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Meeko 'Ko' Sonoda | Information Sheet


Level 12
Meeko Sonoda's
Information Sheet



Standing at an adorable 5'2 and weighing just 105 lbs, he often gets mistaken for a girl because of his incredibly feminine appearance. His body is perfectly shaped with an hourglass figure, featuring lovely curves that are hard to miss, making him slender yet unmistakably healthy. His skin is so smooth and clear, almost like porcelain, that it adds an extra touch of uniqueness to his charm. His eyes are truly captivating; they shine beautifully in the light and have a magical quality that effortlessly grabs everyone's attention, making it hard to look away. His fluffy hair flows gracefully around his face and shoulders, maintaining an elegant allure even when it's a bit messy. The strands seem to have a life of their own, framing his face in a way that highlights his delicate features. Adding to his charm, he always carries a light, enchanting scent of jasmine. This subtle fragrance lingers in the air long after he's gone, leaving a sweet memory with everyone who encounters him. His presence is simply magnetic, effortlessly drawing people in with his mix of delicate beauty and irresistible charm. The way he moves with such grace, the way he smiles shyly, and the soft tone of his voice all contribute to his enchanting persona.


Strength: ★★☆☆☆
Despite his delicate appearance, he has a surprising amount of strength, though he's not particularly strong compared to others.
Intelligence: ★★★☆☆
He has a good head on his shoulders, able to think through problems logically and come up with effective solutions.
Battle Intelligence: ★★☆☆☆
In a fight, he tends to rely more on instinct than strategy, making him less effective in battle situations.
Speed: ★★★★★
His swift movements make him incredibly fast, able to outrun almost anyone with ease.
Agility & Flexibility: ★★★★★
With unmatched grace and agility, he can maneuver through tight spaces and perform acrobatic feats effortlessly.
Durability: ★★☆☆☆
He might not be able to take a lot of hits, but he always manages to get back up, showing a surprising level of resilience.
Endurance: ★★★★☆
He can keep going long after others have given up, his stamina seemingly endless.
Reflexes: ★★★☆☆
His reactions are quick, though not lightning-fast, allowing him to dodge or catch objects with decent accuracy.
Academics: ★★★☆☆
In school, he performs well enough, maintaining average to above-average grades without much trouble.
Potential: ★★★★☆
There’s a lot of untapped potential within him, just waiting to be realized with the right guidance and experience.
Unpredictability: ★★★☆☆
He occasionally surprises people with unexpected actions, though he’s generally predictable in his behavior.
Cunning: ★☆☆☆☆
He tends to be straightforward and honest, lacking the slyness or deceitfulness that might make him cunning.


He has a delightful collection of stylish, clean, and feminine clothes that beautifully highlight his charming features, making him absolutely adorable. Each item in his wardrobe is thoughtfully selected, showcasing a blend of elegance and sweetness. He accessorizes with a cute head bow in a neutral white-gray color, perfectly complementing all his outfits. The fabrics are top-notch, often silky and smooth, ensuring he always looks polished and put together. Of course, he always carries his smartphone, using it to stay in touch with friends and family and capture special moments. His phone is usually nestled in a chic, protective case. His room is a personal sanctuary, reflecting his unique taste and personality. He carries a Japanese fan with him, adding to his style and providing relief on warmer days. He sometimes uses it to hide his face when he blushes.

Voice & Name pronounciation:

Meeko 'Ko' Sonoda
Pronounced: Mee-koh 'Koh' Sono-da

The sound of his voice: [LINK]
(The blonde haired girl with the blue eyes and the black hair bow)
The tone of his voice:
Meeko speaks in a soft, smooth, and undeniably cute tone that endears him to everyone around him. His voice has a gentle, melodic quality that makes even the simplest conversation feel warm and pleasant. When he's grumpy, his voice takes on an especially adorable quality, with a slight poutiness that only makes him more charming. The contrast between his usual sweet tone and his grumpy mood creates an irresistibly endearing effect, making it hard for anyone to take his irritation too seriously. Even in his moments of frustration, Meeko's voice maintains its soft and soothing nature, adding to his overall allure.


Meeko Sonoda grew up in the Kansai region of Japan with his loving family. His parents worked hard, and his older sister, Maeko, was just a year older than him. All of them have a close bond, still calling each other via phone many times a week to this day. Meeko's home was a sight to behold, perched gracefully atop a mountain, offering breathtaking views of the surrounding landscape. The elevated location provided a serene escape from the hustle and bustle of everyday life, with panoramic vistas stretching as far as the eye could see. The house itself was rather above average, boasting a blend of modern comfort and rustic charm. Large windows adorned the walls, allowing natural light to flood the interior and ensuring that the stunning scenery was always in view. The crisp mountain air, coupled with the tranquility of the environment, made it a perfect haven for Meeko and his family.

Meeko shared a special bond with his grandmother, who was deaf. To communicate with her, he learned Japanese sign language at the age of seven with the help of his mother. This journey of learning sign language not only brought Meeko closer to his grandmother but also enriched his understanding of non-verbal communication and empathy. His mother patiently guided him through the intricacies of the language, teaching him to express his thoughts and emotions through graceful hand movements. This skill became an integral part of Meeko's life, fostering a deep sense of connection with his grandmother and opening up new avenues of interaction and expression within his family.

He grew up enjoying his childhood, doing probably everything everyone has done in it. As he got older, Meeko noticed, at the age of twelve, that he looked different from other boys. His body was more feminine, he noticed that he did look like a girl, aside well, the fact that he is a male. This confused him at first, but he started to accept it. One day, he tried on Maeko's clothes and found they fit him better and felt more comfortable than his own. From then on, he preferred wearing feminine clothes. His parents were surprised but supportive, letting him dress however he liked.

A big moment in Meeko's life occurred during a family beach vacation when he was thirteen years old. The sun was shining brightly, and the beach was bustling with laughter and the sounds of crashing waves. Meeko, full of excitement and youthful energy, decided to venture into the ocean for a swim. As he swam further out, a gigantic wave unexpectedly surged towards him. The powerful wave slammed into Meeko, tossing him violently and dragging him underwater before hurling him onto the shore. Disoriented and in pain, he felt the rough sand scraping against his skin as he struggled to catch his breath. This traumatic incident left him with a bruised body and a deep-seated fear of swimming. Since that day, the mere thought of entering the water fills Meeko with anxiety, a strong reminder of the terrifying experience that forever changed his relationship with the ocean and swimming.

Meeko and his sister had always dreamed of having a dog. Every day, they would beg their parents, pleading with them to get a furry friend to join the family. They promised they would take good care of the dog, feeding it, walking it, and making sure it was happy and healthy. After months of persistent begging and showing they were responsible, their parents finally agreed. Meeko just turned fourteen years old. Excited beyond words, Meeko and his sister went to a local animal shelter with their parents. There, they found a playful, golden-coated puppy that immediately won their hearts. The puppy was a Golden Retriever, known for its friendly and loyal nature. They decided to name him Bento. From the first day they brought Bento home, Meeko and his sister took their promise seriously. In the early months, they woke up early every morning to feed Bento, ensuring he had a nutritious diet to help him grow strong and healthy. They learned about the right types of food for a growing puppy and measured out his meals carefully. Potty training was another adventure. They took turns taking Bento outside frequently, encouraging him to do his business in the yard. It took patience and consistency, but soon Bento understood where he was supposed to go. They praised him enthusiastically each time he got it right, reinforcing his good behavior. Meeko and his sister also made sure Bento got plenty of exercise. They would play with him in the yard, throwing balls for him to fetch and running around with him to burn off his puppy energy. As he grew older, they started taking him on longer walks around the neighborhood, enjoying the time spent outdoors together. Training Bento was an important part of his early months. Meeko and his sister learned basic commands like "sit," "stay," and "come," and they spent time each day practicing these with him. Bento proved to be a quick learner, especially when there were treats involved. They also took him to puppy training classes, where he could socialize with other dogs and learn even more. As the months turned into years, Bento became an integral part of the family. Meeko and his sister continued to share the responsibilities of caring for him. They brushed his golden fur regularly to keep it shiny and clean, and they took him to the vet for his check-ups and vaccinations to ensure he stayed healthy. Bento grew from a playful puppy into a loyal and gentle adult dog. He was always there to greet Meeko and his sister when they came home from school, wagging his tail excitedly. They spent countless hours together, whether it was playing in the yard, going on walks, or just cuddling on the couch. Today, Bento is a beloved member of the family. Meeko and his sister look back fondly on the journey they have had with him from his first months of living with them to now. They are proud of the bond they have built with Bento and the care they have provided. He has brought joy, companionship, and a lot of love into their lives, fulfilling the dream they had when they first begged their parents for a dog.

At the age of fifteen, Meeko made the decision to dye his hair a permanent dusky rose color. This choice was not made lightly but was influenced by a deep-seated connection to various aspects of his life. He used a special, healthy hair dye made just for him. It lasts long, only needing a monthly touch-up, and keeps his hair feeling natural. He would spend countless evenings perched atop the mountain near his home, mesmerized by the unique and beautiful colors of the sunsets. The dusky rose hue of the sky during those serene moments became etched in his memory, symbolizing peace and a profound connection to his roots. This color reminded him of those tranquil evenings and evoked a strong sense of familial love and belonging. Meeko's family was his anchor, and the dusky rose tint served as a daily reminder of the bond they shared. Additionally, Meeko had always harbored a desire to embrace his feminine appearance and clothing style fully. The dusky rose color was not only distinctive but also harmonized perfectly with his aesthetic preferences, allowing him to express his identity in a way that felt authentic and empowering. This hair color was more than a mere fashion statement, it was a reflection of his journey towards self-discovery and acceptance.

To help Meeko find a place where he could learn and discover more for a successful future, his parents decided to send him at the age of sixteen to Karakura High, which had a great reputation. Unfortunately, they couldn't move with him because of their jobs and homes. Maeko stayed at home due to her simply wanting to be a housewife in the future, gifting Meeko a beautiful japanese fan before he left. It was hard for Meeko to live away at first; one main reason is that he is not able to spend time with Bento anymore. Living alone in Karakura was tough, but Meeko saw it as a chance to learn more about life and meet new people to spend his life with. With his family's support, he started this new chapter of his life, feeling both excited and nervous about what was and is to come.

I hope you have enjoyed the information sheet about Meeko Sonoda, thank you for readin! ^-^
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