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Marisol Hayashi || Biography


Level 1
Marisol Hayashi

001 - Basic Information

First Name: Marisol
Surname: Hayashi

Preferred Name: Sol

Aliases: Mari

Gender: bigender (he / she)

Age: 13

Height: 5'5"

Weight: 95 lbs.

Build: tall and skinny

Skin Color: brown

Eye Color: brown, often wears pink contacts

Hair Style: usually worn out, sometimes half-up bun

Hair Color: dark brown

Fashion: generally more summery clothes. This is a problem in winter.

Abnormalities: N / A

Date of Birth: sept. 6

Place of Birth: Japan

Nationality: Japanese

Race: mixed

Sexual Orientation: panromantic asexual

Religious Beliefs: atheist

Political Beliefs: left

002 - General Appearance

Appearance: brown skin, dark brown hair, brownish eyes (Wears pink contacts outside of school).

Personality: shy around people he doesn't really know, can be a bit over-enthusiastic around his friends

Diseases/Illness: N / A

Character Voice: deeper voice, generally quiet

Equipment: notebook, purse

Clothes: outside school, usually wears a crop top and skort or shorts.

Hobbies: photography, reading

Serious Problems/Flaws/Addictions/Disorders/Disabilities: ADHD

Skills: fishing, fairly literate

Quirks: very fidgety (cracking knuckles, bouncing leg, etc.)

003 - Relationships
Mother - Reina Hayashi
"Love you, mamá. I wish you all the best in your work."

Father (absent) - Kaito Hayashi
"I never really knew you, but I hope you'd like me."

N / A

004 - Backstory
Marisol was born in Osaka, Japan, to Reina and Kaito Hayashi, the latter of which was absent. Reina took care of Marisol all through primary school, but very minimally, as she was working a lot of jobs. Marisol ended up doing a lot of things himself, and more often than not went over to his friends' houses to stay the night instead of his family's apartment, as she didn't want to put strain on her mother. At the end of primary school, however, Reina went into debt. Wanting to give Marisol a good life, but also needing to work, she sent him to Karakura, where he lives now.
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