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Accepted Lunixiyl; EMS Application


Level 5
Out-Of-Character (OOC) Section
IGN (In-Game Name):
[Applying Account] Vesimeloonii

What is your discord username?

Describe your activity on the server:
I’d describe myself as fairly active, my activity can range from 2 to 8 hours depending on my day-to-day schedule. I’m also starting college and currently have a job which affects my activity during the week. I'm most active on the weekends.

What is your timezone?:
Central Daylight Time (CDT) otherwise known as GMT-5

List your current and past applications:

List your current roles on the server:
[Main Account] Lunixiyl
[Grade-12] [HS-Football] Keiji Ishida
[Grade-12] Brady Philips

[Alternate Account] Lauchh
[Grade-10] Kichiro Saiky
[Dog] Kohaku

[Alternate Account] Vesimeloonii
[Grade-12] ?
[Grade-7] Haruki Sakata

What experiences do you have with roleplay?:
I began my journey in roleplaying when I was about twelve years old, starting on Roblox when I was obsessed with a particular book series. This led me to begin writing and developing characters I enjoyed playing out and designing. As I got older, my roleplay tastes changed, leading me to explore text-based roleplays in places like Discord, Amino, and other platforms. Then a friend of mine introduced me to SRP back in 2020. It was rather overwhelming when I first joined SRP, so it initially didn’t interest me. Until I met some friends who encouraged me to try and be more active, this was when SRP hooked on to my interests. I was active up until 2022 when I took a prolonged hiatus from SRP due to personal issues that arrived in my life. By 2023, I decided to return to be deeply rooted in SRP’s community and roleplay.

What is your motivation for applying?
I’d like to join the hospital faction to make more friends and roleplay as a mature adult rather than a high school student or college student. I have never been a part of a faction outside of the high school teams or faculty, and even then I’ve only been on faculty once. I would like to strive to go out of my comfort zone and try a new subject of detail rp that would introduce me to more sophisticated situations requiring much more detail and precision. This would help me expand my knowledge of roleplay, urge me to write detailed actions and create more in-depth characters who would devote their time to studying and learning what they need to do to save a life, possibly given the situation. This is a great way for me to achieve these wants and experience even more of what SRP has to offer in terms of roleplay and making friends.

Which role are you applying for?:
I’ll be applying for the role of a doctor.

What knowledge do you have of Hospital Work?
I believe that I have a relatively basic knowledge of hospitals as I currently hold a license for first-aid in real life. So I know a fair amount about applying specific techniques to certain situations. Aside from that, I don’t know much about the different positions, degrees, or anything within the branches of a hospital. However, I’m happy to learn anything I can to help further my understanding of properly portraying a hospital employee.

To my current understanding, a hospital has a busy work environment, consisting of receptionists, nurses, doctors, and various other titles. Some doctors dedicate themselves to certain subjects, such as Dermatology, Ophthalmology, and Neurology. while others focus on surgery procedures, like an Appendectomy, Neurosurgery, or Cardiac Surgery.

Do you acknowledge that you’re subject to being demoted at any given time if accepted?
Yes, and I completely respect the decision of higher-ups if they do choose to demote me from my position.

Do you acknowledge that by applying for this role, you agree to be 100% dedicated to the Hospital Staff role?
I completely acknowledge this and I agree to dedicate myself 100% to my role in being a part of the Hospital staff.

Do you acknowledge that if training is held whilst you are online, you are expected to attend or you will be punished?
Yes, I completely respect and acknowledge this and understand I will be punished if I do not attend training.

Do you acknowledge that you are NOT to take things OOCly when dealing with training & situations?
I completely acknowledge that I am not to take things OOCly while dealing with training or situations.

In-Character (IC) Section
Character’s Full Name:

She lightly cleared her throat as she sat in front of the desk, flattening out her dress. “My name is Hirano, Kyou.” She spoke in a smooth tone.

Character’s Gender and Pronouns:
“I’m biologically a woman and I go by she or her pronouns.” She answered simply.

Character’s Age (if accepted):
She leaned over to her side, pulling a briefcase into her lap, and clicking it open. She then slid some papers onto the desk. “I’m thirty-four years of age, you can confirm by my birth certificate.”

Character’s Academic Background

She carefully sifted through the organized papers, pulling two and placing them on the desk. “I have a PhD in neuroscience and a bachelor’s in biology.”

Character’s Nationality:
She lightly tapped the birth certificate, “I was born in Osaka, Japan.” She stated simply, withdrawing her hand from the desk and back into her lap.

Character’s Marital Status:
She subtly paused as she was questioned, but readily answered.
“I’m currently unmarried.”

Character’s Religious Denomination:
“I was raised in Shintoism and I still follow it.”

Character’s Spoken Languages:
“I speak Japanese and Japanese Sign Language.”

Backstory (100+ Words)
Kyou Hirano was born in Osaka, Japan, in 1988. To Shinji and Toshiko Hirano, alongside her twin sister, Umeko Hirano. Kyou was the more withdrawn one of the twin sisters, she preferred to keep to herself in her parent's garden with the stray cats that visited rather than the other children her sister Umeko often requested to come over for a play date. This made Kyou the oddball of her family, her parents usually held social gatherings through extended family and close friends. Even her sister blossomed during these moments. As Hirano entered preschool, her development followed the average trajectory of a child: slow, curious, and full of discovery. However, her introverted nature made her earlier years of education challenging. Initially, she despised being away from her family, particularly her father, Shinji Hirano. While Umeko thrived in social settings, Kyou found comfort in the quiet corners of their home and garden.

Soon, years began to pass in the blink of an eye. She and Umeko had just turned six and were entering first grade. This marked the start of a new chapter in Kyou’s life. This was when Kyou began to thrive academically and relish the attention her parents would spoon-feed her, resulting in her natural curiosity and dedication to blossom. She excelled in her studies, while Umeko struggled with feelings of incapacity and envy. The bond between the sisters began to strain under the weight of this new dynamic, with Kyou reveling in her academic triumphs and Umeko grappling with her sense of worth and identity.

Life began to brush along like the strokes on a canvas—quick and smooth. Kyou Hirano eventually aged into a young adult, graduating high school with multiple achievements and rewards. She had pushed herself to excel, a few years before she graduated, Shinji Hirano had tragically passed unexpectedly due to an unforeseen brain tumor that had been growing unnoticed. The death of her father propelled her further in her efforts to graduate high school and get into college. Once she got her diploma she began applying for colleges. While Umeko, her sister, not so much. She decided to take a gap year to recover from their father’s death, while Kyou did not. Instead of letting her grief bring her down; she pushed herself to be her best. Something that could one day make her father proud. The next few years flew by, she got into a good college and started her efforts to become a neurosurgeon at the age of eighteen years old.

The education of a medical student who was aiming for neurosurgery was a rough one that was filled with hardships and plenty of sleepless nights of study and rushing to get to classes on time, this left Hirano rushing everywhere, a busy body. She lacked a social circle in college due to her extreme focus on her studies. She was determined to achieve this degree and settle herself into a stable and well-paying job so she did not need to depend on a spouse to provide for her. That was not the life Mrs. Hirano wanted, so she pushed herself, opting to push through her final years of medical school. However, that motivation only lasted for so long, resulting in Kyou hitting a rather harsh area of her life: burnout. She struggled throughout her last years of college and her grades dropped lower than usual but thanks to unwavering motivation, she managed to finish college and graduate with her PHD and a bachelor’s degree.

In the following years, Kyou Hirano became a parent to her sister’s children. Kurou and Yurou Hirano. Twins, which even further urged her to work harder to give them a well-supported life which led her to leave the hospital where she was originally employed during her medical residencies, she then moved to Karakura, Japan with her children to be able to give them a better-educated life in a safe city, after securing a place for them to live she began job searching resulting in her finding the Karakura Hospital. She then decided to apply and is currently waiting for the result of her application to be reviewed.

What is your character’s medical specialty? Why did they choose this focus?
Neurological Surgery, A neurosurgeon is a medical professional specializing in diagnosing, treating, and managing conditions of the nervous system, which includes the brain, muscles, disorders of the central, peripheral, autonomic nervous systems, and spinal cord, as well as the blood vessels that relate to these structures. This includes supporting structures and vascular supply. Neurological surgeons can provide specific management such as critical care, evaluation, prevention, and rehabilitation of brain functions. And as well as certain procedures like endovascular surgery. Kyou Hirano chose Neurology as her main focus for various reasons: to help people with a useful skill and to pull off a successful procedure that could potentially save a life. Neurology is one of the most difficult fields due to the extensive education required to be certified in such a delicate field. But she also possesses other reasons, simply because she wants a job that is rather high in demand, what hospital wouldn’t need valuable surgeons like herself? She has children that she has to provide for, and that is one of the reasons why she put herself through college for years on end, to provide for her children.

What medical residencies did your character take after medical school?
Kyou Hirano put herself through seven grueling years of residency in a hospital setting to get a firm grasp on neurological surgeries, thoroughly splitting her time between the operating room and outpatient medical settings. She has ensured her ability to help those who need help and that she can successfully keep a stable job for a comfortable life with her family.

Does your character have any work experience in medical positions?
After completing her seven years of residency, Kyou went on to work for three more years at the hospital where she had initially begun her journey as a neurosurgeon. During these three years, Kyou progressed in her ability during surgery, gaining quite the still-pair of hands, a calm and collected attitude, and an organized office.

Has your character completed any additional schooling?
Yes, They have.

Describe your character; how do they look, and what makes them unique?
Kyou Hirano is a Japanese woman, who possesses a blend of features. She stands at 6ft (182.88 cm), which adds to her rather intimidating appearance. Her dark brown hair was silky smooth and cascaded down her shoulders, framing her face. Her eyes, a deep shade of brown, were warm and expressive, often reflecting a quiet sense of judgment. Beauty marks were dotted across her facial features; most notably her upper cheekbone, her upper lip, and neck. This added a unique touch to her natural beauty, giving her an air of distinctiveness. Her expression remained poised, unmoving as her gaze carefully observed her surroundings.

How does your character act on and off duty?
Hirano separates her on-duty life and home life strictly, careful about what matters in her day-to-day activities. In the workplace, she gives off a sense of concentration and unwavering focus as he pays attention to the environment around her. She'd often be seen scanning through documents and other equipment to ensure its readiness for the next patient. She maintains a minimalistic workspace, easily ridding of distractions. She keeps only the most essential items within reach, highlighting her disciplined self. She isn't too social during her time at the hospital, as she is there for work rather than talk. Occasionally she will be seen conversing with her co-workers, adding to the conversation whilst taking a break from her other duties.

While at home, Kyou Hirano keeps most of her discipline. Tidying up the house, and checking on her kids. She's a single parent with multiple children, notably the twins. Kurou and Yurou Hirano. She casts a much softer demeanor while at home although keeping her strict personality, which was a necessity with young children. She manages her household with an iron grasp, little to nothing gets past Kyou Hirano in her house. She ensures that they have a proper schedule due to her self-discipline with working hard to provide for them, she wants them to have the best chance they can have at life. To succeed.

Does your character function better on their own or with others?
Sometimes Kyou Hirano can be difficult to work with due to her quiet nature and bluntness. She has a straightforward communication style that can occasionally come off as harsh or unsavory, and her preference for solitude may very well make her seem unapproachable to the naked eye. However, her self-sufficiency and work ethic cause her to work effectively when needed, despite her inclination to work indecently. Kyou remained professional and cooperative in her workplace, handling team interactions with minimal complaints. She balances her preference for solitary work with the demands of her environment, ensuring that she contributes to the best of her abilities.

What plans does your character have for the future?
Kyou wants a fulfilled life. She wishes to have lived her life comfortably and to have provided a healthy childhood and life for her family, to have their lives be easy and not as hard as her own. Once she retires, she wishes to live out the last of her days quietly, somewhere in the countryside to listen to the birds and to take her well-earned final years to enjoy her family.

How is your character perceived by others? How does it contrast with their perception of themself?
Hirano can come off to be an intimidating person at first glance, with a harsh expression that conveys a sense of judgment and distaste. However, her actions contrast sharply with this blunt exterior. Despite her stern appearance, she often behaves in a motherly manner towards her patients, adjusting her demeanor based on their age. She is considerate with her tone and words, displaying compassion that belies her facade. Her concern for the well-being of her patients is genuine and this same care extends to her co-workers, although she may not verbally say this to them. Beneath her sternness lies a dedicated professional who deeply values the health and happiness of those around her.

Her thoughts of herself aren’t much different from how those around her perceive her, she sees herself as an independent woman who doesn’t need to rely on someone else to provide for her or her family. Someone who can remain composed in stressful situations that most people would show signs of discomfort or stress, while she can handle such situations with a general ease. Rather than an emotional thought process, she prefers a logical one; keeping herself rather blunt toward those around her. However, her genuine kindness seeps through from time to time which she tries to avoid as she doesn’t want to be seen as weak for having a caring side toward her patients or co-workers.
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Level 237
Hospital Lead
Media Coordinator

Thank you for taking the time to apply, we hope you are excited to hear that you have been accepted! You will be contacted in regards to setting up your roles shortly.

- In order to proceed, you will need to join the Karakura Emergency discord (CLICK HERE) to receive your roles.
- You will also need to be online in order to receive an introduction and the necessary equipment to carry out your duties as a Hospital Worker.

If you need any further assistance, feel free to privately message me - 6pancake - via discord and we will solve any inquiries you may have.

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