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Miamorchito | BMD Application


Level 39

Describe your activity on the server:
I am able to play everyday from 8 PM onwards due to College. I am free on the weekends, which means that most of my day is spent playing. I connect almost, if not every day to SPR to play with my two characters, as I currently am developing some lore for them.

Specify your Discord username (USER#0000) and if you have a microphone:
nicolin. I do have a microphone and I have no issue talking with anyone.

Specify your country of origin and time zone:
My country of origin is Italy, but I currently live in the United States due to College. I have play in two different time-zones depending on the time of the year. I travel a lot to South America too on vacations, which I also have a setup for playing games.
January - May / August - December [GMT -6]
December - January / May - August [GMT -3]

What are your motivations in applying for the black market dealer role?:
Being a Black Market Dealer seems like a new opportunity for my roleplay, being able to be a dealer was something that always cached my attention since I first joined SRP, but due to my lack of knowledge and experience I never applied to be one. Nowadays, I can consider myself a more experienced and knowledgeable person when it comes to roleplay in SRP, and my interest in being a BMD has remained, so I decided to give it a shoot and hopefully become the next dealer for this community.

What helps you to stand out from other applicants & what can you uniquely provide to the team?:
I consider myself a very organized individual when it comes to inventory or involving myself with selling or buying stuff. I organize and structure every way possible on how to perform certain actions, making sure it is as thought as possible in order to prevent any issue either short or long term. I am also good with communication, I like to keep things clear when I have a doubt and I am more than whiling to help others if doubt arises, as well as coordinating with other people if needed, I am an active member in this regard, making sure that I have replied to everyone.

What previous experience do you have in working with a team?:
Oocly speaking, I have been involved in leadership positions throughout my stay in College, from the International Students Council group, being held as the leader of the Finance committee, as well as the Judicial Board in my fraternity. I have been tasked with roles that are important for my group due to the reasons that I stated above. Plus I love working alongside individual and coordinating things, it is what I want to do and it is my motivation for applying to help the community of SRP from both the dealer's side and the consumer's side.

What suggestions do you have to help better the crime faction?:
Keep an active personnel and organizing what day each BMD would operate, as that would ensure that everyone is working and they would be effectively using their time, as well as not over-working, which could potentially endanger the dealer due to the amount of constant exposure.
Are you familiar with all rules pertaining to weapon profiles, combat, permissions, and player conduct on the server?:
Yes I am. Whenever I play in SRP I make sure I am always up to date with the rules and every detail that I need to know in order to avoid any problems either in roleplay or with staff; I consider myself very knowledgeable in this area. Of course not everyone remembers everything, especially when it comes to remembering numerous rules, but I regularly checking and asking for clearance is, for me, a good way to demonstrate that I have a good understanding of the rules.

Are you familiar with that if you leave the black market at any point, the black market lead will have permanent kill permissions on your character?:
Yes, I understand that upon leaving the BMD, they will have the option to kill my character with the permanent kill permissions.

Are you familiar with that if your character(s) is/are killed or permanently arrested twice, you will be removed from the black market?:
Yes, I understand that the death or being permanently arrested twice will automatically remove me from the black market.

Are you familiar with that you cannot reveal any out-of-character plans or potential addition to the black market to others?:
Yes. I will ensure that there will not be any ooc leakage regarding conceal/private information about the black market from my end.​
Full Legal Name:
Minoru Kimura

Criminal Alias:

Age & Occupation: (Note: if you become a black market dealer, you will be permitted the Adult role)
Gender & Marital Status:

28 Year Old / Unemployed / Male / Single

Ethnicity & Race:
Japanese / Asian

Known Languages:
Japanese (Base)

Former Associations/Occupations:

Highest Level of Education:
Bachelors Degree

Physical/Mental Ailments: (If inapplicable, put N/A)
Alcohol addiction

Known Family Members: (If inapplicable, put N/A)
Ito Kimura - Father
Akane Kimura - Mother

Describe your character's appearance to the greatest detail:
A tall individual, measuring 6'4. Having a short black hair and black eyes, he would seem fit, although a little slim due to his height. He would have a black tattoo across his arm, as well as another one on his neck. He would have a serious look, like he was concentrated with something, perhaps thinking about the past. He would have a very static posture, with his neck straight and his spine right. He would smell like cigarettes.

Describe your character's personality to the greatest detail:
He would be serious, almost too serious for many people. He would be a charismatic person for the ones he knows and cares about, but would be almost irritable for people he doesn't know nor is interested in knowing. He would been regretting his failed opportunity leaving the country to go with his ex-girlfriend to Korea when he had the chance after College. He would be understandable, reasoning and using logic before acting on emotions. A logical individual, looking for solutions rather than centering in the "What ifs" that life may bring. Appreciate the good deed of people and people that care for the elderly, as that reminds him of his father. He would be protective towards his family and friends, thinking that they are all he has left, and that any harm done towards them is his fault due to the lack of protection he brought.

Describe your character's backstory to the greatest detail: (200+ words minimum)
Minoru Kimura was the only child of Ito Kimura and Akane Kimura, he would be raised in the outside of Tokyo, in a condensed and poor neighborhood. From an early age, Minoru would adopt an aggressive behavior towards children, most of the time due to a defense mechanism so the children don't target him instead. His demeanor, however, would not be something their parents approve, being constantly grounded and hit as result of his actions. This, for Minoru, strengthen his motives to be more aggressive, since he didn't want to be the target of hits and harassment. His behavior continued as he went to high school, however, it soon stopped when he met a female girl named Hana, she would be a Korean girl that Minoru felt in love with. Soon enough, he would quickly change his mindset towards his aggressiveness, being more settle and trying to protect people instead of harming them. This behavior wasn't considered a good thing for his classmates, as they started to target Minoru as revenge for his previous attacks. He was angry at first, knowing that his prestige as the Bully in his school was gone, but he cared more about what Hana would think. The months went by, and they started dating, making Minoru become more protective towards his girlfriend, later developing a mindset of protection to the ones who cares about, even his parents, which he had maintained a distant relationship due to his bad demeanor during elementary school.
Once he graduated High School, he and Hana went to Karakura College, mainly because of Minoru's bad performance to be accepted in any College in Tokyo. Once he arrived there he decided to major in criminal justice and law, wanting to become a lawyer when he graduates. One day, unfortunately, Hana told Minoru that her father was sick with cancer, and that she would be going back to Korea in order to help his father and her family, considering the option of breaking up, since she knew that Minoru wouldn't move to another country. He thought that in order to stay with Hana, he would need finish college and get a job in Korea, but to do that, he would need to be a more disciplined and organized individual, things that he didn't possessed. The years went by, and Minoru started showing a more calm and serious behavior, he was long gone from being the bully that he was in high school, now, he preferred talking before violence, earning a good reputation among his classmates, however, he seemed to lack social skills, being alone most of the time in classes. He graduated not soon after, having majored in Criminal Justice with a Minor in Law, he was ready to move to Korea, and meet again with Hana.
He applied for a job in Korea while working for local stores in the city, he wanted to earn the money in order to fly. But for Minoru, there wouldn't be any luck, he was stuck in Karakura, with no chance of meeting Hana. After a long discussion, he ends up breaking up with her, realizing that there was nothing he could do to be with her again. He would become quieter, more serious, and even stop talking with many of his former classmates, isolating himself due to his depression. He developed an alcoholic behavior as a defense mechanism to his depression, blaming everything; his financial status, his life decisions, his fathers, his need to become a bully, but most of it, he blamed himself because he wasn't good enough to be with Hana.
The years went by, and Minoru had gone back to Tokyo, living in the same place with his parents, in that now secluded and poor neighbor that saw him raise a kid that struggled with life. He had no plans, no future for himself, no reason to keep going, drowning himself in between the alcohol and his thoughts, seeking vain help from their parents, who disapproved his addiction. Looking that there was nothing else that it could have been done, he decided that his life was not worth living anymore, the only person he cared about was gone, and his efforts meant nothing if he wasn't doing something he cared about. At the top of his old apartment, he glanced the end of the road. The streets, filled with people and cars, wouldn't notice him, among them, surrounded in a city, which has emptied a man's soul. As he was ready to jump, his phone rang, an unknown voice offered him a place in Karakura, an old classmate that knew about Minoru, he now had a choice; ending it all, or taking the second chance. . .

Describe an interaction that your character may have as a black market dealer: (This can be anything — a weapon deal, an event they may be involved in, or maybe an interaction with a gang)
Minoru would spent little time talking, using all the time he can making profit and closing deals with people. For security reasons, he would use codenames in order to ensure he's talking with the buyer and not a random stranger that could put the transaction at risk. He would prioritize taking as little time as possible, since a good transaction is based on how quickly it's done and nobody notices it happening. An example of how Minoru would handle the transaction would be as following:

[Minoru Pick up the Phone]
Minoru: Yes?
Stranger: I would like a Baseball Bat
Minoru: $125.000
Stranger: Alright

Minoru: Hold . . .

Minoru makes sure the buyer has the necessary balance to buy the item, otherwise the transaction will be a complete waste of tike. Once the buyer confirms he is wiling to pay the sum of money said, he would put call on hold, and would then prepare to find one of the places he got prepared for dealing with the buyer, Minoru makes sure it is not the same place all the time, as that would leave enough evidence for the next buyer to expect him, and potentially a KPD search. If he wanted to remain anonymous and secure the deal, he needed to think of numerous places after starting the job, they need to be secluded and away from any cameras.

[Minoru Pick up the Phone again]
Minoru: Meet me at "x." Codename "Bianca."

He would be expecting the buyer in the sewers, with his face covered and making sure no trace of his skin was showing in order to ensure his anonymous status. He would also make sure no cameras were around to film the transaction, as it would be risky enough if the police where checking the cameras at that same moment. Additionally, Minoru would prefer going with backup in case something goes wrong, however, he would present himself as the only one in order to not make the buyer feel frightened and potentially losing the deal. Minoru would try to remain hidden while waiting for the person to arrive in order to prevent any random person wondering the place. Once he hears close footsteps, he would check if the person in front of him looks like he was looking for him, it is important to notice that if he talks before time the deal can be endangered, as someone else already knows something is happening there.

[Once in the settled Location]
Minoru: Codename?
Stranger: "Bianca"
Minoru: $125.000

He would wait until the buyer pays the full price of the item, if not, the deal would be off as he settled the price for the buyer to confirm he has the money. After the buyer pays the sum, Minoru drops the item and waits for the buyer to leave the area first. It is essential for him to do this in order to prevent any following from unwanted individuals, thus risking his security and the business as a whole. After concluding the day of work, Minoru would go to a specific place to change clothes and leave the sewers, as if he was ready to become a normal citizen once more.

Describe any other additional information that is notable in considering your character for the role of a black market dealer: (If inapplicable, put N/A)
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Level 343
Senior Admin
Black Market Lead
Police Lead

Thank you for applying, but I've decided to deny your application for the following reason(s)

We generally look for players who have a fairly clean server history and those who have been playing for some time. To improve your chances later on, you can try joining other factions and community teams first.​

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