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Accepted menmapsy_ || Psychology Professor Application


Level 6



What is your Minecraft username?:
IGN: menmapsy_ [APPLYING]
[No secondary alts or accounts.]

What is your time zone?:
My current time zone is Pacific Standard Time zone (PST) in the United States.

What is your discord username? (eg @muffincats)
My discord username is @jeographer.

Link all previous applications you made on the server:

Describe your activity on SchoolRP:
As of currently, while I apply for this position in School Faculty, I am mainly active on weekends due to the academic requirements that are being asked of me. Mondays through Thursdays, I am usually not available in-game or online. I am, however, very much available OOCly on Discord during weekdays that I cannot log onto SRP directly. On Friday evenings, Saturday, and Sunday, I am almost always available to log onto SRP whenever needed, mainly between the hours of 4pm - 1am PST on Friday evenings in the hours 7:30am - 1am PST on weekends Saturday/Sunday. Please note that these current times and availability hours will most likely change as the days draw closer to the summer months, since I am only setting myself on this strictly weekend only schedule to avoid mixing up school responsibilities from gaming hobbies and digital commitments. This current limitation is temporary, and I will most likely be very much active in the oncoming weeks. I have already looked into the number of classes needed in order to fulfill the monthly quota and will ensure to adjust the amount of time I am online in order to meet its requirements.

Describe your roleplay experience with SchoolRP and other roleplay networks in general:
During my years of SRP involvement, I have actively been engaged in forms of CrimeRP, GangRP, and FamilyRP through the perspectives of my many characters. In my time on SRP, I've welcomed a variety of situations that have allowed me to actively experience something new on SRP; however, for quite some time I did avoid applying to factions due to my lack of confidence in my roleplay skills. I enjoy roleplaying very much and enjoy the idea of going into a situation blind in order for my character to genuinely react to an IC event they would realistically. The character that I intend to apply with is a completely new character and I hope to learn more about Karakura from their perspective as a Professor at Karakura Highschool and College.

But before I came to SRP, I was already deeply interested in the subject of roleplay itself. Exposed to the concept of Minecraft Roleplays through YouTube series as a teenager, I started my own Minecraft Roleplay adventures on Bedrock servers like Minehut and Lifeboat before eventually turning my attention to SRP. At that time, I'd never really been a part of a server so dedicated to a realistic roleplay experience so when I stepped onto SRP for the very first time, I was speechless. I'm quite happy that I found myself here of all places, even with SRP's ups and downs.

Other than SRP or any Minecraft Roleplay experience I've ever encountered or experienced first-hand, I think it's valid to mention my experience with large-scale Discord Roleplay servers as well. I've found myself in a wide selection of DiscordRP servers that were connected to a wide variety of fandoms such as Percy Jackson, Monster High, Ever After High, Avatar, as well as freestyle DiscordRP servers like mafias or high school settings. Yes, I've probably said some of the cringiest things that will ever leave my mouth during those times, but I've also gained quite a bit of roleplay experience during those times. Anything new can be something fun in the world of roleplay, you just need to be willing to trust the process and see it through.

What are your current roles on SchoolRP:
I currently only have 1 account with an [OMEGA] rank. My three character slots are:

- [Grade 12] Nahima C. Maleki-Takada [PRIMARY]
- [Grade 12] Jeremiah Takada- Senova [ALTERNATIVE]
- [Grade 12] Nile Ahmed-Haikara [ALTERNATIVE, APPLYING]

Should I be accepted, I intend to move my applying alternative account into my [PRIMARY] character slot for easier access and active use.

What is the subject you want to teach?:
My character is interested in teaching Psychology and has the proper credentials for it.



What is your motivation for becoming a professor?:
I've been turning my attention towards different kinds of roleplay after finally putting down GangRP, and I've heard nothing but good news about the Teacher/Professor faction while I've been looking for factions to join. As a player that's mainly played characters apart of the student population in Karakura, I'm drawn to the idea of a new experience from the perspective of the teachers that I, as a student, had to FearRP or attend their classes. Not only do I think that it'd be a very fun experience for me as an individual, but it'd also be rewarding to have the opportunity to engage some students in a new field of study that isn't often tackled in SRP due to it's complexity of a subject. Psychology as a whole is my area of study OOCLY in college, so I believe that I'd be able to provide appropriate and accurate information in class all while breaking it down to terms that would make understanding it much easier for the players.

Work out two interactive classes you will host if accepted:
About the classes: Classes may be divided into 3 different topics depending on when the class is hosted and who attends those classes. These three different topics are:

- The History of Psychology

- The Importance of Psychology
- The Future of Psychology

These three topics may be introduced over time, starting from the History of Psychology as an introductory topic.

Understanding psychology on its own is a very difficult task, especially with the number of misconceptions that are portrayed in social media to this day. Psychology is a tool as much as it is a study, with the hopes of understanding ourselves more through the eyes of another person and their reactions. It's a very complex and broad study that branches out into the anatomy of the human mind, the evolution of human instincts, and the science behind the development of complex emotions we as humans have come to adapt and express. The interactive activities the class may partake in will most likely be broken down or simplified in the hopes of helping them slowly adjust and understand the implications of this course. The beginning of each class will involve a brief recap of the previous class's contents so that students that had not attended the previous classes will have a simple understanding of the subject of today's lecture.

1. Students will be asked to describe what exactly comes to mind when the term 'psychology' is mentioned, as well as what they think the study consists of. They may be asked to elaborate or ask questions about their own thinking- it's always okay to ask questions. Certain things that might be mentioned may include or involve the mind, emotions, and simple cognitive abilities the human mind is capable of, such as memory. After taking a few moments to brainstorm and compile what the class thinks psychology is, I will give the class a hypothetical scenario and ask them for their initial reaction and behavior in their response to the scenario. Through the emotions that the class shout out or offer to me, I may tie their connections together through the big question of 'why': Why do you feel the way you do? Why is it that you feel this way as a response to this situation, but another person experiencing the same situation feels differently?

2. Students will receive a concise but precise lecture regarding the difference between believing in something and actually knowing something. They will learn about how the mind makes connections and detects contradictions in statements that may clash with their previous learning or beliefs. Students will come to terms that believing in something does not always make it real and will also be briefly introduced to the first appearance of psychology in history. Important time periods and figures dating all the way back to the 19th Century may be asked in a pop quiz after said lecture and students will be tested on their listening as well as understanding. If student have questions regarding the quiz, they are free to stay a few minutes after class and ask questions. The remainder of the units revolving around psychology may be heavily involved around these figures and dates, so a thorough understanding of the pop quiz's contents is crucial to a student's understanding to the class.

Work out a field trip (meaning a class outside school grounds) you will host if accepted:
Fieldtrip to the Hospital: As somber as this field trip may sound, it would give students an opportunity to see a master at work. Psychiatrists that work in the Karakura Hospital actively engage and assess their patient's mental states through a lot of the processes and reasoning steps that psychologists use in their everyday jobs. Being able to witness a clear example of why exactly psychology is so important and necessary to one's health could help students understand just exactly why this subject is so complex. A trip to the hospital may also prompt them to seek professional guidance in the case where they do find themselves asking questions about their own personality and mindsets, encouraging mental self-care.



Your character would encounter a group of college jocks surrounding a bobcat jock, what would your character do?
The group of students and bystanders, regardless of what side they are on, will be asked to back away and disperse if they are not involved. All individuals seemingly involved will be checked for injuries as well as separated from one another if tensions continue to rise. Any disrespectful remarks or comments intended to instigate a situation will be silenced and dismissed with a warning to remain respectful towards fellow students. A clear witness account from both sides as well as bystanders will be gathered and assessed before both parties are dismissed. Should these individuals be caught instigating or engaging in violence again, detentions will be distributed.

Your character would be supervising detention, one of the students constantly disturbs by asking stupid questions, what would your character do?
Unless the question is relevant or urgent, students are expected to complete their detention tasks silently. If a student consistently decided to disturb the peace by asking stupid or irrelevant questions, they will be asked to be quiet and complete their tasks after being warned not to disrupt other students in detention from doing their own tasks. Should they continue to be disruptive, they will be warned again and eventually be threatened with SLT should they choose to continue not change their behavior.

Your character would be hosting a class, and a group of cheerleaders keeps on playing songs on the phone and calling out other students in the class, what would your character do?
Phones are not tolerated in class. They should be on silent or turned off since they are considered a distraction from class and can also disrupt other students' learning. The cheerleaders will be calmly asked to put their phones away for the remainder of the class period, or else it may be confiscated. If the cheerleaders continue to use their phones or have put their phones away but continue to be disruptive to other students' learning, then they will be removed from the class entirely. Should this behavior be consistently observed from these cheerleaders, they will be assigned detention for their actions.

Your character would be walking on the school perimeter and encounter a fight between a couple of students, your character tried to break it up but it didn't help, what would your character do?
After trying multiple times to effectively and peacefully resolve the situation between the two students, other faculty members will be notified of the situation through the radio. In the instance that there is not another faculty member in the vicinity, direct interference, such as stepping in between the two parties, might be necessary. This interference will continue until more faculty arrive on scene and are able to successfully break the fight apart. Direct accounts from both parties as well as witnesses will be gathered in order to properly assess the situation, and the injured parties will receive the proper medical attention needed.



Tell us everything you know about the character you will be playing in a few paragraphs. What does they look like? What makes them unique and different? What is their outlook on Students? What about the other teachers? What is their personality like? What is their plan for the future?

Appearance: Nile Ahmed-Hiakara, known as Dr. Haikara for his work in the social sciences field, is a middle-aged man of Egyptian lineage, standing about 6'0 even. His hair is a dark mahogany brown with hints of sunset purple red; some strands seem brighter than others due to the graying of his hair being covered up by the otherwise bright hair dye. The man may have been charmingly attractive in his younger years, though it's quite obvious that his middle-aged years and children have worn him down. Despite his obvious aging, the faintest glimmer in his storm gray eyes dared onlookers to ask and to know; telling them that the pursuit of knowledge never ends. Usually dressed neatly in a white button up shirt and black coat thrown over his broad shoulders, Nile's hair has grown just past his shoulders and is usually well kept in a comfortable and convenient ponytail. He can be found strolling the school perimeter while silently admiring the foliage on school ground, or grading assignments in his classroom a few hours after school ends.


Individuality and Unique Traits: Appearance-wise, he holds no specific or incredible features. Nile appears to be an average middle-aged man worn from his years of teaching and time spent with his kids. Physical appearance holds no value to the upcoming professor, as his way of life revolves around the pursuit of knowledge and true understanding of the world around him. Fascinated by the study of the human minds and its processes, Dr. Haikara would describe himself as a man dedicated to science and understanding. He's appreciative of the scientists and researchers that have come before him and has spent a great deal of his life in pursuit of a better education and acquiring the proper credentials in order to pass on the knowledge of his findings.

Outlook on Students: As a father and professor, Nile has learned to separate his concerns as a professor from his concerns as a father. In a working environment, Nile devotes himself to his job and his job's policy, showing discipline and restraint in situations that require him to be professional and follow protocols. However, he will always remain empathetic to those involved in said situations and attempt to hear out the individual's perspective. Nile does not show favoritism towards his children in a professional setting and will not hesitate to give them detention should a situation call for it. Discipline shows no favoritism and needs to be taught in any case that deems it necessary.

Outlook on Teachers: The working environment Dr. Haikara involves himself in demands him to be professional in most scenarios. Despite being blunt and occasionally humorless, the up-coming professor strives to be someone his students and colleagues alike can confide in. He deeply admires and respects the few of his colleagues who have mastered the balance of education and their lives. Dr. Haikara works to be humble in the context of his work and field of study, he wants to be to be actively engaged in conversations with his coworkers. Learning is a step-by-step process in everything; in education and in life itself.

Personality: Success can be achieved through peace of mind. The flexible reed bends and twirls with the storm, while the stubborn oak falls to its harsh and unforgiving winds. Dr. Haikara is a calm, sensible individual that believes in the process of life and his gut feeling. He attempts to be as patient and understanding as his job demands of him, though he often takes on too much work in an attempt to help others. Dr. Haikara prefers to approach obstacles with a firmer stance, putting his foot down in the case that all else fails. He prides himself in his achievements but continues to greatly admire the people who demonstrate great amounts of effort into his goals. A person's mental wellbeing will always be his priority, regardless of who that person is. You can find him after class in his room should you need someone to talk to.

Personal and Future Goals: After the death of his wife, Dr. Haikara moved back to Japan in an attempt to feel closer to her. The absence of his late wife and his children's mother have driven a stake between him and his children; the upcoming professor hopes to mend their familial connection through their time spent in Karakura, Japan. At the same time, the single father of 3 hopes that his family's time in Karakura can help them all feel closer to their Japanese lineage. As he learns experiences more about the ups and downs of fatherhood, Dr. Haikara intends to do as much good as possible within the Karakura community through the role of a professor and hopefully spread more awareness of not just the scientific aspect of psychology, but the importance it has on mental health as well.

Describe how your character ended up becoming a teacher and their previous life. It is optional to include earlier life but recommended.
(Make sure this is over 100 words.)

Birth and Childhood: Siwa, Egypt (Age 1-11)
On April 5th, 1982, Nile Ahmed was born as the only son to Rameses Ahmed and Neith Ahmed on an evening washed with gold, Nile's first breaths being under the dying light of the setting sun. Perhaps this foreshadowed his awaiting future; to strive for that glimpse of dying light no matter the cost. As a child, Nile was quiet, obedient, but dangerously curious. From his time as an infant to a toddler that could walk, Nile always managed to disappear from his mother's sights after crawling or climbing into places he was not supposed to be in. He'd never really grow out of his curious phase, even as he got older and eventually started elementary school. Nile loved to ask questions and understand more about the way the world was around him. Because of the limited educational opportunities at the time in Egypt, access to the internet and to books was extremely rare for Nile. So, the young boy turned his attention to the outdoors and the creativity of his own mind, where he first started wondering about the thinking processes that went through his head.

Teen Years and Young Adulthood: London, England (Age 11 - 31)
A sudden opportunity to access a world of knowledge made itself known to Nile when his father, Rameses, was offered a chance to send his son abroad to study. 11-year-old Nile Ahmed was sent off to bustling England in order to pursue a higher education. There, he would finish elementary and high school, as well as open his eyes clearly to a world of science. By the time Nile had finished high school at the age of 18, he'd excelled in almost all fields of biology and had developed a taste for psychology. Now a young adult, Nile displayed not only academically impressive results on paper, but exceptional cognitive abilities as well. Scoring a near perfect SAT score, Nile quickly found himself being opened up to a variety of educational paths to choose from. But only one thing interested him the most; psychology, and the effect it had on people. Without a second thought, Niles was accepted into Oxford University in 2000 and would continue to study Psychology there. All while doing his own research on Psychology, Nile also found himself looking into Criminology and Political Science. At Oxford, Nile made the decision to study law and hopefully gain the credentials to properly teach his field of research in the future as a professor.

At Oxford in 2001, 19 year old Niles would meet Andromeda Haikara, a Japanese immigrant looking to become a psychiatrist some day, and Vanora Crombie, an aspiring professor in the field of herbology. The three of them bonded over their fields of study and future dreams that involved science and the eductional field. Andromeda and Niles would eventually fall in love and get married in 2002. Nile's marriage with Andromeda was smooth, almost picture perfect after the two were wed. The two pursued their own vision of a perfect with one another, balancing their home life from their studies and college responsibilities. Nile's oldest daughter, Maibe Haikara, was born in 2006 after one of Andromeda's miscarriages. The two rejoiced while welcoming Maibe into the world, before shortly welcoming their second child, Runihura Haikara, into the world 2 years later in 2008. What seemed like a perfect marriage surely had to have been a sign of the bright future him and his family had in store for them, right?


Andromeda Haikara was diagnosed with breast cancer on February 2, 2010, while she was pregnant with their youngest child, Itai Haikara. Due to the development of the child, despite Nile's pleas, Andromeda formally refused treatment for the cancer. She reasoned that it would damage the baby, and that she would live out the rest of her life to the fullest. Andromeda would live another 4 months, before giving birth to Itao and passing away shortly on June 11, 2010.

The class they were in would have graduated in 20013. Only Vanora and Nile would graduate.

Adult Life and Fatherhood: Karakura, Japan (31 - 42)
Andromeda's death broke Nile.

It was a different kind of breaking for him. A kind of breaking that he'd never felt before, one that he never thought he'd have to feel. After all of his years and experience in finding himself and understanding himself, it felt like he was crumbling from the inside out; and he knew. He knew he was crumbling, the amount of mental and emotional damage he was experiencing through his years of close research alongside Andromeda and her studies as a psychiatrist. But Nile could not bring himself to seek professional help, not while knowing that he would be speaking to a psychiatrist that would never again be his wife. Nile would spiral for a couple months, lost in his own thoughts. Allthough he didn't touch harmful coping mechanisms such as drinking or substances, his three children that'd been left all alone with him could tell that he was never really there. All the man could do was sit there, watching his own mental state and self-image crumble away in the absence of the woman he loved most.

That was until an old envelope resurfaced from the depths of Andromeda's files. A simple vanilla envelope, a small date and address written messily in Andromeda's once neat and flourished penmanship across the front of the envelope. It was addressed to him, Nile, and his children. Dated the night before she passed, the grieving father that was now a widower shakily opened the letter with his own trembling hands,

'Push on. The future awaits us.'
- Andromeda

So, what else could poor Nile have done? The last thing he wanted was to dishonor the last wish of his late wife. Determined to at least honor her memory through the work he's done in the field of psychology, as well as remain a good father to his children even in the absence of their mother, Nile set his sights on Karakura. Andromeda was born in Karakura, and often spoke of the chaos there; it's lack of discipline and lack of awareness when it came to mental health. It was no secret that the strange island's age demographic was quite strange compared to the surrounding demographics of nearby Japanese islands, but it still shocked Nile to no ends upon seeing the majority skewed age demographic. Karakura's mainly 18-year-old population proved to be a much larger issue than he'd thought it was, especially with crime being so rampant in the small town. Turning his attention to the wide selection of jobs available in Karakura Nile hoped to secure himself a stable job and also be able to monitor his kids at the same time. Taking on the unfinished work of his wife as well as his own, Nile Ahmed-Haikara applied for the position as a Psychology Professor at Karakura High school. There, he hopes to continue to spread awareness to not just mental health, but inspire young adults to learn more about the important of their own understanding as they mature.


(Pretend your character is filling this out, not you, replace the underscores [ _ ] with your answers)


Full Name:
Niles Ahmed-Haikara

Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss):
Mr. / Dr.

Given Name(s):
Niles, Dr. Haikara, Mr. Haikara

Preferred Name:
Dr. Haikara


Gender & pronouns:
Biologically male, he/him

Religious Denomination:

Marital Status:
Unmarried, Widowed


Current Location:
Karakura, Japan


Teaching Experience (# of years):
11 years of teaching experience.

Working Experience (# of years):
20 years of working experience

Academic Degree:
PhD in Psychology

Year of Graduation:

Psychology, Criminology, Criminal Justice

Political Science, Sociology, Communications

Native Languages:

Other Languages:
Russian, Japanese

Preferred Teaching Subject:


About psychology and it's components:

Applying for a professor position means that thorough understanding of the topic being taught in those classes needs to be demonstrated. And even though it is indeed just SRP, it would be more beneficial for that information to be accurate as well as easy to understand.

A Step into Psychology

So that begs the question; what is psychology? And how has the world viewed this topic with the rising awareness of topics such as mental health?

Let's dive deeper into what psychology consists of. As stated previously in my own words, psychology can be seen as more than just the study of the mind. It delves into several other fields of study, such as the anatomy of the human brain itself, the thought processes that occur in the brain in response to a situation, and how an individual may perceive objectives differently. But to put it simply, according to Introduction to Psychology (June 2021 Edition), a beginner's guide and textbook to understanding the basic fundamentals of this field, psychology is defined as "the science of behavior and mental process." (Ken Gray, Elizabeth Arnott-Hill, and Or 'Shaundra Benson, 2021). So, 'How does one's perspective of an objective have anything to do with psychology,' you ask? To answer the question, we need to first focus on the 5 principles of science itself, which give science it's undeniable consistency. These 5 principles shape not just psychology, but almost every study that relies on scientific induction or deduction for results.

1. Science is an empirical process, or the process of experience.
2. Science needs to be repeatable.
3. Science is self-correcting over time.
4. Science relies on consistent observation and monitoring.
5. Science is best observed under objective constraints.

Each one of these elements could be thoroughly explained, and we could be here all day. In short, these principles are what make science so reliable when it comes to consistency. These principles are also what differentiate beliefs from reality; believing is not the same as knowing.

For example, a simple example that makes great use of this contrast and its transition in our minds as we develop would be the Santa Claus story. A lot of children are told stories of this man called Santa Claus, who comes into houses at midnight on Christmas Eve and leave presents under the Christmas tree. Now, when we're first told of this individual, we're usually pretty young at the time and susceptible to stories like that. But as we grow older and mature, our brain begins to pinpoint contradictions in statements or our surroundings that might clash with the belief we were told. What if the house you lived in didn't have a chimney? How would Santa have gotten into the house all these years without one? Things like this eventually pile up against the previous belief that we were told and forces us to think of alternative reasonings in response to those contradictions. Maybe Santa used the door. Or maybe he teleported into the house with magic. These are just a few of the answers some parents might respond to children's questions with, and most of the time it works.

But as the brain develops, it becomes impossible to keep up with these contradictions. This is mainly because our minds eventually develop common sense and are able to determine what is possible and reasonable from ideas that seem entirely unrealistic. Can reindeers even fly? Is magic even real? How does Santa know exactly what you want every year? The coincidences and explanations eventually become disconnected and dysfunctional when put side-by-side, and that is why some people will eventually stop believing in Santa at a certain age. Of course, this doesn't exclude individuals who choose to continue to believe in Santa despite being faced with these cold, hard facts; props to them! But at the end of the day, that doesn't make Santa 'real'. You can believe in something or someone that may not exist at all.

This is just a fraction of what a discussion in psychology may look like. Facts and research studies are still being done today in order to prove the standings of the findings mentioned above. They've all been tested against those 5 principles of science and remain standing. Who knows, perhaps a dozen of studies in the following years may contradict everything stated above. But until then, they're facts; proven facts, and make up the foundations of psychology as a study.

Additional notes about your application (if any):
Should Psychology be capped, I would be happy to take on a different subject.
Last edited:


Level 99
Professor Lead
Authorization Team
Congratulations, please make sure you're in the Karakura Academics discord, and ping me in #help (@muffincats) to receive your role. You can request your role in game by making a ticket. If you are not in the discord please make sure to join

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