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Make Bags Openable


Level 1
What's your Minecraft Username?: IvanBaldy
What's the title of your suggestion?: Make Bags Openable

What's your suggestion?:
My suggestion is that imagine, you have a school bag that you bought and you cant use it, its just a waste of money correct? so, What if we make the school bags / backpacks / duffle bags openable. with like 9 spots in em, or 18, or 27?
with that, our money wont be a waste, then we could also store our stuff inside the bags if Our inventories are full, ALSO, Smaller bags, smaller space slots.

( dont forget to make all the bags openable = yall might forget about some type of bags that exist and not add the thing into the system )

How will this benefit the server and community?:
it'll benefit it with there being an actual openable bag as a storing system upon right clicking the bags.
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Level 64
This is definitely under the works at the moment, they were removed previously in 2019-2020 due to frequent shifts in duping.

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