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Media Club was recently taken over by Senior Alyssa Yasushi! Alyssa is eight-teen years old and most popularly known for her social media influence on Onrain. Her second in command as Vice President is Imai Taniguchi. Alyssa Wrote as her motivation to take over the club being: "My motivation to be a new club leader is mostly because I want to do more as a student. I've been on sports teams in the past (Cheer + baseball) and been unsure of what to do moving forward. I've considered student council but I felt it didn't really fit who I am. In all honesty, and didnt even think about applying til’ the announcement came up on intercom from SLT, and seeing media club, I thought it would be a perfect fit! I have a lot of friends backing me up stating how they'll help me with the club and ensure its activity, as well as make it fun for those involved and honestly that was the icing on the cake for me to apply. As for the club specifically, I've always loved the little Karakura media’s like Onrain, Whizfeed, texting, I find it really cute, fun and have made sure to use it often. So, seeing a club where I can use a lot of those things, have fun with it, do little events, editing, interactions with others and all that - it was very appealing!"

Media Club, unlike Journalism or Photography, focuses on All forms of media. From social media postings to full on video edits, we do it! We try to stay away from default photography and focus on the more intricate and detailed arts when it comes to capturing the moment! In previous ownership, Media Club's description was ""Movies, and videography, aren't photography in all! Want to get involved in some top of the line school media, this is the club for you, focusing on video editing skills, designed and technology we provide!"- and we make sure to stay true to that, and doing so by taking that statement and expanding it. As stated before, we will focus on ALL media!

The Media Club Room has everything a member would need to focus on their own personal form of media! We have ensured to have a wide range of areas for everyone to spread out and do what they need to do! We have two sets of computers for those focusing on editing and posting towards the front of our room. Around here we also have a wardrobe and fabrics area for those needing to create something fast for a set or outfit! In the center we have an iconic set in the room for people to take photos in, record in, or even relax in! Here we also have a stand for a large camera. In the back of the room we have our photography area with three backdrops that club members can customize, including a green screen for those interested in producing edited photos and videos!

Media Club has a limit currently of eleven members, these members consist of those from many subculture and aesthetic backgrounds to ensure many forms of creative expression in the club! Though currently female dominated in members, we are always looking for others to join as well!
Club members also have uniforms they can wear! We have ones for both males and females, and ones for Bobcats and Spartans! These uniforms can be edited by those who wear them by however means they wish! As a club we encourage creativity and encourage our members to express themselves however they see fit!

Media Club has an official saying, “Media is in your hands!” and we stick by that. We will never force a member into one media or another, rather allow them to experiment and learn their own types that they enjoy the most!

Wanting to join us? Join our website at! On here you will find the link to our application process!

Credit to our vice President Imai Taniguchi for editing the photos!


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