Level 60
IGN: FadedMoonlight
VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: Computer Monitor and Tower, 2x Lawn Chairs
EVIDENCE: https://schoolrp.net/threads/the-forbidden-zone-ate-my-monitor-and-tower.58559/
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Awhile back when the furniture plugin was first introduced, I had purchased a computer monitor and tower that vanished due to a glitch. I decided to wait until the plugin was fixed to remake this thread as it seems that all the old furniture items had completely vanished. I had also purchased two lawn chairs that turned into barrier blocks.
VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: Computer Monitor and Tower, 2x Lawn Chairs
EVIDENCE: https://schoolrp.net/threads/the-forbidden-zone-ate-my-monitor-and-tower.58559/
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Awhile back when the furniture plugin was first introduced, I had purchased a computer monitor and tower that vanished due to a glitch. I decided to wait until the plugin was fixed to remake this thread as it seems that all the old furniture items had completely vanished. I had also purchased two lawn chairs that turned into barrier blocks.