players online

Make it so anyone can append and colourcode messages.


Level 231
IGN: SchoolRP

DATE: 1st of September, 2021

Remove the need to have a rank when appending actions. Remove the colour-code needing a rank.

SRP isn't a shitty pay-to-win roblox game. Anyone who logs in should be able to have as much FUN as somebody with the highest rank on the server, appending actions and colour-codes are frankly not all that cosmetic, they're game-changing mechanics, some of which can really effect your playthrough. These are pay-to-win methods, if FRP doesn't need to do it, why do we have to do it?

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Level 104
They do need a reason to fund the server and ranks with special benifits do help, although i do think color codes should be universal among all ranks


Level 44
I understand why you would see this, but you also got to release that ranks don't really have much to offer other than /feed, color codes, and cosmetics which with the cosmetics we can barely even use without being warned for cosmetic abuse. Besides it's not like this is going to be the only thing that these ranks are getting, the server is adding perks to every rank meaning each rank will get it's own special perks and such. I believe this is a very good way to fund the server as well as give the ranks a little more to them. But yes with the color codes I see how that could be annoying for someone who can't purchase a rank so if they were to give non-ranked players color codes I feel it should only be white and yellow so it's not too much and that the ranks would still have something to them.


Level 231
Thread starter
They do need a reason to fund the server and ranks with special benifits do help, although i do think color codes should be universal among all ranks

I understand why you would see this, but you also got to release that ranks don't really have much to offer other than /feed, color codes, and cosmetics which with the cosmetics we can barely even use without being warned for cosmetic abuse. Besides it's not like this is going to be the only thing that these ranks are getting, the server is adding perks to every rank meaning each rank will get it's own special perks and such. I believe this is a very good way to fund the server as well as give the ranks a little more to them. But yes with the color codes I see how that could be annoying for someone who can't purchase a rank so if they were to give non-ranked players color codes I feel it should only be white and yellow so it's not too much and that the ranks would still have something to them.
The server should be well-funded, without it breaking the SRP experience. There are COSMETIC benefits the server can utilise rather then stuff that actually effects the playerbase

FRP gets along JUST FINE without needing to make kids pay money over the internet for a crucial feature


Level 35
gonna be real, I was at first a little surprised by the appending being R.K.+ as well, as 2/3 of my accounts are merely at the Fundraiser rank (and so was the main, before moderator tamauki decided to drop me $5). but honestly speaking,


Colour Codes

Colour codes have always been just a $5 USD add-on that people can pretty easily drop cash for, and- they're not even a dealbreaker! SRP is still certainly F2P with or without colour codes being made accessible to those without ranks. some of the best roleplayers- from my opinion- (such as lordedgy and GrassALT) roleplayed without colour codes for lengthy amounts of time, using simply asterisks and the regular yellow italicized /me format, and the only reason they have ranks are because of gifts from friends.

Although there may be small roleplay inconveniences (such as not being able to speak directly in a /me) the player base has gotten past them without issue. I say this addressing Pinkyqaz's excellent performance at the Herrington/Popovich trial, using /mel without a rank and still managing to beautifully get her points across (not our fault Preston dug himself a hole, amirite?).

It's been like this for a while and considering how the majority of SRP doesn't seem to have an issue with dropping cash for /feed and colour codes (I say this based off of a F and above rank dominated OOC), there's no reason to change it when it doesn't give any real advantage in roleplay situations aside from perhaps small glamorous convenience.

This one is simpler. I was surprised by it myself! But people have been lengthily actioning even before appending. You probably know what I mean;

/me &3shook her head, frowning. &f"No, I disagree with what you're saying, I don't understand!" &3Zara paused, before-

/it &3continuing, her eyes wide. &f"How could _______?!"

Although it shows the little stars at the beginning and the bracketed RPname at the end, it's really not much different and it's still my method of roleplaying on both of my alts.

TLDR; I disagree with the feedback because there is nothing about appending or colour codes being Pay-2-Win at all. All it adds is a little more glamour to actions, and there are multiple ways around it in roleplay. It does not block a certain roleplay situation nor stop a certain action.



Level 56
I can understand what you mean, the color does make what you say better. For example, you can use more eye-catching red and bold words when you are angry. So I admit that cancellation does make good changes to RP.

But in my personal opinion, I think that no matter how you add color, it is still the same paragraph of text, and this damages the rights of donors, resulting in fewer donors, which has an impact on the future of the server. Please think twice about this proposal!


Level 113

I go on just fine with only F+ on my alt, I rarely append messages and color codes, like all the others said, are just for glamour; there's no need for it.


Level 78
gonna be real, I was at first a little surprised by the appending being R.K.+ as well, as 2/3 of my accounts are merely at the Fundraiser rank (and so was the main, before moderator tamauki decided to drop me $5). but honestly speaking,


Colour Codes

Colour codes have always been just a $5 USD add-on that people can pretty easily drop cash for, and- they're not even a dealbreaker! SRP is still certainly F2P with or without colour codes being made accessible to those without ranks. some of the best roleplayers- from my opinion- (such as lordedgy and GrassALT) roleplayed without colour codes for lengthy amounts of time, using simply asterisks and the regular yellow italicized /me format, and the only reason they have ranks are because of gifts from friends.

Although there may be small roleplay inconveniences (such as not being able to speak directly in a /me) the player base has gotten past them without issue. I say this addressing Pinkyqaz's excellent performance at the Herrington/Popovich trial, using /mel without a rank and still managing to beautifully get her points across (not our fault Preston dug himself a hole, amirite?).

It's been like this for a while and considering how the majority of SRP doesn't seem to have an issue with dropping cash for /feed and colour codes (I say this based off of a F and above rank dominated OOC), there's no reason to change it when it doesn't give any real advantage in roleplay situations aside from perhaps small glamorous convenience.

This one is simpler. I was surprised by it myself! But people have been lengthily actioning even before appending. You probably know what I mean;

/me &3shook her head, frowning. &f"No, I disagree with what you're saying, I don't understand!" &3Zara paused, before-

/it &3continuing, her eyes wide. &f"How could _______?!"

Although it shows the little stars at the beginning and the bracketed RPname at the end, it's really not much different and it's still my method of roleplaying on both of my alts.

TLDR; I disagree with the feedback because there is nothing about appending or colour codes being Pay-2-Win at all. All it adds is a little more glamour to actions, and there are multiple ways around it in roleplay. It does not block a certain roleplay situation nor stop a certain action.

View attachment 22119
Pretty much +1 to everything demurity said. .

Along with the fact that SRP needs to make profit somehow, to keep itself alive and to add new plugins and features. The server isn't pay-to-win, and will never be in that state, but professional builders and plugins aren't free, either. These perks are given so people will feel encouraged to donate to the server, and support the project - if there were no perks nor cosmetics available the playerbase simply wouldn't be compelled to donate, and the server would have a lack of funding. I understand that it's awesome to have the same things as everyone else but there is so much more to take into account rather than just "SRP isn't meant to be PTW".

Just like Sophia said, the lack of colour codes or appending actions doesn't stop you from roleplaying or initiating any interactions.


Level 134
IGN: SchoolRP

DATE: 1st of September, 2021

WHAT YOU WANT TO SUGGEST OR MENTION: Remove the need to have a rank when appending actions. Remove the colour-code needing a rank.

HOW WILL THIS BENEFIT THE SERVER/COMMUNITY?: SRP isn't a shitty pay-to-win roblox game. Anyone who logs in should be able to have as much FUN as somebody with the highest rank on the server, appending actions and colour-codes are frankly not all that cosmetic, they're game-changing mechanics, some of which can really effect your playthrough. These are pay-to-win methods, if FRP doesn't need to do it, why do we have to do it?

View attachment 22116

While color codes SHOULD stay as something for donors, I believe that paying for a rank to type "--" is discouraging for new players coming to this community for ROLEPLAY. This feature is something that we've been waiting for a long time now; to hear that it's only for ranked players is exceptionally discouraging. While I am fortunate enough to have a rank, a good amount of players cannot afford one. I understand where people come from, and the server does indeed need funding. It has continued to run for a while without the addition of appending. I don't think not making people pay for a rank to lengthen an action will even dent this server's budget. FantasyRP continues to thrive while having many of these features completely free. Is this not meant to be a serious roleplaying community? You can't say, "this should be taken seriously," but then lock features that make your roleplay look more serious behind a significant paywall.

You may also use the argument that you can type multiple actions using the /me and /it. That is still very difficult for new roleplayers to get used to; a feature like appending should NOT be locked behind an obvious paywall. I hate to say it; this simply looks like a desperate attempt to increase the server's profits.


Level 22
+1 color codes i can careless if its paided or free since i barely even use them but the appending actions should be free


Level 68
-1 my view is already established by others within the comment section. No need to explain.


Level 146
I've gotta hand you a fat disagree for this one chief; the only difference these features make is the visual appeal of a message which isn't even slightly important. There are too many people with aesthetically pleasing nametag and action colors which posses the linguistic ability of a rabid ape vigorously bashing its cranium against a typewriter, and no amount of pretty colors or long messages will ever help me even begin to comprehend whatever the heck they were meaning to convey in their writing.

basically im saying it doesn't really benefit anyone other than making your chat pretty. Also, since cosmetics are the only thing the EULA lets you buy with IRL money it makes sense that you have to pay for it


Level 22
frp gets along just fine because they have other ways of funding the server
+ if you havent noticed frp ranks are more expensive. on the otherhand srp ranks are more affordable and benefits like /feed, colorcodes, append messages are incentives to help fund the server.
finally none of these benefits are p2w. you're not winning anything from being a lil bit extra
im sure kids can cut some pocket change mowing the lawn or sumting over summer


Level 192
  • After going through the feedback with the staff team, we decided to deny this.​

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