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Denied Math Teacher Application resubmit

What is your Minecraft username?:

Do you have Discord (If so, what is your discord username?):
Do you have a microphone?:
How old are you? (Optional):
Prefer not to say
What is your time zone?:
Do you acknowledge that if you are inactive you will be demoted?:
Yes I acknowledge that if I am not active in the server I will lose my job
Describe your activity on the server:
I look at the server everyday
Do you have any previous bans?:
Link(s) to any previous applications and appeals on the server:
What are your current role(s) on the server? (If you're college, specify your degree level):


What subject are you applying to teach?:
Math Teacher
What is your motivation for becoming a teacher?:
I like to teach kids of all ages to help them learn what they need to learn
Do you understand that you are applying for the teacher role of UT & If your application is accepted, you may have to undergo teacher training?:
What are the teacher class logs and why are they important?:
Teacher class logs are what you are going to do this week. They are important because you won't forget what you have to teach that week
As a teacher, what are the strict rules when being in a class?:

  1. Respect other people’s boundaries (aka Keep your hands to yourself).
  2. Swearing is unacceptable.
  3. Enter the classroom ready to learn.
  4. Use an inside voice (aka No yelling!)
  5. Ask for permission before using the restroom.
  6. Raise your hand if you would like to speak.
  7. Wait for others to finish speaking before you speak (aka No interrupting).
  8. Listen actively by making eye contact and asking relevant questions of the speaker.
  9. Treat others the way you want to be treated.
  10. Respect your classroom. Clean and tidy classrooms make your learning experience better (aka No Vandalism!)

What experience, in general, do you have in roleplay?:
I am really good at following directions
In detail, describe the ranking system of teachers:
- HD
↳ Meaning:
↳ Description:

- QT
↳ Meaning:
↳ Description:

↳ Meaning:
↳ Description:

- UT
↳ Meaning:
↳ Description:

Teacher Knowledge

Present to us your knowledge about Teachers in-game and out-of-game, what purpose do teachers serve. What salary do they get? Include a paragraph about the way teachers teach, what they do in their spare time in general.
Teachers serve a major rule in a school roleplay because they help kids learn what they need to learn in school to help them get a job. A teachers salary is $57k per year is the average salary for a teacher. The way teacher's teach is they plan out what they are going to do that week and they put it down in a lesson plan. Teachers are creating teaching materials and grading tests and papers.
Why are teachers important to a SchoolRP server?:
Teachers are important to SchoolRP because they help the server have fun while roleplaying.
What lesson planning system does the school work on?:
They work on lessons the students need to learn in order to graduate.

Character Knowledge

Tell us everything you know about the character you will be playing in a few paragraphs. How does they look like? What makes them unique and different? What is their outlook on Students? What about the other teachers? What is their personality like? What are their plan for the future?
I plan on dressing nice everyday so I look professional. What makes me unique from others is that I am a very kind person and very easy to get along with. My outlook is to help students succeed in school and help them graduate. I would help other teachers if they need it. The personality of others in my point of view is that they are a very kind person and they like to help others. There plan for the future is to graduate and want to help others out and have a big family and have kids.

/*Do not mention use of FearRP*/

You find a gang of delinquents in the hallway cursing and swearing, what do you do?:
I will report it to the principal and tell them to stop and head to class
No one in your class is listening to a word you say, what do you do?:
If no one is listening to a word I am saying I will call the principal down and the principal would tell them to listen to the teacher.
When in the teacher's lounge, how does your character act?:
When I am in the teachers lounge I will act very nicely and respectfully
Provide at least 4 detailed /me's of your character inside a classroom:

/me Be kind to others
/me Help others out
/me No fighting
/me Follow the Golden Rule

/* Describe how your character ended up becoming a teacher and his/her previous life. It is optional to include earlier life but recommended. Make sure this is over 300 words. Remove this comment after posting.*/

In-Character Information

(Pretend your character is filling this out, not you)

SECTION #1 - Personal Details

Full Name (First & Last only):
River Kritzar
Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss): Mr
Given Name(s): Kritzar
Preferred Name: Kritzar

Age (Minimum is 27): 28
Gender: Male
Religious Denomination: Not sure
Marital Status: Single

Nationality: N/A
Current Location: Minecraft

SECTION #2 - Academic Details

Working Experience (# of years): 4

Academic Degree: bachelor’s degree
Year of Graduation: 4
Major(s): 4
Minors: 4

Native Languages: English
Other Languages: Englis

Do you have a TEFL/TESOL/CELTA Certificate?:
/*You may leave this blank*/

Additional notes about your application:
Do you have any questions?:


Level 343
HS Sports Lead
Thank you for applying, however, your Teacher application won't be accepted today.

After carefully reading through your application, I have found a few errors that could be improved upon should you decide to re-apply:
Make sure to fill out all of the questions on the format before submitting your application. Your application could also use a little more detail in areas.

DM me on Discord if you have any questions regarding your application: @KimiNoUso#9999

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