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Accepted MikeyTheBoi - English Teacher Application

Out-Of-Character Information

What is your Minecraft username?:

Do you have Discord (If so, what is your discord username?):
mrasylum__ (Tag: gaymer)

Do you have a microphone?:

What is your time zone?:
Central Standard Time (UTC -6)

Do you acknowledge that if you are inactive you will be demoted?:
Yes, I fully acknowledge this and understand the consequences of inactivity.

Describe your activity on the server:
My activity on SRP has been recently fluctuating due to both burnout and as well lacking reason to RP. As of recent I have been online and active, ranging from 2-5 hours a day or more. I do work, and I am also attending school, so that makes it a bit more difficult to hop online, but I still manage to be present if my friends are online or if there is reason to be online. On a scale of 1-10, I would say my activity is about a 6.

Link(s) to any previous applications on the server: - Reporter Application [ACCEPTED] - Judge Application [DENIED] - Professor Application [ACCEPTED]

What are your current roles on the server? (If you're college, specify your degree level):
[Grade-12] Danyon Muroto (Primary)
[Bird] Huginn (Alternate)
[Grade-12] Camden Togomi Muroto (Alternate)


What subject are you applying to teach?:

What is your motivation for becoming a teacher?:
I am a current college student working towards becoming an educator, and have already spent countless hours teaching in front of students. I find teaching to be a joyous thing, much like what I’m able to derive out of roleplay, and as well have already partaken in the professor faction. I am also very knowledgeable in writing in various forms, and have spent a lot of time personally crafting a style of writing that I feel fond of and accomplished with. Writing is not only an essential component of roleplay, but in our everyday life, and I feel it’s important to share the techniques and knowledge of English and writing skills with everyone.

Do you understand that you are applying for the teacher role of UT?

Do you understand if your application is accepted, you will have to undergo teacher training?:

What are the teacher class logs and why are they important?:
Class logs help keep track of who is teaching what, where they’re teaching, and how many classes they have taught. Teachers are required to meet a criteria/quota of a number of classes an OOC month in order to remain a teacher, and as well to receive the adequate pay for the amount of classes a teacher hosts in the month.

As a teacher, what are the strict rules when being in a class?:
Students are expected to remain silent and respectful not just for the teacher but for the other students who are seeking to take the time to learn. Other distractions such as phones or laptops aren’t permitted unless allowed by the teacher. The students are expected to remain seated for the duration of the class, and not act in any disruptive manner by standing, moving, or engaging with other students in a disruptive way. The students are as always expected to continue following the school code of conduct, and are expected to know the consequences of acting out.

What experience, in general, do you have in roleplay?:
I have an extensive repertoire in roleplay spanning over many years since 2018. I first used to roleplay on different fantasy servers, creating in depth and involved characters that had influence. After taking a break from RP, I joined SRP for the first time and became heavily involved in GangRP through Man’en, participating in the top 3 ranking of the gang and helping the gang from the very beginning. Since then I developed a strong understanding of roleplay and the aspects of writing and playing a character, and how they should interact with other characters and the world surrounding them.

In detail, describe the ranking system of teachers:
- HD
↳ Meaning:

Head of Department
↳ Description:
The Head of Department oversees all the operations and aspects involved with the teaching department they are a part of. They see to the development and well being of their department by ensuring that all is well with the teachers under them, and help maintain a steady growth and development of both students and teachers. They are the highest ranking role in the faction outside of the SLT department.

- QT
↳ Meaning:

Qualified Teacher
↳ Description:
Qualified Teachers are teachers who have a lot of experience under their belt, having held a high number of classes and able to show their strengths and influence as an educator. They’ve earned the title of qualified by being a prominent figure in the teacher faction and as well being a standout and recognized teacher to the students. QT’s are ranked below the Head of Department at second, and are just above Newly Qualified Teachers.

↳ Meaning:

Newly Qualified Teacher
↳ Description:
A Newly Qualified Teacher has just become established under qualification, and have presented themselves as a reliable teacher following their induction into the faction. They’ve presented their growth and their skills in teaching and maintaining a collective group of students, and are able to captivate them with knowledge. NQTs are third in the faction and stand just above Unqualified Teachers, and are on their way to becoming Qualified Teachers.

- UT
↳ Meaning:

Unqualified Teacher
↳ Description:
Unqualified Teachers are newly introduced members to the faction that will undergo training and will soon be making their first appearances in front of students. Unqualified teachers are learning how to captivate a classroom full of students, and as well will undergo extensive amounts of evaluation before they’re considered viable for qualification. UT’s are the lowest level of the faction.

Teacher Knowledge

Present to us your knowledge about Teachers in-game and out-of-game, what purpose do teachers serve. What salary do they get? Include a paragraph about the way teachers teach, what they do in their spare time in general.
To be a teacher is to be the bridge between the knowledge that is available and the person who seeks to gain said knowledge. No matter the worth of the subject or matter of education, there will always be someone who seeks to learn, and someone who can teach them. Of course, the dynamic entirely depends on the character of the student and the teacher, which is why I find it’s important that educators are able to captivate students while also managing to be fluid in their way of teaching to accommodate all types of learners. Teachers are often spending their free time preparing for upcoming classes and forming lesson plans, while on top of preparing tests that fit the criteria that is covered throughout multiple weeks. When they aren’t absorbed with classroom work, they’re monitoring halls and watching over students, both unruly and kind, as there are many duties that are required of an adult who is surrounded by kids most of their day. While I don’t know the exact numbers of a teacher's earnings, I’m confident when I say that teachers can make upwards of ¥100,000 yen if they teach regularly and go beyond the expected quota.

Why are teachers important to a SchoolRP server?:
It’s quite fitting for the server named SchoolRP to have teachers. Teachers in SRP maintain a steady functioning school that doesn’t require their students to participate in classes. This is a difficult slope to overcome but is rewarding for both the teacher and the students, as the students participating will move further in SRPs grade system and potentially move to the college level, then leaving the teacher with plenty of students available to participate in their classes and further meet and expand on their quota.

What lesson planning system does the school work on?:
Karakura High School follows the MoSCoW System, meaning Must Have, Should Have, Could have, and Will Not Have. This helps teachers discern what materials are necessary and vital to their teaching criteria, and helps shape the assignments that will be provided to the student, as well as constructing the flow of the teaching program in a classroom.

Character Information

Describe the character: How do they look and act? What makes them unique and different?
Danyon stands tall at 5’11 with a slim yet toned physique and a gently tanned complexion. He had flourishing green eyes that stood out upon his relaxed and welcoming features, accompanied by shoulder length hair that flowed gently down, curling at its ends. Upon his left arm was a distorted butterfly tattoo that was seemingly stricken through, and above it another intricately detailed butterfly that depicted flame upon its wings. His right hand appears to have a hole through the palm, though often covered in bandages to obscure it from others. His voice was soft, sporting a tired tone that always seemed to settle upon him, yet lifted by a gentle Italian accent lingering in his speech that signified his heritage.

Danyon is rather kind, driven to see other students learning and developing, always striving to see an accomplishment made by someone in their upbringings. As well, Danyon is strict and professional as to ensure business is taken care of in a thorough manner, and quick to find solutions to problems that face him and others, allowing no room for hindrances. When unoccupied with work, he continues to write and expand upon his own creative literature, and is often spending time with family.

What is their outlook on students and their co-workers?
Danyon seeks to maintain strong connections with his students and co-workers, and remains readily available to help or assist in any manner. Danyon believes that without these connections, there isn’t an apparent point or reason to his work, as without a student he isn’t a teacher, and without his coworkers, he wouldn’t have the support he much needs to maintain a steady and focused classroom. Danyon is quick to assist in any situation whether or not it’s beneficial to him or somehow a hindrance in the moment, and won’t hesitate to ask for assistance if he finds it necessary to request it.

What are their plans for the future?
Danyon plans to continue teaching for the foreseeable future to support his family, and as well to continue the sharing of knowledge to his students, with now the chance to teach a class with his own kids. Beyond teaching, he plans to continue writing new creative works and expanding on others he’s been working on, hoping to one day become an established author.


You find a gang of delinquents in the hallway cursing and swearing, what do you do?:
Regardless of the context, Danyon would ask the students to first fix their attitude, and further watch their foul language unless they wish for there to be disciplinary action. Students are bound to always be cursing as they develop their language skills, and while he doesn’t want to infringe on a person's own development, he knows that a student can as well learn to maintain and control what language they do and don’t use in certain settings. A high school is no place for a kid 18 or under to be swearing constantly, and thus Danyon wouldn’t allow it.

No one in your class is listening to a word you say, what do you do?:
Danyon would first sternly ask the class if he had their attention or not while observing the room to assure there isn’t a form of distraction taking place. Danyon leaves no room for extra conversations or distractions, much less does he let a student get distracted when it’s time to learn material that’s valuable for future reference. If there is an obvious distraction such as loud talking or electronics, Danyon is quick to diffuse the act and ask that the persons involved act right or see themselves out of class and on their way to the front office as he notifies SLT. Beyond this, Danyon looks to be able to captivate his students with his teachings and would likely change how he interacts with his students in order for them to maintain a steady focus on the lesson at hand.

When in the teacher's lounge, how does your character act?:

While Danyon doesn’t often visit the teachers lounge, he isn’t shy to drop by, perhaps to prepare a lunch or collect some necessities for future classes. On an extended visit he would likely be found writing down the next lesson, or working on one of his own works with his spare time. Danyon is an avid writer and likes to maintain focus, which is why he doesn’t visit the lounge often, but knowing this Danyon will happily interact and converse with his co-workers who are likely doing the same as him.

Provide at least 4 detailed /me's of your character inside a classroom:

would stand facing the chalkboard as he began writing down the listed vocabulary he had handed out from top to bottom, dividing each of the words with a line for the definitions to have their own space. The chalk scratched and hissed as he smoothly wrote with each letter, making sure the writing was concise and legible. Once finished, he gently placed the piece of chalk back where it had been found. He then turned to his students as he rubbed his fingers together to remove the excess that still remained on him, asking out, “Alright, who wants to take a shot at the first definition?..” He scanned the room, awaiting a hand to go up..

/me walked up and down the classroom passing out the packet in question. Once he handed out the last, he walked himself to his own desk and pulled out his own packet that replicated what they were just handed, though with answers provided that he had previously written. He flipped the page to the first question, reviewing it quickly before he spoke out; “Alright, question one. Who is the protagonist in the story?” He put emphasis on the word protagonist as it pertained to the vocabulary they had been working on this week.

/me turned to observe the classroom as talking began to erupt from place to place. “Do I have your attention?” He asked out, looking between students who were clearly caught talking and distracting others, giving a stern look in their direction. He narrowed his gaze lightly as he pointed to the board. “Don’t be a distraction to yourself or others. This is important material for the test at the end of the week,” he said as he turned, waiting for silence to follow him before he continued his lesson.

/me handed the last paper out for the assignment, before returning to the front to address the class. “As we discussed, this needs to be turned in by the end of class if possible. If you feel you need more time, you’re welcome to stay in the classroom and turn it in after. If I don’t receive your paper, you won’t get a grade for the assignment, as expected.” He stepped back slowly until he was behind his desk as he continued to explain the remainder of class. “If you have any questions or are confused, you’re free to visit with me up here, other than that try to remain silent until class is released.” Finally, he sat down, and let the remainder of class carry out on its own.


Danyon Muroto was born in America and raised in Stowe, Vermont. Growing up he was formerly named Danyon Manella as he was born the middle child of an Italian-American family that was just beginning to gain their roots. In his early childhood he was raised well by his loving mother and father, and found himself carrying out devious child shena****ns with his two brothers. Growing up he learned how to box alongside his older brother Tari, testing himself and pushing his limits in this earlier stage of life.

Eventually this kind scene came to an untimely halt following a divorce between his mother and father following questionable decisions made by his dad to return to his home country. With his father out of the picture, Danyon took his mothers last name as she sought to shelter them from their father, leading him to fall under the Muroto family name. In a few short years Danyon would find a different father entering his life, Jeremiah Alkens, who only seemed to birth worse influences in their young lives as he brought to them a selection of poor living habits that led Danyon to hold an aggressive demeanor and further unhealthy habits in his younger years.

Years later at the age of 16, after the family was beginning to drift apart, Danyon found himself amidst an altercation that saw him shunned from their home in America and sent to Karakura, Japan, where his grandparents resided. Danyon would endure his first epileptic episode and face the severe effects of constant memory loss without proper medication. This prompted him to uptake writing every day to sustain his memory elsewhere, a habit he would never drop. Danyon would live somewhat reclusively until later meeting others including his future wife who helped him crack the shell that surrounded him.

While still in High School, Danyon became affiliated with Man’en, a gang focused on the collection of intelligence and information that ran through the underground scene of Karakura. Operating as the Anansi, the head of their intelligence division, he further found himself endlessly writing as files stacked high in front of him. With this he further developed his writing skills and technique to easily convey information gathered to others who used the information, if not for his own personal memory. After a couple years of criminal work, he retired from his position within Man’en without ever being caught, giving him a peace of mind as he would apply himself in education and eventually begin the path of creative writing.

At 18, Danyon would leave Karakura to study elsewhere, settling in Kyoto to study at Ritsumeikan University as he delved into studies that surrounded his writing. After 4 years of studying, he would obtain his bachelors in creative writing, only to further settle into studying to develop his skills further and obtain an even higher education. A few more years into college he would obtain his masters degree in literature, as well as minoring in education in order to have the certifications and knowledge that was necessary to finally teach.

Fresh out of college, Danyon worked at multiple different high schools to build his resume until ultimately working as a professor in creative writing at Karakura College for a year. In an untimely situation, Danyon was eventually required to return and stay in America for an extended duration, where he still waits and teaches as a professor in creative writing now. Danyon only now awaits to come back home to his family, having recently reapplied to Karakura High School to instead teach as an english teacher.

In-Character Information

SECTION #1 - Personal Details

Full Name (First & Last only): Danyon Muroto
Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss): Mr.
Given Name(s): N/A
Preferred Name: Danyon

Age (Minimum is 25): 31
Gender: Male
Religious Denomination: Christian
Marital Status: Married

Nationality: Italian American
Current Location: Vermont, US

SECTION #2 - Academic Details

Working Experience (# of years):
Record Maintenance (Library in Kyoto):
3 years
High School Educator (English): 2 years
College Professor (Creative Writing): 2 years

Academic Degree: Bachelors in Creative Writing, Masters in Literature
Year of Graduation: 2022
Major(s): Creative Writing, Literature
Minors: Education

Native Languages: Italian, English, Japanese
Other Languages: German, JSL

Do you have a TEFL/TESOL/CELTA Certificate?: I do not, but am willing to obtain whatever is necessary.


Additional notes about your application:
None :)
Do you have any questions?: Nope :D​


Level 111
Lore Coordinator
Teacher Lead
Welcome to the Teacher Faction! You will begin as an Unqualified teacher (UT)

You will be given your roles in the Academics Discord and afterward will be pinged regarding teacher training. Once your training is complete, you will be allowed to start your own classes!

If you have any questions, please DM me or contact me through the teacher channels in the Academics Discord.​

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