Level 1
Out-Of-Character (OOC) Section
IGN (In Game Name)
Previous bans
Toxicity and Lying to staff (15d, unbanned after applying) Reaching 4 warns (24h)
Describe your activity on the server
Whenever I get home from school, I hop on SRP for a while looking for RP. If I can't find any RP I'll get off for an hour or two, then get back on again. However, if I were to be accepted into the police force, I'd probably be as active as possible.
Do you have Discord?
Yes, I do. (Strobe#0001)
Do you have a microphone?
Yes, and I can and will use it.
List your current and past applications:
Russian Lang Accepted
Ban App Accepted
Police App Denied
Employee App Accepted
Spanish App Accepted
What is your motivation for applying?
I applied once before and was denied, so I thought I'd give it a second chance. I've always been really eager to join the Karakura police force, and I really do have the motivation for it right now. My roleplay has been getting bland lately. It's the same old story, anything interesting rarely ever happens to me. I applied for school-employee and got accepted, which made me livid with happiness. I hopped on, got my role, and had some real fun with the new type of RP.
But then my computer decided to break and in the midst of the search for a new one, I forgot to tell anyone about it on the staff Discord. I was fired for inactivity and got kind of upset, but now I see it as more of a second chance at writing out a nice long application for something I really want, which is currently to be hired for the Karakura Police Force.
Do you understand Japanese Laws and Basic Conduct?
Yes, I do indeed. Here's a list of legal and illegal items as of right now:
Legal Items
Bat - Probable cause to search if being openly carried.
Bo Staff - - Probable cause to search if being openly carried outside school.
Welding Mask - Probable cause to search if being openly worn.
Gas Mask - Probable cause to search if being openly worn.
Visor - No probable cause
Clown Mask - Probable cause to search if being openly worn.
Cardboard Mask - Probable cause to search if being openly worn.
Bloodsucker Mask - Probable cause to search if being openly carried
Surgical Mask - No probable cause.
Broom - No probable cause.
Dinosaur Hat - No probable cause.
Lightsabre - No probable cause.
Rope - Probable cause to search if being openly carried.
Syringe - No probable cause. [Ask for prescription: Illegal if a prescription isn't found]
Medical Drugs - No probable cause. [Ask for prescription: Illegal if a prescription isn't found]
IGN (In Game Name)
Previous bans
Toxicity and Lying to staff (15d, unbanned after applying) Reaching 4 warns (24h)
Describe your activity on the server
Whenever I get home from school, I hop on SRP for a while looking for RP. If I can't find any RP I'll get off for an hour or two, then get back on again. However, if I were to be accepted into the police force, I'd probably be as active as possible.
Do you have Discord?
Yes, I do. (Strobe#0001)
Do you have a microphone?
Yes, and I can and will use it.
List your current and past applications:
Russian Lang Accepted
Ban App Accepted
Police App Denied
Employee App Accepted
Spanish App Accepted
What is your motivation for applying?
I applied once before and was denied, so I thought I'd give it a second chance. I've always been really eager to join the Karakura police force, and I really do have the motivation for it right now. My roleplay has been getting bland lately. It's the same old story, anything interesting rarely ever happens to me. I applied for school-employee and got accepted, which made me livid with happiness. I hopped on, got my role, and had some real fun with the new type of RP.
But then my computer decided to break and in the midst of the search for a new one, I forgot to tell anyone about it on the staff Discord. I was fired for inactivity and got kind of upset, but now I see it as more of a second chance at writing out a nice long application for something I really want, which is currently to be hired for the Karakura Police Force.
Do you understand Japanese Laws and Basic Conduct?
Yes, I do indeed. Here's a list of legal and illegal items as of right now:
Legal Items
Bat - Probable cause to search if being openly carried.
Bo Staff - - Probable cause to search if being openly carried outside school.
Welding Mask - Probable cause to search if being openly worn.
Gas Mask - Probable cause to search if being openly worn.
Visor - No probable cause
Clown Mask - Probable cause to search if being openly worn.
Cardboard Mask - Probable cause to search if being openly worn.
Bloodsucker Mask - Probable cause to search if being openly carried
Surgical Mask - No probable cause.
Broom - No probable cause.
Dinosaur Hat - No probable cause.
Lightsabre - No probable cause.
Rope - Probable cause to search if being openly carried.
Syringe - No probable cause. [Ask for prescription: Illegal if a prescription isn't found]
Medical Drugs - No probable cause. [Ask for prescription: Illegal if a prescription isn't found]
Illegal Items
Spiked Bat
Stab Proof Vest (Rogue)
Combat Helmet (Rogue)
Knuckle Dusters
Pocket Knife
Bone saw
Hunting Dagger
Fire Axe
Police Baton
Police Stab Proof Vest
Police Riot Shield
What are the Police ranks?
On SRP, more specifically the Karakura Police Force, we have 9 ranks within the police division.
Said ranks, listed from highest to lowest:
Lieutenant (Head Lieutenant)
Lieutenant (Vice-Head Lieutenant)
Now the question is what the police ranks are. The police ranks are simply a way to measure how active and well a member of the police force has performed. See it as a promotional ladder, where you start off at the bottom and work your way to the top. It also functions as a way to see which officers have invested the most time and work into their job.
What knowledge do you have of Police Work.
I've got quite a good amount of knowledge of police work, as I've GangRPed in the past. So I know the procedures, such as putting the suspect in front of you if you're searching for things on them alone.
I've RPed as an officer in other games, such as, and it hurts me to say, ROBLOX. But I feel like SRP has a better, more fresh take on the PoliceRP within RP games and servers. So I'd have to say I do have quite a nice knowledge of what to do, and what not to do.
Why are Police important to SchoolRP?
There's plenty of reasons why police are so important to SRP, and I do truly believe SRP would be broken without them.
For example, I used to GangRP. I do not support GangRP anymore and if given the chance, I would definitely void me killing everyone's characters that I have indeed killed. If I can be honest, GangRP is getting very, very boring. It's all just the same, they bait you into giving KP, then they kill you. Of course, there's more depth to GangRP. But that's basically the simplest way of describing GangRP.
Another reason as to why police truly are so important is the fact that it brings so much realism. SRP takes on the PoliceRP in a new, original and incredibly realistic way. There are actual consequences and actual jail time that could affect someone OOCly. You can completely lose a character forever if you get arrested for murder.
If you just take a little bit of time to imagine SRP without the police, you'd probably see an image of chaos, GangRP, and an uncomfortable amount of FRP. Claiming SRP would be FRP filled without the police force is pretty major, but I'll explain why I believe it would be.
The police force is always there, and CCTV is always there too. It kind of works just like police officers do in real life, just the thought of them being there puts you off from being active with crimes. So if you think about it, without the cops, the people of SRP would probably GangRP aimlessly and end up FRPing.
Do you acknowledge that you're subject of being demoted if accepted at any given time?
Yes, I do. I very well understand and accept this.
In-Character (IC) Section
Tell us about your character, how she looks, what makes her unique?
Sophia Haruko, a young and quite attractive female. She has an hourglass figure, along with her blue eyes. She has long dyed grey hair that she brushes carefully every morning.
Sophia Haruko isn't really unique in the way she looks, but she is definitely quite the snowflake on the inside. The take on "Females can't be tough" is completely destroyed by Sophia, as she is one of those girls who'll stand up for herself and or others. She knows how to act in certain situations, and also what to do in said situations.
Another unique fact about Sophia is that she has a burning passion for everything she does. Thus meaning, if she gets into something, she really gets into it deep. For example, if she gets hired for a job, she'll go all in to get that promotion. She's a hard worker with a solid tunnel vision. This doesn't mean she completely ditches her friends and life out of work.
What she's like on the and off the job?
When she's on the job, she's obviously a bit more serious and strict. She can still joke around with her co-workers, but only if there's nobody else in the station and they don't have anything to do. She can listen to her fellow officers and seniors and will act her maturest.
When she's off the job, she still has a serious and strict demeanor, but it isn't as prominent as it is on the job. She can joke around freely and act a bit dorky at times, but it's all in a friendly way.
Outlook on her co-workers? Plans for the future?
Sophia always keeps a good outlook on her co-workers, this being that she treats them with respect and leaves it at that being co-workers. She acts professionally with them, and wouldn't ever take any risks that could possibly ruin her image. She would never disrespect, mock or in any way shape or form make her co-workers feel bad. She'll always be there to brighten the mood with some fun and jokes, keeping it as professional as possible while doing so.
Her plans for the future are quite big. She wants to find the so-called "one" and start a family, but that's mostly just a dream for now. Her current plans for the near future are to find a place of work, put her all into that job, and take everything kind of as it comes and goes.
Sophia Haruko, born and raised in Russia. She had quite a normal upbringing, and her day-to-day routines weren't anything out of the ordinary. As a child, she was always slightly frowned upon by the other girls, as she wasn't really the one to play princess and prince with dolls. She was more the type of girl who played video-games with the boys in her school.
Her teen years were nothing different to this, it was mostly the same story, except for the fact that her teens years featured a few more love interests and rebellious acts. She had just finished high school when her parents both passed away in an intense car-crash. She was broken and knew she couldn't stay in Russia.
She called the only family member she had left, her uncle. Her uncle was stationed in Karakura, working at the local school as a janitor. She spoke to him for hours over the phone and eventually decided to move there. She lived with him in his apartment for a few years, until he just kind of disappeared. The only thing he left her with was his phone.
Up until recently, she lived on the streets. Her best friend eventually found out and gave her a room in her apartment. She managed to get herself expelled on really blown out of proportion grounds, so now she just sits at home and watches Netflix.
After a while, she decided to move to Spain, where she studied to become a police officer and eventually got into the force. She worked there for two years, of course learning how to speak fluent Spanish.
After those two years, she had a mental breakdown. She had no friends in Spain, and could only speak to her friends in Karakura via FaceTime. She made her decision, resigned from the job and moved back to Karakura.
SECTION 1: Personal Details
Full Name:
Sophia Haruko
Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss):
Given Name(s):
Sophia Haruko
Preferred Name:
Sophia Haruko
Religious Denomination:
Marital Status:
Current Location:
Karakura, Japan.
SECTION 2: Academic Details
Years of training:
She has had 3 years of training.
Working Experience:
She worked as a police officer in Spain for 2 years.
Academic Degree:
Bachelor's in Criminology.
Year of Graduation:
Psychology, Forensics.
Native Languages: Russian
Other Languages: Spanish, Japanese.
Spiked Bat
Stab Proof Vest (Rogue)
Combat Helmet (Rogue)
Knuckle Dusters
Pocket Knife
Bone saw
Hunting Dagger
Fire Axe
Police Baton
Police Stab Proof Vest
Police Riot Shield
What are the Police ranks?
On SRP, more specifically the Karakura Police Force, we have 9 ranks within the police division.
Said ranks, listed from highest to lowest:
Lieutenant (Head Lieutenant)
Lieutenant (Vice-Head Lieutenant)
Now the question is what the police ranks are. The police ranks are simply a way to measure how active and well a member of the police force has performed. See it as a promotional ladder, where you start off at the bottom and work your way to the top. It also functions as a way to see which officers have invested the most time and work into their job.
What knowledge do you have of Police Work.
I've got quite a good amount of knowledge of police work, as I've GangRPed in the past. So I know the procedures, such as putting the suspect in front of you if you're searching for things on them alone.
I've RPed as an officer in other games, such as, and it hurts me to say, ROBLOX. But I feel like SRP has a better, more fresh take on the PoliceRP within RP games and servers. So I'd have to say I do have quite a nice knowledge of what to do, and what not to do.
Why are Police important to SchoolRP?
There's plenty of reasons why police are so important to SRP, and I do truly believe SRP would be broken without them.
For example, I used to GangRP. I do not support GangRP anymore and if given the chance, I would definitely void me killing everyone's characters that I have indeed killed. If I can be honest, GangRP is getting very, very boring. It's all just the same, they bait you into giving KP, then they kill you. Of course, there's more depth to GangRP. But that's basically the simplest way of describing GangRP.
Another reason as to why police truly are so important is the fact that it brings so much realism. SRP takes on the PoliceRP in a new, original and incredibly realistic way. There are actual consequences and actual jail time that could affect someone OOCly. You can completely lose a character forever if you get arrested for murder.
If you just take a little bit of time to imagine SRP without the police, you'd probably see an image of chaos, GangRP, and an uncomfortable amount of FRP. Claiming SRP would be FRP filled without the police force is pretty major, but I'll explain why I believe it would be.
The police force is always there, and CCTV is always there too. It kind of works just like police officers do in real life, just the thought of them being there puts you off from being active with crimes. So if you think about it, without the cops, the people of SRP would probably GangRP aimlessly and end up FRPing.
Do you acknowledge that you're subject of being demoted if accepted at any given time?
Yes, I do. I very well understand and accept this.

In-Character (IC) Section
Tell us about your character, how she looks, what makes her unique?
Sophia Haruko, a young and quite attractive female. She has an hourglass figure, along with her blue eyes. She has long dyed grey hair that she brushes carefully every morning.
Sophia Haruko isn't really unique in the way she looks, but she is definitely quite the snowflake on the inside. The take on "Females can't be tough" is completely destroyed by Sophia, as she is one of those girls who'll stand up for herself and or others. She knows how to act in certain situations, and also what to do in said situations.
Another unique fact about Sophia is that she has a burning passion for everything she does. Thus meaning, if she gets into something, she really gets into it deep. For example, if she gets hired for a job, she'll go all in to get that promotion. She's a hard worker with a solid tunnel vision. This doesn't mean she completely ditches her friends and life out of work.
What she's like on the and off the job?
When she's on the job, she's obviously a bit more serious and strict. She can still joke around with her co-workers, but only if there's nobody else in the station and they don't have anything to do. She can listen to her fellow officers and seniors and will act her maturest.
When she's off the job, she still has a serious and strict demeanor, but it isn't as prominent as it is on the job. She can joke around freely and act a bit dorky at times, but it's all in a friendly way.
Outlook on her co-workers? Plans for the future?
Sophia always keeps a good outlook on her co-workers, this being that she treats them with respect and leaves it at that being co-workers. She acts professionally with them, and wouldn't ever take any risks that could possibly ruin her image. She would never disrespect, mock or in any way shape or form make her co-workers feel bad. She'll always be there to brighten the mood with some fun and jokes, keeping it as professional as possible while doing so.
Her plans for the future are quite big. She wants to find the so-called "one" and start a family, but that's mostly just a dream for now. Her current plans for the near future are to find a place of work, put her all into that job, and take everything kind of as it comes and goes.
Sophia Haruko, born and raised in Russia. She had quite a normal upbringing, and her day-to-day routines weren't anything out of the ordinary. As a child, she was always slightly frowned upon by the other girls, as she wasn't really the one to play princess and prince with dolls. She was more the type of girl who played video-games with the boys in her school.
Her teen years were nothing different to this, it was mostly the same story, except for the fact that her teens years featured a few more love interests and rebellious acts. She had just finished high school when her parents both passed away in an intense car-crash. She was broken and knew she couldn't stay in Russia.
She called the only family member she had left, her uncle. Her uncle was stationed in Karakura, working at the local school as a janitor. She spoke to him for hours over the phone and eventually decided to move there. She lived with him in his apartment for a few years, until he just kind of disappeared. The only thing he left her with was his phone.
Up until recently, she lived on the streets. Her best friend eventually found out and gave her a room in her apartment. She managed to get herself expelled on really blown out of proportion grounds, so now she just sits at home and watches Netflix.
After a while, she decided to move to Spain, where she studied to become a police officer and eventually got into the force. She worked there for two years, of course learning how to speak fluent Spanish.
After those two years, she had a mental breakdown. She had no friends in Spain, and could only speak to her friends in Karakura via FaceTime. She made her decision, resigned from the job and moved back to Karakura.
SECTION 1: Personal Details
Full Name:
Sophia Haruko
Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss):
Given Name(s):
Sophia Haruko
Preferred Name:
Sophia Haruko
Religious Denomination:
Marital Status:
Current Location:
Karakura, Japan.
SECTION 2: Academic Details
Years of training:
She has had 3 years of training.
Working Experience:
She worked as a police officer in Spain for 2 years.
Academic Degree:
Bachelor's in Criminology.
Year of Graduation:
Psychology, Forensics.
Native Languages: Russian
Other Languages: Spanish, Japanese.