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Madara O. Volkonsky | Biography


Level 8
Disclaimer: None of this information should be used in roleplay, this is simply for documentation on the character.

Madara O. Volkonsky | Biography

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**This information as of today has become Classified**

'Reality is often disappointing'
- Madara O. Volkonsky

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He would equip the following items in his day to day life, not all being worn at the same time -
A blue ribbon straw hat
A boombox
A horned hat
A catholic rosarie
An electric guitar
A smartphone
Spray can
Disposable lighter
A metal baseball bat
A ballistic mask
A ballistic mask (oneye)
A pipe wrench

[more items included but wouldn't be worth mentioning them directly here]

Playing and participating in Volleyball, Baseball and Basketball, training to hopefully get a place into the school's male basketball team.

Serious Problems/Flaws/Addictions/Disorders/Disabilities:
He would be a chain smoker and a heavy drinker to cope with his pain managing to remain sober for sort amounts of time .

Ability to speak multiple languages ranging from Japanese, Russian, Albanian, Korean and English and being able to adapt to different dialects of the languages and speak in their respective accents. His main skill is athletic, such as him being able to use his strength to change a metal bats hitting power to knockout and individual while bashing it against their skull as well as using psychological tricks to predict his opponent's movements, using his knowledge in psychology to his advantage. He would also be able to run faster than most and chase and run from individuals under intense pressure as well as being a blackbelt in martial arts combat.

Volkonsky fam for life.

Madara Volkonsky was born on March 1st, 2005, in a small town called Novgorod, located in the vast and picturesque landscape of Russia. Growing up in a tight-knit community, Madara experienced the beauty of Russian culture, its rich history, and the warmth of its people. From a young age, he displayed an inquisitive nature, always seeking knowledge and understanding of the world around him.

As a child, Madara Volkonsky was exposed to diverse perspectives through his parents, who were renowned scholars in the fields of psychology and philosophy. They nurtured his intellectual curiosity and encouraged him to explore different subjects. Inspired by their academic achievements and a desire to forge his own path, Madara Volkonsky developed a profound interest in the human mind and behaviour but used this as an advantage to do terrible things later on in his teenage years.

In 2019, when Madara was 14 years old, a significant turning point occurred in his life. His parents, recognizing his thirst for knowledge and the potential for a global perspective, made the decision to relocate to Karakura while putting him in langauge classes to help with his Japanese as well as learning a bit of Korean along the way. They believed that the unique cultural environment and educational opportunities in Karakura would shape Madara's future in a profound way.

Moving to Karakura was both thrilling and challenging for Madara. Adjusting to a new language, customs, and traditions was initially daunting. However, he quickly embraced the experience, immersing himself in the vibrant Japanese culture. Madara's determination and adaptability enabled him to overcome the language barrier and develop strong connections with his Japanese peers, thus learning Japanese in the process before going to Karakura highschool once he turned 15.

With a deep sense of purpose and armed with a diverse skill set, Madara Volkonsky now stands at the threshold of his high school journey in grade 12 at age 18. He envisions a future where he can contribute to the betterment of society, using his expertise in psychology, business, and human sciences to advance currently day systems however his life takes a dark turn once he gets introduced to the gang life, having been raised up in a poor area in Russia, he was overtaken by the will to go into a more aggressive approach in school and around Karakura’s streets, using the abilities he has learned through his life to his advantage, Thus coming to present day where he remains as a single soul but in the background works as a merc under the name 'Yad'. This new identity is one no one know about as he wears a orange one eyed mask to conceal his identity.

*NOTE [This isn't yet a completed biography and just a placeholder, the family and relations will be added respectfully when there is a need for it]*
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