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Mee Jaibatsume Mawji | 3rd times a charm.


Level 142
School Clubs Lead
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[ 3D View of character model concept ]


Mee Jaibatsume Mawji​
Madeline Celestial​

Age | 18​
Race | Caucasian / Korean​
Gender | Female​
Eye colour | Grey tinted blue​
Hair description | She has long silky blue hair, accented by two red streaks going down the side of her fringe, either left loose or tied into two buns.​
Birth Info | 24th of November 20XX, Japan, Fukui​
Abnormalities | She has a scar on her right eye, usually covered by a flower​
Occupation | Council Vice President, Council / Track-Team [Co-Captain] (formerly)​


Character History:

Character Summary:
Madeline Jaibatsume Mawji grew up under her mother's custody on a small estate in Fukui, Her relationship with her mother far surpassed that of her relationship with her father, she was physically abused by him on almost a daily basis causing her many problems in life and the signature development of her two main disorders, Dissociative Identity Disorder (Split Personality Disorder) and C-PTSD.​
She has developed three alters as of now standing as Clover, Kimiko, and Kanna. Each holds their own respective set of skills and abilities which allow them to prosper in their own goal, they each have a certain trigger that causes them to become conscious but they are also able to randomly take over when required.​
Living with an alter:
She went through her life from 7 - 16 years old believing that her breaks in consciousness and unplanned blackouts were a regular part of life, hence why she had never challenged it, upon stumbling over some knowledge in a library one evening at the age of 16 she began to view it a little odd, especially when answers to her questions about this occurrence came back different to her own.​
At the age of 18, she had been informed by a relative (Lia Celestiasume) that what she was experiencing might be the aforementioned, disorder, causing her to seek further help and information on the topic, she had been officially diagnosed with the disorder.​


Agility and Endurance.
Mee and all of her alters share enhanced agility and endurance being able to run at full speed for 4 - 5 minutes at a time, her height heavily benefits this allowing her to move faster as she is smaller, this has also fed into Kanna's weapon choice, as she deliberately chose her weapon small to minimize her weight, allowing her to take full advantage of her speed.​
She can also be a very skilled dodger and evader, usually attempting to use her opponent's energy against them before engaging in a fight. Her movement style is oddly similar to the martial arts set of baguazhang.​
Communication and Knowledge.
Mee is quite the socialite, being the host, she is the only stable mind out of her alters, this gives her the advantage over communication and basic logic as she can hold a stable mindset despite her disorders. She can temporarily lose this skill in large crowds however as they easily overwhelm her.​
Lack of Morality or Humanity.
Clover has a lack of sense for remorse allowing her to project herself as quite the extrovert, This comes in 3 stages: at Stage 1, she shows the basic lack of human sympathy or remorse and can be a walking time bomb to some, her extroverted manner allows her to fight back in arguments quite fluently.​
At stage 2 , Clover begins to show stage 1's lacks plus the lack of human empathy and behaviour. She becomes distant, responding brutally to comments or questions, this leads her to make bad choices during conversation with her lack of morality and logic.​
At stage 3, Clover shows all previous lacking, added the complete absence of humanity, going as far as to threaten people or endanger one's well being, she can also become proficient in using weapons however at the cost of her own body most of the time through lack of fundamental knowledge of safety, at this stage of her mindset your only chance is to incapacitate her.​
Combat Experience.
Kanna holds what some may call a library of knowledge on weapons allowing her to adapt herself to most tools, when possible, however, her weapon of choice is a pair of custom made scissors which she has choreographed her skillset for using a hybrid of the dagger's move sets.​
Kanna is a hybrid of Madeline's hatred combined with the lack of morality and humanity on clover at stage 3. Kanna is usually quite passive, however, if you ever happen to come face to face with her in a fight to the death after aggravating her your only hope is to hope you're quicker and more skilled.​
One of her most absurd weapon skill sets involves a shovel.​
Primal Instincts.
All alter besides Kimiko can call on a state of mind referred to as her "Primal Instincts", it grants the user a large variety of knowledge across all personalities via a mediator, essentially creating the ideal personality holding all required abilities she has for her situation, All alters besides ones stated against have command over this, however, Kanna has mastered this observant skill fully, being able to use it in Madeline subconsciously as a gateway for her entrance.​
Primal instincts are usually only used when she is in a life-threatening situation.​
Prolonged use of instincts can cause loss of her consciousness.​
all personalities know how to speak Japanese, Korean and Japanese sign, Kimiko sometimes forgets, however.​
Otherwise know as streetwise Mee and Kanna share a sense of heightened perspective to the environment as they do not usually act with impulsive decisions as Clover and Kimiko do.​


Mee Jaibatsume is a 5'1" blue-haired caucasian girl, her height combined with her other physical attributes make her look almost 17, some even mistaking her for a child. Her hair has a red streak flowing down the right side of her face and a crochet flower covers a scar on her right eye which she finds repulsing despite the scar being mostly healed over today.​

Mee is quite cheerful and can be very stoic, trying her best to make the most of a situation or fix things herself, even going out of the way to focus on another's health more than her own.​
This contradicts her childhood though, in her earlier years around the ages 10 to 16 she showed no emotion, being unresponsive the most things including the abuse, she'd commonly spend her break times at school reflecting on her life or being questioned on how she had attained the many bruises she had acquired from her father over the years, lying about them in silent fear of further beatings.​
Any vivid reminders of her father or her beatings can swiftly send Mee into flashbacks, causing her to panic or freeze up.​


⚠️May include disturbing imagery to some ⚠️

Born in Fukui along sider her twin sister, to a father unready for any parenting work, Madaline Lived under the care of her mother with regular visits from her father but not for a bonding experience. Madeline was merely a tool for Kenzou's fits of rage out of her mother's sight, She could not prevent this though as she was too fearful of the consequences of telling her. Madeline endured this abuse from the age of 7 to 14.

#(*#!@###]: 20XX

Madeline turned 12, her beat downs becoming more severe and affecting her mentally, she began harming herself thinking that she was to blame for her constant abuse but more importantly she suffered short bursts of memory loss during her and her father's "bonding" time.

Madeline spoke "Mum, can you get that?" she was in the middle of watching an episode from a show, nothing she liked but something to pass the time.

Madeline's mother replied, "Get what, Mee?"

Madeline was getting agitated, she could hear a distinct ring from the house phone, the ring she had heard all her life, perhaps her mother's hearing wasn't so fine. Madeline Proceeded to get up and make her way to the house phone, as she picked the phone up she was met instantly with a voice like hers, Swarming her with unpleasantries:

"Fight him!"

"There are knives in the kitchen"

"You've seen what he's done to you, fight back!"

"Why are you just sitting there!"

The instantaneous answers and graphic intent of them struck fear into her causing her to jump back, seconds felt like hours as the phone fell and hit the ground with a crack as she watched it do so and heard the voices slowly fade out. It was silent as her mother walked in to check on the ruckus, her mother took a step into the hallway and the phone Burst out in the same way:

"Spare her"

"She can not know!"

"Not Her!"

"Take your chance!"

Madeline looked over in Pure fear at her mother, standing about 1 meter from the dropped line, She stared in Fear and Amazement as her mother picked up the dropped phone and simply placed it back unto the stand hesitantly causing the voices for Madeline to fade out completely, Most likely questioning the pure look of fear on her daughters face almost tearing up, A timer rang from the kitchen as the mother opened her mouth to ask her daughter what was wrong, in the sudden change in the situation she rushed over to the kitchen to tend to the timer's means.

Over the next few visits from her father, Madeline began having Memory blanks again, At the age of 14 her father died due to an overdose on heroin, but she felt no sympathy for the man, she showed no emotion in the slightest, At the funeral, she noticed a girl around her age, Dark Golden brown hair and brown eyes, Wearing an oversized blue wool coat, she could not formally introduce herself for her mother ushered her to return so they could leave.

Over the years her condition grew and she had completely no knowledge of what was happening, most noticeably she began finding heaps of paper containing information on students from school she had not dreamed of ever finding or knowing, and each school day the pile seemed to grow, she began to get used to this though and eventually began receiving "calls" from her alter-ego giving her tasks to follow students and listen in, It eventually became a normal part of her life and it continues to be to this day, She keeps it to herself as she partly knows it is unusual.

Upon reaching the age of 14 she moved to in town Karakura attending Forest academy.


Madeline was born, one side of her family being dysfunctional and the other almost unable to cope. Her father was missing throughout most of her childhood, Her mother was so focused on working to support the family she was almost always unheard of, Madeline spent most of her free time attempting to read the kanji out of books her mother gifted to her.

Madeline happened to be exploring the house one day, She stumbled upon some books her mother had neglected in recent years, Madeline took a certain interest in these books not for its subject but its language, It was written in Korean.

Madeline being unable to read the Hangul consulted her mother in her free time, She explained to her it was written in Korean which was why it was unfamiliar to her, as well as her Korean heritage in the family.

At the age of 10, Madeline had become intrigued by the existence of other languages, She began studying Korean under her mother's guidance, about 5 months into studying the language she was able to form her first sentence in Korean, her mother and her celebrated over this milestone.

March 14th 20XX

At the age of 12, Madeline's father came home intoxicated to find her studying Korean in her mother's study, He proceeded to tear down Madeline's hard work, he became enraged with seemingly no reason.

Kenzou had destroyed the work Madeline had worked so hard to build, and as He set off on Madeline she had already blacked out...

March 15th 20XX

Madeline awoke on the floor next to her father wrapped and tied in blankets extremely tight, She couldn't remember a single thing that happened after her work was disposed of but her hope in studying had collapsed under a single event.

Her mother had called the police at dawn discovering both Madeline and Kenzou unconscious and had witnessed the aftermath of the massacre of pages now ripped and spread across the floor and seeing Madeline awake to such a sight, she knew she had lost almost all hope.

4 days later, Madeline had come back from school, her face devoid of emotion as usual as she entered the household, Her mother had called her down to her before she had a chance to enter her room and become lost in the kanji across all of her spared pages, Her mother greeted her with a warm smile and asked how her day was:

"Yeah, Ok I guess", The Usual response to any question related to activity in school. Two hands out, her mother held a bag out towards Madeline.

"For you", Her warm smile laid gentle as ever on her face.

Madeline was reluctant to accept it from the previous events but did to not be rude.

"T- thank y-", Madeline's mother watched her peered into the bag at its contents only to be met with a tearful daughter's face. Hugs and repeated thank you's were exchanged as Madeline silently broke down. She valued and respected her mother's gifts giving her efforts into studying the language again!


A lake of water, the drop of once rain now runs slowly down the slides of earth, leaves. It falls. A droplet of water hits the surface at wild speeds and across the lake exterior expands a serene circle of water, a shockwave produced by the fall of a single droplet, nature's tear.

"What are your ambitions in life Mee?" Her mother spoke in absolute harmony.

"Ambitions?" Madeline answered in a bewildered tone.

"Yes, your ambitions."

"I don't know, I hadn't thought that far ahead."

"Hmm, what will be, will be"

The school bells rang, Thursday morning, and the town was enveloped in a thick, shrouded mist. An umbrella is shaken by the entrance before closed and strapped down, more civilized than most kids, however, most did not have a mindset based around folklore or silly knacks such as "bad luck", for the majority all that mattered was what pokemon card was the best or who could run the fastest in the class.

Competition is a funny thing, it can work in ways that provide it's swayed with determination or an outright brawl in a contest to who is more skilled at one or more elements.

"A new student is joining our classes, today students, be sure to warmly welcome her!" As the teacher spoke the shoji gradually slide open and a boy gently wandered in, he was a short Japanese boy with black straight hair, he was practically hugging his bag in an apprehensive stance, his eye line was faced downwards to the floor.

"Hello, Since you are a new student here how about you introduce yourself!" The boy gave no response to the teacher's sentence, nor did he bat an eye. The teacher looked towards the shoji where the head of the department stood, an exchange of hand motions where given before the teacher had clocked the situation, gently placing her hand on the boy's shoulder. The Majority class gave full attention to the boy, including Madeline.

"This is Yami, he will be your new classmate from now on, please treat him with respect as he was born not so lucky as most of you were. Yami is deaf." As the teacher ended that sentence suddenly the majority turned into the entire class, now suddenly interested in this new student's disability, Even Madeline has become slightly intrigued.

The more heads turned, the more nervous this boy grew, a teacher came in and directed the boy towards a desk.

Breaktime had followed and Madeline had recognized the boy sitting singly on a bench beneath a sakura tree, the other kids appeared to be playing around him, some even pointing towards him and muttering, this was an atmosphere Madeline understood, the isolation of misunderstanding, misconception blinds people with what they do not understand, they begin to shelter themselves under a blanket of lies and theories that do not correlate to the situation, She decided to sit with him.

The boy continued his unfocused stare downward at the ground, twisting his fingers into knots which seemed trivial to most, but to one's self, a reaction only caused by the environment. It was clear Yami did not feel comfortable in his place. Looking around Madeline noticed people began to point at them both, sharing gossip on the situation, but Madeline had dealt with this for the majority of her time at her school so she did not care enough to be bothered by such an irrelevant factor.

A sheet of paper slid over from the other side of the bench towards Yami.

"How are you?" The boy's eyes lit up at the moment, a pleasant glimmer of hope almost sparked what felt like a life long-lasting happiness in his face. The paper slid back towards Madeline.

"Good, thank you!" Madeline looked up at the boy now facing her and he began to gesture something with his hands, Yami pointed towards Madeline, moving it back and pointed at himself before ending by clasping his hands together, Madeline was no expert on sign language but by using common sense and as much as she did know about it from her Mother she had pieced it together. She accepted his request graciously.

The bells rang signifying the end of recess, all students proceeded to make their way back to class before continuing with the rest of the school day, throughout the class, Madeline had lent a hand in giving the boy notes he'd miss.

Madeline had become fascinated with sign language and despite her main focus currently being set on learning Korean and writing hangul, she had set aside some time in her day to learn some basic Japanese sign language.

The two began to converse more often with Yami often educating her on more signs and correcting some she had gotten wrong and eventually over time Madeline began to move onto more advanced signs as her Korean studies slowly came to an end, With her time in elementary school coming to an end the two reconciled below the original tree they had begun speaking under.

The memory of that boy's face sticks with Madeline to this day.


  • Mee has 3 separate personalities so far each showing off different abilities and traits

  • She has a fear of her birthday as her father continuously threatened to beat harder each year, despite him being deceased she still shows intense fear or discomfort sometimes going into panic attacks on the day.

  • She is by blood a Jaibatsume and a Mawji by honourary status a Celestiasume.

  • Kimiko sometimes forgets to breathe during certain tasks.

  • Kanna holds vast knowledge and a variety of different weapon arts and all personalities besides Kimiko can call upon this information when Instincts are active.

  • All personalities eye's change in the shade to a lighter blue in primal instincts, this is also a physical perk, it allows her to perceive light ever so slightly better, this helps at night as the user is quickly able to adapt to the darkness slightly. This odd effect is due to slight dilation of the pupils, causing the iris to diffract more or less light.

  • By the age of 16, all personalities had learned how to read Hangul and speak Korean fluently.

  • Her birth name is Mee but her name was given to her by her father, she usually goes by the secondary name she was provided with: Madeline.

  • Kimiko's hair always appears naturally messy in an oddly childish way, almost as if she has been running around in the wind. Madeline sometimes has this hairstyle too but will fix it if acknowledged.

  • All of Mee's personalities and herself suffer from C-PTSD, her symptoms range from nightmares to constant switches in personality at times to psychosis and she is unaware of her mental condition to this day.

  • Mee has created a mediator in her mind for Clover and partly Kimiko, allowing her to retain some memories from their actions, Madeline also claims to be able to see embodiments of her other personalities at times, sometimes "appearing" to talk with her or criticise her, she can sometimes be seen talking with herself to others.

  • Mee's father was a sociopath and had ADHD, his ADHD was passed down a generation to Madeline, explaining her constant hyperactivity and sometimes impulsive thoughts and actions, her impulsiveness was especially frequent throughout childhood, angering her father more at times.
    Madeline is unaware of this disorder.
  • Mee custom tailors most of her clothing, her boots have custom shaped soles that leave quite large pawprints in the place of footprints on most soft surfaces. She does this knowing it will bewilder those who notice and finds it fun to mess with people.​

Thank you for reading!
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