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Maeko 浜崎前子


Level 3
Maiden from the East
Maeko Hamasaki - 浜崎前子

Neutral Good

✞ R e l i g i o n ✞


♀ Female ♀



Zodiac █ Sign

Blood █ type:
O- Universal Donor


122 lbs


Relationships with Maeko are often very good and filled with positivity, although Maeko's worst fear is to be left behind by her friends. Her friends are one of the most important things to her in the world and she would put herself in front of anything for them.
Since her birth Maeko was blind. Although she is used to falling in various areas, she always thinks the worst. "What if I break my neck" "What if I fall and never get back up" - Meako.
Maeko cant help having an insecurity about her abilities, often trying her best to help out, and be as proactive as possible. When she feels helpless she often acts up emotionally, and once rejected for reasons such as her blindness she can often get hurt.
[Getting Lost]
Getting lost in the city is one of Maeko's fears (Basically stuck ICLY in one place). Ever since she found herself lost in the city once, she had to go through a whole ordeal asking people for help and eventually getting help from a dog named Aera and a police officer.
[Hurting Others]
A lot of people as Maeko for advice up in the Shrine. While this makes happy, she cant help feeling self conscious about whether her advice is advice worthy. Bringing up advice for sensitive situations also troubles her, as she may get blamed for advice that just didn't work out.


Character █ Quirks

[The Lazed Eye]
As you look at Maeko's eyes one might be looking a different direction while the other one looks at you. In rare cases, ones that are filled with more emotion both eyes could become lazed looking opposite directions. This tends to scare some people off, but Maeko doesn't realize she does this, but has gotten comments on it, therefore she tries her best to prevent it around new people while directing the eyes to a specific point.
[Constant Clicking]
You might realize a constant clicking noise while you're around Maeko. She uses these clicking noises to understand her surroundings, mainly around places she knows. Clicking doesnt work in loud places and rarely works in places that she has not been in yet. She listens to clicks bounce of the wall creating a minor case of human echolocation which helps her make things more clear.
[Nail Biting]
Sometimes the silence at the Shrine can become unbearable, biting on her nails for some reason calms her. Yes, its also become a habit.



Meako was born fully blind due to under developments while in the womb.

[Clouded Corneas]


Character Feats

[Musically talented]
Maeko often sings in her spare time. It's easy for her since not many people visit the shrine. Singing cancels out the unbearable silence at times and helps feel more alive. Although she doesn't sing to people. This is a talent that could impress a lot of people. Her voice is gentle and is often angelic.

Being an Itako at the Shrine has given Maeko the ability to communicate with the Kami and the spirits around the shrine. Most Itakos are blind giving them a spiritual sense to the world. Although this belief is different for everyone, Meako is open to the fact that some people just dont believe and accepts it.

[Riding a bike]
With her friend Sif's help Meako's most proudest achievement so far is riding a bike. Something she thought she would never get to do.


Lila Helvete (Friend) (Alive)
Sif Chu Aldridge (Friend) (Alive)
Aera (Pet) (Alive)


As far as Maeko knows, she was an only child, born in Kanazawa, Japan. As her birth approached, her mother gained the offer to give birth at the hospital but rejected it due to the need for a natural birth. As she made her way into the world, her parents saught nothing was wrong with her, which was the disadvantage of natural delivery. As her parents took care of her, they realized that her perception of the environment was gone. Maekos parents realized her condition, and their attitude changed dramatically regarding Maeko. As heavily traditional Japanese parents with influence from the Chinese One-Child Policy. They began treating Maeko worst and worst, ultimately falling into an intense cycle of abuse. Maeko grew up afraid of her parents, who made her do impossible tasks that caused her to get hurt. If she refused to complete the task given by her parents, she would be left unfed, mentally, and physically abused. Her vision was gone from the beginning of birth; Her parents expected her to gain it back somehow. Maeko had not realized that her abuse was wrong at the time, although she did feel down and helpless. To relieve herself of constant abuse, she decided to teach herself how to echolocate, something she heard while watching TV. "Bats Use Echolocation to sense their surroundings..". She began clicking the top of her mouth expecting not to get much out of it. At the moment, she only thought it was cool since bats did the same, and most were blind just like her. Clicking the top of her mouth soon became a habit that began helping in the long run. When she would click her mouth. The clicks would sound different depending on what objects were around her. Her new-found knowledge of movement helped in the future...

On the night of her 15th birthday, Maeko's life changed drastically. As she carefully walked towards her porch, her dad begins yelling at her for not watering the flowers right. At that moment, Maeko received a severe and grim act, receiving a fresh cigarette burn and a black eye. Her dad wasn't done either, grabbing her a continuing to strike her in the gut, face. As she got free from his restraint, she crawls back laying on the ground unable to get up. She was left locked out of the house that night. Spending time in immense pain and cold temperatures. At that very moment, she ran away, never to be seen by her family again.
As she wandered through the streets of the extreme ruralness of Kanazawa, she couldn't help but feel helpless in her situation, often resorting to begging for food, walking around aimlessly. As she made it 5 miles away from her house (Which took a couple of days) she met a strange man who treated her with kindness. Due to her past, she made sure to be more cautious in case this man wasn't what he says he was. To her luck, the man was a Shinto priest. Who led her to the local Shinto Shrine. As she made it to the Shrine she was offered a home, food, and basic needs. As she lived there she became an Itako due to her blindness and converted to shintoism.


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