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Accepted Lunixiyl; Tutor Application


Level 5
Out-Of-Character Information

What is your Minecraft username?:
Lunixiyl, I'll be applying for my secondary character slot on this account.

Do you have Discord (If so, what is your discord username?):

How old are you? (Optional):
I am 17 years old.

What is your time zone?:
Central Daylight Time (CDT) otherwise known as GMT-5

Describe your activity on the server:
I describe my time on SRP as quite active! Ranging from at least 3-7 hours per day depending on my schedule and general mood and health. Although, I do in-fact have a job at this moment in time and I usually get called into work on Saturday, Sunday and Monday. Most of the time but can be on other days as well.

Have you ever been banned (If yes, when and why?):
I have never been banned or have had a temporary ban from SRP. Aside from a singular warning a long time ago!

Do you acknowledge that if you are inactive you will be demoted?:
Yes, I completely understand and respect the choice of the staff to demote me for inactivity.

School Employee Role you are applying for?:
I'll be applying as a School Tutor for Karakura High.

In as much detail as possible, describe the employee role you are applying for:
Tutors are High School Faculty who will meet with students to clarify and review concepts taught in classes, explain processes and help students solve specific problems. Revolving around several subjects of education, some tutors specialize in different subjects while others do not. They reside in the far left side of the building and remain there all school-day while the gates of Karakura High are open for attendance and after school activities. Inside of the Private Tutoring room there is a green board that lists the profession that the Tutor specializes in. But most of the Tutors can help and cover just about anything. Tutors also help with classroom-centered activities. and the emphasis and content of the tutoring sessions is determined by the student's needs or education.

What experience, in general, do you have in roleplay?:
My Roleplay journey started when I was about 12 years old on Roblox, simple RPs until I was about 14. Then my tastes started drifting to more detailed RPs to Discord RPs and Places like Amino. I remained there for a while until I drifted back and forth from various RPs in Discord Servers until a friend introduced me to SRP back in 2020. At first I wasn't all that active and I was rather overwhelmed by SRP due to the amount of players and activities that were happening. But around 2021 I got extremely into SRP until I hit a bit of a break around 2022. This year I'm coming back full swing and attempting to get a bit deeper rooted into SRP's complex lore and general community.

Why do you want to join the School Employee faction?:
I want to join the School Faculty so that I have a motivation to get Online but also to be able to afford to keep an apartment and generally get more skins and such for my Characters. And being able to make a bit more of an appealing Character towards SRP's minecraft skin style. I have also never been a part of SRP's adult RP. This would be my first time RPing an adult character and stepping into the world of SRP School Staff RP for the years I've been in SRP. I wish to experience this due to new friends I've made and that have encouraged me to get back on SRP due to how much I love writing and RP as a whole.

Link(s) to any previous applications and appeals on the server:
Russian Lang Application [Denied]
Mishka's Russian Application [Denied]
Re: Mishka's Russian Application [Denied]
Rosalie's French Application [Denied]
Rosalie's French Application [2] [Accepted]
Avis's German Application [Accepted]
CastawayLunix's Literature Teacher Application [Denied]
Service Dog Application [Accepted]
JSL Application [Accepted]
Espen's German Application [Accepted]
CastawayLunix - Korean Language Application [Denied]
CastawayLunix - Korean Language Application (2) [Denied]
Korean Application [Accepted]
Service Dog Application [Denied]
Service Dog Application [Accepted]
Service Dog Application [Accepted]
Lunixiyl; Cantonese Application [Accepted]

What are your current role(s) on the server? (If you're college, specify your degree level):
Lunixiyl; Kichiro Saiky [Grade-9], Secondary Character Slot
[Applying Account] Lunixiyll; Minkyu Yoon [Grade-12], Kohaku [Dog]


During a work-shift a student starts cursing at you for being pathetic, how does your character react?:
Tatsuo would pause for a moment. Rather taken aback by the outburst in the student. He'd look at the student quietly as they ranted in rather foul language, resulting in him gathering a rather firm but gentle expression. He'd wait for them to finish this angered outburst, Tatsuo himself didn't do well in certain grades during high school so he quite understood where the anger was coming from, classes were stressful and the constant push to have amazing grades was rough too. He watched them go on quietly before they began to cease with their rant. He stood up from his chair and walked over to the Student with a calm attitude and friendly gait. He'd look down at them with that firm expression but gently leaned down to them. "Listen, I understand what you're going through. and It isn't fun, Trust me. But that was no way to go about it. Is it?" He questioned them gently, waiting for their response. This particular student gave a rather nasty response. He'd let out a gentle sigh and walk back over to his desk and pull a detention slip out of the drawer. He turned and walked back to the student with a neutral expression on his face. "I know this might've made your day a whole lot worse but, Do me a favor and go see one of the School Counselors. They'll help you manage that anger you got brewing." He said with a kind tone. He was in their shoes once, so he felt it right to at least give them a suggestion to help with this outburst. He'd turn back and walk back to his desk, continuing on with the lesson they were practicing.

You notice two students are physically fighting in the hallway, – multiple punches have been thrown – how does your character react?:
As soon as he noticed the fight, he quickly pulled the radio from his belt and called for another staff member to help separate the two brawlers. He'd attempt to separate the two students in the most gentle way possible without hurting them or himself. He put himself in-between the students, gently pushing them apart without shoving them over. Using his body as a blockade to prevent any further punches hitting being traded between the students. "Okay you two, break it up. Now." He said in a firm tone but remained calm and professional, looking at the student in front of him and the student behind him. If this approach didn't work, he'd attempt to keep them separated for as long as possible until help arrived. Once help arrived and The students were separate and no longer hurling punches at each-other. He'd look them in the eyes, looking between them. He crossed his arms as he looked down at the students. "Could you explain to me why you both were fighting?" He'd ask with a genuine and honest sounding tone in his voice. Once the students explained themselves and apologized to each-other, He'd pull two slips from his pocket. Also pulling out a Pen he kept with him and hastily scribbled down their names and a time and gave the slips to both students. "Hopefully this will make you two think about your actions."

Another school employee is clearly acting inappropriately, doing something very dangerous on the job, how does your character react?:
He'd glance at them for a moment, a bit shocked that a KHS faculty member would be acting with such childish behavior. Taking a moment to observe and then approaching them. "Hey, I'm sorry but last I checked this is a School and not a Circus. You shouldn't be acting like this in front of children." He answered semi-firmly while remaining professional. "Last I checked this is severely against our code of conduct, I'll be bringing this to SLT so they may act accordingly." He said firmly, walking away from the staff member. He wasn't going to let someone give their students such a bad role model and idea of what a proper adult should act and behave like.

When in the employee break room, how does your character act?
He's obviously quiet to remain from disturbing other Tutors, Teachers or any employees in the room taking a break from the wildness outside of the room. He'd most likely be organizing papers or notes on different students and what they need to learn more of and focus on. He'd most likely be quietly sipping on black coffee with a slightly loosened tie if he was wearing a suit and tie or some other sort of professional attire. And he'd occasionally start up a conversation or join a conversation with his other fellow faculty members in a polite and quiet way to not disturb other faculty members who came in here for some peace and quiet.

Provide us with at least three detailed /me's of your character whilst on your chosen role:

walked over to a desk and set down his bag, taking out several stacks of paper that were clipped together that were organized in alphabetical order and some journals to take notes on some of the students' needs and improvements they've made. As he was setting out all his things, he happened to glance up at the chalkboard, one of the other tutors must've accidentally left some chalk on the board. He stood straight up and set the last journal on the desk and walked over to the chalkboard, taking the all-felt chalkboard eraser to tidy up the board for any other Tutors who were going to use it today. He brushed the felt eraser across the green chalkboard with long wide strides with a firm press using his palm, thoroughly brushing off all the residue from the chalk used most likely from the day before.

/me walked over to the student who called him over. He slightly leaned over to read the paper and to find out exactly what they were having trouble with. "What do you need help with?" He questioned with a friendly tone, looking at them with an encouraging smile. He seemed rather focused on the student and what they needed help with, listening to them inventively. He read along the paper, looking at the main principle of what he was tutoring the student on.

/me organized his papers accordingly and in alphabetical order as he read through them thoroughly, taking note of small things in each paper. He paused to take a sip of the bitter black coffee that he somehow enjoyed. While he was taking a quiet sip of the bitter but energizing liquid, He glanced up from the organized papers. Noticing a student walk in the door with a gentle smile, he placed down the pieces of paper he had been skimming through. "Hello! Is there anything you need help with?" He questioned, placing down his coffee and using both hands to align the paper and then tapped the bottom edge to neatly stack them, setting the paper off to the side as he looked to the student with a kind and focused expression.


In-Character Section

Full Name (First & Last only): Tatsuo Matsunaga
Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss): Mr. Matsunaga
Preferred Name: Tatsuo

Age (Minimum is 25): 29
Gender: Male

Academic Degree: Master's Degree
Major(s): History, Psychology B.S
Minors: Economy

Nationality: Japanese
Known Languages: Japanese

Tatsuo Matsunaga was born in Osaka, Japan on 3/18/1994. To Katsuo Matsunaga and Minako Matsunaga as the second eldest son of their family. The Matsunaga family is a traditional Japanese Family that comes from Osaka, Japan. The family was started back in the 1800s by Katsuo Matsunaga’s second great grandfather. Tatsuo was raised with great discipline from his Father, learning several things about Japanese History. When Tatsuo turned three years old, he started attending kindergarten. Which is a bit early in terms of development but, Tatsuo was quite smart for his age and was excelling at classes during this time. His mother’s kind hands are what guided him through this while his Father’s strictness is what kept him in line at this young, tender age. Tatsuo’s early development in life caused him to take on many things, from small lessons with self-defense and several different activities by his father’s choice. He continued to develop as a normal young child up until he turned eight years old when his Mother passed away unexpectedly from a car accident. This left Tatsuo rather struck with grief and started his pathway onto acting out in school. He grew up rather distant from other children, often getting into small fights and not listening to his teachers. Tatsuo’s Father grew extremely distant from all his children after his wife passed away, leaving Tatsuo and the other eldest to care for them most of the time while still providing them a house with a warm bed for each and every one of them.

Tatsuo continued to grow and grew into a seventeen year-old boy. Where he was your average High School bully who constantly picked and pestered other students as acting out due to his home situation. As a way to vent his anger and grief towards losing his mother even though it was years ago now. He was just so young when it happened that it damaged his development. This behavior lasted all the way up until senior year of high school in Osaka, Tatsuo had gained quite a name for himself as the punk you’d meet in the back of an Alleyway. Not many students or even teachers wanted to talk to this rather prickly personality. This was until his Father sent him to meet a The****** to deal with the grief and torment he experienced over the years of caring for his younger siblings and learning how to raise other children from such a young age. The The****** herself was a fresh graduate from a college, Tatsuo found this profession interesting as he has never really looked towards Psychology before, he didn’t realize how diverse and interesting each human personality could be. He often found himself asking the The****** more questions then the The****** had for him due to how much interest he showed in the topic. This painted the future for our young Tatsuo. As he was in the middle of the year, he showed a sudden behavior change, taking more of a part in his studies and helping other students. He finished his final year of high school with flying colors to obtain the ability to get into a good college. He soon graduated High-School with the high hopes of getting into Osaka College, and majoring in Psychology. He strived to help people who were in his shoes, who were suffering through grief and heart-ache. No child deserves to go through it, so he figured he’d have to step up to prevent other children from going through it. This was Tatsuo’s motivation through college. After working hard and with utmost intent, he eventually got a Master’s Degree in two subjects, History and Psychology and a Minor in Economy to his father’s choice as he still tried to control Tatsuo in a way but, Tatsuo remained rather neutral toward his family. Later he learned that his eldest brother got married to a woman who also grew up in Osaka. Now this was a woman he didn’t exactly enjoy being around. She was a very elegant and high standard woman, she expected a lot of everyone around her. But by no means was she narcissistic or crude. But she simply had high expectations. That's what he didn’t like, she reminded Tatsuo of a Cat in a way. Tatsuo isn’t a cat person.

Tatsuo spent a large majority of his life after graduating college after getting his master’s degree in two subjects. He first started out getting a job as a psychologist in Osaka, Japan. Where he worked from when he was twenty-three all the way to thirty-one years old. During that long time span, he managed to acquire a healthy love life with a man his own age. This man’s name was Hajime Kitagawa, his fiancée. They had been engaged for about two years when unfortunate events took place and Hajime cheated on Tatsuo in their own house. This left Tatsuo rather heart broken and he instantly moved out of the house, leaving Hajime everything after calling off the marriage which was to take place only months from the time this took place. Tatsuo was practically inconsolable, it took about another year past his birthday for him to decide he’d start somewhere new. His eldest brother reached out to him and offered for him to move to Karakura, Japan with him and his Wife to start a new page in his life and figure out what he would do from there. Tatsuo agreed and it took about a month for him to move from Osaka, Japan to Karakura, Japan. With a few trips back and forth to ensure he had all his belongings. Tatsuo spent about two months getting himself back on his feet and over his fiancee and the situation that took place. This is where he turned his eyes towards the Hospital of Karakura but, whilst applying to become a the****** at the hospital itself. He decided he wanted something different and his gaze turned towards The High School of Karakura. He did some research towards Karakura and found out about their private tutoring program, he gave it some thought and often visited the shrine to pray for luck and good fortune during this choice and he now tries to apply for Karakura High School as a Tutor.

Motivation for Joining KHS:
My motivation for applying to Karakura HS is to help the students at the school itself, from College Students to simply High School Students who could be struggling in one subject or across the board. I want to be able to help these children excel at their grades so they may have a greater goal in life. And to help them find their life aspirations or perhaps a life goal to look towards, to give them a boost to get through the first few rough years of high school. School itself isn’t an easy thing. It takes motivation and dedication, and sometimes it's hard to scrounge together the effort to get through classes and assignments. Especially with the distraction of friends or potential relationships that most Students get distracted by, I wish to give them extra guidance if they want it. I wish to be there to help these students and help them prepare for their adult life and when they are looking for a college or perhaps not.

Do you have any previous experience working in a school environment? If so, please elaborate (If not, respond with "N/A"):

Why should you be accepted over the other applicants?:
I should be accepted over other applicants due to my master’s degrees and experience with these degrees. I’ve worked hard to achieve the things I have obtained through years of hard work and dedication. I feel that I can help provide an example to the Students of Karakura and help them understand what it is to grow up and become a young adult and a part of today's society. I also feel that I should be accepted over other applicants because of my genuine desire to help these students excel across the board and help them achieve what they want to become in life or help them understand things that may be blocking them from graduating from High School.



Additional notes about your application:
Thank you for taking the time to review and read this application!
Do you have any questions?: None!​
Last edited:


Level 347
HS Sports Lead
Thank you for your application! Welcome to the School Employee faction.
What happens now?
Once you have been given your roles in the Academics Discord where you can access materials for your role, you may request the in-game tag with an Admin+.

* If you have further questions, feel free to contact me via the employee channels in Academics Discord.

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