proven to be skilled, and competent when it comes to patient care and or treatments. They are allowed to supervise and monitor the lower ranking doctors, and trainees. |
Doctor Resident | These are the second up from Trainees, they finished their training and ready to start their work. They typically work with more experienced doctors, due to their skill level within the hospital. |
Doctor Trainee | This starts the beginning and entrance role at the hospital, as some people call them ‘the babies’. They are the new comers who are getting trained to be EMS and more specifically Doctors in this case. |
Do you acknowledge that if training is held whilst you are online, you are expected to attend or you will be punished?
I acknowledge, accept, and agree to this.
In-Character (IC) Section
Character’s Full Name:
“My name is ‘Young-Mi I.’”
- (Young-Mi I)
Character’s Gender and Pronouns:
“I was born a girl, and I tend to go by She/Her.”
- (Young-Mi I)
Character’s Age (if accepted):
“I am currently 34 years of age, and born April 20th, 1990.”
- (Young-Mi I)
Character’s Academic Background:
“I have been in school for 16 years, though I was able to skip a grade in highschool, due to my academic performances.” She wouldn't raise her head any higher, she’d cough after saying it as well. She clearly didn’t want to talk very much about it. Trying to remain humble, Perchance? “Shortly after graduation, the same year I started University, where I stayed for six years.” Young-Mi would let out a large smile during this topic, university was clearly where she thought herself as her best self. She was proud of these days, clearly. “During this time I was studying two things at once, and frequently went to other classes, one of which was ethics, where I obtained a bachelor’s for it.” Her face lit up somewhat, though she did her best to hide it. A sliiiiight ego showed here, but even Young-Mi needed her moments of glory, this was without doubt, one of them. “I always barely passed one class though. Language arts. The bane of my existence, I got over it however, and improved my grade. Only to a 70 though.” She’d frown slightly. Clearly not proud, nor happy to mention this at all. No doubt she wished she didn’t however. It was asked, and she begrudgingly revealed one her biggest secrets to date. She’d slide a sheet across the desk. (Down below)
Place of study (School, University, College, etc) | Date From | Date To | Fulltime / Parttime | Qualification with Grade, Class / Division | Subject Specialism(s) | Age Range |
Saitama Korean Elementary (saitama, Japan) | 09/16/1996 | 06/17/2002 | Full time | N/A | Biology, mathematics | 6-12 |
Saitama Korean Middle School (Saitama, Japan) | 09/16/2002 | 06/13/2005 | Full time | N/A | Biology, Mathematics, Ethics. | 12-15 |
Seien Girls' High School
(Hamamatsu city, Japan) | 09/12/2005 | 06/12/2006 | Full time | Highschool diploma | Biology, ethics. | 15-16 |
Tokyo Medical and Dental University (Tokyo, Japan) | 09/11/2006 | 06/11/2012 | Full time | PHD: Biology Majors: Mathematics Bachelors: Ethics | Biology, Medical | 16-22 |
The University of Tokyo (Tokyo, Japan) | 09/10/2012 | 06/12/2016 | Full time | Hospital Medicine | Emergency Services, Toxicity. | 22-26 |
Character’s Nationality:
“I was born in South Korea, however I moved to Japan when I was 2. Specifically Saitama.” Young-Mi would shoot the interviewer a soft, warm smile. As if she liked remembering this, a peaceful time to her, clearly. “I plan to stick around, for a little while longer. Hopefully forever, this city is beautiful! I love it. Truly.” Her smile would slightly grow, as she brushed some hair out of her face, tucking it in behind her ears. Young-Mi’s smile would slightly grow, showing she meant what she said. She’d begun to relax some in the interview, her nerves were lowering. “Maybe never leave. I mean, if you look around you, sure there's bad people. But where isn’t there?” She’d give a small smile, before realizing she’s getting side tracked, her smile would fade, and somewhat shrink down into her chair.. Oops!
Character’s Marital Status:
“I am currently single, nor have I ever dated anyone..” Young-Mi would slightly frown at the question. She didn’t quite know how to answer the stranger question, no doubt. Who would? Was it really an important question? “I’ve never had much time to date, or settle down with a family, though I do want a family, and kids someday.” She’d let out a glowing smile that almost lit up the room, the thought of having kids of her own was truly delightful thought. Hopefully it comes true someday. “I’ve always been too busy with school, or work to even consider settling down. So hopefully this will be a new start, and new opportunities for me. Perhaps being able to start a family?” Her smile would grow, as she sat higher in her chair. Here is where her pride somewhat grew, no doubt. This was something she was passionately about, and she liked talking about what her future might bring, in terms of a family.
Character’s Religious Denomination:
“I have thought and frequently question if there is a God or not, though.. I don’t believe there is.” Young-Mi would look up somewhat, curiously, questioning even now, no doubt. What if there was a god, or a Kami? She wanted to know if there was, or wasn’t. “Though, if I found out there was, then quite frankly, they’d be a cruel god or kami. Look around, even In this beautiful city, there's a lot of bad.” Young-Mi would let out a long sigh. She’d look at the interviewer, with a pang of pain in her eyes. It hurt her. “There’s a lot of bad, but there's more suffering.. What made these.. Kids be so evil?” She’d slightly shake her head, as if to herself. Her eyebrows raised and fell slightly. And her head tilted to the right, thinking? Or just.. Wondering? Maybe it was her ADHD showing, but hard to say at this point.
Character’s Spoken Languages:
“I speak two languages, Korean and Latin. I’m currently trying to learn Japanese Sign Language, though it’s proving to be difficult to find any courses.” Young-Mi would let out a soft sigh, slightly annoyed no doubt. She’ll probably just learn it on her own, courses are overrated anyways, right? “Don’t ask where I picked up Latin” She’d chuckle to herself. So.. She’s forgetful..? No.. Doesn’t give off that vibe, maybe she was rather young? Like a toddler. “I don’t remember, it’s a question for my mom..” She’d frown slightly upon saying this, she blamed herself for what happened. It was obvious, written all over her face as if it was in big white text on a black billboard “If she… Ever wakes up” Upon saying this, a soft tear exited her eye, and rolled onto her soft cheeks. None would follow however, she held them back like a rope in a children’s game of tug of war. Bravo Young-Mi. Showing weakness, bad timing!
Character Backstory (Optional):
Young-Mi was born in Seoul, South Korea, in 1990. She was the result of the planned pregnancy, to two parents, who always wanted a daughter, and finally had one, when they were in their 30s. Young-Mi was always a playful child, goofing around and just having fun, and since she was an only child, she didn’t have to worry about sharing. When Young-Mi was just two years old, her parents decided to move to Saitama, Japan. This was a hard decision, but due to their financial issues, they had to. Her parents never let Young-Mi know this though.
Her childhood was filled with joy, and fun. Though one day, it’d all come crashing down. When Young-Mi was just 10 years old, her father was diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer. And was given only a year left to live, if he was lucky. Since that day, Young-Mi knew what she wanted to do. To help families from being in her shoes. She studied cancer, by the age of 11 her father died. His last words were “I love you, Young-Mi. You make me so proud..” This crushed Young-Mi, and only pushed her to pursue medicine all the harder.
A year later she began her Middle school life. Some of the worst times in her life, constantly being bullied, and picked on for her father’s tragic and sudden death. She could barely keep going, but with a heavy heart, and remembering what her dad told her, she kept pushing. Till one day she snapped, and slapped her bully. She got suspended, however, her mom didn’t care due to the reason, and she was back in a week.
“I miss you, dad.. All of this is to make you proud, I hope I’m doing so.. Even without you being here.” Her head would hang low, swinging side to side slightly, a tear rolling out of her eyes as she thought about the time. A soft drip would hit her shoes. She thought the quote almost out loud, just kind of mumbling it to herself, quietly. Poor thing, she looked almost weak or powerless at this moment, within a minute however she’d perk back up, hiding her sadness with a smile. She felt like she couldn’t show weakness, not here at least. Maybe at the local taco place, does Karakura have a taco place? Yum. Tacos.
Teenage years
During Young-Mi’s last few years of middle school, things started to improve, and turn around. Her already good grades by kids standards were improved to fantastic in her standards, and she kept pushing for better and better grades. It got to a point she was obsessed with her grades, always looking for other ways to improve them, or do extra credit. Though her teachers always refused, as some other.. Less smart students needed their chances too.
Soon enough, Young-Mi and her mom moved to Hamamatsu city, for her highschool. This was devastating to Young-Mi, as she lost all of her friends. She was depressed. As the time came for highschool, she held her head high, and proud. If anyone would be the highest graded student, she knew it’d be her. As the school year came to a close, she was one of the highest performing students. However, she got a 70 in language arts, her biggest weakness.
Finally, she was through with High School, ready to start university in Tokyo. This was HER time to shine. She’d enter the university with an open, clear mind, day one. She’d plop down, open her books and get to work. Young-Mi was.. Tossed into challenges she couldn’t foresee or predict, due to this she found university hard. Especially as all of her friends were talking about their relationships, and boyfriends. Young-Mi couldn’t relate to this, as she’s always been too busy studying to date.
“You think we’re DATING?! I’ve never dated ANYONE and I don’t plan to start any time soon!!” Young-Mi would shake her head upon saying this, clearly the person she thought she was dating was not the most… Attractive, nor pleasant person ever.. Like a guy who’s the type to treat women like dirt, and just use them for what they offer, and threaten to beat or kill them if they refuse. That type of guy, like a Kenpachi Ego (Loser). She’d slightly chuckle though, wondering how these rumours even started. Buncha weirdos, that's how. Damned kids. No wonder she didn’t date, thinking about it. Who’d wanna date a snobby 16 year old? Gross!!!! She’ll kindly pass on the offer, double it and give them to the next.
At 18 years of age, not much changed for her. She celebrated another birthday. Nothing special, she did what she typically did. But, her mother was planning a surprise party for her. The Big 18. However, tragedy struck, as Young-Mi’s mother was in a severe car accident when returning. A transport truck T-boned her car, leaving her mother in a coma, where she still is to this day. This only motivated Young-Mi more so. How wouldn’t it? She was left all alone in this world, cruel. Undeniable, Young-Mi blamed herself, if only she thought..
Everything went on the same for Young-Mi after this, until she graduated university. She, the educational driven warrior decided that she was not done with education, when on to get her grad degree, in medicine. She really was becoming what she dreamed of being, and she was proud of that. She did her residentries, in hospital medicine. She aimed to become one of the world’s top rated paramedics. Did she? HA! God no.
As her educational journey came to an unfortunate end, with Young-Mi getting a mark which she wasn’t too happy about, an 80. She went job searching, throughout her university she was working part time, so she had some money stashed away, and had an apartment. And the hunt for jobs started. She ended up finding a job as a doctor a year later, Tokyo Metropolitan Hiroo Hospital, her first ever job as a doctor. She wasn’t the best, but everyone needs to start somewhere.
She’d remain working there, making a few friends, losing a few friends. The typical. Eventually, her co-worker lied and forged proof about Young-Mi, saying she committed a crime called mal-practice. Young-Mi was fired, two years into her job there. She was crushed, but, maybe it was a good thing? In the end, she got away from a bad co-worker, so must be good. Her next job was a few months later, at St. Luke's International Hospital.
She remained there, before she decided to move out of Tokyo, and looked up cities to move to. She needed a change. She handed in her two week notice, and decided to move to Karakura, to where she is today. She hasn’t been in Karakura long, however she’s decided she loves it in the island, despite the.. Criminal activities, where she tried to get a new job, at Karakura hospital, as a doctor.
“Screw you, Jennifer. Happier now anyways, plan: Backfired.” She would chuckle here this time. Imagine trying your best to make someone unhappy, and failing so miserably that she gets a job she likes more. Doesn’t need to put up with your bull shit, and quite frankly. Kick back and relax for a few days, as you apply to other jobs. Actually, it sounds more like she doesn’t like spending money much, and has saved it up and doesn’t need to worry for a few days.. God she IS smart, or just a flat out weirdo. Maybe both. Yeah both, she screams both, mostly weird though..
What is your character’s medical speciality? Why did they choose this focus?
(Ensure this is appropriate to the position you have chosen. Some examples can be found here)
Young-Mi’s eyes would slightly open a little wider… Where should she start? How does she start, she LOVED questions like these, who wouldn’t?? She’d remain quiet for a few moments, thinking. “I specialise in Hospital Medicine! I wanted to be a paramedic, as I could do the most good, in my opinion there. Patrols, responding to calls, psychiatric work if needed.” She’d smile a big smile, for the first time during this interview. Shocking. Sure, she seemed sweet, but this time she seemed happy! “I never really wanted to be locked in the hospital, I’m willing to as long as I need, but I aim to become a paramedic once I can.” She’d look up somewhat proudly, she had her goals, plans, hopes and dreams PLANNED out. “I think Karakura would benefit from more paramedics as well, to be honest with you. Crime rates are always on the rise, stabbings, or other severe injuries are a common thing.” She’d let out a sad sigh, the beautiful city she loved. Yet underneath it, not so beautiful.. It hurt her. “The city, in my opinion, would benefit from more paramedics.” She’d give the interviewer a small smile.. Hopefully they don’t get back at my criticism, she thought. “If you don’t mind me saying..?” She’d give a curt nod, not really knowing what else to say or do to answer the question, so she decided to wait for the next question to roll on out, like an autobot from transformers. Maybe optimus prime? Oh! I should watch them again, Young-Mi thought to herself.. Yuuuup, definitely ADHD.
Does your character have any work experience in medical positions?
“I have worked in two hospitals before applying here.” Young-Mi would start off by saying she was more relaxed answering this question, one she loved, and got fired. The other she loved, and quit. “The first hospital I worked at was the Tokyo Metropolitan Hiroo Hospital, where I worked for a couple of years..” She’d pause, hesitantly not sure if she should say the second part. She’d know she had to, unfortunately. “I got fired, a co-worker faked, and forged stuff to get me fired for mal-practice, the court ruled in my favor, however the hospital deemed it best to fire me.” She’d let out a sad sigh, clearly she did genuinely enjoy working there, no doubt. “Second hospital I worked at was St. Luke's International Hospital. I worked here for a few years, but quit. I was getting sick of Tokyo, needed a new scene, or change of paste.” She’d shoot the interviewer a small court smile. Not really knowing what else to say, besides a small smile. Hopefully they don’t mind the whole incident. Young-Mi thought to herself, clearly. “I will say however, looking around this hospital, I know I’ll enjoy working here, if I get accepted, it’s a beautiful hospital.” She’d shoot the interviewer a soft smile, with a nod of her head. It was true, the hospital was beautiful no doubt. Hopefully she doesn’t get her hopes TOO high though. That wouldn’t be very good, Now would it? Actually maybe it’d be a good thing, some hope? Who knows. People are weird, am I right or am I right?
Describe your character; how do they look, what makes them unique? How would they be perceived by others?
Many things can be said to help describe Young-Mi, carefree, sure. Idiotic? Perchance. Smart? Absolutely. Young-Mi showed this with how she looks, her hair was typically well kept, brushed, and back. Her hair was shinier, but not like a model’s. Too much credit for her. She was a short, petite 4’8 girl, who no doubt about it screamed either professional, or terrifying. Hard to say which. Her eyes were a dark brown, some would almost say black. Which always annoyed her. Wouldn’t it annoy you? As far as Young-Mi was concerned, she had certain ways to look, to remain professional, and respected as a person. She didn’t want to look like a homeless person.
Young-Mi’s typical fashionsense was more professional, just the same. She was uncomfortable wearing highly revealing clothing, or other stuff. She liked her pants, and long sleeved tops. If she needed to, she’d look more professional, maybe a skirt, and a sports jacket? Rarely though. As far as clothing went, she was the type who’d wear mostly the same things, she didn’t like to change a whole lot, not in her fashion. She was the type-a clothes every day girl, a basic, yet not too basic. She really wore what made her the most comfortable in them, like a nicely fitting brand new sock. Who doesn’t love that?
[!] waiting for skin, put here future me! [!]
Her small size, and her attempt at a more professional fashion sense, made her either cute, or somewhat scary. It was really hard to say. The longer you looked at her the more sweet and innocent she began to look, like a little kid. She’d always smile back at you though, so yeah. An overly mature little kid is how she looked. Does that make sense? Kinda? Words are weird man! Getting side tracked again, oops! Young-Mi would walk with grace, and determination, no doubt to try to help everyone in the world, if she could. Could she? No, but she doesn’t need to know that. She’s on a tiny island for god's sake.
How does your character act around the hospital?
Within the hospital, Young-Mi does her best to remain at least mostly professional, and kind. She’s the type of girl who’s professionalism is important to her, however she herself breaks it, making all kinds of REALLY unfunny jokes, to try to lighten moods. To her, they’re funny.. To everyone else? They’re some of the least funny jokes they’ve heard all day. Maybe all month. When there are patients around, she remains her typical professional self, unless something serious is happening, or the patient is crying, in which case, she’ll try to cheer them up.
Outside the hospital, Young-Mi is an absolute goofball, she just jokes around, and aims to have fun. She has bad ADHD, which makes her never stop doing anything, always from one thing to the next to the next to the next. Trying to get her not to, it’s like getting a cat to not sleep. It won’t work. She tends to always be seen doing something, anything.
All in all, Young-Mi is dedicated to helping others, off duty and on duty. If she sees anyone that needs help, she’d be there in a heartbeat, whether it’s giving them some yen, food, or even helping them get their first apartment. She refuses to let someone go unhelped, if they ask her.
Does your character function better on their own or with others?
Young-Mi is what some would call a social butterfly. However, her job takes priority. She’s willing to adapt to any situation she's needed at. She’ll work with any amount of people at any time, what does she prefer? Others. She’ll work with other people as much as she can, especially if she’s new to the workplace, and job. The last thing she wants to do is to get in trouble. She can also work alone, and she equally enjoys that. When she’s working alone it gives her time to think, not on the guy next to her and his mustard stain. Just her, focusing on the task at hand. To her, being alone is peaceful, and almost an escape from whatever is going on outside. She has her social battery, and they tends to keep it as charged as she can!
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