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Man of Many Faces | YourAnxietyDemon BMD Application


Level 5

。☆✼★━━━━━━OOC INFORMATION:━━━━━━★✼☆。


Describe your activity on the server:
I would describe my activity on the Srp server as very active. I spend well over 4-7 hours give or take while I do try new games on the side so as to not get an addiction to the server itself. I do spend a lot of my free time on the server. I personally think I have a lot of free time and that is where I get so much time to be on the server doing whatever I need to do. I have had a lot of time to get used to how Srp and its players work so I wanna give a brief run down. Also during school hours in real life I do spend less time about 3-4 depending. But for the most part school doesn't have that big of an effect on me. Monday- Friday I have school just like anyone else and from that time of 8AM-2PM MST. I am not on the server or discord whatsoever.

»»————- 2020-2022 ————-««
Around 2022 is when I originally heard of Srp from friends I had met on a minecraft SMP. They mentioned characters, names and things I rarely hear about here made me fascinated and I became more and more curious about the server. I had first logged on as ‘Nomoshito Asahina’ in which I met more of the people on Srp. I was firstly not very interested in the roleplay side of things as I was not familiar with this but the friends I met on the server were wonderful people and I think that's what started my big interest in the server. After multiple months of getting used to the normal school day roleplay I had joined Kaku-Kai. At this time I was very new to gangRP but one person sat down and helped me through a brief but detailed explanation. Some may know them at Kotalobo as the IGN. This later progressed into me taking part within the Kaku-Kai v. Bonten war. I had about 2 weeks in preparation, but I was able to be in the war. Once this happened and Kaku-kai Officially disbanded I went on to follow other members in making the new gang Adobansu. This is where I started to get the hang and continue my Gang RP era. This continued for multiple gangs including Adobansu, Otake-Tatsu, Sonomi. Then I had stopped for a while to do things my own way. It went decent but then I was pulled back into GangRP with some friends. I had continued to be a semi-Gang member while I worked at Fight club and got accepted. Once Crime Clinic came around I again applied and was accepted as well which helped me further understand the criminal underworld/

»»————- 2022-2023 ————-««
This was the time when I spent a lot of my activity on the server doing Gang RP for most of my interactions. This was when I was fully aware and knew what the rules of Gang RP were and how to act with them accordingly. I would say this was the time when I started to get more into RP experience with the Black Market and how gangs interact with each other. This was around when I was introduced to the Forelli Mafia when I went back into Gang RP but I disliked the number of pure perms. The Forelli Mafia had a lot of things I enjoyed about RP and Gangs so I joined. Later I was introduced to the event with the Forelli and the Black Market. This went on as me and several others helped a Black Market Dealer with a task. This helped me understand what the Black Market does when they aren’t selling weapons. Some like to interact with gangs which I admired as I always thought the Black Market and gangs of Karakura were separated in their ideologies. Around this time I continued to interact with Black Market Dealers through my time as a Fight Club security. I was able to get the basics of how Black Market Dealers interacted with not only gangs but average SRP players.

8AM-2PM Not Available
8AM-2PM Not Available
8AM-2PM Not Available
8AM-2PM Not Available
8AM-2PM Not Available

All Day - 11AM-12PM
Rough Estimate
All Day - 11AM-12PM
Rought Estimate

Specify your Discord username (USER#0000) and if you have a microphone:
My Discord is anxietydemon and I used to have a mic previously but i do not anymore as it is broken.

Specify your country of origin and time zone:
My country of origin is the USA and my timezone is MST

What are your motivations in applying for the black market dealer role?:

My main motivation for applying for Black Market Dealer is of variety. I have spent almost 5 or so years in Gang RP and have interacted with other Black Market Dealers since I am a Fight Club employee and Crime Clinic. I found it to be both a great way to enhance a roleplay experience for everyone but also a new roleplay experience in of itself. Besides Fight Club, I have also interacted with Black Market Dealers while in Forelli Mafia and I truly enjoyed speaking with them. I have already found the role of Black Market Dealer to be one of the more interesting roles. The amount of dedication, time and effort it takes to keep things interesting has always made me so curious about what happens on the inside? Do they talk to each other? About what? What do they plan? And how can it impact the average SRP player? All of these things and more have interested me since I first was told about the Black Market and it continues to itch my brain in a way that I only have to find out for myself in this application. I am familiar how both the Black Market and gangs interact as there is more often interacting with these two but I have always been on the Gang side of these interactions, and I also am curious how it works from the opposing side of these meet ups or events.

What helps you to stand out from other applicants & what can you uniquely provide to the team?:
What I think makes me stand out is my time both in and out of Gang RP. I've been in several different gangs and I’ve seen differences in people and their characters. I have taken time to understand the ins and outs of Crime and Gang RP. I've seen the many perspectives of people on the opposing and receiving side of perms, interactions, meetings and plans. I think I have a wide view on what many people want or seem to try to get within the Crime and Gang RP factions respectively. I have taken my time to better my RP and continued to learn how to better it each time I interact with someone. I am always interested in keeping people in the loop or making fun and or detailed and long-term interactions or plans with a group or one solid person. I have heard a lot of people in what they wish they could get out of a situation, interaction or anything else. I am a very easy-going person and I think that also helps since once i have a role i stick to it until a specific time or objective is complete. I'm also someone who takes time into what they do and give the best results I have regardless of a person.

I think with a widened view of how people can understand, act out and plan events or other things can be done with a bigger view of what people want VS what people can do and what they can't do. The line within Flash Events of not only SRP staff but Lore Team and Event team all must be somewhat involved to pull off something. A thing I like to recount is my participation in a Fight Club flash event with the BMD driver fighting the previous owner Ken Kurogawa. The fight was planned, executed and thought out well enough to understand what everyone's role and what they were meant to do was clear and it went as planned. I think things that are planned have things like replacements and back up plans are easier to act out and execute when given more detail than a quick conversation. Ideas and spitballing all should be involved in seeing other's perspectives. How will characters react? What would they do? Both of these things should be taken into account and I think I can manage to help with that within making me unique from other applicants.

What previous experience do you have in working with a team?:
Besides things relating to Srp like GangRP and also Fight Club, Crime Clinic. No, these experiences had come from my several gangs I have been in. This Includes: Kaku-kai, Adobansu, Otake-Tatsu, Sonomi, Forelli, Mefisuto.

I was a lower ranking member and entirely new to SRP as a whole. I was grade 11 when i first applied for Kaku-kai and was admittingly thrown into the Kaku-Kai v Bonten war.

The second gang I was in and was involved within the information division. I had spent most of my time gaining knowledge and experience in this group. Mostly learning the full capabilities of the average Gang RP person.

The true test of my GangRP, here I was doing a lot of lore and planning stuff with people. Things like Lore were planned, and I worked well to test all of my knowledge. My joining was to help the now Event member Nylu and his gang. Still an amazing experience but on that character, I choose to stop using him for Gang RP for the mean while as I started to see the dullness within Gang RP and its changes. In this I was a part of a more violent attack division

This was a change as the gang's focus as to help the public. Although Otake-Tatsu did the same I was also on a different character. I wanted to widen my ways of acting out different people. Different mindsets, action and personalities. This way I can broaden my own RP with other people regardless of small or big. Here I played a standard rank member within a attack division.

This was a bigger step into crime rather than GangRP, I wasn't running around in black out and acting on permission and wandering mindlessly anymore. This group helped me see the detailed version of what GangRP or CrimeRP can offer. I am thankful that I got to work with them as they showed me how detailed things can get and different ways to execute plans. Overall, this was when I got more into CrimeRP than GangRP. In this group I played a standard member.

This was when I had taken long break from GangRP and heard Mefisuto was open. I applied and was accepted as being a standard rank member. Although this was a group that was fun within its own details and lore. I choose to leave as at this point I was not happy with the current role I had within GangRP. I found it to be more of a chore than something to do with friends and have a nice time. Though I agree with some changes, others made it dull and I choose to leave GangRP and explore other factions. Soon after I was a teacher for 3 months and had an amazing time during that.

What suggestions do you have to help better the crime faction?:
I feel that to help the crime faction there should be some sort of connection with the public. If you ask any random person in college or high school, there is only a small chance that they know about the Black Market. Giving the public an idea of what they are, who they prefer over random violent citizens and professional gangs. Opinions etc. Each with a new view on who they are more willing to help and who they dislike. In my opinion everyone has their 15 seconds of fame and I think the Crime factions need their own 15 seconds in a sort of public display besides Fight Club and BMD deals. Although the Crime faction is meant to be a whisper among voices I feel as if there should be something that gives my hype or manipulation into bringing more customers. Instead of maybe fight club just letting the Black Market watch, give them a reason to be involved more. Maybe a tournament for anyone for 3 days' worth of discount? Maybe A discount for a whole gang? All of these can still include the Crime faction as a whole. I think the Crime Faction has had a rough time within things like permission changing and etc. This makes a lot of permissions for people dislike or fully retire from things like that and go to different factions or take a role that involves less permission and more RP sceneries than what it used to be. People now want more details within their RP and I think we can extend that within the Crime with more interactions.

-Drop Boxes-

We all know that the Black Market opens occasionally and how they get their weapons from small crates within the sewers. Around 15 or more area they can spawn in. But that's just how the Market gets the weapons. What if a gang is in need of a bulk sale? Perhaps low on weapons or preparing for a big brawl? May I introduce drop boxes! A gang lead will be able to leave a request to the Black Market and the Market will give them the location of a dropped box with a lock. The gang lead will be sent this key via letter, encounter or meet up spot along with directions to where the box is. This box can be found anywhere within the sewers or rare occasion, on the surface. To prevent sneaky stealers only the key given can open this box for the desired weapons. I also think this will add a more interesting experience with gangs and the Black Market. Who else would they get them from? This allows gangs to not only work together but perhaps more interesting events? Maybe an event in where a gang brawl starts? Or maybe this is the start of more interactions with that Black Market Dealer, who knows. But this would also allow for more sales and weapons for gangs. Easier for the Market to make a big bulk sale and make customers coming back! I think this will also help the gang sides out as it gives risk and reward.

Perhaps KPD is on a patrol and find a group of mask people raiding a crate? Thats gang affiliation and illegal weaponry. There are so many things you may do with this. But watch out, the key can be stolen if said person is knocked out. Only thing is you need confirmation that the correct person has the key, can't go around slamming bats into people to raid a body randomly? Obviously. But if you get the confirmation, maybe a rat or a photo. The key and its contents are yours!

Are you familiar with all rules pertaining to weapon profiles, combat, permissions, and player conduct on the server?:
I am aware and have studied these. Yes.

Are you familiar with that if you leave the black market at any point, the black market lead will have permanent kill permissions on your character?:
I do understand this

Are you familiar with that if your character(s) is/are killed or permanently arrested twice, you will be removed from the black market?:
I understand this.

Are you familiar with that you cannot reveal any out-of-character plans or potential addition to the black market to others?:
I am aware of this, yes




Full Legal Name:

As papers were shuffled, the squeaky desk shifted as the hum of damaged lights gave way to a annoying and eery sound

"So, your records have been forged. What's your actual name."

"Only two are forged, though my legal name this time is Katakana Tatchitsu"

The papers shuffled once more. The silence filled the air as the sound of fabric shuffled as Katakana fixed his tie.

Criminal Alias:

"And what of an Alias, if you were to have one"

A very quick answer was given back


"Italian, hm? Interesting"

Age & Occupation:

And what of your age and occupation?"

The lights flickered occasionally as a voice replied back

"Im 24, my occupation lies within the Fight Club and Crime Clinic under the alias. Sovereign."

A voice replied with a hint of intrigue

"And of your legal occupations?"

A voice became something of a nervous tone

"I run a private security business."

Gender & Marital Status:

"What about marital status? And gender, you know how it is."

A slow foot tapping became audible while Tachitsu's voice croaked

I'm a male, also I'm married"

The hum of interest echoed from the masked person across

Ethnicity & Race:

"Ethnicity and race?"

The foot tapping seemed to be at a constant note. Not annoying but heard

I am of East Asian ethnicity and Japanese."

Known Languages:

The click of a pen and writing was quick as another click was heard

And you known languages?"

A small hum was heard, why did he have to think about this

"I am fluent in Italian and French. My Icelandic is rusty. But it's enough to where I understand"

Former Associations/Occupations:

"What about previous associations and occupations?"

The blunt tone spoke

"I was a previous member of the Forelli Family, as well as being an assistant for the previous dealer named 'DRIVER'. After I had become an associate with the Densetsu crime family and associate of 50 Blessings. And a gang called Sonomi, it was a group against the evils of the city."

A very dangerous tone was used to the Tachitsu

"Adler Densetsu, the one who sold weapons against the Market?"

An abrupt and clearly anxious tone was put back

"My brother and I gave information to a woman with dice. We gave names, details and whatever else. We were told later he died."

Highest Level of Education:

"Higher education?"

The voice spoke, more scribbling

"I had a PHD in Herbalism, along with continues teachings."

Physical/Mental Ailments:

"What of any ailments, both physical and mental."

A click sprung out, ready to write

"I have an anxiety disorder, along with PTSD. But it never stopped me. I also have a prosthetic left arm and right eye. I also can't see far away"

The scribbling was quiet as notes were taken

Known Family Members:

"It will be obvious but, what about known family members?"

Scribbling stopped soon as the silence held the words in the air

"The Tachitsu family, along with my husband Toktio Tachitsu, my brother Kuro Fujimoto and my other brother Yoshi Hozumi."

A small eerie hum with given back as the pen slid around the paper

Describe your character's appearance to the greatest detail:
Katakana is seen as a 6’1 slightly muscular male. His hair had traces of burnt strains as well as having a remaining white streak as it mixed with his original black color. Both of his eyes held separate colors, one a bright blue and the other a bright green as if they were dulled by something. His neck consisted of a black vine like tattoos and on his left side there is a lightning strike scar which went down the right side of his body The right eye was a prosthetic His left shoulder blade held the branding of a tiger's face. Katakana usually has a calm or reserved look on his face and sometimes showing a pit of anxiety in most situations. His stature holds obvious anxious actions commonly tapping his foot or fidgeting and commonly looking as if he just woke up. Clothing wise Katakana prefers to keep a more formal or traditional look with most things like suits, sweaters or dress shirts with ties or kimonos on specific events. His left arm is mostly covered as it was also a prosthetic. Katakana’s tone often switched or had a mixture of pure formality and immaturity, like a teenager though on some occasions it held nervousness or anxiousness which caused a stutter or mix of words while he spoke. Commonly he was also wearing the Tachitsu family Pin, a very valued object that always seemed shiny as if newly bought though he had it for so long.

Katakana's limbs would be slightly lanky but bulk. As if he was constantly putting himself into varies exercises and trainings. His knuckles would be rough, showing previous signs of a boxing like past. This would be a given to his narrowed and bright eyes. Always looking and being wary of people close to him. A common trait is Katakana's burnt hair. The streaks of white mixed with black messy hair and tinted red dye. Seems like it was rushed or done badly while he made some attempt to cover this up. Katakana needs glasses, his impairment to not see long distances force him to have glasses that set on the middle of his nose. A lazy look helped give the messy but formal look at first glance. What followed him was the smell of cigarettes and expensive cologne, somehow it made a good mix.

Describe your character's personality to the greatest detail:

Katakana’s personality is a group of contradictions. Seeming both immature and mature at the same time. Calm and anxious along with being more of a relaxed and calculated individual during times of peril. Katakana seems to not take anything for granted and sees everything in a different view and often is curious or interested in things that revolve around money or helpfulness to people he cares about. Being a loyal person, he keeps things very blunt when it comes to this and has a continuous track record of still being loyal to people who he no longer speaks with. Those who find Katakana working or in crime, he will make himself more emotional and louder. Being very short tempered and quick to react when he has the time to do so. This has been observed at the Fight Club, though he does not keep things friendly when working. Out of work is the opposite as he is seen as quiet, anxious or calm all at once in a pile of confusing contradictions within his personality. If caught in any criminal related actions by people like the KPD he is seen to run immediately which has worked for the four times he has ran from them. His quick thinking and fast paced decision making helps him with in making choices in or out of his private life.

The choice of violence outside his workings is quite different. Instead of the yelling, threats and swinging around a wrench, he would prefer a quiet approach using his own home-grown herbs and his knowledge to assist him in tiring the said person out with lighting the herbs a flame in a bag and letting the effect kick in. On more lethal ways Katakana preferred things like poisonous herbs that performed varies things like suffocation, destroying nerves and similar things that caused the body itself to tire out, or pass out entirely. These silent and fast paced things are a reason for him having a gas mask on, it would be a shame to be affected by his own strengths. The types of herbs used are Giant hogweed, daffodils, Poison hemlock, Oleander and others.

Describe your character's backstory to the greatest detail:

꧁∙∙∙∙∙·▫▫ᵒᴼᵒ▫ₒₒ▫ᵒᴼᵒ▫ₒₒ▫꧁ The Lost Boy ꧂▫ₒₒ▫ᵒᴼᵒ▫ₒₒ▫ᵒᴼᵒ▫▫·∙∙∙∙∙꧂

During a heavy rain, two people in black hoodies were seen on Tokyo local CCTV placing a baby beside a dumpster. Only mere minutes later four people with Tiger masks massacred the two with katanas. This is believed to be done by the Riyakawa-Kaminan Yakuza. A small organization that has been terrifying the streets with murder and debt alike. They do not follow usual traditions and they are considered dangerous. With this the missing child was taken by who is identified as Dr Kimito. A man under investigation currently for the kidnapping of the child. That was 12 years ago, Soma Homare, a 12-year-old boy found himself sitting with that same man. Sitting and studying a boring book about human anatomy. These constant books seemed to annoy Soma. He hardly cared for it as he had read the book twice. Dr Kimito was sitting nearby speaking with a man in a dark red suit. Once time passed Soma spoke up after the man left “Kimito, when will I be able to work with you?” The question seemed innocent enough although the curiosity that Soma had was as naive as a curious animal. “When you finish your studies, we may speak on the matter.” As the days turned from weeks, weeks to months and months to years. No such matter was spoken of until his 17th birthday. The day that changed everything. “Soma, come with me please” Soma did as he was told, following Kimito to a dark room with a man in a red suit. The familiar man with tattoos covering his neck, hands and whatever was visible. A toothy smile welcomed Soma as he felt his chest tighten. “Soma Homare! I've heard so much about you and your eagerness! I hear you want to work with your father” It became extremely obvious at Soma’s expense that his anxiety started to hit him like a train, his breath shortened, and he stuttered along his words. “Yes. . I want to. . I wanted to know. . what he did. . did for work and help.” His stuttering frustrated him as Kimito stood idle beside the man in red. “It's okay to be nervous, everyone gets like that! But you have reached an age where now you can help and do lots more than just help Kimito.” Soma stood confused then everything went black with a thud heard from the back of his head. The ringing in his ears woke him as he felt a burning pain on his shoulder blade and Kimito sitting beside his bed. “You did well Soma, now you can help. Once you feel better I'll teach you what you have come so close to. You have potential.”

꧁∙∙∙∙∙·▫▫ᵒᴼᵒ▫ₒₒ▫ᵒᴼᵒ▫ₒₒ▫꧁ The New Life ꧂▫ₒₒ▫ᵒᴼᵒ▫ₒₒ▫ᵒᴼᵒ▫▫·∙∙∙∙∙꧂

Since the time that he was elected, he has been following Kimito. After careful consideration ‘The man in Red’ as some called him. Had spoken about a project to further grow the power of the Riyakawa-Kaminan. This way that money would come through faster. Although Soma had done well in lying and tricking people in spending thousands upon thousands in scams and whatever he could get his hands on, none of it was enough. With constant competition, ‘The Man in Red’ put together Project Split. This forced Soma to be faking his death and in the time being sent to a small island called Karakura to spread the Yakuza’s power and collect funding for them. He had 1 year to get 1 million yen by any means necessary. No matter the person or place he had to get that money. Once arriving, Soma started by selling cheap alcohol with a local small supplier. After realizing this wasn’t enough, he heard rumors about a mafia. The Forelli Family had caught his attention quickly. Hearing about their activities which involved money had pushed him to join. He worked selling alcohol for quite some time until he found three people that he connected with Kuro Fujimoto and Ren Misono and Yoshi Zennix. These three people had imprinted on Soma somehow. As time passed Soma spread his knowledge of Karakura, people and places became common for him to remember but the worst was soon to come. On a job by himself, Soma was getting a bat to knock out a witness to a confrontation, the lady lead him to the beach where she stole the bat as she screamed for the police. Soma forgot about the camera as he was placed under an assault with a weapon charge. Imprisoned, he was bailed out after a few days and Soma did the only thing he knew and changed his hairstyle and forged himself a fake passport and got a new name. Niko.

꧁∙∙∙∙∙·▫▫ᵒᴼᵒ▫ₒₒ▫ᵒᴼᵒ▫ₒₒ▫꧁ Test of Family ꧂▫ₒₒ▫ᵒᴼᵒ▫ₒₒ▫ᵒᴼᵒ▫▫·∙∙∙∙∙꧂

As time passed for Niko, the Forelli family had been helping a figure called ‘DRIVER’ this man was someone Niko didn’t know of. While he was given the task to help, Niko had also been tasked with assisting driver in the underground club called ‘Fight Club’. As this went on another thing sparked into his life. Adler Densetsu, a man who had adopted Niko as a second son. Adler helped Niko from fights, to advice to gifts of money. In exchange Niko was his best fighter for his own little club. Continuing to test his limits over and over, eventually bringing Kuro into his small family. One night after a long fight. Niko asked for a certain phrase atop the small dojo. ‘ALL HAIL 50 BLESSINGS’ was written and it caused his curiosity to drive him crazy. After asking, Adler showed him something that went against everything he worked for. Adler had shown a stock of weapons. Explaining he sold them to the criminals of Karakura. Niko knew that if the Black Market knew of this, they would kill Adler. The rumors that the Black Market doesn’t take kindly to stolen business filled his head as he ran to Kuro. Meeting on a boat in the ocean, Kuro and Niko planned something with a mystery woman with glasses and dice who offered to help. As Niko and Kuro continued their plan it all went down. Adler had injured Niko’s sister as well as friends, but Adler had seemingly died while he was away on a job. With that Niko was done. Grabbing any documents related to him he threw them out. Burning them along with his ID card. Once again as he pondered what to do, he did the only thing he knew how to do. Run from the past and put up a front. Niko changed his name to Katakana. Some time after he was adopted by Kurai Ketsueki and his wife Yelena Tachitsu. Becoming a Tachitsu himself he was with a family he could count on. Masuyo Tachitsu, the head. Had taken a liking to Katakana’s loyalty, teaching him and acting as a second father. After which he left for business Kojiro took control of the family and also took the role of a second father. Teaching Katakana what he knew and anything he had interest in. While this happened Katakana’s application to Fight Club was accepted as well as a crime clinic for injured gang members. Both security jobs as that was the only thing he knew how to do. Pay was good and that's all he cared about.

꧁∙∙∙∙∙·▫▫ᵒᴼᵒ▫ₒₒ▫ᵒᴼᵒ▫ₒₒ▫꧁ The Viper and The Criminal ꧂▫ₒₒ▫ᵒᴼᵒ▫ₒₒ▫ᵒᴼᵒ▫▫·∙∙∙∙∙꧂

As his time passed, Forelli had fallen long ago. Katakana had visited with a friend as he came upon a lady who he only heard of. Koizumi Saiky, a woman of short stature but pure indifference struck him as he greeted her. The conversion had jumped topic to topic until it landed on Katakana’s learnings of the human body. After which Koizumi spoke about her hobby in herbalism. This had Katakana wondering, weeks passed when Katakana asked about Koizumi and her herbs in which he wanted to know more of. This friendly conversation turned to Katakana learning from the Saiky. Katakana had taken books, classes and of course the teachings of Koizumi while he perfected names, effects and money pricing in how to get such leaves. After some time, Katakana had been able to handle himself but still pondered at Koizumi for more studies. Their relationship blossomed into friends as she taught him her grand knowledge about flowers. This grand study made Katakana continue to strive for perfection in this category. Going over ancient herbal uses and modern uses for the same thing. Reading book after book and busting any myth that had peaked his curiosity. Katakana Had a small list of contracts he had worked for as security. Within the time he had them come and go but hearing Lady Koizumi having kids? It gave Katakana an anxious feeling, one he faced with bravery as he asked Koizumi to meet with him and give her a contract for security. Koizumi kept it for a few hours, reading it carefully. Then she signed it, Katakana did the same thing as the contract had completed. Katakana was at her command. Staying by her side each moment he had while balancing out the very little free time he had to plant, grow and compass his own herb garden. Katakana is often seen at the shrine beside Koizumi only speaking if he feels its necessary or spoken to.

Describe an interaction that your character may have as a black market dealer:

Katakana got a call from an unknown number, he shrugged while picking it up, he had waited for too long as he heard a voice “I need a katana” Perking up Katakana had been waiting as he nodded to himself “Done, call with information soon”. Once he ended the call he got to work checking a chest he got out a katana with a sheathe and quickly got down to sharpening it, fixing it up for the client. Knowing he didn't have much time he rushed the work though proud as he descended into the rancid sewers and tapped his phone while he walked. “Meet under the 7/11.” continuing his walk, soon running as he finally got to the location, it took a while but he was used to this maze of underground labyrinths. Closing on the dark, rank and just plain disgusting sewers, Katakana’s gentle footsteps still made some noise while he barely peaked over at the person, standing and waiting impatiently at his slow time, the other boot on the foot it seems. As he walked on, he fixed his tie, and adjusted his mask while staring at the person, once the mask moved to his position, he became both anxious and determined. He walked only a few steps further being weary of them as he only spoke one word “Order?” Once the person spoke up with a calmer tone, better at than his own at hiding what things he feared. What if the cops were called? What if this is a set up? No, this is a deal. In and out, that is how this will go. “A katana” The voice spoke out. Katakana's half calm composure spoke “300,000 Yen” he responded. With that the person handed the move over, Katakana gave over the freshly sharpened Katakana with a sheathe as he nodded. He shoved the money into his suit as he ran off, the panic that maybe, just maybe a cop was behind him waiting forced him to run. Only paranoia as he found himself in a safe place. Waiting for another client, maybe it would be better this time. It had to, we wouldn't slip up again.

Describe any other additional information that is notable in considering your character for the role of a black market dealer:
Katakana has interacted, spoke and met with some Black Market outside of his job at Fight Club and Crime Clinic. He is familiar with a small portion of their job and how indifferent they can act toward people and gangs. They have their own morals and reasons for liking or disliking people and organizations. Also, the majority of my backstories I try to keep to a minimum regarding lore and more focused on what I have actually Roleplayed out in the SRP server. Chapters 1 and half of 2 are strictly lore but the rest is what has actually happened on the server itself.​
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Level 309
Senior Admin
Black Market Lead
Police Lead
After having carefully reviewed your application, I have decided to
unfortunately deny your application to join the faction.

Why have I been denied?
This decision has been made based on the following reason(s)
Due to the amount of applications we often have to deny good applications due to the lack of spots. Whether it's due to differences in applications, server reputation, or someone standing out more. However, we encourage you to reapply in the future.

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