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meowapocc | KPD Application


Level 19

Out-Of-Character (OOC) Section

IGN (In-Game Name):
meowapocc (Alternate Account & Applicant)

Discord Name & Tag:

Which timezone are you in?
Central European Summer Time (CEST) (GMT+2)

List your current and past IC/OOC faction applications:
KPD Application
Event Team Application

Describe your activity on the server:
I have a pretty high activity on the server with the roles and positions I own on it. Having been a BMDA prior to applying, as well as planning on joining the College Football Team sometime again, it is safe to say that I have to be pretty active in order to carry out those roles. I log onto SRP on a daily basis and remain online for a few hours (around 5 hours on weekdays), though I should usually be available most of the day on weekends. Due having been in KPD, College Football and BMDA at the same time prior to this application and still managing to be active in every faction, it is safe to say that my activity won’t be an issue on the server, especially since I’ll be available during the time most officers are either asleep or busy due to my timezone.

What is your motivation for applying?:
Having originally joined the police faction on January 28th of 2023, I’ve loved every moment of my time in the faction, though unfortunately I had to face the consequences to my actions which led to the end of my time in the faction, though I didn’t let that demotivate me. Instead, I’ve been motivating myself since then to write this application and hopefully make a return to the faction. The police faction still remains the only faction that truly interests me out of all the factions on the SchoolRP server due to my past experience with Law Enforcement work and roleplay on other games and servers. During my 1+ year in the faction, I’ve met a lot of wonderful and friendly people from all government factions and am proud to say that I’ve never socialized more on the server before than I have during my time as a member of the police faction. To say that I enjoyed my time in the faction is an understatement; I have never felt more respected and appreciated anywhere else than I have in the faction and that is a part that will forever rest in my heart. To be completely honest, the police faction to me isn’t just a faction on the server, it feels like home. A place where I was always welcomed in and a place where I knew I could just be myself without having to worry about putting up a fake personality to fit in with the rest and a place where I just felt really comfortable for who I was and I’d do anything to relive those moments once again because I miss you guys.

On another note, I’m strongly confident that I’m a perfect fit for the police faction as I have proven myself to it in the past multiple times during certain situations to the point where I was even trusted enough in becoming one of the faction’s Higher-Ups as a Lieutenant. I’ve had a lot of firsthand experience as an officer in the past now and even some experience as a higher-up so it’s safe to say that I know exactly how the faction runs, how it’s organized, how it communicates within itself and other factions such as EMS, what procedures officers have to carry out in different situations and so on. In other words, I know the faction like the palm of my hand.

Although it hasn’t been too long since I’ve been away from KPD, I have heard of there being new additions and new roleplay opportunities which I hope to jump into. Since I’ve been back, I always look at the tab and notice that KPD has gotten much more active which motivates me even more to want to jump back in and become one of those officers. With my time away, I’ve gotten to really think over things and realize that KPD is one of the only factions that I really enjoy, not only because of what we do in it like arresting people or using really cool items but because of the people who are also in the faction. I’ve grown close to a few of them and am always reminded that I’m welcomed back which grew my motivation even more to reapply. Throughout my time in KPD, I’ve gotten to help other people and have a sense of leadership which I’d like to eventually regain. I fully guarantee that I will put 100% into the faction and begin my way back up again. It'll definitely be a new and cool experience starting over again, seeing the officers that I once trained now train me.

What knowledge do you have of Police Work?
Having been in KPD before for over a year and even having become one of the faction’s higher-ups for a few months, it is safe to say that I have a large variety of knowledge when it comes to the police work KPD conducts. I’ll be explaining the majority of them separately now to the best of my ability.

Starting off with the basics, the ranks. Each rank represents a different part of the faction, which I’ll all be explaining individually, starting with the Main Division.

The Commissioner is simply the police lead, whose job is to oversee the department and host police-wide meetings from both divisions, discuss promotions or applications with the higher-up team and all in all just to make sure everything in the department runs in the order it should be.

Below the Commissioner is the Captain. His job is to ensure that the higher-ups of the main division (the Lieutenants) don’t misbehave or in other form abuse their power at all. He is also responsible for selecting a Sergeant who he thinks is suitable for the Lieutenant position to then make them take the Lieutenant examinations, after which he will either accept or deny them and give them a second chance depending on their performance. Outside of this, the Captain holds the same responsibility the rest of the higher-ups do.

Below the Captain come the Lieutenants. This is the only rank from the main division other than Captain and Commissioner that is part of the higher-ups. Their main duty is to ensure the lower ranking officers aren’t misbehaving, breaking the rules or anything else of that sort. As a higher-up, they can also host cadet examinations, as well as vote for any upcoming police applications and promotions. Lieutenants are in charge along with the Captain to host Sergeant trainings, after which they will determine if said Sergeant(s) is ready for the Lieutenant examinations or not. Being promoted to Lieutenant also grants you access to the police cruiser.

Below the Lieutenants come the Sergeants. These officers will earn this promotion if the higher-up team sees them ready to take the Sergeant training along with the rank’s responsibilities. Sergeants can be seen as a smaller version of the Lieutenants, as their tasks are somewhat similar; This being taking leadership on calls, hosting line-ups, solving issues or inquiries that may occur between other officers or in a situation with an officer and another person, to name some. Sergeants essentially have to prove themselves to the higher-ups that they are in fact ready and suited for the Lieutenant position. Being promoted to Sergeant will also grant you access to a Tranquilizer.

The Corporal rank is a big promotion to officers, as it’s the first rank that grants you access to 2 new items; these being the crowbar and police bike. Now being in possession of a crowbar, Corporals can partake in raids and help the other officers actually search the residence. Being promoted to Corporal also comes with becoming a trainer for any upcoming cadets, which means that they can now host their own cadet trainings.

Patrol Officer
After Cadets successfully pass their examinations, they will be promoted to Patrol Officer. This will be their first promotion and will grant them permission to go off-duty with the permission of a higher-up, go on patrols without any supervisory officers, as well as being able to answer and respond to calls.

After being accepted into the police faction by the higher-ups, they will become cadets. Cadets are not allowed to respond to calls, go off-duty or leave the station at any time on their own or with other cadets. Though rarely, there can be exceptions to these rules if a higher-up said otherwise. As a Cadet, their duty will be to attend the 2-week long cadet trainings, after which they will have to go through two examinations on both their informational and physical trainings. If they successfully pass both examinations, they will pass their cadet wave and be promoted to Patrol Officer.

Moving onto the Detective Division. This division is similar to the Main Division, with the difference being that detectives also have the ability to check for fingerprints, conduct interrogations, create & work on case files, go on stake-outs, go on patrols without needing to ask for permission, take blood samples and set up temporary surveillance at a location if deemed necessary. Due to the secrecy of this division, I will not be going into further detail about each step as I do not wish to leak the division’s ways of handling their duties. These abilities are strictly restricted to detectives, meaning officers from the Main Division can not conduct any of the points I’ve just mentioned. The only exception to this rule is that Main Division higher-ups are able to take blood samples and check for fingerprints as well. Joining this division will grant you the in-game [Detective] tag, as well as your separate uniforms. I will now explain each rank from this division.

Detective Superintendent
The DSI is the lead of the Detective Division and is responsible for anything that happens in that division. They are the one who choose which Main Division officers may join this division and which can’t. They also pick who they seem suitable for the DCI position, which I’ll be explaining now.

Detective Chief Inspector
DCIs are the only detectives who are a higher-up from this division, excluding the DSI themselves. DCIs have the same responsibilities as any other higher-ups from the Main Division, with the addition being that they may host detective trainings and examinations, though I’m not 100% sure about the last point. DCIs will be picked by the DSI if they seem suitable for the position, for which they will have to pass their DCI examinations.

Detective Inspector
Detective Inspectors, also known as DIs, is a rank in the division which grants them access to the Tranquilizer and police cruiser, as well as letting them host their own detective trainings for Detective Constables.

Detective Sergeant
Though I don’t exactly know what they do, from what I was told, DS’ are essentially just detectives who were promoted after completing and passing their detective exams.

Detective Constable
This will be the first rank a detective receives after being allowed into the division. As a DC, they will go through detective training, where they’ll be taught the different tasks and duties a detective carries out.

With the ranks out of the way, I will now move onto the equipment and basic duties a police officer conducts on a regular basis.

The police force utilizes various amounts of items and tools to help them do their job and make it easier for them. Each tool serves its own purpose that can be useful in certain situations or scenarios, and the best way to explain this is by explaining each tool of the department and its function.

Stun Blaster
The Stun Blaster is a very effective and helpful tool for officers, as it brings a halt to a threat with the single squeeze of a trigger, stunning an individual for 1 minute with an 8-block range. This item can not be taken off an officer and does not require an action or roll to be used unless the officer is stationary or in range.

Every officer is equipped with two pairs of handcuffs. These are used to restrain the wrists of individuals to minimize their movement when needed. They can not be stolen or broken and require an action to use. The individual being cuffed can choose to resist against the action by rolling if they wish to.

Police Baton
The Police Baton is another non-lethal tool the KPD uses to control a threat. Although batons aren’t that oftenly used, they still play a big role in the department as they should be held out at all times during visitations, inmate care or community service. This item can be stolen from an officer if the proper mugging permissions are met.

Police Radio
The Police Radio is a waterproof communication device used by all police officers. It’s useful when transmitting anything useful such as updates on a situation or a suspect’s whereabouts, or to simply communicate and come up with a plan between officers for a situation or call they receive. The radio also has the function to communicate with EMS, allowing officers to request for EMS if needed and vice versa. Unlike the previously named tools, the radio can be destroyed with the usage of a blunt or sharp weapon, though it can still not be stolen from the officer.

The Breathalyzer is a useful device used by officers to check the intoxication levels of an individual. In order to utilize this item, the individual must simply blow into the tube of the device for a few seconds, afterwhich their intoxication levels are shown on the screen of it. The accuracy of the results depends on the distance between the police station and the Breathalyzer. This item can not be stolen and is owned by both KPD and EMS.

Pepper Spray
The Pepper Spray is a 3-use can which temporarily blinds the target for 60 seconds. It’s most commonly used during riots to gain control of a crowd. This item can not be stolen and requires a successful action and roll to be taken out if in range, though it does not require an action or roll to use. The Pepper Spray does not work if the target is wearing a gas mask and is possessed by both KPD and EMS.

The crowbar is a very useful tool within the department as it’s used to pry things open. This steel tool is mostly only used during raids, where it’s used to pry doors, trapdoors and any containers such as chests and barrels, however, it’s also been used in other events such as when someone is stuck under heavy debris, where it requires wedging and lifting with the help of the crowbar in order to free them. This item can be stolen from officers if the proper mugging permissions are met.

Luminol Spray
The Luminol Spray is a daily used utility of the police department. Officers use this item to spray the surfaces of any object or person to see if any blood stains appear that aren’t visible to the naked eye. The spray is an ItemRP tool that can’t be stolen and it’s also ineffective if the object it’s used on was cleaned with bleach.

The Tranquilizer is a plastic weapon that brings any threat there may be to a halt. When an officer tranquilizes someone, the target will feel nauseous for about 5 seconds before falling to the ground and passing out for 2 minutes. The device can fire two sedative darts before needing to be reloaded, which will require an action and successful roll to do if in range of an opponent, as well as when it’s being taken out in range. The Tranquilizer can not be stolen from officers and should only be used in dangerous scenarios.

Riot Gear
The Riot Gear is a special gear designed for all officers to wear during high-risk calls. This uniform will mostly be accompanied by a gas mask and does not carry the callsign of an officer, completely concealing the officer’s identity. However, the officer can still be unmasked if the proper IC motive is met, which would expose the officer’s identity and potentially put them at risk.

Riot Shield
The Riot Shield is a very useful tool for officers of the police department as it has multiple functions, these being that it can be used both offensively and defensively. When used offensively, the shield must be held in the officer’s off-hand and the officer will be allowed to use another equipment whilst still holding the shield, though it won’t provide any defensive advantages. On the other hand, if the shield is held in the officer’s main hand in a defensive position, the shield will be propped upright in front of the officer, defending them from any frontal and side attacks. The shield can not be used offensively at all when in this position, with the exception of being able to push individuals away. Officers may still be pulled when the shield is held defensively if the officer’s back is covered and the shield can also be stolen with the proper mugging permissions if the officer is unconscious.

Gas Mask
The Gas Mask is a standard police-issued gas mask possessed by all officers. It’s used whenever officers need to conceal their identities or when responding to any calls that could difficultate the breathing of them, such as a fire. This item can be stolen with the proper permissions.

Police Bike & Cruiser
The Police Bike and Police Cruiser are the KPD’s two ways of transportation on wheels. Both vehicles have their own advantages, with the police bike having better handling and being able to fit through narrow spaces and the police cruiser being able to block off entrances or sections of a road and having more seats, allowing more officers to respond to a call faster or to transport a prisoner to the town hall in a safer way. These vehicles can not be hijacked or in other ways stolen.

Police Badge
The Police Badge is a black leather wallet containing an officer’s police identification. This consists of the department the officer works for, along with their full name, rank and callsign. This item can not be stolen.

Fingerprint Scanner
The Fingerprint Scanner is a device restricted to detectives, which allows them to compare and match fingerprints found on any surface with those saved in the police database. This could be an easy way to obtain evidence to arrest someone. The fingerprint scanner is an ItemRP tool and can not be stolen.

Body Camera
The Body Camera is a waterproof device attached to the front of all on-duty officers’ uniforms. It’s constantly recording and can be viewed live at any time from the CCTV room inside the police station. After some not so recent events, officers are no longer able to turn their body camera off whenever they wish and can no longer wipe the body camera’s footage unless they are a higher-up of the faction. The camera records from an officer’s POV and can be destroyed with two blunt force hits or one stab hit, though it can not be taken off or otherwise stolen.

First-Aid Kit
The First-Aid Kit is a medium-sized medkit possessed by all police officers, which can be used on an individual to give them an additional five minutes on their timer (bleedout/infection). This item is ItemRPed and can not be stolen.

Patrols happen on a daily basis and are part of the daily routine an officer goes through. An officer of any rank may go on patrols with the exception of cadets only being allowed on patrols if accompanied by a superior officer. Though it is not always required, it is heavily recommended to go on patrol with at least one other officer to lower the chances of any dangerous encounters or unforeseen attacks that have happened in the past. The reason for this is so that the officer isn’t put at risk, surrounded or outnumbered with a slim chance of escape. This is also the reason officers are always seen with their tasers unholstered in more crime-filled areas such as the powerplant, the forest or the tunnels. Patrols are done so that officers keep an eye out for any potential crime or dangerous activities happening, so that they can intervene, de-escalate and control the situation before anyone gets seriously hurt or further injured. If they do encounter such a situation, there are different methods and ways officers will approach said situation depending on it. If an officer spots someone masked, they are to ask the individual to face a nearby wall and proceed to pat them down using one of the patdown formations I’ll be going into later. If the individual is wearing a ballistic face mask or any other legal weaponry such as a metal bat, the items are to be sprayed down with luminol spray first and checked for any blood or dents on them. If the items are dented or bloodied, they are to be placed in a zip-lock bag and the individual is to be detained and interrogated by a detective. If the items are clear, they are to be ID’d and background checked by another officer at the station. If said individual has a felony on their record, the ballistic mask and/or metal bat will be confiscated from them and they will be fined ¥25,000 for illegal possession of such an item.

Being an officer of the police force includes, of course, deskwork. These will most commonly be conducted by cadets during their waves as they are not allowed to leave the station under any circumstances without permission. Deskwork includes things such as answering inquiries or questions anyone might have at the front desk, bailing individuals out of jail or taking someone in for a report. In the case where someone wants to report a crime to the police, the officer is tasked with first ordering the individual against the wall to perform a patdown on them before taking them into the station. This ensures the safety of the officer in case the reporter had any illegal weaponry on them to attack the officer with. After being taken into the station, the officer will lead the individual into one of the KPD’s four interrogation rooms, in which they will ask them a list of questions concerning the crime being reported. This could be valuable information to the KPD, which could lead to the arrest of an individual or further investigation on the crime. In the case where someone sets off the metal detector, the officer is to order them to the wall to pat them down for any illegal weaponry or items the individual might have in their possession. After patting someone down, the officer is to ask for the ID of the individual if they had any sorts of legal weaponry or ballistic mask on them, as well as spray the items down with luminous pray for any blood stains or dents, after which the officer will ask another officer over the radio to run a background check on said individual. I’m not going to explain the entire procedure again as I’ve already explained it in my point above. Deskwork also includes visitations. These happen whenever someone walks into the station and asks an officer at the front desk if they can visit someone currently arrested. Depending on if the prisoner was arrested for a felony or a misdemeanor, visitations could be allowed or not. The procedures of a visitation consist of patting the visitor down before taking them to the visitation room and asking another officer to assist by bringing the prisoner down from the cells to the visitation room. The prisoner should be cuffed to the table to minimize their chances of escaping or attacking the officer and both officers should have their batons equipped at all times during it. After everyone has been seated, one of the officers will read out the three simple rules of a visitation: Staying respectful, not speaking in any foreign language and the visitation can not take any longer than 5 minutes. If these rules are broken, officers may end the visitation early. After a visitation is over, one officer should escort the prisoner back to their cell whilst the other officer escorts the visitor back outside.

The police department and hospital receives daily emergency calls from the civilization of Karakura. Those calls are made whenever there is an emergency in the city and the assistance of either KPD or EMS is needed depending on the situation. Most of the time, 110 calls are directed towards the KPD, in which an officer will pick up the phone and try to get as much information as possible on the situation happening so that they can potentially plan any approaches for it. Depending on the severity, officers will respond in riot gear and riot shields to put a halt to the threat, however these are only used in highly dangerous calls. Sometimes officers require the assistance of EMS with a call whenever someone was injured at the scene and they need to be treated by medical professionals. In these cases, officers will simply radio EMS for back-up. If someone misuses the emergency hotline, they could be arrested for Obstruction of Justice if it’s a repeated offense after already being warned of the consequences to their actions.

CCTV cameras are stationed all over the city of Karakura and are one of the department’s vital tools and are very helpful in almost every situation. CCTV cameras can be used whenever there is a report or a call about individuals fighting, for example. In this example, an officer could check any nearby CCTV cameras of the location the fight was reported in to have quick and easy evidence of the crime being committed by someone to later arrest them for said offense. Generally speaking, CCTV can be an easy way to gather evidence against anyone who broke the law and incriminated themselves. CCTV can also be used during chases, meaning an officer could always stay at the station and track a criminal through the usage of the cameras and keep the officers out on the field looking for them updated on their whereabouts. Another example CCTV can be used in is to simply check it from time to time and potentially witness any suspicious activity such as a group getting into a heated argument, where officers can respond before the situation escalates any further.

Starting with the arrests, when someone has evidence against them that they’ve committed a crime, they will be arrested. After an officer makes an arrest on someone, there are some steps an officer has to follow next before allowing the person to switch characters. To start off, the officer should first log the sentences onto the criminal’s arrest, after which the officer should ask the individual if they plead guilty or not guilty. If they plead guilty, the officer will proceed by simply telling them how long they’ll be in jail for before release, as well as when they can be bailed, along with the bail amount. After that, it is up to the officer whether or not they would like to take a mugshot of the arrested individual or not, after which the person will be told to switch characters. However, if the individual pleads not guilty, they must first pay the officer ¥25,000 for the court fees, after which the officer has to create a non-guilty plea in which they have to explain the situation that lead up to the arrest from their point of view before asking the criminal for their point of view on it. After that is done, the officer must attach any evidence they have which led them to the arrest and the ¥25,000 given to them. After the non-guilty plea was posted, it is up to the chief judge or mayors to decide whether they accept the non-guilty plea or not. If it gets accepted, the officer and criminal will be sent to a trial where further investigation and final plea will be made. If the individual can not afford the ¥25,000 in court fees, they simply won’t be able to plead not guilty and will be put in as guilty.

Moving onto the detainments, they are made whenever officers have reasonable suspicion that someone committed a crime but have no evidence of such. After someone has been detained, they will either be questioned by the officer right at their cell or they will be handcuffed and led into an interrogation room, where they’ll be questioned instead. The goal of a detainment is to gather as much information and/or evidence as possible to use against a suspect. Best case scenario is the detainee folds and just admits to the crimes they were suspected of committing, as that makes the officers’ jobs a lot easier already. An example of reasonable suspicion an officer would have to detain someone is if an individual was at the scene of a fight KPD received a call about.

Confiscations is a common occurrence with officers. The situation in which an officer confiscates one or multiple items from an individual varies on it. To give an example, an officer will confiscate any illegal weaponry found on someone when they’re being pat down, or even simpler, items that are restricted to the age of 20 years+ if the individual on which the items were found is underage. The consequences of getting items confiscated vary on the items.

Speaking about consequences, let’s end it off with fines. Individuals will be fined if any minor offenses are committed by them. These confiscations can vary on anything from Failure to possess an ID to Irresponsible Driving. If someone can not afford a fine, they will be detained and sent to community service at the courtyard of the police station where they’ll have to complete different tasks in order to finish their service and be released again.

There are a couple of scenarios in which KPD can pat someone down, most commonly of which is when someone is seen wearing a mask. When this happens, an officer is to order the individual against the wall, after which they can proceed with a number of different patdown positions. Patdown positions are used to protect the officer from any unforeseen attacks that may occur during a patdown. This ensures that the officer isn't at a disadvantage in case someone decides to attack them from behind. I will now be explaining the different patdown positions.

6 O’Clock Formation
This formation is the most commonly used within the police faction and consists of the officer swapping positions with the individual once they face the wall, to where the officer’s back is not against the wall with the individual in front of them and looking away from them. This formation is mostly only used if the officer is alone and has no additional units to stand back to back to them instead. In the case where there is at least one other officer present, the searching officer will not switch positions with the individual and the second officer will instead stand back to back against the searching officer.

Ring Formation
The Ring Formation is pretty similar to the 6 O’Clock Formation, with the only difference being that the searching officer will not switch positions with the individual, and that additional officers will surround the searching officer in a ring formation.

Cone Formation
The Cone Formation is pretty much the same as the Ring Formation, with the only difference being that there are less officers, meaning that they would have to spread out more. The Cone and Ring Formation are most commonly used when there is a larger crowd of people surrounding the officer patting someone down to ensure that nobody gets too close and potentially tries to attack either the officer or the individual being searched.

Inmate Care is a roleplay opportunity that gives an arrested player the possibility to roleplay out different tasks inside of the station with at least one officer. This can range from doing work in the courtyard or the roof to simply receiving some food inside of the cafeteria. The player must first ask if an officer wants to do inmate care with them as it is always up to the officer to decide and some players even use this opportunity to attempt a prison escape.

Depending on the situation, the KPD may conduct a raid on an individual’s residence. Reasons for a raid could vary from suspecting a person being kidnapped inside from the owner of the residence stashing illegal weaponry inside. In order to raid a property, KPD must first request and acquire a search warrant from a judge before performing the raid, as it would otherwise be an unlawful search and could result in a lawsuit against the KPD. During raids, officers pry any doors, trapdoors or containers open to check for the potential hidden weapons with their trusty crowbar.

10-Codes is a way for officers to communicate between each other over the radio. Using 10-Codes brings its own advantages such as communicating quickly and secrecy between each other since they’re not typically known outside of the police force, as well as minimizing any miscommunication there may be between officers.

The police department utilizes a system to determine the danger and crime levels of Karakura. There are five different emergency levels with one being the lowest and five being the highest and most dangerous one. Although I will not be going into detail about each emergency level, I will say that there are stricter measurements and restrictions the higher the emergency level.

Why is Police important to SchoolRP?
The police faction is Karakura’s first line of defense against its criminals and the GangRP community. Due to the high percentage of the server player base that indulges in GangRP, it is absolutely vital that there is a police force to bring order and structure, as well as a limit to the violence these people cause around the city. A city without a police force would only turn into pure chaos and anarchy, as the gangs would be in complete control of it. The police faction also shows a different point of view of the server, as it is one of the non-school related factions, meaning its focus is rather on the city itself than just the school.

Do you acknowledge that if training is held whilst you are online, you are needed to attend or you will be punished?
I fully understand this and will attend every training being held.​

In-Character (IC) Section

What's your character's full name?:
Shigenori Saiky

How old is your character (if accepted)?:
Twenty-Eight (28)

What are your character's gender and pronouns?:
Male, He/Him

Please select your highest academic role at the time of writing this application:

Masters Degree in Criminology and Criminal Justice

What languages does your character know besides Japanese?:
JSL & Korean

Describe your character; how they look, what makes them unique?
Shigenori is a twenty-eight year old adult male of Japanese descent who stands at a height of exactly six feet. The man carries a rather muscular body physique, which he obtained during his previous firefighting career, along with slightly unkempt blonde hair which is swept to both sides. His hair is being complimented well by his pale blue colored eyes and his white smile. Shigenori has a large, black snake tattoo vertically hugging the left side of his neck, along with lobe and snakebite piercings on his left ear. Upon closer inspection, you can make out a noticeable scar which stretched horizontally under his left eye, as well as a split eyebrow above that same eye. You can also notice a beauty mark right below his right eye. Whenever he speaks, Shigenori sounds rather monotone most of the time, speaking in a lower-toned and slightly raspy voice. The one thing that makes him the most unique is probably the fact that he’s worked as a firefighter for nine years prior to hopefully joining the Karakura Police Department, which not a lot of officers have on their resumé.

How does your character act in a professional/casual situation?
Whenever Shigenori’s on-duty, he tries his best to maintain a professional attitude towards civilians and his co-workers. He tries his best to have a mature and positive outlook towards everyone when on-duty, as he was raised in a strict household that strictly follows the Japanese etiquette, as well as trying not to let his personal interfere with his police work as it could only complicate things. However, this doesn’t mean that Shigenori’s the complete contrary when off-duty, as he still respects the Japanese etiquette whenever around his family members, including bowings and formal speaking.

However in a more casual situation, whenever Shigenori isn’t around family members, he could seem a little harder to approach, as he generally speaks in a more monotone sounding voice and doesn’t show a lot of interest towards other people in his personal life. Once someone actually gets past his outer shell and actually gets to know him however, Shigenori is quick to show his real side, which is a lot more laid-back and relaxing as he makes himself look.

What is their outlook on the idea of co-workers & teamwork?
Seeing how Shigenori was a firefighter for the past nine years, he already has a lot of experience with the idea of teamwork and a pretty good outlook on it, fully knowing that it is absolutely essential in order to do something right, especially in life-saving departments such as the fire department or in this case, the police department. Without teamwork, everyone could put themselves or other people in danger by taking a lot more risks than they would’ve if they’d stick together. This is the reason why Shigenori doesn’t necessarily like doing things alone, as he believes it is always better to have at least one other person help to decrease any potential risks he might encounter on his path. Therefore, he also strongly believes in the idea of co-workers, as teamwork is completely impossible and could not be done without them.

What's your character's backstory?
On August 23rd, 1996, Shigenori Saiky was born on the outskirts of Handan, Hebei, China under Tatsuo and Michi Saiky. He was the first born of the three, most thinking he’d be treated like a king and spoiled by both his parents except it had been the complete opposite. Shigenori was born under a strict household where his parents made him run around the house a lot, help with a handful of chores and much more. His mother had been much more lenient than his father, understanding that he was only a young boy wanting to go outside and play with toys or his friends but his father threw a bunch of responsibilities at him instead by giving him tasks around the farm to help with. Due to Shigenori having to grow up at such a young age, he was required to have the best grades in his classes and to always come on top. In every class he had throughout elementary and middle school, Shigenori received grades above 90’s and awards rewarding his perfect scores. Everyone in the schools knew him as the prestigious Saiky, which caused some to poke and laugh at but that never bothered the boy, he just ignored them instead. Eventually, Aria Saiky was born, causing Shigenori not to be the only child anymore and the only focus of his parents which was a bittersweet sort of thing. The two didn’t have a bad relationship, they played around and were always around each other as siblings obviously would be. The two shared a kind bond, Shigenori was protective over him when it came to certain situations and Aria the same despite being young. What made things bittersweet was the fact Shigenori had to watch his parents be less strict on his younger brother, it had been relieving to not see him in the same struggle he was in yet he also wished he could experience that sort of freedom. Shigenori didn’t let it bother him too much, he continued with his own life and studies, proving to his parents that they raised a responsible and respectful young man.
Through Shigenoris’ highschool years, he continued to make the same effort with his classes by studying all the time and not really having time to make friends. Some students at the school pointed fingers just as they did when he was in elementary school, calling him an oddball and saying he was too ‘fancy’ for them, yet they had no idea how he was raised or what sort of responsibilities he was put up with. Shigenori had never fallen into their mind games or words that they spit at him, knowing they were only saying it to mess with him but things went different when a certain student began bringing his family into the matters. Shigenori was never known as the aggressive type, he was a very laid back person since birth but he came to a breaking point on a thursday afternoon during his lunch break at school. There had been a student that continued to hover over Shigenori, teasing at the fact he had to work in a farm which didn’t bother him all too much till he decided to speak wrongly on his mothers’ looks and that was Shigenoris’ breaking point. Instead of replying with anything, he took a hold of the male and threw a harsh punch that had been returned back and ended up in a brawl between the two. The fight was quick to break up, leading the two into detention and a very hard lecture which was given by his dad once he got home. Shigenori bickered with his father but obviously, Tatsuo always won the argument and silenced Shigenori. Instead of repeating those actions, Shigenori took it as a lesson to better work on his temper in which he did and overcame quickly. There were plenty of interactions that he made during high school which he took as lessons like patience, humbleness, loyalty, etc. Shigenori slowly began to get his nose out of the books and hang out more alongside other students, loosening up a little but keeping most of it hidden from his parents due to them still giving him a hard time with their strict rules. He had gotten into times where he’d sneak off to parties without his parents knowing since he had a curfew, which was always never met. Shigenori began to hang out with a group that didn’t rub off on him the right way, they had been a bad influence but the Saiky wasn’t clever enough to see that yet until they had gotten into a pretty bad accident which Shigenori doesn’t remember at all. The only images he can remember before the accident is their car being spun in the air till everything went black, it even led him to having to get therapy and be put under stricter rules. Instead of returning to the bad habits he had, he went back to the Shigenori that kept to himself and stayed quiet instead of interacting with others.
After almost meeting face to face with death, Shigenori decided it was time to do something that could actually cause some importance in his life like volunteering for a program with firefighters. His father had close relations with one of the chiefs so they were quick to come into contact with Shigenori in order to avoid him getting into the mess he had gotten into before. Of course, he didn’t deny the offer and accepted it right after graduation once he hit the age of 18. Throughout his time in the program, Shigenori learned a lot of the protocols and how they worked, all of it being new since it wasn’t something he studied in school for at all. After a few months of hard core training, Shigenori proved to the chief and the rest of his crew that he was a right fit and decided to hire him instead of keeping him as a volunteer. Sadly, Shigenori decided to move out of the country to Japan to study at a college he liked, which would mean that he would lose his job at the fire station. His chief noticed how this upset Shigenori, causing him to talk to one of the fire chiefs in Kanazawa where Shigenori was moving, where they quickly came to an agreement that he could continue working as a paid part-time firefighter. Shigenori continued his studies throughout college due to his parents still finding it to be important, looking into different sorts of studies like criminology which interested him the most. Criminology didn’t have too much to do with being a firefighter but there was a lot of information he gathered in case he wanted to transfer to another job like being an officer, FBI, detective, or any other sort of job related to the major. So far, Shigenori studied and worked hard throughout his four years of college, gaining multiple awards in his job for being a great firefighter and helping around a lot. In school, he was part of the top 5% and also awarded with many achievements. Shigenori continued to stay the prestigious Saiky everyone saw him as, holding his head up high with achievements racked up onto his shoulders, there was nothing taking down this guy. That was until he met a girl in one of his classes, Minako Akihito. Nothing much happened between the two other than a few casual conversations which blossomed into a friendship. Minako grew fond of the Saiky but Shigenori just thought the two were casual friends, a silly man he was indeed. After multiple tries of Minako trying to gain his attention by making flirty jokes and constantly tailing around him, he never understood the way she felt for him, though she didn’t care much and continued to keep it like that in order to keep their friendship and not make things awkward. As time went by, Minako and Shigenori stayed close, going over to each other's houses, studying together, taking the same classes, going out for lunch, etc., yet they still continued to just be friends with feelings for each other. The two were afraid to confess any sort of feelings till it came to graduation day. Minako decided at her graduation party that it’d be the best time to confess the way she felt for him, but as the time went by, Shigenori never showed up leaving Minako with no hope for the two. Instead of reaching out to him, she kept things the way they were by distancing herself. The day before Minakos graduation party had been the day he had to meet with his chief for a meeting, attending that where he found out he was offered a better position elsewhere. Instead of confronting Minako and breaking the news to her which he knew would upset her and probably try to stop him, he figured it’d be best to not show up at all or even bring it up to her. Instead, Shigenori cut off communication to make it easier for himself which led to the downfall of Minako and Shigenoris’ potential love story.
At the meeting, Shigenori was offered a higher position in Osaka, Japan where he’d be able to gain a higher pay and more opportunities with better benefits. It was a difficult decision having to leave his family behind and the only person he had really cared for but Shigenori believed it was best to do what he wanted to do. It had been a difficult situation with his parents, expecting him to pursue a career where they lived but things had changed since then. The only support Shigenori really had were his younger siblings who now had to be the support for their parents. Shigenori supported the family a lot, carrying them on his shoulders by helping fix around the house and keeping his parents on their feet but now it came down to having to focus on himself. Tatsuo and Michi, his parents, had given him the cold shoulder around the time he had to choose whether he wanted to stay home or move to Osaka. Shigenori even tried sending a message to Minako but never received a response, wondering now if maybe it would’ve prevented him from leaving in the first place yet he still chose to move to Osaka to continue his journey. Shigenori made his big move to Okasa, hurting him as he received no contact from his parents or Minako but at least he had his younger siblings who put in the effort. Things had been different in Osaka, a new environment and not having anyone to go to since he had no family or friends who lived there. He continued on pursuing his firefighter career, going through multiple incidents and accidents where he’d face difficult situations but always came out of them safely. Shigenori was written about and heard of over the news a few times, being a hero to a lot of the citizens that lived there but sadly, that wasn’t enough to keep Shigenori satisfied. As the years went by, the Saiky did end up meeting a few new people and befriending them but it didn’t hit as close as the relationships he had with Minako or his siblings. Slowly over time, Shigenori began to miss his family and decided to look for jobs where they moved to. He tried to tell himself a lot of times he didn’t have to move back with his parents, persuading himself to go out with friends more by going to parties or events, finding people to fuel the loneliness he had still nothing satisfied him enough to stick so he decided after 9 years it was time to make another big move.
Shigenori had flown into Karakura where he met with his family, both parents looking much more different than when he had first left which caused the older Saiky guilt but glad they took him back in without a fuss. He began to go around the town with his siblings and getting to know more about the areas, things being far more new than they were in Okasa. There had been one evening when Shigenori was hanging at the park with his siblings, spending as much time as he could with him since he wasted all those years. During the time of the three playing around, a few cops had run past but one specifically caught his attention, slick black hair and doll-like pale skin. Shigenori took interest and decided to look into the police department that was held in Karakura only to find out that the other half of him was staying in the same town he was at now. Shigenori thought he must’ve been seeing things at first, surely it wasn’t real, yet it very much was.
Shigenori decided with the degrees he’s earned and the knowledge he has over police departments, that it’d be a new experience he was ready to overcome. And with that, the Saiky decided to apply for the Karakura Police Department but continued with some studies of the town due to different laws in different countries and such.

General knowledge

Can you legally own a pocket knife in Karakura?
No, being in possession of a pocket knife will get you arrested for Possession of Illegal Weaponry for 3 months and a ¥150,000 bail if caught with, which they can pay for 3 days after the arrest was made.

Name 5 medical items that do NOT require a prescription
Wooden Cane
Cough Syrup

If you see your co-workers physically abusing an inmate, what should you do?
If I were to witness this situation, I’d immediately rush to get in between the officer and the inmate and separate them. I’d then firstly bring the inmate back into their cell so that they couldn’t take the opportunity to try and escape if they wanted to. After that, I’d pull the officer aside and calm them down and confront them, before gathering all of the evidence from mine and the officer’s body camera, as well as any CCTV footage that may have picked up the situation to then report it to a higher-up.

What should you do if you see your co-worker being assaulted?
If I were to see one of my fellow officers being assaulted, I’d first immediately radio for back-up, before proceeding with running towards the fight with my taser unholstered and ordering the criminals to the ground. If they ignore my order after the first time, I’d immediately tase them to minimize their chances of further injuring my co-worker, after which I’d first disarm any weaponry the criminals could be holding out before dragging them to the wall and cuffing them. Assuming that back-up has arrived by this time, I’d do these steps with the help of them. Depending on how many back-up officers I’d receive, I’d tell one of the officers to check up on the assaulted officer to make sure they’re okay and in need of medical attention. After the situation has been assessed, I’d arrest the culprits for the crimes committed.

What do you do if you find out that your co-worker is corrupt and is helping criminal organizations?
If I were to find out that another officer is committing corruption and helping organized crime, I’d gather any evidence I can both on and off-duty before reporting and handing it over to the higher-ups so that they can investigate further and come to conclusions to stop this corrupt officer.

How would you react to a criminal trying to bribe you?
If someone were to try and bribe me, I would firstly give them a verbal warning not to attempt and bribe a police officer and if repeated, fine them ¥15,000 for Bribery.

Additional notes
If I were to be re-accepted into the faction, could my adult tag please be moved onto the secondary character slot of my main account (Apocryptoz), thank you!​
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Thank you for applying, however your application has been denied. We sometimes have to deny amazing applications because other people are deemed a better choice at this current time.

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