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Accepted Media Club | Cchocoholicc

IGN of Club Leader (In-Game Name): Cchocoholicc

RPName of Club Leader: Alyssa T. Yasushi

Discord Tag (Discord#0000#): pinksushirolls

Club name of the club you are apply for the leadership position: Media club

Why should you become a club leader over other applicants, what abilities or ideas do you have that could benefit the club you'll be in charge of?:
[OOC:] I believe i could be leader over other applicants because I believe I can bring a really fun new twist to the club! As of right now the club description states “Movies, and videography, aren't photography in all! Want to get involved in some top of the line school media, this is the club for you” and i want to stay true to that.
However, id love to lean towards the social media part of things a bit more. With there being so many social media based things in Karakura, such as the app Onrain, the social media source Whizfeed, etc, Id want to take advantage of that. I’d do school challenges or events based off of stereotypical challenges you'd see on social media today. I've used onrain since it came out and am quite well versed with it, even getting the 100+ post badge which a lot of people don't have, so I will have no problem getting others involved.
With that also comes editing, recording, so on. ICly there will likely be a lot of fun events where we edit photos and videos, maybe get mischievous with it and pull pranks, spark up maybe some team rivalry, etc!
I believe I can really bring a fun roleplay to the table, as well as can even bring an additional twist to the club that i've yet to mention! On SRP theres an ongoing group of RP with delinquents, student council, and gyarus. Delinquents and gyarus get along as they break social norms while often the student council has to intervene either its bullying, fights, girl drama, you name it! My character, Alyssa is one of the main Gyarus and has been tilted by the delinquents the queen of it. If given club leader role, I will be able to incorporate that into media club. Having a club consisting of diverse chars and subcultures such as gyaru, we’d be able to also shine light on more real Japanese subcultures and real connections groups would have. But why media club? Why would this be so good with it? Gyarus are often on social media, or creating videos and edits to boost their style, boost others, show off, enlighten, so on. SRP wise, they're also known to be a bit mischievous, doing more harmless pranks, always on their phones.. So on! So they'd fit into media club REALLY well, and ontop of that we could drag attention to the club through IC means such as using our onrains, going around doing little events.. So on! I think overall combining this set of RP and bringing it to a club that has ever gotten much attention could be really fun and really cool!
I know an argument can be made that if we focus on onrain then itll be mostly just photos, therefore too close too photography but I disagree! As stated in the current description again, “Movies, and videography, aren't photography in all! Want to get involved in some top of the line school media, this is the club for you,” Recording, editing, and again social media will all be involved. Onrain currently doesn't involve videos,. But they DO involve gifs! Gifs are videos but just eventually replay at some point, and have been used and ARE compatible on Onrain! Therefore it doesnt have to be just photos we do and edit, but also recording, videos, and so on! And as stated earlier this could be really fun to use as a lot of fun or mischievous events can come to play through the editing and public attention aspects!

[IC:] “well like .. first off my record is literally AMAZING.. Like, i totes used to be on the cheer team, baseball team, i get good graddesss … like I am literally the model student!! Oh em gee and like i literally am SOOO well versed in media.. Like I am the media QUEEN! I LITERALLY am like totally popular on Onrain, have over 100 posts so you KNOW I know what I'm talking about and- and know my stuff! I'm also totally skilled with camera angles, photography, editing, communications .. which will TOTALLY be taught and be like apart of the club if i get it .. I like i got this in the bag!!”


What is your motivation for becoming the new leader of this club:
My motivation to be a new club leader is mostly because I want to do more as a student. Ive been on sports teams in the past (Cheer + baseball) and been unsure of what to do moving forward. Ive considered student council but I felt it didnt really fit the current character I play. In all honesty, and didnt even think about applying til’ the announcement came up on the discord and seeing media club, I thought it would be a perfect fit! I have a lot of friends backing me up stating how theyll help me with the club and ensure its activity, as well as make it a fun RP for thosei involved and honestly that was the icing on the cake for me to apply. As for the club specifically, Ive always loved the little Karakura media’s like Onrain, Whizfeed, texting, i find it really cute and fun oocly and have made sure to use it often icly. So seeing a club where I can use a lot of those things, have fun with it, do little events, editing, rp and all that - it was very appealing!

What activities and events will this club do?:


(Media club, Karakura Students)
BEFORE EVENT PREP: The club will have their own onrain profile at this point, if there isn't one already. This way we can use it for the event.

DURING: I imagine this would take place during one of the bigger events that take place on school grounds. The media team will have a booth with a stage, or at some point have access to a stage during the events. Individuals will come up on stage, get their photo taken, and itll be posted to the Media Club’s Onrain account. From there people will be told to like who they liked the most and see who gets onto trending the fastest and stays on top for longest! This will bring attention to Onrain, allow people to vote ICLY and fairly, and will be fun and competitive for everyone involved!

AFTER: There will be 3 winners. The first winner will be for having the most votes, the second will be whoever is currently at the top of trending when the event ends, and the third will be for most comments. The winners will be given prizes accordingly.

(Media club, Sports Teams, SLT)
BEFORE EVENT PREP: Some more mischievous club members take a video of some sports team members (these members will be let know oocly and will be organized oocly to ensure things go smoothly..). Then the media club would edit the video to cause public attention! Either they edit it to look like a fake kissing scene, fight, embarrassing moment, etc would be up to those involved!

DURING: The media club will make the video go viral, getting it trending on Onrain, passed around through text, you name it! EVERYONE will have it on their phones! This will of course cause a lot of IC drama with some teams, especially if its between rivals or competitive duos.

AFTER: What happens after will be severely dictated by roleplay, however at the end of the day .. People will likely end up in an SLT office having to explain what happened. What I imagine is the following outcomes:
  • The video gets mass reported by the teams and Media club and those involved will have to talk to SLT and explain what happened and what went wrong
  • A fight breaks out in school, resulting those involved to go to SLT. upon SLT receiving the video, Media club has to go as well and figure out who edited it.
  • SLT gets ahold of the video on their own, calling those in the video and Media club as an entirely too their office.
The result of any of those scenarios will vary, but someone will surely have detention by the end of it..

(Media Club, Photography Club, SLT)
BEFORE: One member of the media club will somehow manage to steal keys to the photography club room. How this will be done would be coordinated oocly as room permissions would have to be given, but would ofc be all roleplayed out once planned.

DURING: During the events, media club will steal photography’s clubs equipment such as cameras, stands, you name it! But why? It appears an event was meant to happen the following day .. and photography club was chosen to be there over media club. BUT there was an announced from SLT that those who are not prepared the day off will be booted out and replaced. So, the day comes, and Photography club sees their supplies was stolen! However at this point they have no idea media team took it, why would they? So they go to SLT and inform them they can no longer be in the event..

AFTER: Now that the event is happening, photography club would walk around only to see Media club has taken their booth.. AND IS USING THEIR ITEMS!! At this point, theres a few outcomes:
  • A fight ensues, SLT has to intervene and both get in trouble
  • Photography club reports them to SLT and they get kicked out. CCTV would be reviewed to see the thieves and they'd be promptly given detention or even suspended.
  • Other? Depends through RP!

(Media Club)
PREP: Preparation in either of the computer lab or club would be done, placing a bunch of computers for all members to use ..

DURING: Members of the club will be sat down by their club leader and explained all the tips, tricks, and ways to get to editing. Either they edit a video or photo will be up to them.. HOWEVER first the club will have to go out and record! So they'd go around school, quickly record or take photos .. of what will be up to the members, then they'd all gaggle up back in the room.

AFTER: Once back in the room, the members would edit their works and it'll be posted on Onrain for the public to see what they created!

How will the club benefit the School?:
Media club will benefit the school by bringing a new RP for many parties involved. As shown in the events above, as well in the second question, I plan to try to have a lot of interactions with different groups and sub-factions on the server. I think the school will benefit as itll have sports teams involved, SLT involved, and of course the general students of Karakura! I believe itll also perhaps bring more fun RP involving Onrain, and interactions between clubs. From what ive personally observed from the times I was on sports teams, clubs and teams RARELY interact, let alone clubs themselves interacting with one another. Id loved to help be one of the ones who encourages RP between the groups and sub-factions!

What will be the requirements for future members, if any?:
  • Members will have to be at least Grade 10 and up
  • Members will have to somehow contribute to the club a minimum of three times of month. If you appear to have gone totally inactive, you will be removed.
  • Quality roleplay is required. Nothing sucks more during events or interactions then really lame actions during serious or fun events.
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Level 142
School Clubs Lead
Media Team

Thank you for taking the time to apply, we have decided to accept your application:

- The Media club is one of those clubs which sits on a grey line between Photography and Journalism, unfortunately this has made it quite hard for previous club leaders to run this club peacefully.

- The club has the potential to be something unique and individual under the right leadership, what we have read here, we hope that leadership, is you.

- You must understand that your club must maintain the boundaries of its own topics as to not step into other club's activities too much.

- We enjoy collaboration between other clubs and the teams but remember that your club comes first, involving yourself too much in teams drama's will become an issue, find the fine boundary between your club and those teams and you will give those teams and your club a chance to boost their engagement and performance.

If you have any questions, please contact @Customable on discord​

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