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menmapsy_ || KPD Application


Level 6

Out-Of-Character (OOC) Section

IGN (In-Game Name):
menmapsy_ [APPLYING]
[No secondary accounts or alts.]

Discord Name & Tag:


Which timezone are you in?
Pacific Standard Time (PST, USA)

List your current and past IC/OOC faction applications:
[N/A] This will be my very first faction application.

Describe your activity on the server:
As of currently, while I apply for this position in KPD, I am mainly active on weekends due to the academic requirements that are being asked of me. Mondays through Thursdays, I am usually not available in-game or online. I am, however, very much available OOCly on Discord during weekdays that I cannot log onto SRP directly. On Friday evenings, Saturday, and Sunday, I am almost always available to log onto SRP whenever needed, mainly between the hours of 4pm - 1am PST on Friday evenings in the hours 7:30am - 1am PST on weekends Saturday/Sunday. Please note that these current times and availability hours will most likely change as the days draw closer to the summer months, since I am only setting myself on this strictly weekend only schedule to avoid mixing up school responsibilities from gaming hobbies and digital commitments. This current limitation is temporary, and I will most likely be very much active in the oncoming weeks. I have already spoken to higher-ups about my circumstance and will ensure to enforce my own training schedule on weekends to make attending trainings easier for me and to make hosting trainings easier for my trainer if I were to be accepted.

What is your motivation for applying?:
I bashfully admit that I have flirted with the idea of joining KPD for a number of reasons; as a former gang role-player, I interacted semi-daily with KPD characters and eventually made many friends along the way. KPD has never been the faint of heart, and I highly admire the players that have committed themselves to KPD for long periods of time. A part of me had previously believed that KPD was extremely stressful and could cause me to freeze up in scenarios that may require me to arrest or detain individuals that I knew on different characters, however with maturity came the realization of what it truly meant to keep things IC and OOC separate. I view KPD as not only a fun and new experience as an SRP player, but as a learning experience that I can hopefully embrace when taking on the role as a KPD officer apart of Karakura community. You learn something new every day, so why not take a chance to view the world from the perspective of our lovely officers?

What knowledge do you have of Police Work?
I have a general idea about the details of police protocol and procedures acquired from the interactions I've had involving KPD officers and the arrests or detainments of former gang members; however, I am still entirely enthusiastic towards the opportunity of learning them in a much closer and detailed perspective through the point of view as an officer. The committed community of officers are expected to protect and serve the citizens of Karakura, whether that be enforcing the general law, interrogating an individual to qualify for protective custody, answering to 110 emergencies, or showing up to actively hostile scenes in order to neutralize the threat for the sake of the general public.

(The following tables include KPD equipment and equipment functions, as well as Division ranks and their responsibilities. Yes, I can't get it to center. I'm so sorry for how off-putting it looks.)

KPD Gear and Equipment:

KPD Equipment​
Equipment Functionality​

Police Baton
These steel rods are usually drawn in the case of self-defense or assist in making an arrest easier. Police batons are arguably the KPD equivalent of a baseball bat, only slightly nerfed. With a two-block range, these steel rods are a 2-point KO, and can be mugged from the officer if there are proper mug perms on it. All officers have access to the police baton.​

The radio is accessible to all officers and waterproof in case of high-demand environments. They allow officers to call in back-up should a situation turn unfavorable. Radios cannot be mugged but can be destroyed through the use of a blunt/sharp object. Radios can also not be used as a weapon directly.​

Pepper Spray
Being hit by one of these bad boys is not it, the spray causing blindness for 60 seconds should you successfully roll to action and take it out. These sprays are usually a three time use and available to all KPD and EMS workers.​

Riot Shield
The riot shield is used to defend an officer from barrages of attacks. These shields are usually a 1-block range and can be used to push individuals away or provide defensive shelter, unless the shield is being held in a player's offhand. This item can be mugged if the officer in possession is knocked out!​

Body Cameras (ItemRP)
Body cameras are arguably the most important tool that a KPD officer could use, and that would be because it records an officer's perspective of a situation that they may've been involved in. The body camera is an ItemRP object that cannot be removed from an officer's uniform but can be destroyed through blunt/sharp force. All officers have access to it and are expected to have their body cameras on at all times.​

Tranquilizers are devices used to neutral hostile threats. This tool can be brought out, fired successfully, and reloaded through a successful action and roll whenever in range. Tranquilizers are a 30-block range weapon and cannot be mugged by the aggressor.​

We love them, we hate them, handcuffs are used to detain and eventually arrest criminals if they're suspected of participating in criminal activities. These cuffs automatically give 1 block range to the officer that pulls them out, however, the second party at risk of being detained or arrested can roll to resist being cuffed. All officers have access to these cuffs.​

Stun Blaster / Taser
Seeing these can induce an automatic spark of anxiety or arguably make one of your days the best of day. Stun blasters, or more affectionately known as tasers, are tools that officers use in order to stun and immobilize their targets if said target attempting to run or draw a weapon. Tasers are available to all officers and require a successful action and roll in order to be drawn, but do not require an action or roll to be used. They give an officer 8 blocks of range, and stun targets for 60 seconds. Using a taser on an individual can and will give said individual major permissions.​

KPD Division Ranks:
Divisions & Ranks​
Division & Rank Details​
Main Division (MD)
The Main Division ranks and personnel are usually first responders to 110 calls, leaving the station in order to patrol the sometimes not so friendly neighborhood. They involve themselves in dangerous on scene situations and times and arrest suspicious individuals should they be caught violating the law.
Detective Division (DD)
Detective Division ranks and personnel are super sleuths and look into the details behind the call or crime, usually taking charge during investigations and intense interrogation situations. By assessing evidence and taking witness statements into account, they piece together the full picture of a crime that's been reported.
Mr. Commissioner runs and maintains the functionality of Karakura Police Department in order to ensure proper balance between the police force as well as avoiding corruption within Karakura's first line of defense. They are in charge of appointing future Captains and Detective Superintendents should they be forced to leave their post due to injury or resignation.​
[Detective Division (DD)] Detective Superintendent​
The Detective Division is led by the Detective Superintendent, who is responsible for appointing and assessing new Detective Constables through examinations, work ethic, and ambition. Whether or not they're able to stay in the Detective Division or move up in ranks is entirely on the Detective Superintendent, not the results of their examination.​
[Detective Division (DD)] Detective Chief Inspector​
Detective Chief Inspector also play a role in helping Detective Superintendents assess and test Detective Constables. Detective Chief Inspectors also take-charge during investigation cases given to the Detective Division.​
[Detective Division (DD)] Detective Inspector​
Detective inspectors lead interrogations and are responsible for properly training Detective Constables when they first arrive or are to be tested by the Detective Superintendent.​
[Detective Division (DD)] Detective Constable​
Detective Constables are the starting rank in which new detectives enter the Detective Division. Like they were trained previously as a Cadet, Constables are trained by Detective Inspectors and then assessed by their higher ups to be official detectives after joining the Detective Division.​
[Main Division (MD)] Captain​
The Main Division is run by the Captain, who is the highest-ranking officer in that Division. The Captain works closely with the Police Commissioner and would be responsible to stand in for them should something happen. Captains are also responsible for appointing Lieutenants.
[Main Division (MD)] Lieutenant​
Lieutenants are responsible for administering exams to the new Cadets. These higher-ups are granted the permission to go off-duty without a second party's approval. Lieutenants are expected to report any misconduct caused by lower ranking personnel to the Captain or Commissioner directly.​
[Main Division (MD)] Sergeant​
Sergeants oversee Cadet trainings, which last for usually about 2 weeks. These individuals are responsible for the functionality and efficiency of the department itself, all while receiving additional training from Captains in order to be promoted to Lieutenant.​
[Main Division (MD)] Corporal​
Corporals train Cadets whenever new Cadets are accepted into the police force. Under their watchful eye, Cadets are trained either Physical combat training or Informational training under Corporals.​
[Main Division (MD)] Patrol Officer​
Patrol Officers have proven themselves worthy and able to stay afloat in the department through the knowledge they've shown throughout their examinations and training. The officers of this rank have the ability to go out on patrol alone without the need of higher-up supervision and can go off-duty should they need to.​
[Main Division (MD)] Cadet​
When you first join the department and police force, you will be assigned this role. Cadets are trained by higher-ups in a series of trainings that go on for about 2 weeks and are expected to take and pass an examination in order to permanently be an addition to the police force as a Patrol Officer. Cadets as usually not allowed to patrol alone without the presence of a trusted supervisor or higher-up. If a Cadet fails the exam, they may be given additional training before retaking the exam. Should they fail a second time, then they will be removed from the force but can reapply the next time applications are reopened.​

Why is Police important to SchoolRP?
From a former gang role-player's perspective, the police force is somewhat of a never-ending persistent force that works to limit and resolve criminal activity in the overworld of Karakura City. However, the role of police plays a much deeper part in the actual clockwork of Karakura aside from the daily fight against crime and corruption; the police force can also be viewed as the bridge between existing Karakura citizen's faith in their government as well as the government itself. An officer is meant to serve the city- not just through the fight against crime, but to represent themselves as enforcers of law and support the government of Karakura that keeps the community together.

Do you acknowledge that if training is held whilst you are online, you are needed to attend or you will be punished?
I, menmapsy_, agree and acknowledge that if a training is held while I am online, whether I am unoccupied or preoccupied I am expected to attend or can expect to be punished for failure to attend the training.

In-Character (IC) Section

What's your character's full name?:
Jeremiah Takada-Senova

How old is your character (if accepted)?:
31 years old

What are your character's gender and pronouns?:
Jeremiah is biologically male and is referred to through he/him pronouns.

Please select your highest academic role at the time of writing this application:

Jeremiah is current a Grade-12 Student at the time of writing this application.

What languages does your character know besides Japanese?:
Jeremiah is fluent in both Russian and German, German being his native language and learning Russian from his time in Russia and being a part of the Densetsu [DISBANDED] family.

Describe your character; how they look, what makes them unique?
Jeremiah stands at 6'4, thanks to the German blood in his veins from his mother's side of the family. The German-Arabic male is fairly muscular in build and has a surprisingly dark complexion despite his German lineage. Multiple tattoos flourish across his arms, abdomen, and right legs, each one seeming to be a random symbol or image of sorts. A majority of them are what look like birds, usually doves or finches of some sorts. The male would have darkly colored hair, sitting roughly between a dark cacao and black gray in colors and falling past his shoulders in length. Jeremiah's appearance seems rather ingeniously rugged, stray strands of his hair falling over his heterochromia eyes that appeared to be a combination of fool's gold and pale ice blue; so pale, it was almost a titanium gray. Multiple scars run across his back and forearms, as well as a singular gash over his right eye- thankfully, it does not devastate his vision as most injuries of the sort would. Though he appears to be rather unkempt and casually thrown together at first glance, a second glance reveals that he's rather neat a majority of the time he's in uniform- unless you've decided to mess up his hair right after he's tied it up into a ponytail.

In the aspect of whether or not Jeremiah is unique, he finds that he's all for the public and their perception of him. He's found and accepted that people who are willing to look past the outer first impression and can appreciate details are the people who can appreciate him for his own personality and appearance without the intervention of beauty standards and whatnot. Jeremiah is chipper, easy to talk to, and well-likeable with his semi casual enthusiasm in almost all of the activities he partakes in. He's not overly bubbly or loud, just simply a friend that's ready to give you a smile and a nudge of the shoulder to get you motivated.

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How does your character act in a professional/casual situation?
Professional: In the context of a professional setting, Jeremiah is rather calm and understanding despite not losing his usual chipper and playful attitude. A bright attitude towards his responsibilites and his coworkers, as well as constant awareness of his surroundings and efforts to be as reasonable in any given scenario makes him easy to work and communicate with. His eagerness to be helpful in the ways that he can make him responsive to situations at hand, as well as well coordinated with fellow coworkers on the scene. Jeremiah believes that you can be professional and civil without being devoid of a personality and positivity.

Casual: In contrast to a professional setting, when Jeremiah is in a casual situation he is much more chaotic. Understanding that there's a time to be collected and attentive and a time to be himself is what sets him apart when he is shifting in and out of professional situations. Keeping his overall friendly and outgoing personality, Jeremiah is much more smiley and carefree in public occasions, making an effort to interact with the everyday civilians that he interacts with on the daily. His duty requires him to serve the community, so sure he should be well acquainted with the community right?

What is their outlook on the idea of co-workers & teamwork?
Teamwork is functional mainly because everyone has their own role in said team, and Jeremiah believes that teamwork should be a functional force that works the way it does because everyone involved works to hold their own weight. Teamwork should be distributed even and fairly, however situations that call for sacrifices to be made or compensation to be paid are also situations where people should step up to cover for one another and have their backs. Now, that doesn't mean to be dishonest; but it does mean to be transparent and strive for clear communication, whether that be discussing an individual's work habits or attitude in a working environment.

What's your character's backstory?


Nuremburg, Germany, 2006

Jeremiah Krause, currently known as Jeremiah Takada-Senova in present-day Karakura, Japan, was born on the gloomy day of October 11th. Birthed into the world as the only son of Deion Ramzi and Angelica Krause, Jeremiah would have been expected to be well-cared for and smothered with affection from both mother and father alike. Sadly, that was not the case for little Jeremiah's childhood and homelife; soon after Jeremiah was born, his mother Angelica quickly relapsed into her alcohol addiction. Losing her battle to addiction meant that she, of course, lost herself in the process. No longer was she the kind woman that held young Jeremiah close to her at night whilst she slept- she'd become a woman devoid of motherly affection, and with it came the several years of abuse he'd endure as a child.

His father, Deion, far too caught up on the crumbling of his own marriage, would be completely unaware of the physical and mental abuse Jeremiah endured.

St. Petersburg, Russia, 2018

At the age of 12 years old, Jeremiah finally takes initiative to flee from the abusive home he's felt like he'd been trapped in for so long, seeking refuge in Russia after obstacles barricaded the young boy from successfully fleeing to America. In the heart of St. Petersburg, Russia, Jeremiah would become acquainted with his to-this-day younger sister, 11-year-old Nahima C. Maleki. The two bonded over the contrast of their childhoods; Jeremiah being a neglected and abused burden in his household while Nahima was the crown jewel of her father's affection and attention, and despite the very different lives the two lived, they found that it was easier to talk to and understand one another because of that difference. And even at the age of 11, Nahima was no doubt sympathetic to Jeremiah's current situation and would eventually provide him with enough money for him to leave Russia; only if he promised he'd tell her where he'd be going. With America having been out of sight for so long, Jeremiah would turn his sights to a little desolate island in Japan, Karakura.

Karakura, Japan, 2019

Jeremiah touches down in Karakura, Japan, for the very first time. At age 13, he's fairly optimistic to the idea of a new life away from his previous neglected lifestyle. It wasn't the land of the free or the home of the brave like he'd originally intended to be- but hey! Freedom was freedom, and it was indeed a change from the constant yelling and breaking things in his old home. With his hopes still high and his spirits even higher, Jeremiah sets out to find his own path and rebuild himself a new life in Karakura.

2022 -

Life in Karakura was not easy. People were cruel, and friends were crueler. A lack of family sentiment and consistent connections would shake Jeremiah's moral compass and eventually lead a morally confused Jeremiah to turn to a life of crime and delinquency. Dark paths lead individuals to dark destinations, and Jeremiah found himself in the heart of a crossroad between gangs such as Rokuhara Tandai, Bonten, Yamagashira, and Scorpio. Trouble brewed in the dark streets of Karakura almost daily, and as horrific as it was to stumble upon such a sight when wandering the sewers or streets, the then 17-year-old boy found that it was beyond easier to watch and listen, rather than step into the fray. After you all, you learned more when you said less- and for quite some time, that's exactly how Jeremiah lived. He learned that the more nonsense you speak, the less a person listens or believes. . . even if it's the truth. Using that to his advantage, the German Arab would familiarize himself with the art of speaking and excel in intelligence gathering. His true potential and moral strength would not truly be tested until the boy found himself cornered in the streets by a number of individuals dressed in uniform attire. Hand outstretched to him, the group was not an immediate threat but a potential friend, and later on, inevitable enemy. Rokuhara Tandai, later known as 50 Blessings to the criminal underworld, outstretched a hand to the young adolescent. Lead by the controversial but arguably well-known Takada family, Jeremiah Krause, who was now a Takada by name, stepped into a world of true crime under the wings of 50 Blessings. Things seemed to be looking up for young Jeremiah, having been affectionately nicknamed as 'Jeo' to the Takada family.

One particularly bloody month of crime rocked the small desolate town of Karakura, and those were the brawls between the two alliances that'd formed at the time. Locked in a confusing and particularly violent gang war, Jeremiah found himself questioning the leadership of his brothers and the strength of his familial bond within the Takada family. Making his acquaintance with a young lady that'd offered her knowledge and intelligence sources to his brother, Jeremiah became well acquainted with 'Leora', a woman that'd push him to the farthest corners of his own mental sanity. In her presence, Jeremiah questioned the true intentions of his brothers as well as the genuine depth of the blood that did not run in his veins but ran in the veins of his brothers and sisters. After all, he was nothing close to that of a Takada- not by blood, not by heart. He avoided direct physical confrontation unlike his hotheaded siblings and was oddly much more reasonable than his other Takada counterparts. The enemies of his family were often his friends, either by chance or the establishment of eventual understanding amongst Jeo and them. Jeremiah, under Leora's unhelpful insight and misconception of his life and familial connections, would begin to listen in and compose a book full of information. . . on his family, and his organization, 50 Blessings.

This was no special book. A book that contained the contents that dozens of gangs had possibly crumbed to, with a simple roster and a description of the organization's attires. But within this book, the list of names scribbled down in the book included a specific detail that'd save Jeremiah's life now and in the late future; out of possible speculation, the young Takada included his own name as well as many others in the book to detect suspicion. There, he listed himself as an affiliated suspect before handing in the book to cooperating Bonten members to distribute. His betrayal rocked the 50 Blessings rankings and even more so the Takada family. Jeremiah was now a snitch- a snitch by no evidence, by no crime, but a snitch, nonetheless. And for some time, Jeo was content; content with his decision, content with his lack of family and need to maintain familial bonds. To the 17-year-old, these bonds seemed only to get in the way of what he needed to get done.

But he was just a kid after all. A kid that wanted some form of familial bond, despite not knowing what a familial bond was. If a life of crime and secrets meant he could possibly hold others close, Jeremiah was willing to live that life, at some point. Shortly after the abandonment of 50 Blessings, Jeo was adopted into the Osiris and later on Jokull family under Teddy Osiris Jokull and Riku Drakos Ketsueki. That family would not last either; not by his own hands, but by the hands of his own parents. Promises that were failed to be kept and people that were meant to stay drove Jeo into a period of silent rage and even more silent resentment. A resentment for Ketsueki, a resentment for 'family.'


Bouncing in and out of criminal organizations, Jeremiah managed to build himself a wide library of information and intelligence. Still avoiding direct interactions with crime, the young adolescent watched from the shadows behind the safety of his hidden identity and wide connection of willing messengers. It was a game of hide and seek for him; he hid, others seeked. Deep down, perhaps he was seeking too. Seeking for a way out, a way to find a proper way to live his life, with or without a family. It seemed like he was content at last, without the need to rely on or care for anyone. He shouldered his own plans and guilt alone, where he found that he could do it with ease. The more he thought about it, the easier it was to accept; he was just meant for this. He was meant to hate, meant to resent the people who were not who they said they were and could not keep their promises. He was meant to be alone and meant to thrive. Under the orders of Mefisuto's Lewiatan, Jeremiah set out to interrogate a specific figure; a hitman that worked closely with a rivaled gang involved with the major of an important member within the organization. Posing as a simple friend with abundant financial resources, Jeremiah's plan was simple. A simple game of Q and A, right answers were rewarded with money. He needed the names of those involved and with his own capabilities, he was confident that he could get them and so much more.

He did get so much more. Too much.

The individual being interrogated was a man that went by the name of Zakhar S. K. Yamashita, who was conveniently Jeremiah's supposed grandfather. He had raised Teddy, and the two would quickly realize the familial connection they shared. As the two quickly swapped from an interrogation setting to what could have arguably been a family reunion, a new problem dawned upon the two. This man was a wanted one; BMD was out for his blood.

And they would get it, finishing off Jeremiah's final living 'relative' that he'd ever seen himself possibly connecting with just a single day after having met him. A standoff occurred, Jeremiah's back faced towards the organization that had enlisted him and finding himself staring face to face with BMD themselves. The damp and dark tunnel of Fight Club housed two sides that night: a triumphant and obvious winner against a stubborn and reckless grandson. A grandson whose blood held not a drop of the deceased individual's but was ready to spill his own for their sake, for a single chance to say goodbye. Jeremiah Takada-Senova would eventually be granted a final goodbye to his last living relative. Zak's body would be properly cremated and left to rest, leaving him utterly and completely alone again. Only this time, this kind of loneliness did not just come with rage and hatred, but with enlightenment as well.

Zak's death shook Jeremiah to his core. Loss was something he thought he'd never feel; he never lost. He couldn't. Or perhaps had he been losing all this time? Was it the path he chose or the speed he walked down it? What he would give to understand why the things that happened to him did. It took him far too long to realize what it would mean to walk down the right path and understand that he did what others did to him. He was not who he said he was and could not keep the promises he made. Did that put him at fault? Was Zak's death, and so many other's deaths, faulted in him?

He wasn't guilty. He wasn't wrong. No blood stained his hands, no weapon had been held by him. He told the truth to the people who hated it most, and perhaps that was what lead him to here. But did the innocent people affected by his actions deserve it? Weren't they just like him, caught in the crossfire between people they trusted?

He didn't understand.

But he wanted to.

Jeremiah departed from Mefisuto under mysterious circumstance. His disappearance was sudden and unanticipated by the higher ups of Mefisuto. The alias 'LOOM', known only by the Lewiatan of Mefisuto, would seemingly vanish in the middle of what seemed like a triumphant victory and glorious age for the gang.

And an application would be sent to KPD, the words written onto the applicated fueled by the years of pent-up misdirected anger. Crime destroyed families; it didn't protect them or make them easier to protect. It built a web of lies and inevitable disappointment. No matter what you knew or what you wanted others to believe, there was no perfect crime. No perfect lie, no perfect ploy. And for Jeremiah, it was a wakeup call. Perhaps he could do more than just know. He could actually do, for the sake of the people who couldn't, or didn't know what to do.

All that was left now, however, was the game of waiting. He was waiting for atonement and a chance to make an impact; regardless of whether or not his life was on the line, didn't matter anymore.

General Knowledge

Can you legally own a pocket knife in Karakura?
"In the good ol' city of Karakura, it is illegal to own a pocket knife in Karakura whether you're an adult or a minor! Pocket knives are considered illegal weaponry that are distributed without proper authorization, so being caught in possession of a pocket knife would very much be illegal."

Name 5 medical items that do NOT require a prescription
5 medical items that do not require a prescription would be:
1. Medical Bandaids / Unbranded Bandaids - "These handy dandy sticker thingies are not prescription required and can actually be purchased in your everyday shop such as Daisuki! They're used in the case of small injuries like sc****s and cuts and can be very handy to have lying around if you're injured."
2. A wooden cane - "Yep, a simple cane like this does not require a prescription and is actually much more affordable and available than the average crutches that injured individuals use."
3. Glasses - "Surprisingly, although the glasses themselves could be prescription, they're not prescription required in order to be in possession of them! Glasses are often sold by a wide variety of stores across Karakura, and can also be picked up in the auction house, prescription free."
4. Cough syrup - "This one is actually surprising, but not when you think about the amount of people who actually run around with cough syrup. That lean phase was NOT it!. . . Cough syrup helps people with throat irritation or excessive coughing, and usually includes ingredients that are specifically added to help soothe the throat."
5. Eyepatches - "Yarrrr. . . eye patches are quite common and useful in the case you have an injured, injected, or missing eye. They only need to be worn for a couple days.. but we know some people just wear it for the aesthetic."

If you see your co-workers physically abusing an inmate, what should you do?
"Violence is a no-no in the Police Department, regardless of whichever side started it. A coworker physically abusing an inmate would immediately spark a call for action, regardless of how it happened. Separating the inmate from my coworker is the immediate step to take after radioing for backup in whatever location in incident takes place. My bodycam, which should be on at all times, as well as my coworker's bodycam will have captured the entire incident and make reporting the situation to a higher-up much easier, so my focus should be to disarm and disengage the coworker and advise for them to leave the situation alone. If they choose to proceed with violence, they will have to be physically removed from the area and detained for an explanation and the injured inmate will receive immediate medical attention."

What should you do if you see your co-worker being assaulted?
"Anything can happen, even if you don't expect it. Especially if it's a criminal stuck in a deeper hole than they thought it'd be. If an inmate assaulted a coworker, that would result in a radio for backup and the immediate tasing or pepper-spraying of the inmate as an attempt to neutralize the aggressor. Said inmate, once neutralized, will be moved to a padded cell for possible further investigation and the injured coworker with receive medical attention at once. The situation at hand would and should be captured on both my coworker's bodycam as well as my own, which can then be turned in to higher up for further investigation."

What do you do if you find out that your co-worker is corrupt and is helping criminal organizations?
"Corruption is quite the thing to look out for after the last corruption incident. In the case where word does catch my ears that a fellow officer is indeed corrupt and conspiring with criminal organizations to either help mask or soften the charges that arrested or detained personnel should be receiving, then the first and immediate step is to collect numerous pieces of evidence in order to justify your claims against said corrupt officer. An accusation as big as that must be backed up with clear evidence such as recordings of interactions, physical or written reports from individuals involved with this officer's corruption, or bodycam footage of corruption occurring on scene. All of this must be done so quietly and swiftly, as alerting the corrupt coworker could be detrimental to my own safety, and jeopardize other coworkers present at the time. These pieces of evidence would eventually be turned into a trusted higher up in order to be process and properly discussed."

How would you react to a criminal trying to bribe you?
"A criminal trying to bribe me when they're in the middle of being detained, arrested, or interrogated will be met with a big side-eye, as well as a bribery fine added onto their upcoming list of charges. These bribery fines are about 25,000 in yen, very much illegal, and against the law. Upon being fined for bribery, said individual will be warned by me directly as to not attempt to bribe government officials in the future."

IGN: menmapsy_
Discord: jeographer
Characters: [Grade 12] Nahima C. Maleki-Takada
[Grade 12] Jeremiah Takada-Senova
[Grade 7] Poppy L. Maleki
Feel free to DM about questions or tailoring! :D
Last edited:


Level 331
After having carefully reviewed your applications, the higher-up team has decided
to unfortunately deny your application to join our faction.

Why have I been denied?
We appreciate your efforts and your motivation to join our faction, but we have
made this decision based on the following reason(s)
Thank you for applying, however your application has been denied on the basis of reputation.

What can I do to increase my chances to be accepted?
The fact that you've been denied this time doesn't mean that you can't be accepted
anymore! If you're interested, below are some pieces of advice that could improve
your chances to be accepted during future application waves.
While we loved your application we suggest applying for other factions / community teams to improve how other players see you and to boost your chances at becoming apart of KPD.

Due to the large influx of applications, any DMs concerning your application
will be ignored or referred back to this response. Remember that this decision
is a collective agreement between all the higher-ups in the faction, meaning
that this decision hasn't been taken by one single player.

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